--Somewhere in an unknown mountain--
On a huge beautiful mountain, a beautiful woman was taking a bath, as she emerge to the surface after soaking in the bottom of the river for a total of two hours.
The woman was at least 5'11 she had long sky blue hair that was straight, but when it reach the bottom it curved slightly upwards, on her head was a mysterious crescent moon tattoo at the center of her forehead.
She had jade white skin, and a huge size bust, it would easily be triple DDD, and to follow up her beautiful blue hair, she had beautiful ocean blue eyes that match with her beautiful silky hair, just looking directly into them give ones the impression of being submerged inside a great deep sea that is impossible to escape from.
The woman was butt naked, as she float on the river's surface with her eyes clothes, but as soon as she was enjoying her peaceful bath.
She slowly began to open her eyes, and look up into the sky, her face since the start has been emotionless, it was as if she was unable to smile.
"Something peirce my barrier, is it an enemy, no I don't sense any hostility at all, and judging by the location of it would seem that it's coming from above."
"Hmm... who has the balls to enter my mountain in such a way, I swear people find all kinds of ways to commit suicide these days."
"Descending 30 miles in the sky, approaching target is coming down at extremely fast speed."
"Hmm, it would appear I will have to check into this."
With that said the woman began, exiting the river she was currently bathing in, she raised her hand upwards, and when her hand was raised all the water that was on her skin suddenly evaporate.
From there, she began snapping her fingers, and right after she did that water from the atmosphere suddenly start to form a huge pool and swirled around her body like cloth, it even began transforming into clothes.
She was now wearing, a blue yakuta with water lily designs on it, underneath she was wearing sarashi as underwear, as it was wrapped tight around her cleavage tightly, she also only has one arm on the right side revealing the sarashi clearer on the left side of her chest.
She even has the sarashi tied around her feet and hands, meanwhile, she began looking up in the sky in the direction of the fast pace incoming objects that pierce a small hole through her barrier.
"Here it comes."
And right after she said that a loud sonic boom sound could be heard, as the giant cloud above her suddenly had a giant hole through it.
It was as if somebody pierce a hole through with a spear or some kind of powerful attack, but her eyes weren't focused on the clouds no it was the focus on the strange thing that caused it.
Yes using her enhanced vision she began seeing a red object falling from the sky at a fast speed, and with her enhanced vision, she could see the weird and mysterious object as clear as day.
It was a perfect 10-meter black cube made from a material she has never seen before, it didn't have any distinct features no it was just a big black cube.
The cube then crashes somewhere in the forest, and a loud explosion caused by the collision is heard.
"I see, so a visitors for the stars."
The woman then began to transform into a smoke-like substance, as she descend into the sky, it was almost as if she transformed into a small rain cloud.
of course, she did this to gain some altitude, and once she was high enough she spot the landing site of the mysterious black cube.
It made a giant crater in the middle of the mountain forest, it was completely submerged halfway into the ground.
The floating cloud then descends about five meters away from it, as the beautiful woman suddenly manifests back to the physical world once more in a humanoid body.
"Hmmm... I have lived for a very long time, and I have only seen something like this about 800 years ago, in the abyss age."
"Every five hundred years or so, or on very rare occasions, the alien-like entity would descend upon this world from a foreign star system, one that is not of this universe and reak havoc upon this world, we call them visitor, to be honest not much is known about them, as they can differ from each other."
"Sigh, visitors, tend to be a destructive force of nature, very unpredictable beings, although I have heard some case they are few that are friendly, although the one I met can be very bad for the environment, with their foreign supernatural capabilities."
"Although that's the first time I have seen a ship built in such a manner, different from the human technology, it doesn't look threatening, but I should still approach with my guard up."
With that said the mysterious woman, place her hand up, as she began to manipulate the water in the atmosphere, eventually, it form a small fist size bubble of water, the water then began to transform and a giant two side battle-ax was created with the water.
And to finish the creation of the weapon, it began freezing, the result was a giant frost ax made from nothing but water magic and ice magic, the woman then proceed to walk toward the foreign vessel.
It was clear that she was walking to cleave someone in two with the frost ax she created, but when she was approximately 1 meter from it, she then stops in her tracks as a weird sound came from the alien shuttle.
And when she look, it was smoke coming out from the front.
"Smoke, I see whatever inside is coming out, hmmm maybe I should prepare for the first swing."
With that said she took the ax in a baseball position, and tighten her muscles to the utmost limit as if preparing to end it in one attack.
But as soon as the huge amount of smoke came out from it, a hatch began to open up from the top as if opening a toy box.
She waited patiently for the entity to reveal itself, but after five minutes nothing came out, instantly she began thinking that the vessel was empty.
"Maybe I should go take a look."
The woman then began walking towards the ship, of course, her guard wasn't down in the slightest, and when she was right at the hatch entrance, her face had a confused look on it.
No, if anything, she was rather shocked at what she discovered, inside the ship, a tiny sleeping baby, could be seen, he had clear skin and red patches of her hair on his tiny scalp, and growing out of his head were two tiny blue horns that were glowing.
He had sharp and scary teeth for something so young, meanwhile on both his tiny hands was a golden bracelet, he even had golden prayer beads on both his feet as well, meanwhile around his neck was also a golden chocker with several rainbow-colored jewels on the necklace like chocker.
And if you look behind him he had a long and thick blue and black tail, it looks like a combination of a dragon and dinosaur tail.
The child itself looks less than a year old, but overall, if anyone saw him they would say he screams royalty, or maybe nobility.
The mysterious woman looked at the small child with a rather confused look.
"Well, this is unexpected."
Yeah out of everything that has happened in the isolated mountain that is sealed off by a great ice wall that surrounds it, for as far as the eyes can see, the last thing that the mysterious woman was expecting was the sudden crash landing of an alien child to this planet.
"Well hell, this is sudden, but it can't be helped I guess, I'm the only one that lives on top of this mountain anyway, might as well carry you back with me, if I leave you here it won't be long before monsters come and eat you."
With that said, the woman pick up the sleeping baby and raised it to the air facing the sunlight.
"Hmmm... it would appear that you're a boy, so I need a boy name."
"Hmmm... what to call you, sigh this is the first time I have a problem picking a name, I already have thousands maybe millions of children lingering in the world already, yeah this is hard."
The woman wraps the child back in the warm blanket that seems to have been made from some unnamed animal fur, most likely from another planet.
She then creates a basket using the same method she uses to create clothes, from there she put the child in the basket, and she places it on her back like a school bag.
From there she began to think long and hard about what to name him, and after struggling for 20 minutes she finally came up with a good one.
"I have decided, your name from here on out is Gilgamesh, just Gilgamesh, I'm a spirit so I don't have the last name much less have use for it, you can treat me as your big sister or mother either one alright yeah that title doesn't sound so bad... yes big sister Ninsun."
With that said, Ninsun took Gilgamesh, back to her shrine/home, and the place they will be staying for a very long time, and it also the place that would soon be called a utopia for every race, man, or animal good or evil visitor or not.
--Gilgamesh pov--
"Ha, where am I?"
"Agh... I see so the perverted bitch did reincarnate me after all."
"But the biggest problem is the place she sends me to."
"Yes, the very place that is filled with a lot of crazy bitches, dangerous monsters, God-like yokai, waring countries, and so much much more."
"Although I can use this to my advantage, yes it was a wise idea to keep my memories, although I can't say much about my current situation, why do I feel like I have an extra arm behind my ass, and why the hell am I blind."
"I can't see jackshit."
But just as I was thinking these thoughts, a voice began to play in my head, it was the voice of a female but it was very robotic like almost like Siri.
"Egh! and who might you be lady?"
"Solomon Archive, oh yeah, I got that ability when I was dying right?"
"I see, so what can you do with this unique ability?"
"That sounds useful, so I'm guessing I have stats right."
"Yes, that would be of great help if you can do that now for me."
Name: Gilgamesh// Age: 32// Race: Royal Xenosaur// Existence value: 1344// LVL: 1//
Hp: [100/100] Mp: [100/100]
Str: 1// Spd: 1// Vit: 1// Int: 1// Dxt: 1// Def: 1//
Highest-grade fire immunity// High-grade curse immunity// Middle-grade pressure immunity//
Middle-grade gravity immunity// Highest-grade mental immunity//
Gravity defiance// Adaptabilty// Morph hair// Dimensional stomach// Energy-absorption//
Energy-released// Cross-breeding// Night-vision// Telepathy// High pitch sound waves//
Xenosaur controlled// Telekinesis// Eyes of the king//
Solo-player// Solomon- Archive//
Absolute respawn// Divine desktop// Divine knowledge [Only in this universe]
When Gilgamesh saw this he could have only asked one thing.
"Why have I become a Xenosaur and a royal one at that, I thought the queen was the last remaining Xenosaur in existence."
"I see, so I'm guessing I'm still in my space shuttle."
"Sweet, a new family acquire."
"But I'm baffled to think I would be reincarnated into one of the strongest visitor races, yes the Xenosaur is an extinct alien warrior race that has supreme adaptability meaning the same attack doesn't work on them twice, not only that they can mimic any martial arts in the game upon seeing it once well at least the Queen could, of course, this is possible due that they are born with such high IQ that their mental state can influence the world around them, basically they are the esper of this world."
"If I remember correctly, we are introduced to Nyx aka the Queen of all Xenosaurs, aww yes she was indeed the best girl for the second half of the game, although I beat her route, you can only enjoy the greatness that is Nyx in her true love DLC."
"Come on, who doesn't like an alien loli that is worshiped as a goddess among the Xenosaurs before they went extinct, hell if I remember correctly she is over a hundred twenty million years old, over legal, her only flaw is that she like submissive men."
"Well in the game she was essential for the protagonist's growth, Without her, Nero would never master his mental powers, yes in this world Nero has a Legendary ability called [Senpai], it was an ability that was passed down in his family for over 69 generations, and every generation it is passed down, it becomes stronger, yes in a world filled with Yandere the ability senpai make all Yandere have an instant, 100% favorability towards him, although it causes constant death battle between woman to break out, and the fuck up thing is he isn't even aware of it, he died multiple time before he became aware of it, he also copies other people, well Yandere abilities on a whim as well and makes it his own, and increases its original power output by 500%."
"But what done is done I guess, it can't be helped, although I have to make some changes in my plan if I'm going to be the ultimate side character, I have to become strong quickly, if white is aware of my existence then so is Pandora, and those two will destroy anything that disturbs the balance of the world they created, first things first I need to get used to my abilities, and my body."
"Solomon, can you tell me what solo-player does?"
"Wow, this is an overpowered ability."
"Sounds very straightforward, and simple well then, what should I do for now?."
"Ok I got it, I will try to sleep, thanks for explaining everything Solomon."