Chereads / Earth and Sky (A Dragons Tale) / Chapter 4 - Testing the Elf

Chapter 4 - Testing the Elf

Elmira replaced the last of her stolen horde back into place before sealing the vault door and reinforcing the protective wards. She'd eventually find out how those damn kobolds got into her home and stole her precious horde without her notice. The only good thing about the complete debacle was she found her mate.

Who would have thought she would find her mate among the elves? Nothing like that had ever happened in remembered history. She should tell the elders, but Elmira wasn't ready just yet. The relationship between elves and dragons is better than it used to be. But both elves and dragons are long-lived creatures. The oldest dragon before was 2,500 before he died.

Elves were no longer hated. But there was still some tension. Actually, depending on the faction, there was a lot of tension. The Bloodvist clan had the friendliest relations with elves, but even the elders would be resistant to me mating an elf. Especially since Elmira was to be the next matriarch. Her mother was the current matriarch of the clan and, as her daughter, she was her heir.

That's why she wanted to spend this time with him. She needed to see how he would handle her temper. She needed to know if he could handle her. If they were truly fated mates and this wasn't in her head, then he'd be the one to calm her.


Zane was pacing in his elder's house. He couldn't keep something this big from the village.

"Zane, my boy, you'll wear a hole in the floor and plummet to your death." The old man said.

Zane stopped and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, elder. This is huge, though. No dragon has ever been mated to an elf."

The elder nodded his head. "It's quite the honor. But I hear female dragons are insatiable. It might be a curse." The old man teased.

Zane laughed and plopped down into the chair opposite the elder. "If this was some other she-elf I'd just make her mine. But this could have serious repercussions for the village. Do I have your blessing?"

The elder stroked his beard, contemplating. "Oh, Zaniel. You don't need my blessing. But you have it. Whatever comes of this we will weather it together as we do all things."

Zane cringed at the full use of his name. He preferred Zane. But aside from that, he felt some relief. "Thank you, elder."

He hurried out of the house and all but ran to the place he agreed to meet her. His heart was beating in his chest. When he rented the clearing, he saw Elmira already waiting. She wore a simple red dress. She was sitting on a log hand in her lap. Her golden eyes instantly latched onto him and she was up instantly. The two of them collided and their lips devoured each other.

They kissed with an intensity that could burn the woods down. As if by an unspoken agreement, they part, both of them panting heavily. They stepped back from each other. "I have the blessing of my elder," Zane told her.

She tilted her head at him. "You need permission to mate me?"

Zane shook his head. "No, but this has never happened before. I wanted his blessing since our mating could affect my village."

Elmira felt her heart do a little flip in her chest. The Elf was loyal to his clan. That made him so much more desirable. But she needed to test him. "My relatives are throwing me a celebratory party. Will you attend it with me?"

Zane's eyebrows went up. "A party? As long as it's okay for me to attend."

Elmira chuckled. "You're the guest of honor, of course."

He smiled at her and nodded. "Should I change my clothes?"

Elmira shook her head. "No, you're fine as you are."

She morphed into her dragon form and lowered her tail to help him up onto her back. With a mighty roar, she launched herself into the air. Zane let out a loud whoop as the wind rushed past him.

Elmira chuckled and showed off a bit for him, enjoying his excitement. "Hold on tight." She told Zane before she spread her wings to catch the updrafts sending her up and above the cloud cover.

Elmira was flying towards her home where the party was. She told a little white lie. The party was indeed for her to congratulate her on finding a mate. But it was being organized by her jilted pursuers. Bitter dragons who would do all they could to make Zane feel inferior. It would make her angry, and then his test would begin.

She landed on the balcony of her house and let him down. She quickly transformed and escorted him to the courtyard where her past suiters were waiting. Zane stood taller as they walked down the steps to the courtyard. Everyone turned and looked at them. Zane could feel many angry stares directed at him. Upon closer inspection, he noticed most of the guests were male.

And by the way, they were glaring at him. He had a sneaking suspicion these people weren't her family. They were going to have a long talk when this was over. The first to approach them was a tall dragon male with vibrant green hair and a pair of horns that curved back over his skull.

"So you're Elmira's fated mate?" He sneered. "The next matriarch of the Bloodvist clan is saddled with an inferior elf?" He looked at Elmira with scorn. "How the mighty have fallen."

Elmira's growl made the ground itself tremble. Zane watched in fascination as her eyes turned blood red and her fingers turned into razor-sharp claws. Her scales were spreading over her skin. Any moment she'd turn into her dragon form and he just knew it would end in a fight.

While there was a reverse side of him that wanted to see her rip this arrogant ass in two for his rudeness. But if her own kind is speaking to her like this just for mating him what would they do if she killed for him.

Zane didn't want to find out. He stepped up next to her and placed his hand on her claws. She tensed and looked at him. He smiled and shook his head. "Now is not the time."

Slowly her body returned to its elven form. Zane took her hand in his. She smiled and gave his hand a grateful squeeze. The insolent dragon had gone rather pale and made himself scarce.

After that, the others were much easier to deal with. Zane Oakleaf was a third-generation Hunter in the great Crimson woods in the Wilderrun. Those were impressive credentials on their own. On top of that, his ancestors were champions in the great dragon war.

Any time one of her jilted suitors got out of line and her temper reared, Zane would simply take her hand in his. She'd calm down and another fight would be avoided.

Three hours later Zane and Elmirah were seated across from each other. "Now that we're alone, would you mind telling me what all that was about?"

She looked properly contrite. "I have a really bad temper. I work very hard to control it. But I often get into several fights a day. Before I moved here and keep myself isolated. It's said that the one who is destined to be my fated mate would have the power to calm me."

Zane rubbed his chin. "When you put it that way." He chuckled. "It all sounds very reasonable. Did I pass?"

She got up from her seat and joined him on the sofa he was sitting on. "You're my fated mate. Now and forever let the two of us never part."

He took her into his arms. "Then never let us part."