Lin Wei dashed out of the conference room after hearing that loud booming sound, that shook the whole ground.
Luo Wei who was laying in bed listening to the stories being narrated by her boys, dashed out too towards the training ground, to find a huge hole has been created due to explosion, but since the whole camp was highly equiped with the advanced technology security system, nothing much was destroyed.
Having arrived, Lin Wei approached her mother, "what happened here?" She inquired checking around.
Luo Wei shook her head and closed her eyes listening on her surroundings, since her powers had expanded, she could now listen to a wider range of areas.
After a few seconds, she dashed out as she jumped out of the wall, everyone else in the camp who saw her act, they were caught by surprise, mouth wide open.
Lin Wei tagged behind as she also flew past the wall leaving the astonished crowd there.