The characteristics of the Black Dragon Grand Duke were distinct from those of the All-Exhausting Grand Duke, and with no other high ranks obstructing him at this moment, it took him only a moment to achieve a double kill.
However, by that time, the final high rank, Thousand-Eye Grand Duke, had already escaped through countless spatial distances.
A ninth realm high rank could treat space as nothing, running from within the Ghastly Realm to its outer periphery in no time.
But Chi Tian Zhu was even faster.
While a normal high rank would fold space to travel quickly, Chi Tian Zhu would tear open layers of space and bore through them.
She pursued relentlessly.
Crossing a Star River, surpassing a gray sea, and breaking through several intermediate domains, she tightly locked onto the prey that was Thousand-Eye Grand Duke...
Huh? Where did he go?
Had she not followed the wrong direction?