Chereads / Sharingan in MHA [Complete] / Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: Inseparable Bond

Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: Inseparable Bond

[3rd POV]

"Fire!" Sir Nigheye shouted, and the police littered Kai with bullets. The villain recoiled from the impact, and Kaede took this opportunity to deactivate Susanoo and escape with Eri. However, despite the ruthless barrage of the authorities, Kai wouldn't remove his hand from Rikiy while continuously regenerating from his injuries.

"Get cover!" One of the police warned, and he pulled the pin on a grenade before throwing it at Kai.


The grenade exploded, covering the area with smoke. Nighteye ordered a cease-fire, and they anxiously waited for the dust to settle.

'Did that do it?' They all thought in unison.

[A/N: Queue the theme YouSeeBIGGIRL/T: T (The AOT theme was Reiner and Bertholdt's Betrayal!]

Everyone heard an ear-splitting roar that shook the earth. A colossal figure emerged from the smoke and loomed over them. The monster had six limbs, bony spines protruding from its back, and there were also dozens of long appendages growing from its side, each equipped with clawed hands. Finally, a sharp beak-like jaw where Kai's upper body lies within.

The monster howled gratefully and slammed its gigantic arm down at its enemies. A massive shockwave was generated from a mere swing and blew everything away. The people who withstood the blast had to face the hundreds of earth spikes shooting out of the ground.

The creature opened its large jaw and inhaled; orange vapour travelled from the collapsed authorities and flowed into the monster's throat, drawing their vitality.

"FALL BACK!!" Nighteye shouted when he watched his men getting decimated.

Everyone ran for their lives while the beast destroyed everything in its wake. The monster then reached for the fallen members of Eight Bullets. To the heroes' horror, the Kaiju began to fuse with the villains, growing larger and more robust.

Now it was quadruple its original size, with even more appendages and crystallized armour formed at its thighs, back, and wrists. Countless sharp, spiky tendrils grew from its back and wiggled like worms, giving it a disgusting appearance.

Kai has lost all rationality, and he can't handle the mind of consciousness other people. However, all it now knows was that it has one objective. The monster searched around and snarled when it spotted its target...

[Kaede POV]

I sprinted as fast as possible while trying to bring Eri to safety. I heard a roar and quickly glanced behind me. My eyes widened when I spotted a massive monster the size of a large skyscraper that started attacking the heroes. Kai must have successfully fused with Rikiya, but for some reason, it looked much scarier than before.

Erik shook uncontrollably, and she stared at the monster with fear. I covered her eyes and gently whispered soothing words to calm her down. The kaiju turned its head at us and roared. My expression became grim when it took a step in our direction. The ground rumbled, and I staggered a little before regaining my balance.

Suddenly, my instincts were yelling for me to dodge; I listened to my intuition and dashed to the left. I made it just in time before a large crystal crashed into the place where I was previously standing.

I clicked my teeth and noticed the Kaiju was growing these deadly projectiles from its back. The monster tore them off its body and hurled the crystals at us like a fleshy catapult. The crystals flew over us and blocked our path. With no choice, I faced the Kaiju and summoned my Susanoo. I held out my hand and caught one of the deadly shards aiming for us.

I threw the missile back at the monster, and it took a step back from the collision. The Kaiju roared with rage, and to my horror, it started to sprint with haste.




Every step generated an enormous earthquake, and it wasn't long before the beast arrived. I desperately fought and retaliated; cracks littered through my Susanno's body, and I realized sooner or later we would lose.

Dammit, I couldn't use Kamui yet! At this rate...I


I was caught off guard, and the monster grasped my neck and smashed my Susanoo into the floor. Eri groaned while lying on Susanoo's chest. I growled and punched with all my might, but to no avail.

"Eri... Run," I yelped when I felt the hand on my throat tighten.

Eri nodded and hurriedly jumped off my chest. However, before she could escape, one of the monster's arms snatched Eri away.

"KYAAA ONEE-CHAN!" She cried.

"ERI!" I screamed in horror.

[3rd POV]

"Let my sister go!" Kaede howled with anger.

"YOur sISter?" A weird, loud, distorted voice echoed from the monster's lips.

The creature chuckled, and its massive body shook with amusement. The monster brought Eri close to its Jaw, where a figure of dishevelled Kai could be seen, his bird beak mask merged grown into his skin, forming a terrifying mouth.

His bloodshot eyes zoned in on Eri, and the child shivered in fear: "YOU REAlLy think ThAt shE'S yOuR TRUE fAMILY?"

Kai's croaking voice taunted, and Eri gulped: "yoU're NoT eVen rElATEd bY bLood!"

Eri's lips quivered, and tears stained her cheeks. Kai's words shook her mind, and she began to feel doubt.

"Don't listen to her, Eri!!!!" Kaeded shouted, snapping Eri out of her anxiety

The monster glanced at Kaede and grasped her ankles. It swung its arm wildly, and Kaede was flung across the street. She coughed up a mouthful of blood. Even if Kaede was protected by the Susanoo, the strain of maintaining the Susanoo was too much.

Every breath felt painful, and her bones creaked like a rusty robot. However, she ignored the agony and glared at Kai: "You're right! Eri was not related to me by blood!" She groaned.

Hearing this, Eri's arm trembled, but Kaede's following words made her widen in shock: "But even then! That won't change the fact that Eri's my little sister and a member of my family! I will never let you take her away!"

Kaede gritted her teeth: 'I have to get stronger....'

With the stress and determination of saving her sister, a strange phenomenon occurred with Kaede's Susanoo. Armour formed around Susanoo's body and donned the appearance of a Yamabushi. Kaede realized that her Susanoo had gained a new stage. However, this wasn't enough!

Kaede took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She meditated and stabilized the raging Charkra caused by the Susanoo. She winced. It was a harrowing experience. Her Mangekyou Sharingan spun with vigour, and Kaede felt her eyes on fire.

"For Eri..." Kaede muttered and endured the pain.

Her Susanoo grew, and the intense pain worsened. Kaede wanted to scream her lungs out, but she held it in. If Kaede had given up now, she might never see Eri again. The Susanoo's lower body stretched, forming a pair of legs.


The Susanoo transformed entirely, taking shape into a humanoid; the armour became slender and refined, protecting the Susanoo's body. A tengu mask covered the Susanoo's face, and its yellow eyes glowed with strength.

Kaede felt the surge of power travelling within her body, and she grabbed the monster's wrist. To her surprise, she quickly lifted the beast away from her neck. The Kaiju roared angrily and used more force, but it was too late, and Kaede manages to escape through the gap in the beast's fingers.

Kaede leapt back and was shocked by the Susanoo's immense strength. She landed like a superhero, and the ground tremored under Susanoo's weight. Kaede felt a strange sensation on her shoulder, and two large wings sprouted from her back.

Kaede was stunned, and she moved the wings, which felt like another pair of arms. Information entered her mind, guiding Kaede, and she instinctively reached out her hand. Chakra gathered in Susanoo's palm, and the energy began to stretch and elongate.

Soon, a weapon was formed, and Kaede's jaw dropped. It was a beautiful blue spear with a long staff and a large blade at the end. The weapon extruded vigorous energy, and electricity crackled around the spear.

"Is this my Susanoo's weapon..." Kaede gulped and swung her spear around in a daze.

The weapon felt comfortable in her hands, as if she has known this spear for years. Kaede breathed calmly and glared at the vile villain before her. She could already detect the effect of overusing her Susanoo, so she had to be fast.

With a single flap of her wings, she soared into the sky. The monster howled and lashed out with hundreds of whip-like tendrils growing from its posterior. Kaede's body instinctively knew what to do, and swung her spear in a wide arc.


The tentacles were destroyed with a single swing, and Kaede continued her charge. She reached the giant arm, captured Eri, and stabbed the weapon into the monster's wrist tendons. Kaede twist her spear, and the beast's hand went limp, and the grip on Eri loosened.

Kaede took this opportunity and reached for Eri. The Suasnoo caught the child and brought her close to its chest: "Eri, are you hurt?" Kaede asked with concern.

"Onee-chan..." Eri stared at Kaede in tears: "Am I truly your family?"

Kaede nodded: "Of course, no matter what, I will always love you,"

Eri smiled with relief: "I'm happy to hear that..." However, her face soon transformed into terror: "Watch out!!"

Kaede turned around and spotted the monster's massive fist approaching her face. She blocked with her spear, and the momentum knocked the Susanoo off course. They tumbled through the air, and the Susanoo crashed into the Kaiju's back.

Kaede panted and knelt on one knee. She gritted her teeth, and that moment of happiness made her momentarily forget about the pain. But now that they're here, the unbearable pain hit her like a freight train.

Sensing her sister's discomfort, Eri called out with worry: "Onee-chan..."

Kaede smiled stiffly but immediately winced. She opened one of her eyes and glanced into the distance. Before them, the monster's flesh started to swell and generated Kai's body. His monstrous appearance unnerved her, and he watched the two with amusement.

"Looks Like You CAn'T kepT thaT fOrm fOR lonG", Kai's croaky voice echoed across the field.

As if right on queue, cracks ran along Kaede's Susanoo, and with the sound of glass shattering, the Susanoo was dispelled. Kaede fell onto the ground and groaned. She glared at the villain and brought Eri behind her.

"Are YOu StILL GOing to fIGhT?" Kai questioned.

The villain raised his hand, and countless spiky tendrils burst out from the fleshy ground and surrounded Eri and Kaede. Kai smiled ominously, and Kaede gritted her teeth. Her vision was hazy, and she could barely open her eyes. 

The tendrils lashed out and Kaede narrowly darted through each attack. If Kai wanted to, he would've easily killed Kaede but currently, the villain wanted to spectate this bemusing scene.

Blood ran down Kaede's shoulders as she desperately fought back. She punched the tendrils that were aiming for Eri and twist her body in midair before kicking another appendage away.


One of the tentacles slammed into Kaede's back and another one instantly collided with her stomach. She felt the air knocking out of her lungs and her ribs shattered upon impact. Kaede was smashed into the floor, she groaned and her body refused to move. Eri sprinted towards her sister and knelt beside Kaede and cried.

The child shook Kaede's shoulder but her sister didn't open her eyes. Eri cried and her shoulders shook with fear. Kai chuckled and approached Eri: "It's oVEr, STOp wITH YouR USelEsS ATTeMTPs." He chided.

"if YoU wANt To sAvE HEr, StoP RuNninG awaY And cOMe bACK tO Me!" Kai ordered.


I hope you enjoy!