Chereads / Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 282 - 278) Amato Animo Animato...

Chapter 282 - 278) Amato Animo Animato...

I observed the potion in front of me as I added the enhancer according to the magical animagus method. It wasn't really necessary to add it, but since it was easy to produce and increased the chances of achieving the magical form, I decided to try it.

The main requirement for achieving the animagus transformation was possessing immense magical power. Without it, one had to resort to alternative methods that allowed obtaining the form temporarily, though with a much lower success rate.

I took out my wand, although it was no longer as useful as it once was. It wasn't that I now mastered magic to the point of completely doing without an arcane focus, though I wasn't too far from it, since my blood magic enhancing me could compensate for that need. No, that wasn't the problem. The issue was that I was no longer the same person I was when I obtained it. Too many changes had occurred, and now the wand didn't respond as it used to. I should change it, but it wasn't urgent. Unless I found a considerably better wand, the difference would be minimal.

Considering my situation, I had thought about crafting my own wand, using unicorn hair, well, Elise's hair, which technically was no longer unicorn hair. Not only would it be extremely compatible because she was my partner, but also because part of her was inside me. However, I couldn't do it now. Elise was suffering from a magical deficiency at the moment, but when she recovered, I was sure that even a single strand of her hair would be more powerful than any existing core. I just needed to decide which wood to use...

I shook my head vigorously, dismissing those thoughts for the moment. This wand, although unable to reach its full potential, would still serve me.

I began to recite the animagus incantation:

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus"

Then, I started making circles with the wand, channeling my magical power and making it flow through my body with fierce intensity. Thanks to my blood magic, the energy was incredibly high. I felt a slight discomfort since it wasn't common to move so much magical power without releasing it shortly after. I continued with the incantation, adding a few more words as I felt everything around me become heavier... but I did not.

Then, I tossed the wand aside and kept the flow of my magical power active while I took the potion and drank it in one gulp, continuing to recite the modified incantation. As soon as the liquid reached my stomach, it quickly spread throughout my body. However, the spell seemed to amplify its effect, making it much more aggressive than it should have been. A sharp pain shot through every fiber of my being, a burning sensation as if my skin and muscles were stretching beyond their natural limit.

I allowed the huge amounts of magical power to feed both the incantation and the potion inside me. The pain began to dissipate, but the intensity of the sensation only increased.

I found myself in the middle of an ancient ritual circle, eyes closed and brow furrowed. If this had been a normal ritual for an ordinary animagus, the process would have concluded shortly after drinking the potion. But this... this was not normal.

I could feel my body vibrating from the inside, a prelude to what was about to happen. I waited to feel that second heartbeat that should have manifested... but it never came. Instead, my heart beat so hard that it thundered in my ears. It was a single beat, but soon I began to perceive a subtle echo, a resonance that shook every one of my cells. My blood magic seemed to want to resist it, but I focused on keeping it under control so I could continue.

Then, I felt it: a call. A call to another form, so intense it reminded me of the first time I became a pool of blood or when I used the daily animagus ability. I could perceive it clearly and, almost instinctively, discern the form I was about to take.

My body wanted to change, but it couldn't decide into what. In my mind, fleeting images appeared and disappeared incessantly: a snake, then a cat, a fox, a bat... Every time it seemed that one form was fixing itself, the flow of my magical power destabilized it again. Then, I recited the incantation one last time, just as it was indicated, and at that moment, I felt an invisible shackle break.

My magic, now out of control, became more chaotic, yet paradoxically contained, as if it only moved within the enchantment. Suddenly, my senses heightened even more, and a wild instinct emerged from the deepest part of my being. But this time, it was different.

In my mind, an image began to form: a normal magical beast. However, something changed. As if an invisible shell were breaking, another creature, familiar yet unknown, tried to manifest... but it couldn't complete itself. It wasn't a matter of lack of magical power or resistance; I simply knew that I wasn't ready. The form wasn't stable.

It seemed as though my own magic surrendered to that uncertain transformation, and instead, began projecting more conventional magical forms, those I knew.

The first to appear was a unicorn. But the image quickly blackened before breaking into pieces. I believe this was because of Elise. For a moment, I could feel her goodness resonating with that form, giving life to the unicorn. However, the darkness that resides within me corrupted the transformation, breaking it before it could be completed.

Then, the sequence of images accelerated. Forms came and went at an increasingly dizzying pace, until, what I assume was due to a lack of time—since the enchantment was already reaching its limit—one form was selected.

The magic in my body, along with the spell, felt like a rope being stretched to its maximum point. But when the final form emerged, all the accumulated pressure was released in a single blow. A chill ran through my skin. Something inside me was changing.

It was only a few seconds of transformation, maybe less. Everything was distorted by my confused mind. And when I finally regained clarity, I realized that I was floating just above the ground.

I didn't feel disoriented; after experiencing the transformation into an animal and a pool of blood, the process felt familiar. I regained control quickly, though I couldn't deny that I was surprised.

It took me a few seconds to understand what I had turned into.

"I... am a flying cloak. A lethifold," I said to myself.

It was strange. I didn't think I'd turn into this. I know the animagus form reflects the soul of the wizard, and mine had some issues that prevented me from taking it. But… a Lethifold as a plan B? I know I'm evil and all that, but I didn't expect this.

I wondered if it would have been better to turn into a unicorn. Elise would have loved it... maybe even fainted when she saw me. But well, technically I can have more than one magical animagus form, so maybe I'll try again later. Though, to be honest, the Lethifold isn't that bad. After all, I can float and glide in a very fun way.

I tried gliding just above the ground with ease, and it was entertaining. I'd like to fly higher, but it's harder the higher you go. I'll have to find a method to do so in the future because I want to fly. Also, this form still needs to be explored.

It felt good to have something new, more options. So much so that I even thought about continuing to search for more forms. But before trying another magical animagus transformation, I needed to get some regular forms first. However, I didn't want to spend money on that right now; after all, I had already strayed too far from my goal of updating the annual bulletin board mission because of the Christmas gifts.

I decided to go back to the village. I wanted to try out my new form a bit more… and give Lily and Petunia a little scare. They were both brushing their hair while whispering shyly about what we'd do tonight. I seized the opportunity, and with my cloak form, I wrapped myself around one of them. Their screams of fright and the subsequent groans didn't take long to come. I played around a bit, squeezing them in certain areas like tight clothing. It was difficult to control my body to do it, but it was fun. I even pretended to start digesting them, like a real Lethifold would... though, of course, in a more playful and very, very sexual way.

Of course, I didn't let the panic get out of control and soon revealed my true form. As a result, I got a good round of vengeful hits for the scare, but quickly, the hits turned into questions and curiosity.

I spent some time with them, playing with my new form, until Gemma joined. The girls tried to ride me and fly, but it wasn't easy, so they ended up falling off a couple of times.

When I explained the magical animagus transformation to Lily and Petunia, they both wanted to try it as well. Gemma, however, hesitated due to the child in her womb, so she didn't show interest for now. Petunia, on the other hand, was afraid that, being a non-magical person, she wouldn't be able to achieve it. She approached me seductively and begged me to find a way to make it possible while rubbing herself very explicitly.

Of course, I denied the possibility to all three of them. I explained that they couldn't transform into magical animagi because they didn't meet the requirements, but that this Christmas, I would allow them to become regular animagus. I would even help Petunia achieve it.

Through the rituals, Petunia didn't gain magic like her sister, but she went from being a simple muggle to a squib, in addition to receiving a major improvement in her physical abilities. In theory, a squib shouldn't be able to transform into an animagus, since their magic is too weak and they can't use it at will. However, with the benefits of the fief, which reduced the difficulty by 80%, and a little help from me, I was almost sure she could do it.

The girls got so excited that the party we had planned for the night started earlier than expected… and our clothes ended up scattered on the floor as we turned into wild animals in bed. Lily and Petunia were fighting over how to ride me, now in a different way, while Gemma was in a chair not far away, looking at me with a smile while she caressed our son in her belly.


On the other hand, at Hogwarts, with Christmas just around the corner, I gathered the girls and forbade them from continuing their investigation until after the holidays. They were too immersed in the case of the latest victim and other matters.

I organized us to enjoy our own Christmas Eve dinner together. I also got them excited by telling them I had a gift for them, one that far surpassed last year's, and that if anyone found out what it was, they'd surely envy them.

This sparked even more curiosity. Some spent the entire day trying to guess what I would give them. From eternal youth to a dragon for each of them. I was surprised by their imagination... and how possible it would be if I really wanted to make it happen.

With Susan and Hannah, we organized the Christmas dinner. We planned a grand feast with a variety of hot dishes. All of them were some type of stew or sauce, which ensured a delicious night.



Hey friends! I'm having some issues with my PC, so next week the chapters might not come out on Monday as usual. They might be delayed a couple of days, probably on Wednesday or a few days later than usual. Thanks for your understanding!