Rhea drives over to Emmett's house, she met him in the sitting room looking at his phone, he seems to be expecting someone's call.

"Hi Emmy"She kissed him on the lips

"Why are you here?"He asked pushing her off

"Emmett, I am sorry. I know you said it was bad timing but what can I do I really missed you, you were pushing me away I had no option than to come and visit you"Rhea explained faking her tears

"Rhea please leave enough of all the trouble you caused"Emmett said trying to control his anger

"I will talk to her myself, I will explain things to her and trust me she will forgive you and come back"She said wiping her fake tears

"Just leave Rhea, I don't want to hurt you and you know how violent I can be"Emmett shouted angrily

Rhea stood up and leave immediately, she remember when he hit her the last time they had argument.


Rhea is fighting with Emmett about a girl he was sex chatting.

"You hoe! Who am I to you? You think you can just cheat on me and expect me to move on, Never bastard"Rhea shouted angrily pulling his shirt

"Rhea just calm down, this girl is just someone I flirt with not that I'm interested in her"Emmett tried to calm her

"You son of a bitch!"Rhea shouted angrily

"Rhea please leave"Emmett said calmly

"Drag me out of here bastard"Rhea shouted again

"Leave right now before I become the Emmett you haven't seen before"He shouted angrily

"Which part of you have I not seen hoe"Rhea replied with more anger

Emmett slaps her hard and drag her outside the house before locking the door on her. Rhea keeps shouting outside the house cursing him.



He can be violent when he's angry but I'm the only girl that will tolerate that bastard, I will make sure I look for ways to call that little bitch so I can win him back.


Katy went to visit Carl in his house, she was putting on short gown that hugs her body making her curves visible. Carl was the only one at home and Katy has her plans.

"Hi Carl"She hugged him

"What's up Katy? Why are you here?"

"Funny you can't I visit my friend anymore?"She smile seductively

"You can"Carl sits and she sits sexily next to him

"Carl how's Rita? Been a while I saw her"She lied

"Really? She told me she was coming over to your side I think yesterday and she called me when she left too"Carl explained

"I was not even at home yesterday maybe she visited...."She purposely stop talking acting like she shouldn't have said it

"Who did she visit?"Carl asked looking at her

"You shouldn't know about this Carl, it's girls talk"She replied turning to the other side to smile

"Who is she visiting?"He asked loosing his patience

"I shouldn't tell you this but there's this guy she's dating. You shouldn't get angry because she finally have someone of her level"She lied again

"Can you please leave now?"Carl asked politely

"Sure if you need someone to talk to, I am her for you"She said and walked sexily out of the mansion.


How was my acting? Ha-ha-ha I'm definitely the best when it comes to this, let's see how that middle class survives this accusation ha-ha Carl is mine and Avia is my friend. Oh she's calling ha-ha-ha


"Hey babe what's up?"Katy greeted

"Babe, Carl just called me now and he was really furious, I don't even know why he's angry"Rita said from the other end

"Oh really? Why is he angry? Did you offend him? Why don't you go to his house? Or meet up somewhere"Katy advised

"Yeah, that's true, I will text him now"Rita said and hang up

"Oh my world, it worked so fast"Katy laughed wickedly


Rita is in Carl's house, she was waiting for him to come down from his room, and he showed up after few minutes.

"Hey Honey"She greeted

"Who's your honey? You cheat"Carl shouted angrily

"Carl please I'm not understanding this issue anymore, I actually thought you were faking being angry just to see me but now I can see there's more to this thing. When you've calm down, you can call me"Rita said angrily and was about to leave

"I don't have to call you, let's break up Rita, I made a mistake dating a bitch like you"Carl said angrily

"Suit yourself"Rita replied and walks out of the house

Carl goes back to his room to cry because he really does love her and wants to be with her but he hates been cheated when he's serious.


Rita goes to Katy's house to sleep over, she called her parents to tell them she won't be coming home.

"Babe, have you been crying? What's wrong"Katy asked acting concerned

"I still don't understand him but we broke up"She cried

"Oh my gosh, Why is Carl cruel? Stop crying baby girl maybe he's not meant for you"Katy hugged her

"Thank you can I sleep over?"Rita asked wiping her tears

"Erm actually I'm going on a blind date"Katy said turning her down

"It's fine, I will lodge in a motel for the night"Rita said and turn to leave

"Take care Baby girl"Katy said and enter her car to leave for Carl's house.


She enter Carl's house and went straight to his room, she saw him crying and the whole room was scattered.

"Carl it's enough stop crying over that girl, she doesn't worth it"Katy said carrying Carl up and kissing him all over his face

"Is this the type of friend you are Katy?"Rita's voice asked from the back. Carl and Katy turned to look at the girl looking at them.

"What do you mean? I'm here to help you"Katy lied avoiding her eyes

"Stop lying you bastard"Rita shouted angrily

"Stop shouting at me you bitch. I became friends with you to destroy your friendship with Avia and I also want Carl, I've always wanted the two people you have since I was just ten years old, you came and took them away from me. What should I do? Watch you take what belongs to me? Never. Carl is mine now and there's nothing you can do about that."Katy shouted angrily

"I curse the day I became friends with you"Rita said and leave before Carl could say a word.

Carl could not say a word, everything that happened looks like a movie in his eyes.

"What just happened?"He finally asked

"Don't mind that bitch"Katy said and hug him and he hugged her back.


Wow!!! It was so easy to cut off that girl and have Carl on my side. I am a genius, watch out for me in this novel because I'm here to destroy everyone's relationship.. hahaha


Rita walks down the street crying and trying to control herself so passers by won't know what is wrong with her


I really can't explain what happened now everything looks like a movie to me, Carl did not even say a word, he was just hugging her in his arms. How can I be so stupid to believe that girl was being true and sincere? I lost my best friend because of my stupidity, I really have to look for ways to talk to Avia again. I'm sorry for everything.


OMG!!!! This chapter is everything. Rate the novel, I will soon drop another novel 🤗

Anticipate it but let's keep enjoying THE BIG SECRET OF THE SIMPSON 💕