Chapter 58 - I SEE

Charlie was shocked because that's what he did back then he really believed the evidence over her.

" Anyway today is my dad's birthday and we will have a family dinner at home to celebrate if you're busy don't come" rose told him meaning that his presence doesn't matter to her and as she was about to go out charlie caught her waist tightly back hugging her tightly

" can't you at least let me explain". charlie said in an aggrieved tone making one pity him but his question just made rose angry and started to chuckle coldly because this is the same thing that happened once although the situation is different

at that time four years ago he said softly.

"what can you explain that the evidence can't".

So Rose really just wanted charlie right now to feel how helpless she felt back then so she answered him coldly

" Am sorry but I believe what I SEE". she made sure she encourages the word 'see' in her sentence before leaving for the master bedroom to get her clothes before leaving for her villa where she got ready for her dad's birthday together with Rachel leaving the stunned and shocked charlie frozen in place staring blankly in space.

" Rachel I have something I want to tell you that I have been keeping a secret from you". Rose said and when Rachel gave her the attention she immediately dropped the bomb

" I got married to charlie". she waited to be reprimanded by Rachel but instead was treated with silence and when she was about to say something Rachel spoke suddenly breaking the awkward silence

" We will talk later let's first go for the birthday". with that Rachel walked out and entered the car without waiting for rose making her to shake her head.

Charlie didn't go to the office but instead worked from home all day until his phone began ringing endlessly making him irritated.

" Speak". he said immediately the call connected making the person on the other side to laugh hard.

" wow Mr Anderson is in a bad mood". Anna teased

" you have free time nowadays hmm". charlie asked coldly but instead got a snort .

" did you forget that it's my dad's birthday today hurry up and we go". Anna said which made charlie to raise his eyebrows

" you mean you are here right now". charlie asked doubtfully but was instead answered with a knock on the door.

" open up if you think am lying". with that charlie was even more tempted to open the door and saw Anna there with her arms around her chest raising her eyebrows at him.

When Rose and Rachel reached at the page Mansion they were surprised at the large number of people who were present.

Mr and Mrs page, Mr and MrsAnderson ( Charlie's parents), Old jenny and Bianca, Alex , Ivan, Dr Winnie, Michael, Dr John ( Charlie's personal doctor). her dad's personal friends, family friends and relatives, only charlie , Anna , Rachel and Rose maybe were the ones missing.

" Rose and Rachel you two come here". Madam Eddie was the first to see them.

" why are you underweight child don't you eat enough or does my son bully you at night". Madam Eddie asked Rose with some heartache but her words made everyone to laugh hard making rose to blush hard.

" mummy am fine let me go and greet the rest people first okay". with that she escaped after making up an excuse and she made sure madam Eddie agrees before she went to her stepmom who was busy in the kitchen