I braced myself for just a moment in front of the doors to the strategy room.
"Argh! I hate this part of things," I thought to myself. I could hear the arguing from inside the room already. I pushed the doors open quietly and walked in on a confrontation between my father and my best friend and Gamma Freya.
"We need to attack now! They are showing how easy it was to get into our borders. What happened to our patrols?!" My dad spat, fraught with anger. He was understandably furious.
"Your Majesty!" They all bowed and stood to attention when they noticed that I had opened the doors and entered the room. I inhaled a deep and prolonged breath as I walked around the war table taking in the surroundings of the room. I eyed my father, Beta, Gamma and my most trusted warriors, Markus and Samson.
"So." I turned to face Markus and Samson alone.
"Would you mind telling me how on Earth this was pulled off right under my nose?" Markus stepped towards me, "The patrols were attacked on the east side of the boarder your majesty. Two patrol guards were killed. We didn't realize until the shifts changed and by then it was already too late." I sighed turning to face out of the window overlooking the valley and my pack town below.
"Athena. We need to gather the warriors and attack the Barron clan, tonight." My father sternly suggested.
I pressed my fingers over my eyes and thought about it for a moment. "What if it's a trap? Though they have been sending weak warriors to battle for weeks. They have done this knowing my finest warriors would be tired from the battle we've had today. If we attack them tonight on their land, it could surely be a slaughter. Think this through Father." I pleaded with him to see sense.
"My Queen, how did they know they could execute this plan of theirs tonight? You were supposed to be in your quarters resting." Freya added from across the table. I thought about it for a moment.
"Ugh! There must be a spy among us feeding information back to them! The staff were the only ones to have the know how and time to report my change of mind." I spat with disgust clear in my voice.
"Jillian!" Sapphire suggested into my mind. Rage began to fill me.
"I want Jillian found and brought to me now!" I demanded. "Your quiet little servant girl? Do you really think she could have helped orchestrate this?" Freya scoffed.
I watched Markus and Samson leave the room to follow my orders, then looked over to Freya. "She was extremely skittish around me earlier, Freya and the first to know we would be dining in the main hall. I would bet odds that she knows something." My father, Lewisl and Freya all looked at one another but kept silent.
"My Luna, If I may suggest something." Lewis intrusively added. I eyed him carefully for a moment. Taking a deep breath and nodding towards him to continue.
"We should take your Fathers' advice and gather our warriors to attack tonight." I scowled at him and shaking my head at him, disregarding his suggestion and facing back to gaze out the window. I pondered over the likely scenarios that could play out for an attack tonight in my mind.
"Camilla, what do you think of all this?" I asked in my head, linking my wolf. "Something feels off with this Athena, don't you feel it?" I breathed an inward sigh. She was right and I could feel in my gut this is what the vampires wanted and we would be playing right into their filthy cold hands. This was my decision to make and it was my people's lives that were on the line.
"Blasted Athena!" My father slammed his hand down onto the table, making Freya jump. I clenched my jaw at his outburst.
"Stop pondering and get the warriors together!" He growled a loud roar. I felt anger rising through me and my eyes began to glow white, the power within me surging through and feeding on my rage. I turned to my father as the wind began to pick up in the room. He stepped back from the table stumbling slightly.
"This is MY realm and MY pack, father. If you dare to continue telling me how to run things, I WILL put you in your place and your access to this room and these negotiations will be cut!" I bellowed with rage. His eyes widened in fear, nodding his head profusely in agreement. Even he knew when he had crossed a line with me and I hoped he wouldn't make the same mistake again in the future.
I felt a hand placed on my arm and turned to see Freya trying to calm me down with a pleading look on her face.
"Calm down my Queen, the war is out there, not in here." She cooed. I closed my eyes, exhaling deeply.
"Your right, Freya." I calmed down, the wind in the room faded away and my eyes began to change back to the luminous blue they were before. I felt the energy within me had been depleted, I needed to rest.
"Tonight we rest. Tomorrow we plan our attack on the Barron Clan. They will get what they deserve." My father threw his hands up into the air and sighed in disgust, taking his leave out of the strategy room. The sound of his boots stomping along the floor fading away with him.
I shook my head and gazed out the window up to the stars and prayed for the moon goddess to give me strength for the battle ahead of us. I turned to take a seat at the table. Lewis and Freya joined me, taking their seats either side of me. A few moments had passed until the doors swung open and a breathless Markus and Samson burst into the room.
"My Queen, shes gone!" Samson breathed through panting.
"WHAT?! GONE WHERE?" I shouted. "Theres no sign of her anywhere within the pack territory." Markus stated. "Keep the patrols on high alert for the night. Tell our warriors to rest and check back with me in the morning for further instructions and let it be known if anyone comes across Juliette or knows of her whereabouts that I want her or information brought to me immediately! This room is dismissed!" I ordered whilst waving my hand, dismissing everyone from my sight.
I couldn't believe such a weak minded servant could escape from my grasp so easily. I gripped my hair, tugging slighty, trying to ease the tension in my mind.
"You have had enough stresses, Athena. Get some rest." Camilla purred through my mind. She was right.
I headed back to my sleeping quarters and as I entered the room I was pleased to know the smell had completely gone and the bed had been changed. I untied my leather corset, slipped off my shirt, boots and trousers and put on my silk night dress, then climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body.
I woke at first light ready to spring to action. Gathering my warriors on the training grounds to prepare them for what was to come.
"Lock Heart's!" I shouted out to address my pack. "I know you are wondering what we are going to do about the little situation that we had last night and I'm here to tell you that we are attacking the Barron Clan tonight. We will NOT be meeting them on the battlefield. We WILL be taking our fight right up to their territory! This is it, you have been training and fighting for this moment! Will you stand with me? Will you help in winning this War once and for all?" A cheer erupted from my warriors as I threw my fist into the air. "Then prepare yourselves for our attack tonight!" everyone scattered to begin preparations for one of the biggest battles we had ever been in.
Soon the wagons were being loaded. The Dark Shadows Realm was quite some distance away and instead of tiring my warriors out running there in wolf form, we used wagons and horses to be at our best form for battles.
" Luna, I must speak with you immediately." Wyatt came from behind me. I glanced behind me, noticing a scroll he was holding in his hands.
" What's this?" I asked as I snatched the scroll from him.
"It's Sealed with the mark of the Barron Clan, Luna." I glanced down at the wax seal, the confused expression taking over my face. I tore open the scroll and read the contents. I glanced up at Wyatt with wide eyes.
"When did this arrive?" "The patrols found it at the border around ten minutes ago, Luna." I nodded in understanding, dismissing Wyatt.
"Lewis, meet me in the strategy room." I linked Lewis, heading straight to the room to discuss the matter.
I stood gazing out the window waiting for Lewis to arrive, the scroll placed on the table behind me.
"My Queen." Lewis greeted me as he entered the room. As he walked up to the table he asked, "What's this?"
"Read it." I replied. I stood patiently waiting for what would come from his mouth as he finished reading the scroll.
"A request for a truce?" He questioned, his face showing confusion.
"Signed by The Vampire King, Luther Barron himself. Ruler of the Blood Shadows Realm and Leader of the Blarron Clan," I added. I crossed my arms looking over towards Lewis. We both stared at each other lost for words for what seemed like hours until there was a knock at the door pulling us from our gaze.
"Enter." I said. My Father came storming into the room, snatching the scrolls from Lewis's grasp.
"I heard word had come from Barron Himself." He muttered as he started to read the scroll. We eyed him closely waiting for his response after he read the scroll. "Ridiculous." He spat as he threw the scroll onto the table.
"Do not tell me you will fall for this nonsense, Athena. The warriors are almost ready to leave." His eyes searched my face for any tell in my expression as to what I thought of the truce.
"Perhaps a meeting between me and their king on neutral grounds?" I suggested.
"Nonsense, Athena!" My father yelled. I shot a sharp glare right at him, reminding him to remember his place.
"A battle could commence tonight, resulting in the loss of more lives! My people want peace, Father. This could be the answer to ending this war with no more blood shed." I pleaded for him to see reason. Lewis and my Father shared a silent stare at one another before looking back at me. I rolled my eyes taking charge of the situation.
"Send word to their King and have a tent built in the middle of the battlefield. I will meet with their King alone to discuss this truce but have all of our warriors waiting and hiding in the tree line. If this King wants his truce he will be there and we will be waiting." I commanded Lewis. He nodded in understanding, taking his leave from the room.
"Father, you and Lewis will be in charge of ordering the warriors. If you sense something off, I give you permission to send my warriors into battle. You can go inform the warriors about the new plans for tonight and relay your battle strategy to them if things go south." I instructed, leaving the room and no space for argument. As I was walking down the hall I saw Freya rushing up towards me.
"Is it true that there is word from King Barron himself?" She whispered under her breath. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm, pulling us into one of the offices that we barely used and closing the door behind us.
"Freya, they are offering a truce. There could be peace at last." I explained with slight excitement in my tone. Freya eyed me quizzically for a moment.
"But what about last night?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment and told her about our plans for tonight.
"If this does go south, Freya, you need to be ready for battle." I told her and she nodded in agreement, then I hugged her tightly.
"Come on." She said, grabbing my hands. "Lets get ready, you can't go representing the Lock Heart's dressed like that!" She smiled, pulling me out of the office and up to my quarters. I smiled, she always knew how to add a happier, more playful side to the hard life that we live. It's one of the things I loved about her. As we entered my room, she ran straight to the closet pulling out my dress.
"Freya!" I snapped. "I am not prancing around the battlefield in a damn dress. If this ends in battle, we would surely lose if the Queen got herself wrapped up in her dress!" I retorted. She tutted rolling her eyes at me, putting it back into the closet.
"Maybe one of your nicer corsets then at least, and some newer trousers for once and boots that don't look so worn." She said sarcastically as she gestured to my tatty war boots. I rolled my eyes, "Fine." I agreed. She smiled once more, pulling out a deep leather corset and new cream-coloured shirt and placing them on my bed. Then she went back and got me some new black trousers and black leather knee-high boots.
"Here, put these on." She said as she pointed to the clothes she picked out. I rolled my eyes and took off my worn clothes. I put the new outfit on and looked at myself in the full-length mirror with Lilith looking over my shoulder smiling.
"Oh, you look beautiful, my Queen!" She boasted, Gasping in awe. Clearly proud of herself. Her brows furrowed slightly as she continued to gaze. "Lets do your hair and makeup." She said. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.
"This isn't supposed to be fashionable, this is a serious matter." I muttered.
"My Queen, you are going to discuss a truce with none other than King Luther. If you dressed to impress more, it could turn this truce into a reality. I know he's a disgusting vampire, but men are men." She stated with fact.
"Fine, but not over the top! We will probably end up killing them all anyway and getting drenched in blood, ruining your work." I muttered again.
She rolled her eyes and got to work giving me a neutral look and just enhancing my natural features a little more. She French plaited each side of my silver hair, joining up the plaits at the back and leaving the rest of my long waves to hang naturally.
"Done." She squealed excitedly, clapping her hands like a child and then ushering me over to the mirror. I stood gazing at my reflection, barely recognizing myself. I didn't care for makeup or new clothes, we fought so much I was usually drenched in blood and filth most days. I was a warrior Queen and Luna. Getting pretty was not a thing I had time for.
" So, so, beautiful," Freya complimented.
"You may be a warrior Queen, but you are still a beauty." Freya said, as if she knew exactly what condescending thoughts were going through my mind as I stared at my reflection. I glanced at her through the mirror flashing her a small smile.
"Thank you Freya." I gazed out the window noticing the sun lowering in the distance. Clearing my throat I continued, "We must set off soon if we are to get there at all." I walked towards the bedroom door to leave.
"Come Freya, it's time." I said, gesturing for her to follow. We made our way down the staircase and through the castle foyer to the wagons outside. The horses were ready and the warriors had already begun piling into the wagons. I headed over to our wagon and got in. Once we were all ready, we set off for the battlefield. The night sky was drawing in slowly above us. I stared out of the window of the wagon up to the stars above. No one spoke the whole way there.
The battlefield was a middle ground between both our realms. In just a few hours we had arrived. I directed the wagons so that they were hidden in the tree line and all my warriors shifted into their glorious wolf forms. Each one as magnificent as the next. I linked for them to head off directly across from the tent keeping low and hiding in the tree line, waiting for any impending attack.
Once my warriors were ready and hidden in their stations, I looked towards the tent in the centre of the field. The battlefield was dark and the area was eerily quiet. The glow of the full moon lit it up, making it seem somewhat peaceful. I woud be a fool not to admit that something felt different tonight. I took a deep breath and began slowly making my way towards tent. Strangely, as I did, my body began to relax. The closer I approached, the calmer I felt and that's when it hit me.
A faint, but delicious scent that I had never smelt on this field before. Cinnamon and spiced apple reminded me of my favourite holiday. I breathed it all in edging closer to the tent. The closer I was, the stronger the scent became and the calmer I felt. My cautious brain finally kicked in and slight anxiety started running through me, but I couldn't stop myself from getting closer. What smells so great? Is this some kind of spell? My wolf started to stir in my mind. She was rolling and purring, I could feel her excitement.
"Knock it off, Camilla!" I linked but she took no notice of me. I had made it to the tent doors and paused for a minute, whatever smelt soo good was definitely inside. I contemplated whether or not to go in, but the contempt feeling that flowed through me told me that I was in no danger. As I opened the tent and stepped inside, revealing that amazing smell, my jaw dropped and Camilla began to howl and race around in my mind,
"MATE!" Camilla howled.
I stood there in front of him completely speechless. The vampire King himself and he was so handsome. The most handsome man I have ever laid eyes upon. He stood tall, easily taller than I and he had perfectly combed back, jet black hair. His eyes were dark around his iris's, that then mixed into a bright beautiful ombré of gold. His face was perfectly contoured and he was built better than any vampire I had ever seen. He had a broad muscular chest and the rest of his form followed suit. The sight of him should repulse me but his scent was flooding my senses and I was partially aroused. I tried to pull myself together, keeping my composure. How could this be? How could the moon Goddess curse me with a Vampire matCamilla was rolling and purring in my mind at the sight of him. I worked hard to fight every instinct I possessed not to embrace him.
He looked deep into my eyes, so deep I could swear he was staring directly into my soul. His lips parted for a moment but a word never left his beautiful lips. We stood in a trance, unable to comprehend the bond between us. The forbidden bond that has had many innocent lives slaughtered.
This couldn't happen. This couldn't be. My mind went blank and for a second I forgot what I had even come here for. Nothing made sense anymore. Why would the moon Goddess do this to me? I wanted to turn my tale and run but I shook my head at the thought of it. I began to panic. What would I tell my army? My Pack? My Realm? My Father?