Lind was unsure how to feel about being told he should not exist. He understood he had broken many norms and boundaries compared to previously held dear rules, but he lived. Should that not mean he should exist?
A cackling laugh distracted him as the soul seemed to condense its form until a young man stood before him. He was still a bit unstable but Lind realized the soul was a physical existence!
"Hmmm, maybe a few thousand years left if this is the best I can do." Lind nearly did a double take as someone thought a thousand years was nothing!
He had been alive for close to 30 thousand years at that point, give or take some time lost in the spirit world. He was also unsure of time lost in Skinwalker's or other Ruins as time became a variable at times for those.
He was technically older than his wives but they too had some variance due to similar adventures. Many of them had started as older than him but his travels had put him ahead in most ways.