Chereads / Fangs & Claws / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Next day,

(alarm, beep, beep, beep )

(Luis) already another school day

Luis gets out of bed and heads out on his way to school.

*I wonder what Yaus is doing this morning?

Suddenly, someone comes behind him and whispers, "Did you miss me?"

( Awww

And he looks behind him to see Yaus.

( where did you come from?

( Yaus ) lol, what's wrong, you don't want me to walk with you to school?

( Luis ) I never said that - rolls his eyes

( Yaus ) Did you just roll your eyes at me, my adorable kitten?

( Luis ) n-no

( Yaus ) You better not, because then Daddy would need to punish you later.

( Luis ) uuu no we are going to be late - and walks faster

As the day goes on, both Luis and Yaus act normally, so no one notices they are together.


Luis and Ashely were outside enjoying the nice day while eating lunch. Yaus walks by with a crowd surrounding him. Luis is watching and he sees the same girl from yesterday with Yaus.

Why is that girl with Yaus? I thought he told me he wasn't with her*

As Luis is lost in thought, someone approaches him.

( ? ) Do you guys mind if I join you for lunch?

( Ashely ) Sure, more is better, right?

( Ashely ) My name is Ashely, and this is Luis... Luis, Luis

(Luis)My apologies, I was dazed, lol. I'm Luis. Nice to meet you.

( ? ) My name is Cha.

( Cha ) I guess you must be new here, Luis.

( Luis ) Yeah, I am

( Ashely ) so hey, Luis I never asked how it was on the walk with Daniel the other night.

( Luis ) It was fine, but I don't think I'm planning to see him again.

( Ashely ) Why not? He was so cute.

( Luis ) u-Ummm because he wasn't my type lol - scratching his head

( Ashely ) Awww, that sucks. I was thinking we could do a double date.

( Luis ) maybe next time

( Ashely ) I know, - and looks at Cha - Hey Cha, would you mind being Luis's date? I wanted to go out with Luis and have him meet my girlfriend.

( Luis ) Ashely, I don't think that's a wise idea, and what if Cha has someone

( Cha ) No, I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, so I'm happy to do this, plus I think Luis is a super cutie.

( Ashely ) I am so excited to hear that Luis, please say yes it would be fun.

( Luis ) u-Ummm

( Ashely ) Come on, you're not dating anyone, so why not? Please

( Luis ) I guess it won't hurt, but only as friends.

( Cha ) Okay, *for now, since you arrived, I've had my eyes on you*

Yaus can overhear everything that they are talking about.

( Bell goes off )

( Ashely ) Hey Cha, pass me your phone so I can program my number, and I'll text you the location.

( Cha ) Okay

After giving Ashely his number, they went their separate ways.

( Luis ) Hey, Ashely, Im not feeling well. Can you tell the teacher I will be back late?

( Ashely ) Sure, are you going to be okay?

( Luis ) Yeah, I'm heading to the bathroom and will be back in a few.

Luis heads to the restroom, and once he opens the door, he sees Yaus waiting at the sinks.

( Luis ) What are you doing here?

( Yaus ) I'm here waiting for you.

Yaus walks up to Luis

( Yaus ) Why did you agree to go out with that guy?

( Luis ) Im not going out with him, we are only attending as friends.

( Yaus ) You should have said no.

( Luis ) Why are you allowing that girl to hang out with you?

( Yaus ) she is a part of my group. It's not like I can ask her to leave, and I've already explained to you that there is nothing between us.

( Luis ) I still don't like it.

( Yaus ) you didn't answer my question. Why didn't you say no?

( Luis ) We are going as friends, and I explain that to them... And how did you even know?

Yaus walks over to Luis and grabs him, pulling him closer.

( Yaus ) I don't like sharing you with other people.

( Luis ) You didn't even answer my q

Before Luis was able to finish saying anything, Yaus grabbed Luis's face and started kissing him.

( Luis ) What if someone sees

( Yaus ) Don't worry, no one is around to see

( Luis ) How are you sure?

( Yaus ) Don't you trust me?

Yaus lends back in and kisses Luis while putting his hand up his shirt

( Luis ) ahahah

Yaus then moves his hands down to Luis's pants.

(Luis) aha s-s-stop someone might see

( Yaus ) there is no one around. Let's enjoy this for a minute. Plus, do you really want me to stop??

As Yaus was rubbing and kissing Luis, he stopped and took Luis to the bathroom stalls, shutting the door.

( Luis ) What are you doing?

Yaus puts one hand over Luis's mouth and asks him to be quiet while he kisses his neck.

( Luis ) aha

( Yaus ) quite

Someone opens the bathroom door and walks in.

( Luis ) * did someone just walk in *

( Yaus ) - in a low voice - quite you don't want them to hear do you

( Luis ) - in a low voice - s-s-sto ahaa

Is there anyone here?

( Yaus ) shhh

( Luis ) * i-i-I cant i-i-im about t-to * s-s-sto ahh

( Yaus - in a low voice - This is your punishment.

That's wired.I thought I heard something.

( Luis ) - in a low voice - Y-y-a-aus P-p-lease S-Stop it

As Yaus continues to please Luis, the person who was in the bathroom walks out and Yaus stops.

( Luis ) ahhggggg... Why did you do that?

( Yaus ) I told you this is your punishment for agreeing to go out with that guy.

( Luis ) I told you Yaus, we are only friends.

( Yaus ) I know, but I don't like him or trust him with you.

( Luis ) I think you are being way too protective. He seems like a nice guy.

( Yaus ) we should head back to class.

Time past

After school, Luis heads home to get changed for the get-together with Ashely and Cha and heads out to meet them at the fair.