Chapter 2 - 02

Alivia Smug look ever Increasing says. So you surrendered out of fear for your own lives?

Donathon eyes dark sighs and says. Yes… Now I believe you've arranged at date for us with the axeman? Alivia rolling her eyes says. You can Drop the false LionHeartedness… if I've planned to kill you id have slaughtered you in your camp.

What I mean to do is to offer you a deal… Serve me.


Gasps from Kine and Kindred alike are near instantly silenced by one sharp look from Princess Alivia.


Alivia with slightly annoyed smirk says. I shall be Blunt you've impressed me no mortal army, before has had the ability no less the courage to face us for as long as you have, I offer riches beyond your wildest mortal comprehension, safety under my fold for your species if

that is what you desire. Alivias Smirk grows to cover her face and she says. Or I could make you one of us through my Blood the First daughter of Caine.

Donathon face showing many thoughts says. You speak of giving my a deal but to my knowledge you'd have no reason to keep us alive if I refused your deal, as for your offers

I have no use for wealth I've spent the last 10 years of my life, from the age of 16 till now on the field alongside my brothers in arms, I have no use for your coin, Nor do I desire the

Dark blood of Caine to run through my veins…


Some of the court Kindred start to curse under their breath and receive extremely sharp looks from Princess Alivia.


Donathon says. Now as for the last ''offer'' I'll say this, if you are really willing to use your influence to protect the my Race from extermination, then it would be hard to ask for more. Alivia impatience written on her

face says. Well will you do it.

Donathon says. If that is truly what it takes, I Donathon knight of the order of the Shining Star Swear my Life my Sword and my Honor to your Service, Princess Alivia, first Daughter of Caine.


A young Vampire jumps up and says. Princess Alivia you can't possibly be letting these Cattle sweat loyalty to you like us kindr…

In the blink of a eye Alivia's hand was in

and out of the young vampires chest even

before he had time to turn to dust.

The lot Kindred and Kine alike to a collective gulp of fear.


Alivia looks around and says. Anyone else feel like defying my will? No? Ok then now Wonderful choice Sirrrrr Donathon.

Alivia Smiles and says. We've conquered all there is to conquer here let us return to my domain.


2 weeks of annoyingly bumping riding


Young quartermaster says. Lord Donathon I've completed the count of how many men we have left, At the start of our battle we had around 10,000 men give or take sir, upon our surrender we numbered about 6,000, given that Princess Alivia was merciful enough to let the

enlisted-men leave if they preferred not to follow us into her domain only 1,000

choose to stay, thus ends my report on

the status of the enlisted lads Lord.

Donathon with a contemplative expression says. What of the 100 man officer core?

Young quartermaster says. 10 committed Suicide rather than go than go home in disgrace, 30 didn't survive the battle, 10 went home, thus leaving 50 officers including myself who have decided to follow you into Princess Alivias domain. Donathon says. Very well your dismissed.


Kindred Carriage-man says. Princess Alivia we are in Sight of Wanders-End.

Alivia says. Finally we have returned I have returned my beautiful city.