They finished eating and they announced to Ria that they will be going ahead with the contract. Ria was shocked but he didn't have to decline. He accepted this.
Since Mabel's laptop was in the hall that they used for the interview, Asher had to borrow her his laptop and she logged in into her Google file where she sent Ria the contract form and he signed it.
The ladies also transferred into his account the stated first payment and Ria was so happy.
Asher had advised that they should have to fool the press who would be lingering around for news to tell.
He instructed his guards to drive the car they took to the mansion throughout the other side and far toward the east side. He sent another set of guards in the north angle while he and the ladies including Ria drove a new car without his name on the plate toward the west side.
They drove straight to the registry after they had changed clothes that Asher ordered online.