Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 312 - Chapter 312: The Masquerade Ball (pt. I)

Chapter 312 - Chapter 312: The Masquerade Ball (pt. I)

The night was deep, the stars reigning over the ever expanding sky. As the rivers and mountains slept, the city continued to thrive, lights glowing bright like the moon and stars above them, leaves rustling along the evening breeze.

It was a massive city, four swords erected in the four cardinal directions, a fortified castle sitting at its heart. Such a castle shimmered with grace and radiance, the sound of laughter and music resounding in the air as the chandeliers burnt ever so brightly.

Luxurious dresses, expensive jewelry, fancy platters, and extravagant dishes. Such sights could be seen all over the place, light footsteps reverberating throughout the massive halls as people danced around holding one another's hands.

"Gorgeous as usual, aren't you, Grey, Yuna?" [Lisandra]

"You don't look too bad yourself, Lisa." [Grey]

"Mou... What a half-hearted compliment..." [Lisandra]

Of course, our main characters were also part of such a grand ball. They had already dressed themselves appropriately, wearing elegant dresses to match the night, and accompanying masks covering their beautiful faces.

Lisandra was wearing a crimson dress with dark contours embroidered all over it, a black shawl covering her arms and shoulders, evening gloves veiling her hands, and a red rose decorating her hair. To cover her face was a dark red mask with similarly red feathers tucked in one side.

Yuna wasn't any less appealing either. Compared to before, she was now wearing a light, blush-colored dress laced with elegant wavy designs, exuding an aura of purity and innocence. A pair white evening gloves and a white mask to match, decorated with blue gems by the borders.

Lastly, there was Grey. Though he would usually wear dark colors in such events, tonight, he decided to go with white to kick things up a notch, wearing a white suit adorned with gold laces and embroidery. His mask was white like Yuna's only that it had golden patterns rather than blue gems.

Well, it really didn't matter much what they wore, each one of them were gorgeous. If it weren't for the masks covering their faces, all eyes would have already been glued on them and things would have gotten troublesome.

"Don't worry, Lisa, you look really pretty. I think bold colors like this suit you the most. I'm sure everyone would agree." [Yuna]

"Yuna... You really do understand me... Unlike a certain someone..." [Lisandra]

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean...?" [Grey]

"Hmph! Nothing!" [Lisandra]

The night continued and as they walked down the corridors, more and more people headed inside the main hall, all wearing masks to cover their faces. Some were very simple while some were just over the top, standing out like a sore thumb.

And unlike usual, there weren't any announcements when one entered the hall. It was a masquerade ball, after all. Everything would be pointless if the guarding knights just announced their identities. The ball would be pointless.

"Fufufu! Shall we head inside as well?" [Lisandra]

Lisandra on the lead, everyone soon headed inside the main hall and as soon as they did, many eyes fell towards them. They may have their faces hidden, but it doesn't change the fact that they were beautiful.

In fact, they were so eye-catching, many were frozen and speechless at the sight of them. Many young gentlemen and ladies looked at them with rosy cheeks, wanting to approach them if they just had the courage.

Of course, there were also the usual curses which were directed at Grey for heading onside with two glamorous ladies by his side. He's already used to it, but it was still a little uncomfortable receiving such numerous death gazes from the crowd.

『Grey, don't smile at other ladies, okay?』 [Yuna]

『Haha... I should be the one saying that. Your smile is just too dazzling, Yuna. I'm sure many men would pine for it.』 [Grey]

『Oh, you... Mou... Don't say such embarrassing things so easily...』 [Yuna]

And there they go... It hasn't even been a minute since they made their entrance and they were already off to their own worlds. A pink and rosy atmosphere brewed over the two, blushing slightly as Yuna locked her arms inside Grey's.

"You two... Please stop flirting beside me... Okay...?" [Lisandra]

Lisandra didn't even need to hear the telepathic conversation between the two. After going around with them for several days, she could already tell without even hearing. They were simply too much, making her want to barf from too much sweetness.

Their entrance continued, the music and chattering floating in the air as the people continued to dance. The other nobles made their entrance soon after them, filling the main halls with more and more people.

The King and Queen were also already there, sitting on their thrones as they watched their subjects have fun. They also wore masks to cover up their faces, but with them sitting on their thrones, it really that much of a use.

"Their Majesties sure are carefree, aren't they?" [Yuna]

"Well, they wouldn't be able to fit in even if they tried anyway. Father's voice and physique would stand out too much." [Lisandra]

"I see... That's right, isn't it?..." [Yuna]

He was a hulk of a man with rock hard muscles covering his bodies, rich scarlet hair draping down his head and golden eyes glowing brightly. If there was an embodiment of the word "conspicuous", the King would surely be a candidate.

It wasn't just his physique, but his voice as well. Much like King Ernes of Alfrione, he has quite the loud and boisterous voice. Anyone with a brain would easily recognize him without even trying that hard.

"Fufufu! Lord Galahad, if it isn't too much to ask. Would you care for a dance?"

"I'm very sorry, My Lady. But I already have a wife. She would really kill me if she were to see me dancing with another lady." [Galahad]

"Lord Eliazar, did you grow more muscles again? You look much bigger compared to the last time I saw you. Hahaha!"

"Well, His Majesty has been sparring with me quite often these past few weeks. It must have been because of that." [Eliazar]

"General Harold! Hahaha, it's been a while!"

Well, it wasn't just the King, but a number of familiar figures as well. The Highest-rank officers of the army were especially popular, drawing in attention as they walked. Their features were simply too distinct for the people to notice.

Not that it has much to do with Grey and Yuna anyways. As long as they enjoy the night and nobody bothers them, then it would be more than perfect. Grey was also looking forward to one of the King's announcements sooner or later.

"My Lord, My Lady, would you like a drink?"

Just as they watched the scenery unfold, a waiter approached them, a large silver platter by his hand and a number of wine glasses sitting atop of it. They all had rich and deep colors, clearly the highest qualities of wine.

"I would like one, please." [Lisandra]

Surprisingly, it was Lisandra who got some wine for herself. She didn't even hesitate, extending her hand out and taking a little bit of a sip soon after. A bright smile shone on her face, looking like a kid who just ate her favorite candy.

"Hm? Aren't you two going to get one for yourselves?" [Lisandra]

"No... Alcohol's not really our strong suit... Rather, I'm surprised to see you got a glass for yourself, Lisa. Don't get drunk on us now." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I might not look it, but I'm quite resistant to alcohol. It would take more than a glass or two to get me drunk. This isn't even that strong." [Lisandra]

"Wow... You really sound like an alcoholic right now..." [Grey]

It really was a surprise. Though she and Yuna would usually have the same tastes, they also differ from time to time. Yuna had tried some alcohol before and she didn't even get to taste it. The smell was too much for her to handle.

The best the young lady could handle was the fruit wines made by the elves back at Grey and Yuna's wedding, one which barely had any alcohol content. Well, not that Grey could blame her since he was also the same. They were hopeless.

"So you haven't gotten drunk before, huh..." [Lisandra]

"Un, not yet... And I don't want to... I still don't know what I'm like when I'm drunk. It's better to be safe than never, right?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... That would be a problem..." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna said it so nonchalantly, but it was actually a grave topic. Grey had gotten drunk before back when he was still on Earth, and he was simply knocked out unconscious, waking up with a painful hangover the next day.

The problem was with Yuna. It would be fine if she was the same as Grey, but if she was the type to get wild and rowdy when drunk, one could only imagine the havoc she could wreak with her power. It would be a disaster.

"Come on, Yuna. A glass wouldn't hurt, would it?" [Lisandra]

"Hmm... I guess you're right..." [Yuna]

Lisandra offered a glass of wine and Yuna took it hesitantly. The smell was still a little overbearing for her, but her curiosity was dictating her to drink it. She quickly braced herself and exhaled a lengthy breath to calm herself.

'Fufufu... I wonder how drunk Yuna would fareー Eh...?' [Lisandra]

Lisandra was curious at first, but suddenly, an ominous premonition crept inside her heart. Nothing good ever happens when she feels such a feeling, all fibers of her being screaming danger as Yuna readied herself to drink the glass of wine,

Just imagining the whole of Avalon being frozen and encased in deep, blue ice as Yuna prances around with a bottle of wine in her hand was more than enough to make her shudder. It would be a total nightmare if such were to happen.

"Wait! Yuna! On second thought, why don't we stop it here for now, okay? Let's not push ourselves too much. I know you have the smell," [Lisandra]

"Hm? It's okay, I can handle the stench." [Yuna]

"No, it's fine! It's really fine! Umm... Waiter, please take these back. We'll just have some orange juice and some snacks, please." [Lisandra]

"Lisa, are you okay? You look pale..." [Yuna]

"O-Of course! I'm fine! I'm just a little hungry." [Lisandea]

In fact, she was not fine. She was so scared out of her mind that it felt like her soul left her body. There was a trace of panic and urgency in her heart, only calming down now that the glasses of wine have been taken away.

Lisandra possessed the 3☆ ability "Danger Sense", which as the name suggested, lets her sense danger. She had been using such an ability in conjunction with her experience to avoid a troublesome situation since young, but it was only now that she sensed such impending sense of trouble. It was scary.

'Grey! Never let Yuna drink alcohol! Got it?!' [Lisandra]

Lisa screamed from the bottom of her soul as she looked at Grey dead in the eyes. The latter didn't understand much, but he could only barely guess what the former was talking about, simply nodding soon after.

Soon, the waiter returned, and in his platter were a number of bite-sized desserts and also three glasses of lemonade. And since one had too much ice in it, Yuna did a little bit of ice magic to remove them. She smile so brightly as she snacked,

"Mmn~! Your macarons are the best! I could eat these all day!" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! I'm glad to hear that. Just don't drink alcohol, okay?" [Lisandra]

"Hm? Sure...?" [Yuna]

The princess was just making sure. Even if the waiter had already gone, she still shouldn't calm herself down and made sure Yuna doesn't drink any alcohol. It was only when Yuna enjoyed her sweets that she could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it seems like Father and Mother are looking for me. I will be back in a while. Why don't you two enjoy some snacks over the serving table?" [Lisandra]

"Un. I would love that." [Yuna]

"Good. Then I will be back shortly." [Lisandra]

The Princess loft soon after, bringing her glass of apple juice with her, leaving Grey and Yuna behind. But the two didn't feel any less lonely as they were greeted by a plethora of wonderful dishes as soon as they turned around.

There were the luxurious main dishes, side dishes, desserts, chilled refreshments, and many more. It was the perfect time since Grey and Yuna have yet to have their dinner and were getting quite a bit hungry as well.

They soon took a pair of platelets and forks of their own and asked for some servings from the servers, happily enjoying their meals soon after. The meat was tender and juicy, the crabs were seasoned well, the salads were tasty, and so was everything else. It was a good dinner.

"Oh! I just found something delicious. Grey, I'm going to get some." [Yuna]

"Don't wander off too far. Some strange men might latch on to you" [Grey]

"Fufufu! You worry too much, Grey. I can take care of myself. I'll be back before you know it." [Yuna]

There wasn't a minute to waste. Whilst humming to herself, Yuna cheerfully headed towards the other end of a serving table and grabbed a pair of tongs for herself, happily picking a few meat rolls for her and Grey to enjoy.

Meanwhile, as Grey enjoyed his meal, an unfamiliar series of footsteps echoed in the air. He turned around and saw a young lady heading towards his direction, a glass of wine twirling in her hands. Her face was concealed by her mask, but he could tell she was beautiful... She was trouble.

"Excuse me, My Lord. Are you perhaps by yourself right now?"

"Ah, no... I have a companion. I'm just waiting for her to come back." [Grey]

"Oh my, how could she leave such a handsome man behind. Would it trouble you if this lonely lady joins you on this fine night, My Lord?"

"Hahaha. I'm afraid I can't, My Lady. But I'm sure there would be plenty of young men around here who would gladly do so. I'm sure they would be delighted if such a fine lady were to invite them." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That may be the case, but I don't think any of them could match up to you, My Lord. Am I perhaps not worth your time...?"

Grey tried to chase her away as politely as he could, but the young lady was just as difficult of an opponent. She kept on lingering around him, drawing closer and closer to Grey as if they were very familiar with one another.

"My Lord, wouldn't you spare this young lady just a bit of your time?"

"My Lady, I think you've gone far enough. I already have a fiancée so I don't think it would be appropriate for us to spend some time together." [Grey]

"But you're still not married, aren't you? I'm sure I could change your mind if we just spend some lone time together. Wouldn't you agree, My Lord?"

"Hahaha. You sure have a good sense of humor, My Lady. But aren't you going too far? I believe it would be in your best interest if we stop this right now." [Grey]

"My~! How scary~!"

Grey doesn't know whether it was because she was tipsy or because she was just plain courageous, but even when he changed into a harsher tone, he still couldn't chase the young lady away. She was a real maneater.

Clang Clang Langg.....

A spoon fell towards the ground, a series of metallic sounds dancing in the air. At the same moment, fear and terror crept towards Grey's back, his heart swallowed by a great sense of danger he had never felt before.

Grey turned around, and surely enough, Yuna was there. There was a smile on her face, but it was not the same smile he was familiar with. A silent yet terrifying smile which was enough to make even demons tremble in fear and kneel before her.

"Y-Yuna, I... I can explain..." [Grey]

Grey tried to make up an excuse, but Yuna simply walked past him. The sound of her footsteps only stopped when she arrived in front of the young lady who was trying to seduce Grey, wearing gleaming with a dangerous glint.

"Excuse me, but what, perhaps, are you doing?" [Yuna]

"Huh...? Who are you?"

"Oh dear, how rude of me to not introduce myself... My name is Yuna, an S-rank adventurer of the party 'Aster'." [Yuna]

The tone in her voice was completely different than it usually is. The cheerful and adorable young lady was no more, and all that was left was a jealous and irritated fiancée who was brimming with killing intent, stares sharp as daggers.

"An S-ranker... Aster... Ah! You must be one of those Heroes of Alfrione I've heard so much! I didn't think I would meet such honorable guests today,"

"Yes, I do get called that sometimes, and... I also happen to be the fiancée of the man you were seducing just now." [Yuna]

Yuna's words weighed down like a mountain on the young lady's shoulders. She didn't even need to use her aura, but her intimidation was already high enough that even High-Rankers would feel fear and suffocation when subjected to it.

To the eyes of the young lady, it seemed like the Devil was in front of her, ready to retrieve her soul. She was so scared, she immediately became sober when Yuna pressured her, her whole body trembling in fear.

"Now... You wouldn't mind giving us some space, would you?" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes! I-I'm so sorry...!"

A single request which was also a threat. The young lady quickly scurried off when Yuna said her piece, and those who were also aiming for Grey quickly shifted their eyes away when they met Yuna's eyes, not wanting to face her wrath.

Yuna then heaved an exasperated sigh and the tension in the air was no more. She then turned around to Grey, a pouting expression painted on her face as she puffed her cheeks. It was hard to believe she was the same lady from before.

"Dummy! I told you not to smile at other ladies! You dummy!" [Yuna]

"But I didn't though... I was just eating dinner..." [Grey]

"Hmph! Excuses! You were smiling at them! I know it!" [Yuna]

She pounded Grey's shoulders again and again, trying to vent out her frustration. But deep inside, she was actually a little scared that Grey would get stolen from her. Just thinking about it again really makes her irritated.

And just as all predicament was over, a familiar set of footsteps echoed in the air, a young lady with scarlet hair and blue eyes drawing closer at them, chuckling ever so softly to herself as if there was no tomorrow, clearly having fun,

"Wow~! So popular~! I'm so jealous~!" [Lisandra]

"Lisa, you should have helped if you were watching..." [Grey]

"No way. I will be the one in trouble if I did. I don't want to deal with drunk ladies, you know? They are very bothersome." [Lisandra]

"Wow... What a real friend you are..." [Grey]

She was firm in her beliefs, not wanting to involve herself in something more trouble than it's worth. And, she already knew how head over heels the two were for each other. She knew they could resolve the problem one way or another.

And as she reunited with Grey, her eyes shifted left and right, looking for a certain something. But no matter how she looked, she didn't find what she was looking for. She could only heave a sigh as she gave up.

"Are you looking for someone, Lisa?" [Yuna]

"Yes... I was looking for the champion, but I don't see him anywhere. It seems like he didn't attend the masquerade ball this year again..." [Lisandra]

"The champion... Is he strong?" [Yuna]

"Strong...? Of course, he's strong! He's very charismatic as well! He's the inspiration of every young swordsman, including myself! Did you know..." [Lisandra]

It was but a simple question, but it quickly escalated when Lisandra started fangirling over the champion, firing strings of words like a machine gun as she sang praise after praise for the man who was not even there.

His white hair, his green eyes, his skills with the sword, his graceful movements, and many more. Lisandra was the most excited and chatty Grey and Yuna ever saw her to be, even doing strange gestures as she praised him.

"But... He isn't here again..." [Lisandra]

However, such excitement was quickly over when she remembered her idol didn't attend the masquerade ball once again. She was down in the dumps, Yuna patting her on the back to lift her spirits up.

"Hahaha. You were just so lively before. Is something wrong, Lisa?" [???]

"This voice...!" [Lisandra]

An unfamiliar voice rang the air, Lisandra's head turning around almost immediately. A young man adorned with scarlet hair and golden eyes made his entrance before them, Lisandra's eyes sparkling brightly soon after.

"Brother Lionel, you made it! How is your body?! Are you okay?!" [Lisandra]

"I'm fine, Lisa. And the masquerade ball only happens once a year, so the least I could do is attend. Why? Do you not want to see me?" [Lionel]

"No! Not at all! I really, really missed you!" [Lisandra]

"Hahaha. I'm glad to hear that." [Lionel]

Despite the mask covering his face, Lisandra quickly knew who the man was. He was the second prince who is usually resting inside his room because of his illness. It was also the reason why Grey and Yuna never met him.

Though Grey and Yuna have heard a lot of things about him from the stories Lisandra told them. She has always admired her older brother since she was young, and was also the reason why she aspired to be a swordsman.

It was a warm and beautiful scene, however, such warmth soon disappeared from Grey's eyes, replaced by shock soon after, his eyes opening wide. And the reason was none other than....



[Name] Lionel myr Lantre Graystone

[Race] Human

[Sex] Male

[Age] 25

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 2,176 [Mana Quality] B

[Combat Power] 3,852 [Threat Level] A

[Attribute] Earth [Magic Proficiency] High (56%)

[Class] Swordsman [Weapon Proficiency] Advanced (76%)

[Physical Enhancement] 78%

[Ability] 『Telekinesis (4☆)』


... What he saw...

"Grey, is something wrong...?" [Yuna]


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