Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 306 - Chapter 306: A Grand Debut (pt. I)

Chapter 306 - Chapter 306: A Grand Debut (pt. I)

'Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Please...' [Lisandra]

Such thoughts echoed and echoed inside a young lady's mind. She fidgeted and she walked back and forth, a trace of worry on her face as she waited outside by the garden. Not even the fragrant scent of flowers can calm her down.

What she was waiting for was Grey and Yuna'a answer to her proposition. Though she acted excited and jolly yesterday, it soon dawned upon her that she has yet to receive an answer. Now, she was anxious as one can be.

"Good morning, Lisa." [Yuna]

"A-Ah, yes... Good morning as well, Grey, Yuna..." [Lisandra]

Before long, the two figures she had been waiting for finally came out of their place, both looking a little tired as they heaved a yawn, eyes still a little bit watery. It was quite obvious that they didn't have that long of a sleep.

And the reason for that was none other than their "little" training session. What was supposed to be a short sparring match turned into a complete duel which lasted half an hour. There wasn't just one round as well, there were multiple.

As for the state of the Boss Room, it was devastated. It was already ruined before they came, but after their fight, the carters and lashes became even more evident. It was as if a very violent and aggressive tempest just passed by, ripping everything to shreds which was a trace of mercy.

"Yuna, your hair is still disheveled." [Lisandra]

"Eh? Really?... Sorry about that, we just had a long and exhausting night yesterday. It looks like I forgot to comb it..." [Yuna]

"E-Eh?! A-Ah, th-that's fine... Y-You're a couple, after all..." [Lisandra]

Though, if one were to explain it like that, it was bound to cause a misunderstanding, and a huge one at that as well. Thinking of a completely different thing, Lisandra's face was now beet red, her eyes shifting away from the two.

After all, what kind of long and exhausting night is there for a couple other than making love? Yuna has yet to see her mistake, but Grey figured it out then and there, now sighing a lengthy sigh as he looked at Lisandra.

"Yuna, don't explain it like that... Look, Lisa, what Yuna meant was that we were training our swordsmanship. It's been a while so we thought we'd get our gears back into motion. There's nothing more to it." [Grey]

"A-Ah! Lisa, we didn't do that! Lisandra, geez! We were just training! We didn't do anything indecent! Training! It's training! We didn't h-have s-sー" [Yuna]

"Yuna, that's enough. You're only making it worse." [Grey]

"B-But Grey... Lisandra might misunderstand..." [Yuna]

It was only when Grey pointed it out that Yuna finally understood where she went wrong. Her face was now beet red, frantically explaining herself to Lisandra, biting her tongue from time to time because of panic.

"N-No... I already get it... So that's what it was..." [Lisandra]

"Yeah... And we're not so shameless to do it when we just arrive, you know? We still have some shame and dignity." [Grey]

"Sorry..." [Lisandra]

The misunderstanding was cleared very quickly and no one was harmed, however, two young ladies were now beet red and embarrassed as one can be. The princess was especially ashamed to accept that she thought of such thoughts.

It took quite some time before the embarrassment finally settled down, and when it did, Lisandra had a quick realization. She examined Grey and Yuna's words, a few keywords ringing inside her mind, heart beating in excitement.

"Wait, you said you were training then that means..." [Lisandra]

"Yeah. We'll be joining in the colosseums as gladiators, and we'll also be participating in the Carnival of Swords as well," [Grey]

"That's great! That's really great!" [Lisandra]

At Grey's words, Lisandra's lips broke into a smile, smiling from ear to ear as she hugged Grey and Yuna tightly. She had been so anxious about it the whole morning that now that she heard their words, she could not calm herself down.

Not only would she be able to witness the two fights, she would also be able to learn from them. Especially from Yuna since they were about the same age and had about the same physique. It was a golden opportunity if she's ever encountered one.

But perhaps the most exciting part was that she could get a chance to have a duel against them. They may be friends, but she was also amongst her idols. Having a match against them was something she definitely wouldn't miss. She was so excited.

"A-Ah, I apologize for my sudden outburst. I was simply too excited." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! What's with the sudden formality, Lisa? That's not like you." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! You're right!" [Lisandra]

"Girls, let's keep the chatting for later, alright? We still have some registration forms and such to fill up." [Grey]

They didn't waste any more time. With their decision now announced, Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra soon headed out of the gates and towards the city, chatting ever so cheerfully as they discussed what kinds of matches they wanted.

The Grand Colosseum was for renowned experts, so they could only choose one of the four smaller colosseums located in each of the Royal Capital's quadrants. And by Lisandra's recommendation, they chose the Nalter Colosseum located southeast. A stage for their debut.

They walked and they walked, and before long, a colosseum appeared before them. It was not as massive as the Grand Colosseum, but it was still a spectacle to behold nonetheless, a long line of people to be seen.

Or rather, two lines of people. One line was for the audience who wanted to watch the duels, and the other was for the swordsmen who are aspiring to be gladiators and carve their names in the rankings.

"Grey, Yuna, let's go! I can recommend you toー" [Lisandra]

"No, it's alright. It would be unfair for the others if we just cut the line. We'll just be waiting in line instead." [Grey]

"Un. And it doesn't look like it will take us long anyway." [Yuna]

"I see... Then I will accompany you for the time being." [Lisandra]

And wait they did. The line moved quickly like a slithering snake, applicants taken care of the capable receptionists. There were only three of them, but their speed was nothing less than Tilda's, moving as quick as lightning.

Of course, as Lisandra was there, it caused quite a bit of commotion. She was the Kingdom's Second Princess, after all. Seeing royalty was not an everyday sight for normal people, and it seems like the person in question is used to it already,

"Next, please."

Before long, it was finally their turn. And as to be expected, the receptionist was in quite the surprise as she saw how gorgeous the youths were before her. Surprise which soon turned to shock the moment she noticed Lisandra.

"Y-Your Highness?! What areー I mean, h-how may I serve you today?"

"There's no need to bother with me, I am simply a guide and escort today. Please handle the registration of these quests with me please." [Lisandra]

"Y-Yes, I will make sure to not disappoint you."

To be escorted by a Princess, the receptionist couldn't be any more curious about Grey and Yuna's identity, but she didn't dare ask. All she knew was that they were surely some bigshots she must serve well.

The receptionist p did her work as carefully as she could, soon handing Grey and Yuna the registration forms. Finicky as one can be, her eyes still latched onto the Princess, smiling as strained and nervous smile.

Grey and Yuna quickly filled up the registration forms, only putting the necessary information and leaving the other spaces blank. With a mana signature, the form was finally complete, handing it back to the receptionist.

"Your identification cards please."

They wanted to hand over their Alternate cards, but with a requirement for honesty in registrations, they had no other choice to hand their guild cards. They don't want to be banned because of false identities, after all.

It wasn't long before Grey and Yuna's identities were revealed. As soon as the receptionist saw the dark sheen on their cards, her eyes then popped out of their sockets, mouth falling to the ground in agape. She was speechless.

Not only were they gorgeous, they were powerful as well. She couldn't believe that such youths were actually S-rankers. Well, not just her, but the others as well, a soft cacophony of whispers brewing in the air.

"Is there something wrong, Miss?" [Grey]

"N-No... I apologize for the delay, Your Highnesses."

Unfortunately for the receptionist, no matter how nervous she was, she simply just couldn't quit. With her heart in shambles from nervousness, she worked as fast as she could and served them the best she could.

As for Grey and Yunam, they simply watched the receptionist work, ignoring the gossip spinning around about them. They've already experienced it many times. Stopping it was just plain pointless.

"Y-Your registration is complete, Your Highnesses. H-Here are your cards..."

"Alright, thanks." [Grey]

"Thank you." [Yuna]

"I-It was my greatest pleasure!"

The registration was complete and the receptionist could finally rest her heart. As soon as the big shot trio left, her legs finally gave in, asking a colleague to take her spot. It was simply too much excitement for one day.

As for Grey and company, they headed towards the waiting room where swordsmen of all kinds waited for their names to be called. Some were resting, some were charring, some were maintaining their swords, and some were training. They made use of their time the best way they could.

Of course, there was also a training ground inside the waiting area, complete with magic dummies, wooden swords, weights, and many more. It was practically like a gym tailored for swordsmen. A fascinating sight to see.

"It would probably take some time before your names are called. Do you want to watch the other matches?" [Lisandra]

"Un! Let's watch them! I also want to see how different they fare against the matches in the Grand Colosseum! I'm looking forward to it." [Yuna]

"Yeah, I think that would be more productive as well. Though... You just want us to give you pointers, don't you, Lisa?" [Grey]

"N... No...? I don't know what you mean,.." [Lisandra]

Or so she says, but her eyes were now shifty as one can be, fidgeting all the while. Grey didn't even need to use his "Judgement", with such suspicious movements, he could already tell she was lying. Just as bad as Yuna.

"Haah... Don't worry. We'll make sure to analyze it for you. Just be ready and take down notes whenever you can." [Grey]

"Yes! I'm ready!" [Lisandra]

They didn't even see where she pulled it from. Before they knew it, Lisandra already had a notebook by her hand and a pencil on the other. Her eyes were sparkling like the stars as she looked at the two, awfully excited and enthusiastic.

Just like that, everyone headed towards the seating areas and took the common seats this time around. There was nothing much to it, it was simply that they could have a closer look there, giving them more clarity.

And just in time, two swordswomen were dueling it out before their eyes. A man and woman's physique is different, after all. It was good for Lisandra to learn how to better optimize her body to improve her swordsmanship.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩

Swords arts lashed once more, sharp ringing echoing in the air. As they moved around, they tried their best to corner their opponent, striking their gaps as soon as they got the opportunity, like predators lying in ambush.

Grey and Yuna described what happened in detail and Lisandra jotted them down at extreme speeds. Surprisingly, she could keep up with the two's mumbling, coloring them impressed just as they were yesterday.

One... Two... Three... Four... Gladiators entered fine and time again, showing off their swordsmanship as they battled against one another. Though they weren't as intense as the ones in the Gran Colosseum, they were still wonderful nonetheless, a couple experts appearing here and there.

But perhaps the most interesting match was between two experts, one was a user of a massive greatsword, while the other had a thin and delicate rapier. Surprisingly, the one who won was the one who held a rapier. It was quite the development.

"#1768-557, Miss Yuna and #1763-203 Mister Klad, please enter the stage."

Soon enough, Yuna's name was finally called along with her opponent. She quickly sprung up like a little rabbit from her seat, a bright smile blooming on her face. She has been raring to go since yesterday, and was now excited for some action.

"Good luck with your fight, Yuna." [Lisandra]

"Break a leg." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Thank you! I'll make sure to enjoy myself!" [Yuna]

And off she goes, excitedly heading to one of the entrances, her opponent exiting from the other side. In fact, she was so excited, Grey was a little bit worried. Not for her, but for the opponent. She might go overboard.

There may be a barrier present, but Yuna was still an S-ranker. If she really goes over the top, she could easily crush her opponent without putting any effort. It would no longer be a match, but rather, an execution.

'Well, it should be fine, right?' [Grey]

Such a thought ran out inside Grey's mind as he convinced himself. The barrier has been standing for several years, even decades already, so there was no need to worry too much. He decided to put his trust on it for once.

Yuna soon entered the stage and so did her opponent. It was a complete contrast, as compared to Yuna who looked fragile and delicate, the opponent was a hulk wielding a massive sword on his back, tough and monstrous as they come.

Though, there was no need to fret. Grey just used his eyes, and as it turned out, Yuna's opponent was just an F-ranker with a swordsmanship proficiency of 22%, a far cry from Yuna's 62%. Even Lisandra could finish him off with ease.

"Hey! Don't tell me this pipsqueak that still reeks of her mother's milk is my opponent. You must be kidding me," [Klad]

"N-No, there was no mistake, Mister Klad. This is what the colosseum decided on."

"Hah?! Are you telling be to believe that bullsh*t?!" [Klad]

It was natural to be angry. After all, Klad had been fighting as a gladiator for five years, and to think he had been matched against Yuna who was clearly still a teenager, he couldn't be any angrier. He was furious.

"Hey kid! Did your parents send you here to earn some meager change? You better go back before I cripple you! Or better yet, go back crying to your mommy." [Klad]

Even then, Yuna couldn't just take his words without any retaliation. Not only did he insult her, he also dared to bring her parents into it, irritating her quite badly. He just stepped on a destructive land mine who might as well be a walking disaster.

"Seriously, this is why I hateー" [Klad]

"Oh my, I've never seen a talking gorilla before. How fascinating." [Yuna]

"Huh?? What did you just call me?" [Klad]

"Oh! It talked again! Maybe it's hungry? Should I feed it some bananas?" [Yuna]

She was a master of provocation, even going as far as to get a banana inside her storage ring and offer it to him. To which, Kald was enraged even more, making a terrorizing face. Even then, Yuna didn't flinch and continued mocking him.

Unfortunately for Klad, he couldn't just charge towards Yuna. Other than facing a suspension, the referee of the match was also a C-ranker. He would be completely pinned down if he were to try something funny,

And somewhere over the seating area, something just as interesting was happening. Seeing such a large difference in builds, some the audience couldn't help but start betting on who will win, smiles across their faces.

"Gahaha! What a great mismatch! I bet 100 kiels she won't last a minute."

"100 kiels?! What are you, poor?! I bet 300 kiels she won't last half a minute!"

"Hah! Then I'll bet a thousand kiels that Klad will finish her off in a single strike!"

They laughed and they betted, however, little did they know Grey was just a couple distance away. He doesn't have a hobby of eavesdropping but he was still pissed to hear people underestimating Yuna. He wanted to give them a good smaling.

Thankfully, Grey was more rational than emotional. He understood full well where they were coming from. After all, Yuna looked too inexperienced. Still, even then, it's nor like he can't teach them a lesson.

"Hahaha. Then I'll bet a billion kiels that neither of you are right." [Grey]

Said Grey and all eyes were on him, sticking out like a sore thumb. The audience looked at him with irritated eyes and grunting smiles, wondering why a brat like him suddenly butt into their situation. Even Lisandra was surprised.

"You'll keep your words, right?" [Grey]

They were irritated, but such irritation soon turned to fear as they saw Grey's smile. It was neither sweet nor soft, but rather, suffocating and ominous, a cold chill running down their spines. They didn't even notice Lisandra from fear of Grey.

Back at the stage, Klad was still staring daggers at Yuna and the latter continued to provoke him, much to Klad's increasing irritation. Irked veins have popped out here and there on his face, turning beet red from intense anger, fists clenching tightly.

"Let the fight begin!"

There were no more fancy introductions. With the signal of the announcer, the fight quickly unfolded. Klad didn't waste any more time and rushed towards Yuna, furious as one can be, ready to slash her at any given moment.

"Let's see when your arrogance is now, you brat!" [Klad]

Klad screamed as he raised his massive greatsword, bringing it back down as he launched a vertical slash towards Yuna. Despite how massive the greatsword was, it was actually very fast... For normal people, that is.

Unfortunately for Klad, Yuna was nowhere near normal. Her physical strength might have been limited by the barrier, but her reflexes and cognition abilities were still fast as ever, capturing every little detail as Klad threw a slash at her.

Before Klad could land a hit on the young lady, Yuna had already read the trajectory of the sword, stepping back a single step to dodge the whole thing. A loud crash echoed in the air, a large crack forming on the ground.

'Wha... What just happened...?' [Klad]

It wasn't just Klad, the whole audience was in shock at the speed Yuna displayed, not losing out to any of the best gladiators in the city. They are all in disbelief to see such a delicate figure evade the attack, coldness shimmering in her eyes.

"Wow~ Mister Gorilla sure is strong. Look, you left a big crack..." [Yuna]

But rather than landing a counterattack, Yuna simply continued to mock Klad as if there was no tomorrow, much to his irritation. To make things worse, Yuna was tactfully wearing an irritable grin on his face.

"Don't get cocky! You were just lucky! Here, take this!" [Klad]

In fact, she wasn't lucky at all. Klad tried attacking Yuna time and time again, but it was all pointless as Yuna dodged them all with ease every single time. She wasn't counter attacking him, rather, simply making him as much as she could.

Klad's heavy attacks left cracks on the floor, leaving behind craters and gashes all over place. It was already obvious. Yuna was simply far too fast for her, he was just too prideful to surrender, especially to a teenager who he had been insulting thus far.

⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩ [Klad]

Klad waved his sword and a blade of mana was discharged from it, lunging from it soon enough. But rather than dodge, Yuna simply raised her sword for the first time, slashing it down and breaking the sword art in an instant.

"I-Impossible! This can't be happening!" [Klad]

He swung and he swung some more, but Yuna simply charged straight at him. There was even no need to deflect the swords, However, with how slow the swords were, Yuna simply moved her body a little bit and she could continue pushing forward.

Already in range, Yuna then leaped towards the air, sunlight accentuating her pretty figure. She was like an angel descending from the skies. The only problem was that she was the angel of death.

"Goodnight, Mister Gorilla." [Yuna]

Her words rang in the air and a loud clang followed soon after. After the clang, a few cracks echoed until irregular streaks formed on Klad's blade. Soon, Klad's blade was broken, shimmering fragments scattering towards the ground.

As for Klad, he was now cornered, his palms on the ground as he sat on the tiles. He just saw his life flash before his eyes, death looming near. If Yuna's blade was any closer, he could have died. The man was now shaking.

"Boo." [Yuna]

A soft boo yet a loud reaction. As soon as Yuna leaked out a bit of aura, Klad finally passed out towards the ground, mouth frothing white as he lay down motionlessly. He deserved such for being such a jerk.

"Gorilla." [Yuna]

The day continues....