Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 217 - Chapter 217: The Vast Blue Sea

Chapter 217 - Chapter 217: The Vast Blue Sea

Clop Clop Clop Clop

The road was rough, heavy footsteps echoing as hooves struck the solid ground. Two carriages traveled towards one direction, a certain crest engraved on their doors and intricate patterns engraved with silver and gold.

The wheels continued to spin round and round, a green scenery to be seen as the trees stood proudly by the roadside. Soon, the verdant background grew sparser and sparser, the colors beige and blue taking its place as the horizon opened.

"Good... It seems like the town is just in view." [Abraham]

"It's been some time. I'm getting excited." [Vilma]

The married couple commented, their eyes swimming out of the glass window and into the view slowly unfolding. It wasn't just them, Grey and Yuna's eyes also started to wander towards the distance, savoring the beautiful sight.

It has been a few days since they arrived in the Beldon Marquisate, and after a couple days of staying over at the city of Gilm, they are now heading towards another one of the towns under the Marquess' jurisdiction, the port town, Lista. The place Grey has been looking forward to.

"Waah..." [Yuna]

Of course, as it was a port town, it wasn't only the town which was in sight, the vast and boundless blue sea also graced everyone with its presence. The moment Yuna's eyes saw it, she could only open her mouth in astonishment.

Like the sky above, the sea was just as beautiful. The waves tossed and turned, sweeping the sandy beaches white foams forming as the waves rushed over the surface. The waters sparkling as it basked under the afternoon sun.

It has been a few years since Grey has seen the sea too, but rather than the sea, the sight he was fascinated by the most was the one by his side. The pure and innocent excitement and astonishment of Yuna as she gazed towards the horizon was quite a sight to behold.

"Fufufu! Miss Yuna, is it perhaps the first time you've seen the sea?" [Vilma]

"Ah, un... Do I look weird...?" [Yuna]

"No, not at all. Rather, it's quite refreshing to see you with such an excited look. It's no wonder Mister Grey fell for you." [Vilma]

Well, it only took a single statement from the Marchioness for Yuna's focus to shift from the sea back to herself, her face now blushing red. After all, Yuna was quite the fun person to tease.

Several minutes passed and after a long ride, the carriages started slowing down, soon coming to a stop. In front of the carriage were high walls and large gates as usual, a few soldiers standing guard. It was a quick inspection.

A few more minutes later, the carriages met its final stop, a large mansion to be seen outside the windows. The doors opened wide and the servants bowed politely, a few figures exiting the rides soon after, light footsteps echoing all over the place.

"Your Excellencies, we'll be going ahead and unload the baggage."

"Alright. Just make sure to not be too rough with them. There's a couple fragile things in there. It would be troublesome if they were to be broken." [Abraham]


One after another, servants came out of the gates and unloaded the baggage the party brought. Most of them were clothes, utilities, and some basic necessities. Even then, they all took great care of them, handling them properly like true professionals.

They have finally arrived at the mansion, but a certain figure couldn't take her eyes off a certain direction, her mind wandering in another place. It was none other than Yuna who still hasn't had enough of the sea, not minding anything else.

"Oh? What might my adorable Yuna be thinking right now?" [Grey]

"Ah, Grey... It's nothing..." [Yuna]

"Nothing, you say... Are you sure it isn't the big blue sea out there? It looks so wonderful, doesn't it? I wonder how nice it is to swim there..." [Grey]

A teasing smile on his face, Grey asked Yuna as he patted her head. The latter, on the receiving side of Grey's teasing, only got her face flushed in silence. No matter how much she tried to hide it, it was obvious that she was raring to go.

"Mou... You're teasing me again..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Sorry, sorry, it's just so fun. I can't help but tease you when you're wearing such expressions on your face." [Grey]

"Mou.. It can't be helped... It's my first time, after all..." [Yuna]

"I know, I know, and that's why we're heading there right now." [Grey]

"Eh?" [Yuna]

Grey didn't explain himself any further. He simply lifted his hand from Yuna's head, turned around, and headed towards where the Marquess and Marchioness who were still instructing the servants, leaving the still puzzled Yuna by herself.

"Missus Vilma, Mister Abraham, I would like to go sightseeing outside of town with Yuna. Would that be alright?" [Grey]

"That's alright by us, but... Don't you want to rest first? It was quite a long journey, after all. Even just an hour would suffice." [Abraham]

"I appreciate the thought but as you can see, we're still fine and dandy. In fact, we could still run a couple dozen kilometers if we wanted. Hahaha." [Grey]

There was no point in arguing. Being High-Rankers themselves, a simple carriage ride is not one to tire them out. Both the Marquess and Marchioness understood Grey's point and all they could do was nod in silence.

Well, there isn't much for Grey and Yuna to do in the mansion anyway. It was better for them to wander around whilst they see if everything was alright. Worries were the furthest things from their minds. They were Grey and Yuna, after all.

"Then, we'll be going now." [Grey]

"Keep safe, you two. And don't wander too far." [Vilma]

"Your Highness, we'll send you a carriage by sunset. I hope you enjoy your time in the beach and sea." [Abraham]

"Yeah~." [Grey]

Casual like parents seeing off their child, Grey turned around once again, waving his hand carefreely as he returned to the still puzzled Yuna. The latter simply waited for him, eyes full of wonder and confusion as she looked Grey in the eyes.

"Then, shall we get going, Milady?" [Grey]

Yuna was speechless, unable to respond to Grey's words. She simply took the hand which was extended towards her, holding it tightly as their fingers interlocked with one another. It was warm and comforting, a wonderful sensation.

Their steps started echoing once more, two figures heading out of town with their hands side by side. And when Yuna finally regained her senses, she started asking Grey questions, but the latter simply smiled at her in response, making her even more curious with the passing of time.

Walking through the streets and passing through the gates, it didn't take too long before Grey and Yuna were out of town, a couple trees and bushes greeting them from time to time, sparse like the green meadows.

The salty sea breeze, the sound of waves, the foaming waters, and the radiant sun above. Each step they took, their feet sunk slightly in the sandy beach, the shifting sands rolling about as they were blown by the winds. As there was to see was blue and more blue, the sea and sky intercepting by the horizon.

Crabs, snails, starfishes, turtles, and the seagulls above. The beach wasn't void of life either. As the waters sparkled, as the two could see was a blue paradise. They could only admire the beautiful scenery in silence.

Yuna was frozen, not moving a single inch as her silver hair fluttered in the wind and her blue eyes were glued to the similarly blue sea. A light chuckle could be heard as Grey fawned over his adorable girlfriend.

"Yuna~ Yuna~ Yuna~" [Grey]

She was so frozen, in fact, that she couldn't even hear a single word of what Grey was saying, only looking at the sea. Though Grey was happy that she liked the sea, he was also a little hurt that Yuna wasn't answering him.

Well, there was no other way but to take back the frozen princess. Only a single way popped up inside Grey's head, one he couldn't help but do. It was necessary, after all. Yep, it was necessary, not a single ulterior motive in his mind.

A mischievous smile on his face, Grey slowly leaned closer towards Yuna, and as playfully as one can be, he pecked her soft and rosy cheeks with his lips, a soft sensation pressing on him.

"G-Grey?! Wh-What are you doing?!" [Yuna]

Like a sleeping, fairy tale princess woken up by her prince charming's kiss, as soon as Grey pecked her cheeks, Yuna quickly came back to reality, blushing profusely like an innocent little girl, her eyes filled with surprise and confusion as he backed off a little distance away.

Meanwhile, Grey was only chuckling to himself as he watched various expressions unfold over Yuna's pretty face. The sulking young man was no more, only a happy youth left, eyes filled with warmth and joy.

"It's because you were frozen. I had no other choice." [Grey]

"What do you mean you have no other choices?! You just wanted to tease and kiss me, didn't you?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, you got me, you got me, But is there something wrong with a man wanting to kiss his lovely girlfriend?" [Grey]

"Uuu... No... There's nothing wrong with it..." [Yuna]

Yuna tried to retort but she was quickly outwitted by Grey. After all, it wasn't the first time they kissed or anything of the sort. She just got embraced because it suddenly came out of nowhere. She had no time to prepare her heart.

"Well, enough about the kiss and all... What do you think of my surprise? The sea, I mean..." [Grey]

"Eh? Don't tell me..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, I planned it quite some time ago. It took me quite a while to prepare and some help from Fritz, but I'm glad we're finally here. Do you like it?" [Grey]

Judging from Yuna's expressions, Grey already knew what Yuna's answer would be, but he still wanted to hear it directly from her mouth. His eyes were beaming with expectations as he looked at her warmly.

As for Yuna... Well, there was no need to ask. She had no idea at all that Grey was working so hard just to surprise her, and standing in that moment now, she could only feel happiness, a bright yet gentle smile blooming on her face like spring blossoms.

"Un... I like it, but..." [Yuna]

"But...?" [Grey]

"But I like Grey more. I love you." [Yuna]

A radiant and beautiful smile. Such was how Yuna ended her statement. Combine it with the perfect scenery behind her and the sea breeze blowing ever so gently, yet another picturesque picture was engraved deep into Grey's mind.

"Hahaha. Are you trying to get back at me for teasing you? Sorry, but you're still too inexperienced with teasing, my love." [Grey]

"Mou... At least act like you're flustered, you know... It's always me who always gets flustered. It's frustrating..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Better luck next time, then." [Grey]

"Just you wait! I'll really get you someday!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm looking forward to it." [Grey]

Well, even with the lovely and romantic atmosphere looming over them, the two still thought of teasing one another. Right now, rather than boyfriend and girlfriend, they only seemed like a pair of childhood friends teasing one another.

Of course, both their hearts were racing quickly at the moment. Smiles and laughter were all over the place and different expressions of joy and happiness were painted on their faces. Yuna was especially sulky as she tried to show her dissatisfaction.

"Well, now that we're here... What do you want to do, Yuna? I have a list of things prepared, but... What do you think?" [Grey]

"A list? Can I have a look?" [Yuna]

"Sure." [Grey]

At Yuna's request, Grey quickly took out a long list of activities from his "Inventory". From beach games, swimming and diving lessons, surfing, picnic, and even some extreme sports. There was a lot to choose from and quite a lot of variety as well.

If there was something missing, it would be the swimsuits. They are still in the making in Marianne's workshop and would still need a few days. Though Grey wanted them done before heading to Lista, there was only so much he could do about it.

It was quite difficult choosing them as well without Yuna's presence. It was fortunate that Grey knew what kind of designs Yuna liked, otherwise, it would have been a huge disaster. Thank God for his amazing memory.

"Hmm... You sure prepared quite a lot, haven't you?" [Yuna]

"Of course, I want you to have the best experience, after all. It's only natural that I prepare at least that much." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I see... Then, can we play in the sea first? I just want to splash around and all that stuff!" [Yuna]

"Well, if that's what Milady wants, then so be it. Your wish is my command." [Grey]

Like children who had just seen the sea for the first time, as soon as they came to an agreement, both of them quickly took off their boots and headed out to the sea, their feet feeling the cold waters as the waves graced the sandy shores.

"Grey, what are you waiting for? Come on!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah, coming~!" [Grey]

Crashes and splashes echoed in the air as the waves tossed and turned. Grey and Yuna ran around barefoot on the sea, watching the sea roar and the fishes swim, laughing and giggling as the waves splashed by them.

The one having the most fun was none other than Yuna. As it was her first time in the, she viewed everything with eyes full of curiosity. She was like an excited child, eyes sparkling as her head turned left and right, eyes looking far and near.

"Grey, Grey, look! Look at what I foundー" [Yuna]


Excited as one can be, Yun picked up a starfish she found laying on the seafloor, but before she could even finish her words, the rude waves splashed her on the face and let her taste the infamous saltiness of the seas.

A plop resounded in the air as the starfish she was holding onto was dropped back into the sea. Her hair was now down and clothes drenched, saltwater dripping ever so slowly. She was just like a puppy, shocked and confused.

"Hahaha. You really ought to be more careful." [Grey]

"Uuu... So salty..." [Yuna]

"Well, it's the sea, after all. Here let meー" [Grey]


Another wave splashed and now, Grey's face and hair was drenched. And it wasn't just any normal wave. It was an artificial one which the lovely lady made with magic. A mischievous smile could now be seen painted over her face.

Grey's form was even funnier. As there was both sand and seaweeds in the wave of seawater Yuna splashed her with, he looked a little hilarious. The young lady couldn't help but giggle, looking at the masterpiece she created.

"Really now... Is this how you're going to play it?" [Grey]

"Hehehe! That's for always teasing me." [Yuna]

Yuna giggled softly, showing off a little bit of her tongue. Grey couldn't even get mad at her. If anything, he was only smiling as he removed the sand and seaweed on his hair with a little bit of magic, looking at his playful young lady before him.

"Haah... Remember, you're the one who started it. Don't go sulking on me now, alright? I won't be going easy on you." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I could say the same for you. I'll be the one winning this time." [Yuna]

"Confident, aren't we? Well, let's see about... that!" [Grey]

Of course, Gry isn't just simply backing off from the challenge. Before they knew it, a little game was played between the two, splashing waves towards one another. Not just simple waves, but ones reaching a couple meters in height. It was yet another one of their extreme games.

It was fortunate that Yuna wasn't wearing thin clothes. Otherwise, all which should not be seen would be revealed to the world. Still, her clothes started sticking to her body, carefully highlighting her slim and beautiful figure.

The waves continued splashing and the sun continued to beat down on the blue sea, the afternoon passed by quickly and before they knew it, a winner was decided. Yuna lost, but not because of Grey, but rather, because of the saltiness of the sea.

Of course, they weren't just simply playing around. They also observed the sea from time to time, watching the schools of fishes swim around and the interesting rock formations producing loud noises as the wages crashed towards them.

"Look Grey! I found something strange! It's a funny-looking sea worm! It's quite big too! Like, very big!" [Yuna]

"A sea worm...?" [Grey]

"Un! Look! It's funny looking!" [Yuna]

Yuna laughed like a little child, continuing to look at the strange creature moving about slowly by the sea floor. And though Yuna was wrong for calling it a strange worm, looking at it from her perspective, there was no better way to describe it.

"Oh... A sea cucumber, huh..." [Grey]

"Eh? These worms are cucumbers?" [Yuna]

"No, silly, that's just what it's called, but these are quite good, you know? They are especially delicious when cooked with other ingredients." [Grey]

"Eh?! Really?! Should we catch a lot of these strange worms, then?! I want to know what they taste like!" [Yuna]

Not even caring about its worm-like appearance, Yuna quickly got excited at the mention of the word "delicious". She was jumping up and down, splashing water around the place, her eyes sparkling ever so brightly.

"Well, maybe next time. They're already preparing dinner at the mansion, after all. And.,.. I don't really know where we'll find a lot of these things. For now, let's just enjoy the sea, alright?" [Grey]

"Okay! But it's a promise, okay? We'll catch them next time!" [Yuna]

"Sure, sure, let's ask the fishermen about them next time." [Grey]

"Un! Deal!" [Yuna]

It wasn't particularly hard to convince Yuna about giving up on searching for sea cucumbers either. She still wanted to spend a lot of time splashing about, and most importantly, spending time with Grey. She was already satisfied.

Time passed quickly once more, and before they knew it, the sky finally turned red, gold, and amber. The sun is about to disappear into the horizon, casting a beautiful reflection over the seawater as it slowly but surely sets over the horizon.

"So beautiful..." [Yuna]

The fun time was already over. Though not exhausted, Grey and Yuna simply sat down on the sandy beach, the latter leaning her head on the former's shoulders, watching the beautiful sunset unfold and basking in the gentle twilight.

"Grey..." [Yuna]

"Hm? Is something wrong?" [Grey]

"No... I just wanted to hear your voice..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. What's with that? It's not like I'm disappearing, you know? I'll always be by your side no matter what." [Grey]

Yuna had gone back to being a clingy little kitten once again, snuggling close to Grey and burrowing her face on his chest, listening closely to his heartbeats. An act which made the latter pat her head before he even noticed his hands move.

The two continued to watch the sunset, watching the day end, and soon enough, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the air. Nearing them was a luxurious carriage nearing the Beldon household's crest, a familiar face leading it.

"Oh, looks like it's time to go home." [Grey]

"Ehh... But I wanted to play more..." [Yuna]

"Then let's go explore more tomorrow. I'm sure there's still a lot to see." [Grey]

"That's a promise, okay?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, I promise." [Grey]

A light conversation drifting in the air, Grey and Yuna slowly stood up from the sandy beach and with a flick of a finger, warm wind and water swirled around them, cleaning their clothes and drying them soon after.

"Come to think of it, Grey, I also saw another weird thing in the water. It's very wiggly and colored green. It was staying still too." [Yuna]

"Hm? Are you sure it wasn't just seaweed?" [Grey]

"Uuu... I'm not sure... Maybe...?" [Yuna]

"Maybe you just saw it wrong?" [Grey]

"Uuu... I don't know anymore..." [Yuna]

Words drifted afloat the salty breeze, getting quieter and quieter as two figures went further and further. It was a light conversation, Grey and Yuna tilting their heads as they tried to figure things out.

The sun continued to set until the amber sunlight was no more. The moon and stars took its place and darkness once again engulfed the world. Still, the waves continued to splash, the waters sparkling ever so beautifully under the starlight. It was peaceful.


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