Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 192 - Chapter 192: The 10th Floor

Chapter 192 - Chapter 192: The 10th Floor

Clop Clop Clop

The world was full of silence, only a couple sounds to be heard. Along the sound of footsteps, there was the bubbling of lava and the crackling of flames. The fiery and hot atmosphere about the Labyrinth of Flames continued to burn.

As Grey descended the stairs, the temperature only rose much higher. It was to the point that water would boil the instant they drop towards the ground litter with veins and patches of lava, sparks and fire particles flying through the air.

Thankfully, Grey possessed the Divine Amulet. With it and his high resistance as an S-ranker, the heat was more or less bearable. There wasn't a single bullet of swear to be seen trickling down his face. The only thing to be seen are expectant eyes full of excitement and curiosity,

Boom Boom Blub Blub Crackle Crackle

It was beautiful. The moment Grey stepped foot into the 10th floor, his feet quickly stopped on their own. His eyes gazed upon the distance, shining ever so brightly as his mouth hung open in astonishment and mesmerization. He was frozen.

The lava glowed like gold and amber, fierce like the eyes of a dragon. The flames burnt ablaze, strong and ferociously like predators which can devour the sun. Lava geysers erupted from time to time like small volcanoes as the ground quaked. It was a land of black and red. A fiery paradise.

"Master, are you alright?" [Polaris]

"A-Ah, yeah... I'm just a little taken aback. I'm fine now." [Grey]

Well, it may look cool for a moment. But it was still a land of death. They may be few in numbers but large monsters still roamed the place wielding massive weapons and equipped with bodies tougher than any metal. They were all monsters in the truest sense, all at least at Calamity-Class.

Grey had already peeked at the 10th floor in the Labyrinth of Death before. Even then, he never ceased to be amazed by how many powerful enemies there are in sight. His hands started to tremble at the sight of them.

The nearest enemy was an Ogre of Massacre, a Calamity-Class monster whose battle prowess does not lose out to any monster. A single cleave is enough for it to completely wipe out cities of the map. A monster which has destroyed countless regions and countries throughout history.

'Hooh... Alright, let's do this.' [Grey]

But Grey didn't let such a monster shake his goal. He breathed in and out in a slow and regular manner, steeling his resolve and calming his heart. A short moment after, he quickly activated his "Authority", a fierce burst of wind howling proudly.

Authority... The third and final type of aura only those who have reached "Advanced" mastery can utilize. Aura which, rather than pressure enemy, would improve the user in various ways and even affect the surroundings.

For mages, there is "Elemental Aura" which not only boosts the spells greatly, but also allows the user to have greater control over the elements in the surroundings just like how Grey did when he saved the dying guards during the tree of life incident, moving the wind as if it was extensions of his body.

Meanwhile, warriors possess "Martial Aura". Just like the former, it also enhances the strength of the art. Not only that, it also augments the physical body and the user's equipment, to the point one could rival those stronger than them if used properly.

But the Authority doesn't come without any costs. It has the strange nature about it that if one needs to double the power, 4 times more mana is drained. If one wants to triple, then 9 times, then 16 times to increase power by four folds, and so on and so forth. A power-up which eats away mana like a starving wolf.

In addition to that, due to pulling out large reserves of mana in such short periods of time, the body and mana veins will suffer extreme pain and fatigue from rapid mana exhaustion, jamming the bodies' functions. A double edge sword in the truest sense.

It was the reason why neither Grey, Yuna, and Fizzel didn't opt to go all out and resorted to a long, drawn-out battle instead. Because the moment their bodies stop moving from rapid mana exhaustion, it could very well be the end of them.

Well, it isn't like Grey and Yuna could use it anyway. After all, at the time, they were using spells and arts which weren't of their main attribute and class, all still at "High" mastery. They couldn't do so even if they wanted to.

"Hmm... I haven't even started using magic but it's already starting to drain my mana. How troublesome..." [Grey]

Said Grey as he stretched and twisted his body, feeling how much mana is being drained as the seconds pass. Thankfully, he still has his "Mana Bank" which could refill his mana pool hundreds of times over.

Even then, that's what the limits of the "Mana Bank" is. As Grey could only use as much mana as his mana capacity could allow, he couldn't draw out insane amounts and increase his strength dozens of times with Authority. The fight with the Skeleton Tyrant would have been much easier otherwise.

Still, it wasn't like he couldn't do anything about it. Now, he is standing on the 10th floor with a clear goal in mind. He is determined to get used to Authority's consequences and train with it activated all the time. It was going to be a painful journey.

In the next moment, both Elemental and Martial Aura enveloped Grey's body in its entirety. The wind has become his limbs and his physical strength has reached heights he had never achieved before. The Grim Reaper has descended.

"Polaris, I'll say this again. It's going to be tough from here on out. We could also get ourselves in danger, maybe even lose our lives... Even then, are you sure you want to stay with me?" [Grey]

"There's no need for concern. Even if I have to challenge hell and death, I will always stay by the Master's side." [Polaris]

It was a little bit excessive but Grey was happy after hearing Polari's words. His heart which once floated adrift troubled waters was now sailing smoothly in a calm sea, heading towards a single goal. A heart of steel has been born.

"Well then, let's get this party started!" [Grey]

A fierce glow gleaming inside his eyes, a violent tempest ripped through the whole labyrinths. The very next instant Grey was nowhere to be seen. He was already a couple hundred meters away, in front of a giant enemy.

⟨⟨Howling Thunder!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds howled furiously like mad wolves as Grey's punch was released. In the moment it connected towards the enemy, it was blasted dozens of meters away, leaving deep gashes on the ground as it used its feet and as an anchor.


A ferocious roar echoed soon after as soon as the enemy regained its senses. Its blood red eyes glowed with rage as its attention was shifted to the young man who struck it without any warning. A heavy atmosphere full of intimidation befell on the field.

It didn't just end there. The moment it ended its battle cry, the Ogre quickly darted towards Grey's direction, appearing in front of him in just a few fractions of a second. Its greatsword was raised towards the sky, ready to strike Grey at any moment.


But it didn't even get a chance to land a strike. All of the sudden, Polaris appeared by its left and tackled it with his massive body, making its crash towards the wall. The flowing lava easily seared the Ogre's skin without mercy.

⟨⟨Howling Thunder!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey didn't just let the opportunity slip by. While the enemy was still blinded by rage, he appeared right in front of it and caved in its face with another punch. The Ogre's face was once again forced towards the lava veins, burns swallowing its body whole.

The Ogre tried to counterattack by brandishing its blade like a violent torrent, but with wind magic on his side, he quickly dodge with a little aerial maneuver. In a quick glance, it would seem he was flying in the air.


A golden beam followed as soon as Grey had safely gone away. It came from Polaris, blasting the enemy with all its might, pushing it closer and closer towards the searing hot veins of lava.

Unfortunately for them, just like the Skeleton Tyrant from before, Calamity-Class and above monsters are ones which possess extremely high intelligence. The closer it was pushed back towards the boiling curtains of lava behind it, the more determined its eyes glowed.


With all its might, the Ogre of Massacre struck down its massive greatsword towards the ground, serving as a shield against Polaris' relentless breath attack. It didn't just simply wait for the beam to finish either.

Scooping out the dungeon ground, the Ogre hurled dozens of boulders towards Polaris, launching them at extreme speeds. Some were destroyed by the beam but others managed to pass through, hitting Polaris. It didn't cause much pain but it was enough to stop his attack.

The Ogre quickly picked up its sword from the ground the moment Polaris stopped his beam. And with all its might, he released a furious barrage of attacks towards the latterー or so it should have been.

⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ [Grey]

But before it could even land the first attack, a swift torrent of wind spears came firing towards it. The attacker was none other than Grey who was now quite a distance away from the two, switching to a long range tactic.

Each and every spear was like a drill which can easily pierce through bedrock. The skin which was once full of wounds were now riddled with countless wounds, blood spurting out of them like a bloody fountain. The Ogre of Massacre was now the one being beaten one-sidedly.

It was a relief that the enemy's combat power was only about 12 thousand. If it was any higher, things could get more difficult. It was the perfect practice dummy for Grey and Polaris to gain experience and sharpen their skills

Using the chance Grey had provided him, Polaris quickly widened the distance between him and the Ogre and once he was far enough, he shot a torrent of golden light. Now, the Ogre of Massacre was peppered on both sides.


Fueled by rage, the Ogre of Massacre stomped one of its feet towards the blazing grounds, lava rising and raining down a shower of molten rock all over the place. The lava geysers also erupted violently in the process.

Though its feet were burnt in the process, it was worth it as Grey and Polaris had to stop attacking to dodge and block the fiery rain. In that small time window where the two were busy, the Ogre found the golden opportunity to take revenge and strike.

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

And as the rain of fire continued, the Ogre of Massacre gripped its greatsword tightly and shot blades of mana one after another. It was a torrent headed towards Polaris. An attack which would be hard to dodge with his massive body.

Unfortunately for the enemy, Polaris was capable of shapeshifting. As soon as he saw the sharp blades flying his way, he quickly shrunk himself to a smaller form, evading the attacks with some effortless maneuvers. His actions were one which surprised the attacker greatly.

"This is no time to be surprised! ⟨⟨Howling Thunder⟩⟩ !" [Grey]

Another boom echoed in the air as Grey's punch connected to the Ogre's jaws, the sound of bones cracking accompanying it as the impact ran throughout its whole body. Soon, blood started gushing out of the Ogre's mouth.

It was all thanks to the Divine Gauntlets' ability. Now, not only the external body, the organs and inner systems of the Ogre of Massacre are damaged greatly. After all, not only once, it received a total of three punches from Grey. It would have already been dead if it wasn't for a fact that it was Calamity-Class.

"Perish from this worldー" [Polaris]

"Polaris, watch out!!" [Grey]

Polaris couldn't even react properly. Before his eyes could keep up, a pitch black blade of mana was already headed towards it. It was too late to dodge nor use law magic to teleport nearby. A loud slash echoed in the air as the attack connected.

The once beautiful platinum scales of Polaris were now dyed red as his blood trickled down from the gashing wound he received. It was the first time he received such a stinging wound. It was undoubtedly very painful.

"Polaris!!" [Grey]

Grey was struck with panic as soon as Polaris was shot down. And in that moment he was in panic, the Ogre of Massacre quickly moved, disregarding its injured body and landed a heavy strike on Grey from above.

Thankfully, Grey didn't take his eyes off it. Though it was fast, Grey's defense was much faster. A loud clang echoed in the air as Grey's gauntlets caught the enemy's greatsword in a cross position, minimizing the damage he received.

"Out of the way, you bastard!" [Grey]

With rage and urgency, Grey raised one of his feet and planted it back quickly and heavily towards the ground. The very next moments, hundreds of black spikes rose out of the ground, fending off the Ogre of massacre in an instant.

Whilst the Ogre jumped back, Grey quickly propelled himself with wind magic and arrived at the injured Polaris' side in just a fraction of a second. His face was full of worry as he placed his hand above him.

⟨⟨Perfect Heal!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Gentle and warm golden light shone upon the battlefield, gracing the fiery lands. The next moment, the gashing wound which was once present on Polaris' back was gone as if everything was all but a passing lie.

"Polaris, are you alright?!" [Grey]

"I'm alright, Master. There's no need to worry excessively." [Polaris]

"Haah... You really scared me there." [Grey]

The heart which was shook in panic has now returned to normal, relief flooding in soon after. But it was not a long-lived feeling. Though Polaris was alright, there were still problems they had to face. Two of them to be exact.

On the right was the wounded yet wild Ogre of Massacre, and on the left was the new contender, a Deathless Dullahan. It may be smaller than the former but its power doesn't lose out even a single bit. If anything, jt only makes it more agile and nimble.

The advantage in numbers Grey and Polaris once held against the Ogre of Massacre was no more. Now that a new monster has appeared, the battle has been evened out. Grey and Polaris' eyes peered towards them, full of wariness.

"Polaris, use all means possible. There's no need to hold back." [Grey]

"Very well, Master." [Polaris]

At Grey's behest, Polaris' platinum form lost its luster. In the very next moment, his body started to change shape. His body shrank, his wings and spikes were retracted, and he took a different form altogether.

The magnificent dragon was no more. All that there was was a large black panther which was optimized in speed and mobility. The only thing which remained was his fierce amethyst eyes which only became sharper like the claws he grew.


A series of four booms echoed one after another as four figures darted away from their previous positions. Bursts of winds soon followed, accompanying those booms as they clashed time and time again, intervals lasting only less than a second.

A clang echoes as Grey strikes the Deathless Dullahan's armored body. Each strike was filled with enough power to pulverize even the toughest of objects. Yet with such an amazing display of strength, the enemy did not lose out.

The Deathless Dullahan brandished its black sword gracefully and skillfully, parrying most of Grey's strikes. And every time it saw an opportunity, it would then strike back, slashing its sword in a smooth manner, not wasting any movements.

Clang Clang Clang

The clangs continued to echo time and time again as the fierce clash continued. On the other hand, Polaris and the Ogre of Massacre were also having their own bout, just as fierce as the former.

Wounds could be seen all over the Ogre's body, claw marks dripping with blood. He might not have his wings anymore, but with his agile form, he swiftly bounced from wall to ground to wall, only a black streak to be seen. Each time the streak crossed the Ogre, a new wound would then form.


Tired of Polaris' swift and nimble movements, the Ogre struck his feet to the ground once again, making the ground heavily uneven, jagged rocks rising simultaneously. Along with it was another scorching rain of fire.

In the short moment Polaris lost his foothold, the Ogre quickly dashed towards him, grabbed him by the neck and slammed him towards the blazing grounds. A loud roar echoed as Polaris felt both pain and heat cursing through his body.


To counter, Polaris opened his mouth, a golden beam springing towards the Ogre, blasting it a couple dozen meters away. He then stood up, back riddled with burns, as a raging determination blazed inside his eyes.

It hasn't even been a moment yet Polaris pounced toward the enemy once again. In response the enemy shocks the ground again, sacrificing his foot to the lava veins each and every single time. The fierce battle continued to unfold.

Clang Clang Clang Clang

Meanwhile, Grey's battle was not any easier. Every time he tried to advance and land critical hits towards it, it would simply parry the attacks or redirect it to receive the least amount of damage, landing a heavy counter right afterwards.

Grey had also tried to rip apart its limb, but it was useless. As the dullahans were all but living armor, the detached armor pieces would simply reattach itself, hastily as well. Its tenacity was the reason why it was called a Deathless Dullahan.

'Tsk! Looks like that's the only way to goー [Grey]

Grey couldn't even finish his thoughts, when suddenly, the Deathless Dullahan quickly distanced itself. It then tightened its grip to its sword, a jet black blade of mana, the very same one which hit Polaris, came flying towards him.

⟨⟨Barriー Ugh!!" [Grey]

It was already far too late. By the time Grey noticed the blade of mana, there wasn't anymore time to cast any barriers. It was unfortunate, but all he could do was cross his arms and rely on the Divine Amulet to reduce the damage.


The blade of mana fully connected towards Grey, passing through him afterwards. Though his defense was strengthened by the Divine Amulet, it was still not enough. He received a large wound, blood coughed up from his mouth.

It didn't just stop there. The moment Grey's guard was broken, the Deathless Dullahan immediately closed the distance between them and landed dozens of strikes with each passing second like a merciless machine gun.

Slash after slash after slash, Grey received heavy damage as time passed. He tried to defend himself by crossing his arms and waiting for a time to counterattack, but it was futile. The enemy was just too merciless, not showing even a single gap.


After a torrent of slashes, the enemy then kicked Grey with great force, blasting him towards the walls without much resistance, clouds of smoke covering the ground as soon as his body crashed.

As the clouds of dust cleared up, all that there was to be seen was a barely conscious Grey, his head towards the ground. It was the end. The Deathless Dullahan raised its sword proudly andー

"You fell for it, you bastard! ⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce⟩⟩ !" [Grey]

Winds howled ever so aggressively as they covered Grey's fist, creating a deadly vortex, a tornado if you will. Grey who looked like he was just dying a second ago was now smiling brightly, with burning anticipation in his eyes.

Unable to react quickly, the Deathless Dullahan received the full brunt of Grey's attack. The moment it connected, its whole body was pierced with a raging drill, its whole body was twisted and torn to pieces as if it was swallowed from the inside, mercilessly and beautifully.

The storm soon ended and all there was left were beautiful fragments of light drifting into oblivion as the Deathless Dullahan returned to mana. It was a beautiful sight one could only smile at with a bright face,


And just in time, Polaris also finished his job with the Ogre of Massacre. Its body filled with wounds and injuries soon glowed, turning into mana, only leaving a few drops behind. Peace has returned to the Labyrinth.

⟨⟨Perfect Heal!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Perfect Heal!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Of course, Grey didn't just leave the two of them there to bleed. He quickly healed the two of them with what meager strength he could muster and relieved themselves of the pain. It was a very close call.

"Agh... We could finally relaxー Agh!! @$#€£@+%?#¥!!" [Grey]

"Master?! What's happening?!" [Polaris]

Grey couldn't even relax for a little bit. As soon as the tension was down, the recoil from using Authority finally hit. It was so painful he couldn't even begin to describe what he was feeling. A pain he only felt for the first time in both his lives.

It was all because he overdid everything. Not only did he use both Elemental and Martial Aura at the same time, he's used up more than 10x his mana capacity with the use of his "Mana Bank", causing an even more intense rebound from extreme rapid mana exhaustion.

In the first place, people could only use as much as their mana capacity could allow. Since he used ten times that, the pain was also multiplied. He was so absorbed in his battle he completely forgot.

『Polaris, can I ask you a favor?』 [Grey]

『Yes. Anything for the Master』 [Polaris]

『Uhh... You see... There's a blue zone just up ahead. Please carry me there. I can't move a single muscle. Also.., please be careful... It really hurts...』 [Grey]

『I will do as the Master wishes.』 [Polaris]

『Thanks...』 [Grey]

『It's my pleasure.』 [Polaris]

He was now not any different from a common rock by the roadside. It was to the point that Grey even needed to use telepathy to communicate because he couldn't move his mouth. If he could cry, he would already have. It was just that painful.

It was on that day that Grey promised to himself to keep his mana expenditure in check while in battle. It was still the first day yet he already received an extraordinarily painful ordeal. It's going to be a rough road ahead of him.


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