Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 178 - Chapter 178: The City of Kosalvier (pt. II)

Chapter 178 - Chapter 178: The City of Kosalvier (pt. II)

White, white, and more white. The scenery was white as one can be, snow covering the ground and trees, and the cold freezing the waters. It was a winter paradise through and through, not a single patch of grass to be seen.

Yet in such cold weather, the color of green as deep as emeralds could be spotted. Flowers of white, blue, and red bloomed so beautifully, withstanding the snow and thriving around the ice. They were arctic flowers.

Currently, everyone is inside the snow flower garden, a beautiful paradise filled with a myriad of arctic flowers planted all over the place. Their colorful blooms, the green of the conifers, and the smiles of the people made the paradise full of life and colors.

Snap Snap Snap

A snap here, a snap there, a snap all over the place. Clicks and snaps echoed in the air. With each and every snap, a beautiful memory was forever engraved into the physical world, leaving a memory for the distant future.

"Hmm... These look good..." [Grey]

A smile was afloat Grey's face as he looked at the photos he took. It wasn't just the gardens and the flowers blooming, he was, of course, also taking photos of Yuna. In fact, most of the photos he took had Yuna in it. It was going to be another part of his Yuna collection.

It was a shame that he doesn't have a way to duplicate the photos, but there was only so much he could do about it. Even then, he is already happy with what he has.

"Grey, 100 thousand." [Julius]

"No." [Grey]

"How about 200?" [Julius]

"No." [Grey]

Well, everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for a certain pest brooding over him. It was Julius who was offering large amounts of money just to buy the camera Grey was holding onto.

In the first place, Julius doesn't even know what the camera does, but since Grey was the one using it, he was greatly interested. His instincts were telling him to get his hands on the camera and tinker with it.

"Alright, last offer! 2 million!" [Julius]

"You bastard, just what part of 'No' do you not understand?" [Grey]

"Dammit, just why are you so adamant? Can't you just give it to me once, even once is enough. Is our friendship really worth this little?" [Julius]

"Julius..." [Grey]

Unable to move Grey with money, Julius resorted to emotional appeals, making himself look pitiful and using their friendship as an excuse. With his exaggerated actions and expressions, one might think he was a stage actor.

Moved by Julius' heartfelt words, Grey stopped on his tracks, rethought his actions, looked back at Julius, and then put his hands on one of his shoulders. Gentle words exiting his mouth, he said to Julius...

"Hell no. You can rot in hell for all I care. I won't be giving you the camera." [Grey]

"Why, you...! You damn bastard!" [Julius]

It was useless. No matter how good of an actor Julius was, his words had no effect on Grey's ice-cold heart. If anything, his exaggerated expressions only made Grey want to punch him in the face. If it wasn't for the fact that they were friends, he would have already done so.

The boys' shenanigans continued and they started bickering once again. Julius tries ro steal the camera and Grey would then evade and land a chop on his head. Though they were out in the public, the two didn't really care. They were just boys being boys.

Meanwhile, in a not so distant location, two beautiful ladies walked around side by side. One was a silver-haired beauty, her hair blending in with the snow, while the other had colors of red, fierce like flames, out of place in such a cold paradise.

"Yuna, look at these flowers! They look so beautiful, don't they?!" [Amelia]

"Waah~! They look like swans! I wonder what they're called?" [Yuna]

"Umm... Swanflowers... Maybe?" [Amelia]

"Fufufu, then swanflowers it is!" [Yuna]

Giggles and laughter filled the air as Amelia and Yuna continued giving the flowers silly names. There was whiteflower, threeflower, snowy snowflower, and even red whiteflowers. They were like children randomly naming things.

The silly naming acts continued as the ladies explored the garden, the boys following them not far behind, continuing to banter with one another. It wasn't long before they reached the garden's center where the best flowers were planted.

Petals blue as glacial ice, leaves transparent as snowflakes, and a stem which looked like fragile blue glass. The air around it was much colder than anywhere else, snow forming with the moisture from the air. It was a real frosted flower, a magic plant!

"So beautiful... I wonder if we have flowers like these in Alfrione..." [Amelia]

"Should we have them planted in the royal gardens then? I'm sure Father would approve if we ask him nicely." [Julius]

"Your Highness... That's too much..." [Amelia]

Or so she says, but Amelia was actually happy about Julius' suggestion. She was happy that he considered her feelings. A pink, rosy tint is being painted on her cheeks as she continues looking at the flowers.

Meanwhile, another young lady was also staring at the flowers intently, a different glint shining in her eyes. While Amelia was looking at them with a sincere heart, admiring them greatly, there was something about Yuna's gaze which was just plain off.

"Grey... These flowers... Where can you get them?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Would you also like a garden made of these too?" [Grey]

"A garden... That would also be nice... But I'm more curious about what kind of items I could make with them! Can I make cool ointments?! Maybe ice-resistant remedies! Mmn〜! I'm so curious!" [Yuna]

"Yuna..." [Grey]

And as to be expected, all which was on her mind was alchemy. She was listing one after another the number of items she could think of which could use such flowers and Grey listened to her attentively, just like a parent listening to their child's stories.

Amelia leaning on Julius' shoulder and Yuna sharing her ideas with Grey, their tour in the snow flower garden was unlike any other. Still, everyone enjoyed their time their together just like any other people.

After which, the group of four spent their afternoon meaningfully. They went to an ice sculpting session, looked at an arctic beast race, ate some more snacks by the market, and shopped bits and pieces of souvenirs. It was a wonderful time where they didn't have to mind their status and enjoy their day.

Time passed some more and the sky of blue and white finally darkened. The street lamps started to shine and the house lights gleamed with life. Snow continued to fall and the cold breeze blew relentlessly. The night has once again started.

A sea of lights glowed above and under, the stars and moon illuminating the dark sky, and the lamps and lights giving the city life. The snow white paradise was no more. All that there is is a brilliant night full of warmth and comfort.

"Mister, thirty servings of skewers, please!" [Yuna]

"Ohoho, thirty servings, eh? That's quite a lot... Will you even be able to finish it?"

"Un! We can finish it! Easy!" [Yuna]

"Ohoho, looks like we have quite the energetic customer here! Then I'll be giving you an extra one for free!"

"Waah~! Thank you, Mister Vendor!" [Yuna]

With the setting of the sun, a new face of the city surfaced atop. With the Labyrinth's opening, the number of adventurers and travelers also increased. The night became longer, various stores and stalls bustling with hungry and curious customers.

Of course, as it was already night time, food stalls were even more popular. No matter where one looked, you could see flames and smokes rising to the air as myriads of dishes were being prepared and cooked.

"Excuse me, can you give ten of those and another ten of these? Ah! And another ten of these here, please!" [Yuna]

The most excited one amongst the crowd would probably be Yuna. She has been going around stall after stall after stall buying dozens, if not hundreds, of foods. Grey was following her behind, carrying everything they purchased.

As for Julius and Amelia, they were asked to buy drinks and desserts at the nearby cafes. It has been more than half an hour already since they separated so they would have probably found a table already.

"Ah! Grey, what kinds of foods do you want?" [Yuna]

"I'm fine with anything you like. Though for Julius... He would probably like more meat so there's that." [Grey]

"Meat? Okay, I got it!" [Yuna]

Once again, Yuna went around the stalls and bought a large number of meat dishes from them. There were beef, pork, mutton, venison, fish, and a lot more ranging from soups to stews and roasts. It was a meat feast! A feast for carnivores!

It was only after another several minutes that Grey and Yuna finished their shopping spree. And as one would expect, Julius and Amelia already found a table for them to enjoy dinner together. It was quite the large one too.

Atop the table, a number of sweets and desserts were already displayed. From cakes to hot drinks, there were a lot to choose from. Yuna's eyes immediately sparkled at the sweet and immaculate sight served before her.

"Sorry for the wait." [Grey]

"Sorry, my ass. You were just playing around with Yuna, weren't you?" [Julius]

"My, I don't know what you're talking about〜." [Grey]

A teasing smile on Grey's face, the table was filled with dishes with a swipe of his hand. Dishes, all beautiful and all delicious, showed up one after another, filling the table with colors and scents one could only call "Heavenly".

While it was a shame there wasn't any rice around, there was nothing they could do about it. Luckily, there are a number of bakeries selling soft and delicious white bread to compensate. It was a perfect dinner!

""""Thank you for the meal!!""""

A loud chorus echoed clearly in the night as everyone gave their prayers. As soon as they dug their knives on the steak before them, their knives smoothly cut through the tender meat. It was as if they were just slicing butter.

Not only was the meat tender, it was also very juicy, spilling out as soon as the steak was cut. And the moment they fed it to their mouths, strong yet not too overwhelming flavors flooded in. The savoriness of the meat combined with the strength of spices, it was the perfect combination!

"Ooh! This steak's amazing! Grey, do you think you can make these?" [Julius]

"Hmm... I should be able to after some tries." [Grey]

"Oh, great! Then we should have this as breakfast sometimes!" [Julius]

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm not a food dispenser, you bastard." [Grey]

It wasn't just the steak. The bread was also delicious. It was already good on its own, but when dipped in the stew they bought at a different stall, it became divine. The moment it melts in your mouth, it leaves a gentle yet flavorful feeling.

Not to mention the soup. With the cold weather, it was the perfect dish. It was just seasoned lightly, not much meat and vegetables in it, but its simplicity is what makes it amazing. It was easy to drink and delicious. That's all that matters.

"Mmn! Amelia, have some of this grilled fish! It's very delicious!" [Yuna]

"Mmn~! You're right! It really is delicious!" [Amelia]

"Right~?" [Yuna]

Dinner continued to unfold and everyone had a merry time together. Not only was the meal delicious, the atmosphere was also pleasant and the sight was breathtaking. All of them were glad they headed to Kosalvier.

Such happiness continued when all of a sudden, a sweet and harmonious melody filled the air. It came from the center of the marketplace where the fountain was located, a couple people standing there with instruments.

Along with the melodies, three young women could be seen dancing near the fountain, their movement in sync with the tunes and beats, dancing ever so gracefully yet aggressively like snowfall on a windy day.

As the women continued to dance, three men entered soon after and danced to a similar yet more slick manner. They served as partners to the women before them, performing one of the oldest dances in the north. All eyes were on them.

"Waah~! Is this a show, Grey?" [Yuna]

"I don't know... Maybe it's a street performance of some sorts...? What do you think, Amelia, Julius?" [Grey]

"Don't ask me, I don't have a speck of knowledge about northern culture." [Julius]

"I also have no idea. All I can say is that it really is wonderful." [Amelia]

None of the four knew what they were looking at, but all they knew was that they couldn't take their eyes off it. They may not be very knowledgeable about the practices in the north, but they do know that the performance was beautiful.

The light of the street lamps continued to burn brightly, shining the fountain with a beautiful golden hue and the dancers continuing their dance with grace as music filled the whole city. They were like fairies of the night.

The street lamps and house lights filling the city. The sky adorned with billions of stars and the ever so magnificent moon. Colors were scattered like paint on the surface of water as the aurora danced along the sparkling lights.


Yellow, violet, green, and all colors which could be seen, shining ever so brightly and dancing ever so gracefully. It was an orchestra of light and colors, an orchestra which could also be seen in a dark room's lonely windows.

Behind the window, a single man, hair as white as snow and eyes as black as ivory. He stared at the city and the sky before him, his eyes drifting towards the horizon, the color of worries and exhaustion painted on his face as he took a deep sigh.

Clop Clop Clop

He walked around the room, his light steps resounding ever so clearly. He halted his steps, stopping out of the blue. His hands trembling violently, he then felt his chest, the sound of his heartbeats echoing erratically, one full of worry and resignation.

"Your Highness, your humble servant, Sylvia, has come to report." [Sylvia]

"... Haah... Come in." [Lord]

Clack Creak

Following the man's words, the doors opened and a slender, similarly white haired beauty entered the room. There was a certain coldness in her eyes, one which could make one shiver with chills at a single glance. A true cold beauty.

Pure white uniform, heavily decorated shoulder pads, medals hanging all over her uniform, and a sword hanging freely her waist. In just a single glance, it was easy to tell that the woman was a knight, a high-ranking one at that.

"Have a seat. I'll be brewing us some tea." [Lord]

"I believe that is not needed, Your Highness. I have only come here to report our situation, not to drink some tea." [Sylvia]

The lord tried to offer his generosity, but he was quickly shot down. His heart only became heavier with Sylvia's flat and cold rejection. He couldn't even muster a fake smile even if he wanted to.

"Haah... Sylvia, shouldn't you at least call me 'Father' when we're alone? You feel so distant when you're talking like that." [Lord]

"That I cannot do, Your Highness. I am still on duty, so please refrain from conducting actions which mix personal and professional relationships." [Sylvia]

"Haah... Just where did I go wrong in raising you…?" [Lord]

Another sigh was heaved as the man finally gave up, sitting down on the couch as he massaged his forehead, his heart aching every time he looked at his daughter.

The lord's name is Reisner yl Farmalte, lord of the northern regions and the head of the Farmalte Archducal Household, one of the top three most powerful houses in the Valliarta Empire, and also an A-ranker in his own right.

As for the woman who just entered the room, she was Sylvia yl Farmalte, Reisner's only daughter and the one who inherited his talent in swordsmanship, becoming a B-ranker at the age of 20. Combine that with her outstanding beauty, she is ofen called the "Ice Queen", the pride of the north.

They may only be an Archduchy, but their military power doesn't lose out to the other kingdoms neighboring them. It was also the very reason why their house is called the shield of the Empire. The Kingdom's pride and glory.

"Haah... Anyway, how was it?" [Reisner]

Asked Reisner, but Sylvia only shook her head in silence, looking down to the cold, stone floor. Reisner already expected it, but it was still disappointing to hear it first hand. He only felt his heart sink even heavier.

"Those damned rats... They really are hard to catch... Sylvia, make sure to tighten the city's security and have a messenger tell our other cities and towns to do the same. After that, make sure to assemble another team of scouts." [Reisner]

"As you wish, Your Highness." [Sylvia]

"Oh, and one more thing. Tell the knights to gather first thing in the morning. We'll be having drills as soon as the sun rises." [Reisner]

"By your will." [Sylvia]

Polite as one can be, Sylvia bowed her head before exiting the room, a click and creak resounding once again after she had left. Now, Reisner is once again alone in the room, his lonely and worried eyes once again looking outside the windowー or so it should have been.

But not even a minute after Sylvia left, she once again entered the room, traces of confusion on her face. Well, Reisner was even more confused than she was, one of his eyebrows arching as he looked at her.

"Did you miss Papa already?" [Reisner]

"Please refrain from such remarks, Your Highness. I only came back since another report came in." [Sylvia]

"I really can't joke around with you, huh... So, what's the report?" [Reisner]

"I don't really understand it… but it says 'the guests have entered the city'." [Sylvia]

Reisner's eyes opened wide in shock as soon as he heard Sylvia's words, his worries suddenly lessened, a nervous smile appearing on his face. Somehow, he felt his chest had become much lighter all of a sudden.

Relief flooded his heart at that moment as he sat down on the couch. He wanted to laugh at himself previously for being too worried. He couldn't believe such luck had graced down upon their city. It was fortunate. Very fortunate.

Meanwhile, Sylvia could only look at her father with a puzzled expression. He has been dying from worry over the past few days, but now he was smiling like crazy. Who wouldn't be worried about such a thing?

"Your Highness, is something the matter?" [Sylvia]

"Hahaha! You don't know how relieved I am right now, Sylvia. If only I could tell you, I already would have! Hahaha!" [Reisner]

The smile turned to laughter, and Sylvia's confusion only grew. Reisner, with his newfound hope, stood up from his seat once again and looked at the same window he was looking at before.

The lively city which he once looked at with a worried face, now, he was looking at it with a smile. The aurora and stars above also now looked more beautiful as if a dark veil covering his eyes had just been lifted.

'If it's them, it should be alright...' [Reisner]

Such a thought entered his mind as he thought of two figures. He hasn't personally met them, but from the stories and tales he heard many times over, he deemed them to be trustworthy. People deserving of their titles.

"Sylvia, how about you join this father of yours in a drink?" [Reisner]

"I apologize but I'll have to decline, Your Highness. How could I drink alcohol when I'm on duty? It is improper of a knight." [Sylvia]

"Don't be like that. Just a glass is finー" [Reisner]

"If that's all you'll be saying then I'll be taking my leave. Have a wonderful night, Your Highness." [Sylvia]

It was a flat out rejection, the sound of a bang echoing soon after as the doors were closed. The happiness which Reisner once felt was now replaced with gloom as he watched the door in silence before heading to his wine rack and getting a wine glass for himself.

"Really... Where did I go wrong in raising that girl...? Oh well, looks like I'll be having wine all to myself again." [Reisner]

Clack Pop Fwish

Three distinct sounds echoed in the air as a wine bottle was opened. A lonely man then sat on his seat, feet atop his desk, and his hands swirling his glass of wine. A smile was blooming on his face as he downed the glass in a single gulp.

"Haah... I knew it... Beer really tastes better..." [Reisner]


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