Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 159 - Chapter 159: Ricey Business Deals

Chapter 159 - Chapter 159: Ricey Business Deals

Clop Clop Clop

Erratic footsteps reverberated one after another, the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground accompanied by the series of ragged breathing. Eyes gleaming with a glint of excitement and sternness. A smile barely being held back.

Those eyes and smile belonged to none other than Grey as he streaked across the whole village at speeds which could be considered sprinting for most people. Of course, to Grey, it could barely even be called an exercise. There was no sweat to be found trickling down on his face.

As for the ragged breathing, it belonged to Larren and Nonna who are trying their best to catch up to Grey. Even then, they could barely keep up and their sides started to ache. It has been a while since they felt such a sensation.


Doors were opened and a loud crash resounded in the air. Grey barged in the Chief's residence without any traces of hesitation nor concern in his eyes. It was as if he owned the house with the way he acted.

But things did not stop there. Heavy footsteps once again filled the air as Grey's feet hit the wooden boards on the floor. He marched straight towards Jeroz and the Chief who were still in the middle of negotiating, his expressions remaining unfazed.

"Chief! The marshes! What are your plans for the marshes?!" [Grey]

"Y-Yes?!" [Chief]

There was only shock on the Chief's face as Grey suddenly grabbed his shoulders. It wasn't only the Chief. Jeroz, Yuna, and Larren and Nonna, who were still out of breath, were also shocked all the same.

First, he crashed into someone's house, then he walked in as if he owned it, and lastly, he grabbed the Chief by the shoulder like a street thug mugging people on the dark and narrow alleyways. There was no way they wouldn't be shocked.

"Uh... Umm... Is there something I can help you...?" [Chief]

"A-Ah, sorry! I got too excited! I'm really sorry!" [Grey]

It was only when Grey saw the Chief's eyes trembling in shock and confusion that he snapped back to reality. Everything he has done up until now was purely because of impulse as if he was in autopilot

Grey quickly bowed his head in apology as he realized what he just did. He was so embarrassed by his actions that he just wanted to dig a hole and hide there forever. It would now be a part of his dark park. A memory hard to wake him up in the middle of the silent night.

"Hahaha, it's fine, it's fine. Youngsters ought to be energetic like you!" [Chief]

"Ohohoho! Chief Barse is right, though... What you did may be a little too energetic. Be careful next time, okay?" [Jeroz]

"Yeah, sorry about that." [Grey]

Thankfully, the Chief was quite the jolly and friendly person like Jeroz. Even when his home got raided and they were interrupted in their business, they let it go as if it was just little children doing silly mistakes. They were the carefree and free-spirited type.

On the top of the table, there were a number of documents present. Many were signed, but there were still some left unfinished. Well, a negotiation isn't quick to be done, after all. Even when it was only trading food, they still needed to be thorough.

"Ah... Did I disturb you with your business?" [Grey]

"Ohoho, not at all! We're just signing the papers and after that, we'll be finished! There's nothing to be worried about." [Jeroz]

"Really? That was awfully quick..." [Grey]

"Well, we've been doing this trade for decades already. All that was needed was to read a few bits here and there and then we're done! It's as easy as that!" [Barse]

It was just like the Chief said. After signing a couple more papers and handing the payment, everything was done and finished. Now, the village has procured a large supply of food and spices which could sustain them for the week.

"So, young man, what were you talking about the marshes earlier?" [Barse]

After his deal with Jeroz finished, the Chief quickly moved on to the next topic without much of a delay. With how vigorous Grey was before, his interest was caught by his words. Though he never expected to be suddenly grabbed by the shoulders, it was still an interesting experience.

Well, that and one other reason. He was also interested about what the young man before him was going to propose about the marshes. Even now, it is still an unused feature of the village. He was quite curious.

"Ah, yes... So, about the marshes, do you have any plans in mind for them for the time being?" [Grey]

"Well, for now I can't say we do... As it is, its only use is to be a playground for the children. Their mothers always get angry whenever they get home dirty. Hahahaha, they're quite the sight to see!" [Barse]

Laughed the Chief as he recalled the times the children got scolded by their mothers every time he played at the marshes. He has also experienced such joys in his youth so he could relate to them very well.

"Ahem! Anyway, we don't have any plans for them. Why do you ask?" [Barse]

"Well, if that's the case, would you like to hear me out. I have a proposal which could be beneficial for the village." [Grey]

"A proposal, eh... Let's hear it then." [Barse]

A proposal. The Chief has expected something along those lines, but he never thought Grey would actually say such words. He's never been told that by such a young lad and it piqued his interest even more.

Meanwhile, Jeroz tidied up the documents as Grey and the Chief engaged in a discussion. As for the other three, Yuna, Larren, and Nonna, they were just standing quietly by the sides, watching the events unfold.

"Yuna, do you know what Grey is talking about?" [Larren]

Whispering, Larren asked Yuna. Unfortunately for him, Yuna also had no idea what Grey was on about. But judging from his excited face, he could tell it was going to be something exciting. She was looking forward to it.

"Mmn... I also think the marshes looked beautiful, but I wonder if it's worth getting so worked up about it." [Nonna]

"Yeah. Marshes are well... Just marshes, aren't they? It's just a patch of flooded land with a bunch of weeds and grasses, isn't it?" [Larren]

A bolt of lightning suddenly struck Yuna's head as soon as she heard Larren's words. Everything finally lined up and connected together. A swelling excitement blooming inside of her as she understood Grey's intentions.

A flooded lowland which is wet throughout the year. It was flooded, but also fertil at the same time, perfect for growing semi-aquatic plants. One of which was something Grey and Yuna treasures dearly. A plant close to their hearts.

"Grey, you don't mean...!" [Yuna]

"That's exactly what I'm thinking." [Grey]

Yuna was so surprised and excited at the same time that she totally forgot they were still using their alternate identities and called out Grey's name by mistake. Thankfully, no one noticed her slip of tongue and everything proceeded smoothly.

A large smile present on his face, Grey opened his "Inventory" and took out a certain plant. It was still green and fresh as if it had just been picked. Another one was taken out and this time, it was golden brown and just harvested, grains still present at its stalk. It was rice!

"Chief, do you know what this is?" [Grey]

"Hmm... Isn't it just wheatー No, barley...? Not that either nor is it oat or millet. Young man, what kind of grain is this." [Barse]

"This is called rice. A semi-aquatic grain which could be made into a variety of dishes. What do you think?" [Grey]

"Hmm... Rice, huh... I've never heard of such a grain before..." [Barse]

"Me too. In all my years as a merchant, this is the first time I've seen this. Its grains are white too, they're pretty, aren't they? Ohohoho!" [Jeroz]

Not only the Chief, Jeroz was also interested in the grain Grey had taken out. They were even more interested when Grey said that it could be made into a variety of dishes. It was Grey's proposal for the Chief.

While rice could be grown anywhere where water is plenty, building an irrigation system is out of Grey's area of expertise. Even the rice he grows in his "Sanctuary" is watered by him daily using water magic, flooding the fields regularly. But with the marshes present, it will only take a little bit of tidying to be of use.

It is also quite a hassle to plant rice, compared to wheat as it needs painstaking, heavy labor. Grey has never experienced doing it the normal way, but he knows the back pains people endured when planting rice.

Thankfully, that was all there was to it. Due to Grey's plant magic and successive selective breeding, the rice's quality and nutritional content is even more superior than that of wheat. Not to mention that they are also the quick to grow type, able to be harvested in just three months.

Other than that, rice is also easy to digest, more filling, and has a longer shelf life than that of wheat which dominates Merusia. There was also no need to process it into flour and could be prepared easily. Most importantly, it was also very tasty and naturally sweet. Grey and Yuna would wage war to those with opposite opinions.

"But, these grains... How do we prepare them? Would milling it like wheat do? I've never handled something like this." [Barse]

"No, actually... You just need to soak them with water and boil them. There's no need to mill them or anything." [Grey]

""Eh?!"" [Barse and Jeroz]

Shock was evident on their faces as they heard Grey's words. They looked at the grains to Grey and back to the grains again. No matter how they looked at it, they couldn't see that such a hard and firm grain could be easily prepared.

"Then, could I borrow the kitchen for a little bit? I think it's better to show it with a little demonstration." [Grey]

"Th-Then, if you would..." [Barse]

Eyes full of curiosity, the Chief led Grey to the kitchen. Following them were Yuna, Jeros, Nonna, and Larren. And to do his demonstration, he once again opened his "Inventory" to take out a couple sacks of rice.

Fwisshhhhh Splasshhhh

Several cups of rice were poured down a pot. What followed after was the turning of the faucet making splashing sounds as water started to gush down the pot, filling it up and soaking the rice wet, creating a murky white liquid.

The rice was rinsed once and then twice, and with the use of the ever so reliable lines in the fingers to measure the water, making sure it is in ratio with the amount of rice used. With it, the preparations were finished.


Flames burst forth as Grey poured mana on the mana crystals, turning on the magic stove. It was set on high heat and the pot of rice was placed over it, covering it with a lid and letting time do the rest. A simple and easy task.

They waited and waited, but all Grey did was stretch his arms towards the ceiling. He then proceeded to have a friendly chat with Yuna, not minding the pot of rice and just letting it do its thing as the fire continued burning. The others couldn't be any more confused about what was going on.

"Y-Young man, w-was that it?" [Barse]

"Hm? What do you mean?" [Grey]

"I meant the preparation of the rice. Was that really all there is? Is there no need for more procedures and some other whatnots?" [Barse]

"Yeah, that's it. Like I said, it's really simple. All we need is to wait for it to boil, tune down the heat and wait." [Grey]

Even with Grey's explanation, they still couldn't believe what was happening. All they could do was look at the pot of rice as it cooked, their eyes full of disbelief, but also excitement as they anticipated the end result.

While the rice was boiling, Grey and Yuna took out a couple pieces of chicken, flours, eggs, butter, and a couple spices. After all, what kind of meal would be eaten with rice alone. It needs an accompanying dish and sauce with it.

The minutes passed by and the gas dial was turned, making the heat flicker a little before stabilizing in low heat, a symphony of chops and sizzles accompanying it as the chicken pieces were fried in hot oil.

Soon after, an appetizing aroma filled the kitchen. It was the sweet and fulfilling scent of freshly cooked rice along the salty and appetite-arousing smell of the fried chicken. The scent of well-spiced gravy also bended in with them harmoniously, creating a mix of scents which was sure to make one hungry.

"Everyone, have a taste." [Grey]

Said Grey as he placed the rice, fried chicken, and gravy atop the kitchen table. Yuna went ahead to get the spoons and forks, and served them beside the bowls. Up next were the batch of glasses filled with refreshing iced water.


There was a certain nervousness in everyone's hearts as they took a spoonful of rice from their bowls. The hard and firm rice grains were now soft and fluffy, a complete contrast to what it was before. Not to mention the appetizing smell emanating from it.

Of course, the very first one to take a bite was none other than the excited Yuna. Even when she has eaten it hundreds and thousands of times before, she was still excited and happy as she chowed down on them. Her vigor in eating is what encouraged the others to take a bite as well.

As soon as they did, a subtle sweetness along with the rice's natural fluffiness and softness caressed their mouths. It was a little sticky, but if anything, it only made the texture feel more pleasant. It was quite easy to eat as well compared to bread.

"A-Amazing! This is so good!" [Larren]

"Ohh~! It's soft and sweet! Filling as well!" [Jeroz]

"What is this creation?!" [Barse]

The others' hearts were completely won over with the dish called rice, but it didn't just end there. Rice's main advantage lies in its ability to go well with others. No matter what kind of dishes, be it meat, stew, or soup, rice would taste well with them.

Following Grey and Yuna's lead, the others took a couple pieces of fried chicken and dipped it on the gravy. Once they delivered it to their mouths, an explosion of flavor occurred that they've never felt before. Rice was already good on its own, but with the fried chicken accompanying it, it became even better.

"Waah~! So delicious!" [Nonna]

"Un! Rice is the best!" [Yuna]

Everyone's faces were filled with vigor and satisfaction as they wolfed down the bowls of rice and fried chicken before them. In just a quick minute, everything atop the table disappeared to everyone's stomachs.

The people who have never known rice were beyond satisfied after eating it for the first time. It reminded Grey and Yuna of the faces of Gerd and his family when they also had rice for the first time. It was quite nostalgic.

Grey wanted to show them fried rice, steamed rice, omeltette rice, and a couple more dishes, but with how much everyone had just eaten, it would be hard for them to make space for another meal. They aren't like Grey and Yuna, after all.

"Then, everyone, it's time for dessert." [Grey]

Thankfully, there was still enough room in their stomachs for dessert. And what better way to promote rice than to introduce a dessert which is also made with another type of rice. Of course, it was mochi!

After taking out a plate from his "Inventory", Grey then filled it with a number of fluffy and colorful sweets which looked like little buns. Since it looked like bread made of wheat flour, the others weren't as cautious as the rice from before.

"Oh, what's this? It's the first time seeing this, too." [Barse]

"It's called mochi! It's sweet, sticky, and delicious! Super delicious!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, then I'll take Missy's word for it." [Barse]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Adding with that, Yuna's brief introduction, people started taking out mochi after mochi from the plate and the pile started to whittle down. Now that they have eaten a dish from the two, there was no need to hesitate anymore.

They all bit down on the mochi one after another, and when they did, a stream of sweetness flooded their mouths along with the fluffy and sticky texture of the mochi. It couldn't be described as anything but heavenly.

"Ohoho! What a magnificent dish!" [Jeroz]

"Mnm~! This is the taste of heaven!" [Nonna]

"Sweet! Delicious! And sweet!" [Larren]

Everyone's feedback to the mochi was very positive. It was as novel as the rice, but it didn't make it any less inferior to the other sweets they have tasted. Larren even had to mention the word "sweet" twice. It was an exquisite dish.

The only one with a slightly different reaction was the Chief. While he also felt happy eating it, deep inside his heart, he felt more shock if anything. Knowing that Grey was trying to propose a deal about rice, there was only one conclusion he could come to.

"Young man, don't tell me... Is this made with rice as well...?" [Barse]

At the Chief's words, everyone was surprised. Everyone except Grey, who was behind everything, and Yuna, who was happily enjoying herself, wolfing down the mochi as if there was no tomorrow.

"Well, yes, but not quite. Rather than the white rice from before, it is made with a different kind of rice called 'Glutinous Rice'. Still, their requirements for growing aren't much different from regular white rice." [Grey]

The Chief was frozen at Grey's words. He was forced to sit back down on his chair as he fell into deep thought. He stared intently at the mochi before him and thought of the rice he tasted just recently.

In his mind, he was weighing the scales of disadvantages and advantages of the deal. He hasn't heard the whole deal, but with how good the rice was, even if they receive only a small split, profits would still be good. If they could get an equal deal, then it would be the deal of a lifetime.

No matter how much he looked at it, it would be more advantageous for the village to grow specialty crops rather than keep the marshes useless. If things go smoothly, it could pave the way for the village's success.

"Young man, this rice... How long would it take to harvest?" [Barse]

"With this variety, three months would be more than enough." [Grey]

"How about the yield?" [Barse]

"I can guarantee that it won't be any less than wheat produces." [Grey]

Labor cost, manpower required, difficulty of planting, resistance to pests and wilting, and a couple more aspects of the rice were discussed one after another in a solid and aggressive exchange. Two minds were now at work.

Grey may not be much of a merchant, but he got the basic understanding of how a deal works. Not to mention his years of experience as a salaryman, conversing with customers, and learning from his seniors. On top of that, he has "Judgement". He was confident in himself.

The exchange continued and a lot more words were uttered one after another. Soon after, silence enveloped the atmosphere as the Chief and Grey stared at each other's eyes. The deal was settled.

"Hahahaha! What an outstanding young man you are! This rice is, without a doubt, a revolutionary grain! You've got yourself a deal, young man!" [Barse]

"I'm glad it's settled, Chief." [Grey]

"Hahaha! From now on, the Gallen Village will be in your care!" [Barse]

Both Grey and the Chief extended their hands to one another as they shook one another's hands. Both were satisfied with their respective ends and happy that they've got to get such a rare opportunity. The start of a long partnership.

In the first place, Grey isn't really in it for the money. What he wanted was a way to produce rice so that others would have a chance to get a taste of them. Especially for the Rabbit's Den, he wanted them to have a way to serve rice on their menu. Profits were just a bonus.

"Hahaha, then how about we head to the Merchants' Guild first thing tomorrow and settle this deal once and for all?" [Barse]

"Eh? The Merchants' Guild?" [Grey]

Grey was shocked at the mention of the name. Memories of the past where he read and signed hundreds of documents came flashing into his mind. They were ordeals Grey did not want to experience once again.

"Of course! We still have a lot of documents to make and sign. Not to mention the terms and rules of the contract." [Barse]

"Umm... Can't we just do that here?" [Grey]

"Unfortunately not. We need the guild to be the witness, after all. That way, it would be easier and more secure for the both of us." [Barse]

"Umm... Then how about next week?" [Grey]

"What are you talking about, young man? We need to strike while the iron is still hot! We can't let this opportunity pass us!" [Barse]

Grey tried his best to convince the Chief, but it was all in vain. He also looked at Yuna with eyes asking for help but the latter simply looked away in another direction, not wanting to get dragged in the trouble of signing deals.

While Yuna does love Grey with all her heart, there are times where one just needs to let them go by themselves and experience the world to grow. The only thing she could do was wish Grey good luck. That was what she convinced herself with.

Meanwhile, Grey could only drown in the swamps of despair. Like a fly trapped by a venus flytrap, there was no escape, all that awaits was a dark and miserable tragedy. It was going to be a long tomorrow for him.


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