Chereads / Yltescia: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia / Chapter 120 - Chapter 120: Search for a New Home

Chapter 120 - Chapter 120: Search for a New Home

"I see... So you're going to move out, huh..." [Gerd]

A serious atmosphere swallowed the room as Grey and Yuna discussed their decision to the others. The one who was the most affected amongst the people present was Helen who was wearing a very gloomy expression.

It was already night time and the inn had already closed. The crowd has already dissipated and silence has returned to the streets. Most of the people have gone to bed already, retiring themselves for the day.

With how things are going, not only the "Rabbit's Den", the nearby establishments are getting affected by the number of people crowding to see Grey and Yuna. While it was true that the number of customers had risen, it was to the point the businesses could not keep up with them.

Not only the business, the residences themselves have also been affected. With the streets packed full of people, carriages and people have a hard time passing through. In other words, the traffic in the area has been heavily affected. Not to mention how noisy the crowd was.

Well, there was also the desire of Grey to spend more private time with Yuna. While it was not as important as the other reasons, it was the reason which drove Grey to push for the decision.

"Are you really going away...?" [Helen]

"Sorry, but we should... Don't worry, we'll still be living in the city! You can just visit us any time! Right, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. We'll make sure to pick a location nearby." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna reassured Helen, but the latter still wore the same gloominess she did before. After all, even if they could see each other whenever they want, things won't be the same. Not to mention their schedules which might not match.

Both Grey and Yuna already consider the "Rabbit's Den" their home for the several months they spent in Galderia. While it hurts them to part with it, it is something they have to do sooner or later. Things were just sped up by the current situation.

"Well, it's not like we can stop your decisions anyway... So, when will the two of you be moving out?" [Gerd]

"That's... We still have to search for a house. But if all things go well, we should be able to move in two or three days' time." [Grey]

"I see... It seems we'll have to update the register, huh..." [Gerd]

"Our dinner won't be the same without you two..." [Selia]

Commented Gerd and Selia in a low voice. Just like Helen, the two of them are also sad to hear Grey and Yuna moving out. While they have only known each other for 6 months, they couldn't deny that they already consider them as family.

With Grey and Yuna's move on the horizon, everyone enjoyed one of their last dinners together with smiles on their faces. They enjoyed chatting and laughing together. Each and every second was precious.

The night only became deeper and streets have completely gone silent, only filled with the whooshing of the wind and the sound of the chimes as they danced along the night breeze.

It went without saying that Grey and Yuna had also retired for the day. They were enjoying one of their last nights in the room they have gotten used to for several months already. It was a place they'll surely miss.

Donggg Donggg Donggg

The loud morning bells echoed throughout the whole city once again, prompting the people to rise up and greet the new day. And as one would have expected, there are already people crowding by the streets outside. It was the same thing all over again.

"Yuna, are you ready?" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Replied Yuna as she fitted her shoes. Unlike the days where they usually wear their adventurer outfits, today, they only wore casual clothing. The only thing which stayed the same was their equipment which were in the form of accessories.

With everything ready, Yuna quickly casted "Nihility" to her and Grey. In just a blink of an eye, they quickly vanished into thin air. Both "Physical Concealment" and "Presence Concealment" have been used for them to become completely invisible.

Free from curious eyes, Grey and Yuna went down the stairs, not making a single noise nor even showing their shadows. It was like they didn't exist and were on a completely different plane of existence.

Through the massive crowd and out to the open streets, Grey and Yuna sneaked out the "Rabbit's Den" without anyone noticing. But rather than heading straight towards the Merchant's Guild, where Grey and Yuna headed was a dark and narrow alleyway, hidden away from anyone's sight.

Yuna quickly undid her ability and two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air. Now that they were out of plain sight and far away from the inn, they could finally loosen up and relax their bodies.

"Phew... That was a little nerve-wracking..." [Yuna]

"We're not done yet, you know? Now, stay still and I'll cast illusion magic." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Light slowly seeped out of Grey's hands as he started chanting undecipherable words. The dim light then enveloped Grey and Yuna's bodies entirely, only vanishing after the spell was completed.

Once the light dissipated into thin air, Grey and Yuna had already become completely different people, well, appearance-wise at least. While their body and facial structures didn't change at all, the color of their hair and eyes did.

Grey now has silver hair and deep blue eyes while Yuna, on the other hand, has black hair and beautiful purple eyes. While they had only switched hair and eye colors with one another, it was enough of a disguise to fool people who weren't familiar with them.

Although it was already agreed beforehand that they will be switching hair and eye colors, Yuna couldn't stop gawking at Grey now that the deed had been done. A certain thought has entered her mind.

'I wonder... Will that be how our future son will look like when he grows up...?' [Yuna]

Thought Yuna as she continued gazing at Grey who was now checking out his new look. She was in a strange trance as she continued thinking of such thoughts. She had started daydreaming.

"Hm? Is something wrong, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Ah! N-No, nothing's wrong at all!" [Yuna]

It was only when Grey called out to her that Yuna snapped back to reality, and only then did she realize what kind of wild thoughts were running on her mind, making her completely embarrassed.

A flustered expression was painted on Yuna's beautiful face as she replied to Grey's words. She quickly looked down towards the ground so that Grey wouldn't see her beet red face all the way to the ears. A consequence she brought to her own.

Well, they have yet to do "that" and she was already thinking so far ahead. It was especially embarrassing when the other person involved in her daydreaming was in front of her. The only thing Grey's curious and innocent stares brought was to make her more embarrassed.

"Then, shall we head out to the Merchants' Guild?" [Grey]

"A-Ah, un! L-Let's!" [Yuna]

Fumbling on her words, Yuna went out of the alleyway with Grey on the lead. As soon as they stepped back into the light, they could see an open street with not a single eye looking at them. It was a success.

Both Grey and Yuna felt comfort, a little weight being lifted in their hearts as they walked the streets freely. There were no hoods needed nor restrictions they needed to observe. They were like birds who had regained their wings.

Turning left and turning right, Grey and Yuna walked the streets as they once again admired the beauty of the city and the people living in it. It was only after several minutes of walking that their feet halted. They have arrived at their destination.

Grand, luxurious, and massive. Those three words fitted the Merchants' Guild building perfectly. From the decorations to the style of architecture, one could sense the intricacy and delicacy embedded within.

While Grey had been to Moterno's Merchants' Guild, the two couldn't be compared. The one in front of him was undoubtedly larger and more prominent. After all, the guild was not called the heart of commerce for nothing. It is an organization which covers global operations and influences the whole global economy.

As soon as Grey and Yuna passed through the massive doors of the building, they were greeted by a large lobby dominated by counters and merchants of all status and caliber. Large columns could be seen on all sides with small statues built in them.

The waiting line was no joke either. It was the busiest line Grey and Yuna had seen apart from the lines they see on the city gates. If it weren't for the numerous number of receptionists, it would have been impossible to accommodate such a large number of customers.

"Welcome to the Merchants' Guild, how may I serve you?" [Receptionist 1]

Having lined up for several minutes, it was finally Grey and Yuna's turn to ask their inquiries. As per usual, they were greeted by the receptionist with a professional business smile and a welcoming expression.

"Ummm... We would like to buy a property. Are there any available at the moment?" [Grey]

"Yes. If it's a property you are looking into, please head to counter 27 on the left. They have a list of properties you can choose from. You can also ask for property counseling over there." [Receptionist 1]

"Ah, thank you." [Grey]

"You're welcome... Next, please." [Receptionist 1]

As Grey and Yuna headed to the said counter, another customer replaced their spot and the receptionist started entertaining them once again, always wearing a business smile on her face.

The counter Grey and Yuna headed to was amongst the furthest to the left. There was no other customer to be served yet, and so, Grey and Yuna seated themselves, waiting for the receptionist to greet them.

"Good morning. Are you here to buy a property or sell one?" [Receptionist 2]

"We're here to buy one. Could we see the list of properties available?" [Grey]

"Of course. Then what is your budget range? We have many properties starting at 25 thousand kiels up to 100 thousand to choose from. Is that range fine with the two of you?" [Receptionist 2]

"Ah, then, can we take a look first before deciding?" [Grey]

"No problem. Please take your time." [Receptionist 2]

The receptionist handed a folder of documents to Grey and Yuna. It was one full of properties, their details, and important notes about them. Sadly, there weren't any pictures available, only descriptions.

Grey and Yuna slowly flipped through the offered properties for several minutes. While many of the properties' descriptions were satisfactory, none had captured their hearts. They were lacking something the two of them desired.

"Umm... Do you have any more properties available?" [Grey]

"Yes, we do, but..." [Receptionist 2]

"But...?" [Grey]

"They cost quite a lot..." [Receptionist 2]

A frown formed on the receptionist's face as she said such words. It was partly because of Grey and Yuna's young appearances. They worried the receptionist whether they could really afford such high prices.

In Merusia, poorly maintained properties lie at about 25 thousand kiels. Cheap yet reasonable ones are about 40 thousand kiels. Those which are decent lie at prices at least 80 thousand kiels. For anything beyond 100 thousand, it is already considered high-class and even luxurious.

Most residences in Merusia are either at cheap or decent prices. Those who could afford high-class residences are only wealthy merchants and the gentry. It was only natural for the receptionist to be worried when Grey and Yuna, two young adults, were asking to see such high-end properties on their own.

"If it's the price you're worried about, there's no need to worry. We are quite capable, you see." [Grey]

Said Grey as he slid something on the top of the counter, making the receptionist jolt in surprise. After all, the thing Grey slid was a Sky Crystal, a denomination which is equal to a million kiels, and he did it so casually as well.

"I-I apologize for my rude remarks." [Receptionist 2]

"No, it's alright. Anyway, can we take a look at the documents now?" [Grey]

"A-Ah, yes of course!" [Receptionist 2]

Shortly after, the receptionist had once again given them another set of documents containing properties costing over 100 thousand kiels. All of which were much bigger and luxurious than the ones they've read before.

There was one thing the properties had in common. It was that all properties have second floors and are all well-maintained. There was also the fact that they have spacious lots, all at least 300 square meters.

As Grey and Yuna flipped through the pages, a certain property caught their eye. While not as luxurious as the others were, it had everything they wanted in a house they will call their new home.

The property had an area of 1,040 square meters, with 336 of those being the area of the house. The remaining area was filled with a garden, a small shed, and an empty space at the back which seemed to be a small training ground.

It was a walled property with a large gate in the front. As it was quite the distance away from the residential areas, it was also peaceful and quiet. It was the perfect location to get away from the current chaos they are experiencing.

As for the house itself, it had two floors like the other properties. On the first floor was a living room, a kitchen, a pantry, a dining room, two comfort rooms, and a bathroom, one which had a bath installed, something Grey and Yuna had always wanted.

On the second floor was a master bedroom with a large balcony, and an additional three spare bedrooms. There was also an open space just for relaxation. The hallways were also filled with large windows overlooking the garden and training ground. To say the very least, the property could be called a small mansion already.

Of course, it went without saying that the house was built with high-quality materials and was also well-maintained. It was one which could be called a dream house for many. A dream which is within reach for Grey and Yuna.

『Yuna, what do you think of this property?』 [Grey]

『Fufu, why are you asking even when you already know the answer? Of course, I love it! I think it will make a lovely home!』 [Yuna]

『Yeah, I think so too.』 [Grey]

There wasn't much of a discussion. Grey and Yuna quickly agreed to take the property and make it their home. It was not only a good property, even the location was perfect. There was nothing more they could ask for.

"Excuse me, Miss... This property, can we personally take a look at it." [Grey]

"Of course. When would you like to?" [Receptionist 2]

"If possible, we would like to see it now." [Grey]

"Then please wait a moment. I'll first ask someone to take my place and I'll be right back with you afterwards." [Receptionist 2]

Just like the receptionist said, she slowly stood up from her seat and left her desk. She then talked to one of the staff members nearby before heading back to Grey and Yuna, with the staff member following behind her.

"Shall we?" [Receptionist 2]

A smile on her face, the receptionist led Grey and Yuna out of the guild. While they were doing so, the staff member who followed behind the receptionist sat behind the counter, taking the former's post.

Riding on one of the guild's carriages, it didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination. Just like what the document described, it was a really quiet place where the houses are sparse. It was one of the less developed parts of the city, located in the southeast district.

As they rode in the carriage, they could feel the fresh air blowing on their faces as they looked at the scenery outside. There were still many trees to be seen. A place one could feel at ease in.

"We have arrived." [Receptionist 2]

The carriage stopped and the three of them went down. In front of them was a large walled property which, just like how it was described in the documents, was a very beautiful and peaceful place.

Upon entering the gates, they were greeted by slightly overgrown, yet beautiful gardens by the side and the house in front. No matter where Grey and Yuna looked, everything was just as beautiful as they imagined.

At the back, while not as big as the ones they're used to, there was an empty, undeveloped space which could be used as a training ground with a small shed on the corner which could be used for storage.

After exploring the outside, they then started exploring the insides of the house. The living room, the kitchen, and especially the bathroom. Everything had been looked at closely, making sure everything was to their standards.

While there was very little to no furniture present, all necessities were there. The faucets and comfort rooms are even still functioning properly. Not to mention that there weren't any damages present. Just a little cleaning and designing of the house and it would be home.

"What do you think, dear customers?" [Receptionist 2]

"It's a very wonderful place. I don't see any problems with it and it's peaceful as well. It's perfect!" [Yuna]

"Like what my companion said, it's a wonderful place. Miss receptionist, we'll be taking it!" [Grey]

"Fufufu! I'm more than glad to hear that. Then shall we head back to the guild and sign the documents?" [Receptionist 2]

With all things done and settled, Grey and Yuna, along with the receptionist, headed back to the Merchants' Guild to finalize the purchasing of the property. The moment they arrived, they headed into a certain room for the document signing.

While Grey has not dealt with real-estate, he had already expected that there were a number of documents to be signed. Even then, he had not expected there to be so many. There were dozens of pages they needed to sign.

"Phew... That was a lot of papers..." [Grey]

"Un... I don't think I've signed so many documents my entire life,.." [Yuna]

But just when Grey and Yuna thought everything was all over, another problem arose. A very annoying one. One which they totally forgot because of how excited they were over their new house.

"Lastly, please hand in your IDs for the verification." [Receptionist 2]

They had totally forgotten that all official transactions required the use of IDs. It was a condition which would render their disguises useless. After all, what's the use of disguises if they still needed to show their Guild cards.

To begin with, the reason why they are searching for a new house is because of their identities. And now that they have found the perfect house, they once again needed to prove their identities. It was a cruel fate.

"Umm... Is there a problem?" [Receptionist 2]

"Ah, no... Umm... Do we really need to show our IDs?" [Grey]

"I'm afraid so. Without your IDs, the contract will be nulled and you will not be able to purchase the property. It's one of the main policies of the Merchants' Guild. Do you perhaps not have your IDs with you?" [Receptionist 2]

"No, it's just that, you see..." [Grey]

Grey didn't choose to continue his words, rather, he and Yuna only showed their guild cards to the receptionist. The very moment the latter saw the golden sheen of the cards, her eyes immediately widened in shock as she looked back on the cards and their owners.

To top it all off, Grey undid the illusion magic he previously casted, revealing their true identities. A young man with black hair and amethyst-colored eyes along with a young elven girl who has silver hair and sapphire-like eyes. There was no way the receptionist didn't know of them,

"Sorry for hiding our identities to you, we can't really go out without wearing a disguise, you see." [Yuna]

"It wasn't our intention to trick you either, I hope you understand our circumstances." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna quickly apologized as they shortly explained their situation to the receptionist. The receptionist on the other hand was still in a state of disbelief as she stared at them.

"A-Ah, y-yes! N-No, please wait a momenー I-I mean, please excuse me, Your Highnesses. I-I'll be informing the G-Guildmaster of your presence. I ask for your understanding!" [Receptionist 2]

Panicky, as soon as the receptionist snapped back to reality, she switched to a more formal and respectful tone, bowing her head politely before exiting the room to go fetch the Guildmaster, leaving Grey and Yuna on their own.

A few moments later, the doors opened once again and two figures entered. One was the receptionist from before, while the other was a skinny aged man whose eyes were adorned with dark bags, a product of sleeplessness.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Highnesses. My name is Marcel Hurler, this guild's Guildmaster, in your service."[Marcel]

Without warning, the Guildmaster bowed his head to Grey and Yuna, and following him, the receptionist also did the same. It hasn't been long since they met but Grey and Yuna could already tell one thing...

It was going to be a tiring day.


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