Vanessa couldn't feel the tears build up in her eyelids as she fell to her knees to look for whatever he'd thrown. During her scurrying, she'd accidentally pushed the key under her bed. 'This can't be happening...'. She could barely gather her thoughts at this point. She just wanted to live another day with Dante and talk things over. The thought alone was enough to make a few tears spill down her cheeks. As her hand closed around the cold metal, she felt a sense of relief.
Next came a loud slash and an accompanying thudding sound. Vanessa peeped out from under the bed to catch a glimpse of Dante bleeding out on the floor, although all she saw were different colors.
Micheal turned to head for the bed but Dante managed to grip his ankle. "Where do you think you're going?". He grinned.
"You're a stubborn one". Micheal raised his sword before shattering Dante's skull.