"Rachit's point of view,"
I walked into the conference room.
My gaze fell on Riya, who appeared to be as beautiful as ever.
As soon as she noticed me entering the conference hall. It clouded her face with awkwardness and sadness.
I noticed she pretended to be looking at a PowerPoint presentation, but she was looking at me from the corner of her eyes.
I wanted to inquire why she had ignored me.
Didn't she like to kiss me on that day?
I've just been in this office for three months, and the management has kept the news of my arrival secret, only sharing it with the office's senior management.
People's eyes stopped on me as soon as I walked into the office on the first day of my job; because of my appealing appearance and personality, they quickly noticed me in the eyes of the people.
The same thing happened here as soon as I arrived. Following my appointment with the plant head, I had to attend a meeting in the conference room.
I drew my gaze in the conference room to the young woman who was presenting the presentation.
For the first time, I saw a girl who was so confident in her ideas.
In the faint light of the projector, I attempted to see her.
5'5" tall, fair complexion. Because I caught her height and excellent body shape in my eyes, I couldn't notice the cosmetics on her face like the other girls.
Her natural beauty drew my attention to her face. Her waist-length hair complemented her personality even more.
She once gave a presentation and looked at me.
She mumbled something in a low voice after noticing me, but I was sitting far away from her and couldn't hear her.
I intended to speak with her after the meeting, but she rushed out of the conference room.
The Plant Head introduced me to the rest of the staff.
I inquired about the girl with the plant head out of curiosity.
Sir, who was the lady who was giving the speech?
Riya, our office's new project director, is a young and talented young lady. The plant's head informed me.
Wao! That is a very impressive thing. I murmured that in a low tone.
In my mind, the desire to know more about her and speak with her was growing.
I'm not sure what drew me to her at first, but I was curious about her like I'd never been before.
I looked all around the office for her, and when I eventually found her in the cafeteria, I couldn't stop myself from praising her.
Weldon Miss.
My voice drew her attention to me.
It took aback her when she saw me in the cafeteria and apologized for not recognizing who I was.
I extended my hand and introduced myself, and she confidently took my hand in hers and did the same.
I'm not sure why electricity started racing through my body as soon as she touched me.
I don't know why, but my need to know more about her made me restless.
I tried to learn more about her from the rest of the office staff; although I did not ask anyone directly, I learned from her coworkers that she has a reserved nature, is strict and dedicated to her work, and that she can be aggressive and stubborn although she is a very kind-hearted girl who always pretends to be cold-hearted.
She isn't a fan of workplace gossip, and no one has ever heard a rumor about her dating any of the guys in the office. And no one knows anything about her personal life because she rigorously keeps it private.
I never miss an opportunity to speak with her, and I'm not sure why I feel she's becoming interested in me as well. I wanted to ask her if she had a boyfriend, but I couldn't bring myself to do so.
Two days ago, there was heavy rain outside, and auto rickshaws were closed owing to the weather.
While leaving the office, I noticed she was waiting for a vehicle sitting on the side of the road, so I pulled over to the side and offered her a ride, which she gratefully accepted.
I'm not sure what happened to me that day when I lost control and kissed her by myself.
Maybe it was the romantic weather, or maybe I couldn't help but kiss her because she was so close to me in such a lonely place.
After kissing her pulpy lips, I felt a strong desire to have her.
She was kissing me with the same passion with which I was kissing her.
As soon as the oncoming car's headlights concentrated on us, we parted ways.
But I couldn't stop myself from kissing her again, so I seized her lips with my lips and kissed her again.
A call came through on her phone, and after hearing her scared voice, I assumed she was already in a relationship.
At her request, I started the car's engine and dropped her according to her instructions.
She exited the vehicle, thanked me, and proceeded to her building.
The next day, I tried calling her.
She blocked my phone number, and I was desperate to speak with her.
She didn't respond to a lot of the texts I sent her.
I was so disturbed by her neglect that I couldn't sleep for two days and couldn't focus on anything else.
I'm just waiting for the office to open so I can meet her and ask why she's been so rude to me.
However, before I met her and questioned her, one of my team members angered me by failing to complete the assignment on time.
As a result, I vented all of Riya's rage on that hapless colleague. I can't believe any girl can ignore me, especially if she blacklists my phone number.
Riya was the polar opposite of all those protests, regardless of my preconceptions about the girls. And even though I can't stop myself from getting close to her,
Didn't Riya want me near her? Did she?
Why did she put my phone number on the blacklist without telling me?
Is it true that she will never speak to me again?
Is it OK for me to question her directly about what the problem is now that everyone in the workplace is present?
I don't know how I'm going to ask her in front of everyone. Should I dial her number and speak with her in my cabin?
To find out why she's avoiding me, I do not know how or where to approach her.
Because I was in such a bad mood this morning. Those who entered my workplace today drew the attention of everyone.
It disrupted my thoughts when the meeting room light abruptly went on.
Mr. Shinde then announced the official tour. Hearing this announcement, everyone's faces brightened up.
I'd like to speak with her and inquire why she is avoiding me.
When the meeting was over, I abruptly stopped her and told her I needed to speak to her about something urgent.
It irritated her after listening to me, but she didn't have a choice, so she sat calmly in front of me.
There were some staff members in the conference room, engaged in an important topic, so I looked around and saw that they were all there.
In a state of emotional composure, I begged she depart by saying, "Nothing noteworthy. We may discuss it further at a later time.
I could see her frowning face, but I couldn't ask her anything in front of the rest of the office staff.
I just stood there watching her walk out of the conference room.
I was desperate to talk with her, but I didn't know how I'd be able to do it.
I dialled her extension without hesitation. "Hello," she said as she greeted me.
I was so frantic that I had no choice but to question her directly.
"What exactly is the problem?" Are you upset with me? "
"No, sir, there is no such thing," she whispered.
"How come my phone number is on the do-not-call list?" I inquired enragedly.
It annoyed me when she addressed me as "Sir" instead of my given name.
She remained silent about the subject.
"This is an official call; please do not reveal your personal troubles here," she said, and the receiver slammed the phone down angrily.
Her weird actions made me quiver with fury.
Why does she behave in this manner?
She had no right to put my phone number on the no-show list.
I like her, and I believe she likes me as well. So why is she acting this way?