Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 138 - Return From The Dead (Part 2)

Chapter 138 - Return From The Dead (Part 2)

Chapter 135: Return From The Dead (Part 2)




... body felt so cold, I had a feeling that my face was being pressed by something, my nose felt stink smells. My right side's belly felt hurt, my body felt very cold, my entire body felt hurt, what had happened to me?

Wait...I was...being beaten by the people on the streets when I stole the food!

"Hahhhh!" - My eyes opened and I saw a very dark scene, I felt a bit suffocated

My body had been pressed by something, from above to below, I sniffed a very stinky smell around me, I immediately pulled the thing that was pressing my face out. I shoved the thing away and then slowly got up, I looked at the sky and saw it was very dark, I looked below and saw....a mountain of dead bodies!

"Haaaaahhhh! What the hell!" - I was so scared so I lost my balance and fell

"Ahhhhh!" - Ahhhh, my right hand had been pressed by my body, I slowly got up again in painful

I got up and then accidentally looked at my belly, it had a hole on the right side with the blood had been cold, I felt so hurt. I could not get up properly because my entire body was hurt, I looked around to examine where I was exactly and I saw in front of me was a mountain of corpses.

Below my feet, there were even corpses that seemed to be falling from the mountain of corpses because there were so many corpses in there and it could not enough to put all the corpses in a place.

I was so terrified, was this place the land of the dead? I looked closer and noticed that most of the corpses had been decomposed to the bones and skulls, some were composed and exposed bones but still have flesh. Some corpses seemed to be newly placed there and the corpses were still new, what a terrifying place.

Luckily that my feet could walk but my upper body was hurt, maybe it was caused by the people's kicks, I could walk, I could get out of here. But I felt so cold, my entire body felt cold to the bone as if I could die in this cold when I didn't know where I was, I want to go home, I want to go home!

I should not let the Throne in the beginning, I was so stupid, the starved people could even fight for their lives just only for a half of the bread, I should have precious what I have. Why no one was here to help me? When I was going to anyplace, Dunkel would be there to care about me, now I was alone, what should I do?

I didn't know where to go home, I didn't know where should I cold, someone please help me!

I was wondering how was Rigen and my little sister, they may still searching for me hopelessly, I was now in a place that I didn't know. Sherry may now be beaten by that cunning old man Prime Minister, I should have stayed with her to protect but I didn't, I was so pathetic!

I used my injured hands to hold my upper from the cold, I slowly walked through the corpses which were lying on the ground, some corpses had been covered by a bunch of flies. The sky was still dark, the weather was so cold, I weakly crouched down to a corpse that seemed to be fully dressed, the shirt seemed to very stink and raggy after a long time neglected.

I used my hands to pull the shirt out of the corpse and the shirt had been torn in half, I wore the raggy shirt while smelling the stinky smells in it all the time. Though the shirt didn't help me much but at least I could ensure the cold now, I didn't know where to go so I walked powerless forward.

"Ahhhh!" - My feet suddenly stepped on a corpse and I fell

I weakly got up and then walked forward again while keeping my eyes out of the mountain of corpses, I looked around to see if there were signs of people around my place or not. The place was an entire forest, I kept walking weakly while using my eyes to see if there were some kind of light or if even a human was going past here.

I risked my chance to climb into the mountain of corpses, I got my hands on the corpses and kept climbing up, some corpses fell down but I kept continuing to climb painfully. I also grabbed some skulls while climbing but I kept climbing to see what I could find, I kept grabbing the corpses until I found nothing for me to grab.

I was on the top of the corpses mountain, I slowly got in and then stood up while looking around in the hope to find a human sign of this place. I looked around while squinting my eyes to make my vision more accurate in the dark and...there was a bit of light from far away, maybe miles.

The lights that I saw seemed to be from torches, I hope I could find humans there to ask for help, I slowly got off of the corpses and then kept going in the direction that I saw earlier. Luckily that after going out of the mountain of corpses for 30 minutes more, I finally saw a long dirt trail that seemed to lead me to two routes, I would head in the direction that I saw earlier.

I walked on the trail for a few minutes and then I stopped at a tree nearby to urinate, I slowly spurted out my urines and saw that there was blood in my urines!

The feeling when I was urinating was also hurt, I didn't want to live this painfully, I kept urinating blood until I had done urinating. I pulled up my pants and then pressed my hands to the tree where I urinated earlier to rest because of tired and thirsty.

"Goddess...please save me..." - I cried a bit and then noticed that I was hungry

After a long time going with my injured body, I had gotten used to walking in pain but the feelings of thirsty and hungry or were still chasing me. I took a long breath and then got my hands out of the tree to keep going, I accidentally looked below and saw...a person who was lying on the grass, I urinated him earlier!

"Ahhhhhhh!" - I was scared of the person that was lying on the grass so I panicked fell back and fell to the ground

Seemed like that person was sleeping, that one could be a man because of his big shoulder, he suddenly woke up because of my panicked yell. I didn't how was that man's face, he was wearing a brown leather cloak that seemed to be handmade by that man, he was wearing a hood so I didn't know who he was.

The man carried a sword on the left of his belt, there was a dagger beside it, the man only had a right hand, his left hand seemed to be lost as if it had been chopped off. The man saw me and then he slowly walked toward me, I was very scared so I could not walk, someone please save me!

"Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I don't have anything for you to steal!"

"I'm sorry for urinating on you, I didn't mean to, please spare me!"

The man kept walking toward me and I was very scared of him so I raised my hands to protect myself while closing my eyes, my belly felt to be touched by someone so I opened my eyes to see. The man crouched down and used his right hand to lift my shirt and held the right side of my belly, which was the part that got injured, I must steal his dagger, it was very near to my reach!

"Don't be scared, young man! I don't have anything against you...your pain will go away soon." - A low voice talked to me, that voice seemed familiar, I heard it from someone before

I didn't know who was this strange man but he seemed didn't hostile toward me, his voice also made me feel comfortable as if I knew him a long time before.

"Heal!" - This strange man could use non-attribute magic? He was a healer?

A green light appeared in the man's palm which had many green seeds that popped up and then covered my wound. In a few seconds, the pain in the right side of my belly had gone away but the light in the man's palm had been turned off.

"Sorry, young man! My magic power only has this short amount due to lack of meals and not well resting, I was thinking about healing your entire body but I could not."

"The wound though has been healed completely but it was too late, a scar has been marked in your body, young man." - The man seemed to be aged with the tone of his voice

"Thank you...very much!"

"May I...know your name, old man? If I have a chance to meet you again, I want to pay for your kindness..."

"I don't need any pay, young me Rer, my name is Rer." - The old man named Rer slowly lifted me

"My name..."

"I mean my name is Hoster..."

"Hoster!" - Why did this old man behave as if he was very shocked?

The old man named Rer grabbed my face and then faced me very close, he kept looking at me as if to see my face's appearance.

"I see, the Goddess must have let us have a chance to reunite...I'm so glad!" - I would say Rer as uncle to respect him, uncle Rer was tearing up for some reason

"We have finally reunited after years separated, son!" - I was a bit confused because uncle Rer kept hugging me while tearing

After a few seconds of crying, uncle Rer stopped doing that and then patted my head, he later looked at me straight while grabbing my shoulder.

"How did you get here, son? Have you just gotten out of the Land of the dead earlier?" - Why did uncle Rer ask me this?

"I didn't understand what you mean, uncle Rer?"


"I...respected you so I called you that."

"That's so? It's good to see you again, son." - Uncle Rer kept tapping my shoulder

"How did you get there, son?" - What should I lie to him?

"Don't worry...son, I know you are a Royal member, Hoster Sonne, the new King of Warsaw."

"Who are you?"

"We met each other for a long time, son! I'm not hostile to you...please tell me what made you miserable like this?"

"Uhhh...I..." - At the way uncle Rer said, he and I must have had a relationship for a long time

"My father died...the Prime Minister killed him, I think! I became a King under his control, not more than a puppet."

"Luckily that, a strange man named John appeared and gave me the letters which were written by my chased uncle."

"Thanks to the letters I could know the truth that my uncle has been blamed by the Prime Minister for the coup."

"Recently, the Prime Minister forced my little sister to marry an Attenta lord to solve the starvation in Warsaw, my little sister only loves the man John."

"So I decided to let the Prime Minister to decided my marriage to save my little sister though I already had a woman I want to marry."

"I didn't want to get married so I escaped, I was thinking to go back but when I got to Veta, I saw many miserable people there so I spent my money to help them."

"I got...robbed after that, no one in that town saved me, I was very hungry so I stole the food and people beat me very hard and I passed out."

"After waking up, I was in the middle of the corpses..."

Uncle Rer kept looking at me and then hugged me again, he patted my head non-stop and then looked at me again.

"Your Majesty, please endure the Prime Minister and wait for the time to revenge, it would not be easy to do but if you have a will, you will find a way to go."

"Thank you, uncle Rer!"

"The land of the dead is the mountain which only has corpses around it, the one who lies there won't have a chance to return."

"That place is used to place the corpses of the civilians who were killed in the war 30 years ago, it's also the graves of the powerless and the thieves, no one goes in there but can go out safely."

"Your Majesty, you went out of the land of the dead, that means you can have a chance to eliminate the Prime Minister." - Uncle Rer said his words as if to guide me

"But doing that is not easy, use your servants well, the man John Rigen must be a strange man but I think he is trustworthy, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, head to the direction that I point over there, that place is Veta, away from this place 2 miles." - Uncle Rer pointed to the direction that I was about to go there

"Going in this late at night is the best idea, the guards are mostly sleeping while guarding, please do it fast before the dawn comes."

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" - I was shaking because of the cold

"It's so cold..."

Uncle Rer suddenly took out his belt and then took his leather cloak to wear it for me, the leather cloak made my body warmer but uncle Rer's upper body was now naked. Uncle Rer was also holding his muscular body because of the terrible cold but he didn't complain a word, what a kind man.

I could see that uncle Rer had brown eyes, short brown hair with a bit of grey-haired and a little beard, his appearance was quite dirty and clumsy as if he intentionally did that for some reason. Uncle Rer's upper body, from his shoulders to his chest had many marks as if they had been slashed and become scars because of late treatment.

My hungry and my thirsty came again, I was so ashamed to ask for help but I hope uncle Rer could help me this time.

"May I...have some food or water, uncle Rer? I'm thirsty and also hungry for hours..."

"Sorry, Your Majesty! The heal and the cloak are the only things I can give you for have to go alone back to the Capital." - Uncle Rer talked to me while holding himself


"I will be in danger when I get to Warsaw's border, now you can only save yourself, Your Majesty! I'm sorry for not staying with you."

Uncle grabbed his belt which was hanging his weapons in it and gave it to me.

"Your Majesty, please take these things to protect you."

"No, uncle Rer! Keep those things to protect yourself, I feel so ashamed to be helped many times and I don't want to be dependent on the others anymore."

"Please stay alive, Your Majesty! If I can survive today, I may have a chance to see you again." - Both of us hugged each other again and then we waved at each other and parted our ways

Thank a strange man uncle Rer, I managed to have the courage to return, I kept walking forward, though my wound was not completely healed but I kept walking. The leather cloak that I was wearing still have stinky urine smells but the urines that were stuck on the cloak made my body feel warm.

I confidently walked forward on my tired and weak feet but I kept walking without end, I must return to protect Sherry, to protect my little sister and to protect myself. After a short time of walking non-stop, I finally got to Veta's border gate but the guards were all sleeping very.

Because today was Warsaw day so everyone could have a day off to open parties and do other things, I easily past the gate and got inside the town. The streets were very empty because everyone was sleeping so I kept walking until I got out of the town.

I didn't find any transport for me to move but if there was a horse here, I could not have the strength to mount it because I was very fatigued. I walked outside of Veta town and headed into the forest, it would be a very long time for me until I could get back to the Capital city.

Though I got used to walking with my fatigued and painful body but my hungry and thirsty kept chasing me, I had to sit in the trees after a long walk and then kept going to the Capital.

After hours of walking barefoot non-stop through the dawn and the morning, I finally got back to the Capital city, this time was about to get noon, very late for the ceremony now. The Warsaw Royal Guards saw me get inside the border gate but they didn't stop me, maybe the people from all social statuses would have a chance to see the King on a national day so I walked inside easily.

I think the people here didn't know about their King's disappearance yet, I must return fast to the Palace to operate the national day ceremony or someone would steal my Throne. I walked around the place to find a waterfall and I found one which was placed near me a few steps so I pressed my face into the water of the waterfall.

"Ahhh! Haaahhh! Haaahh!" - I drank the water inside of the waterfall until my belly had been full of water

After drinking water, I cleaned my hands by using the waterfall and then kept going forward to the Palace. Some dense people were standing on the sidewalks to wait for the King with his guards to march on the road, they were waiting for me.

The King would march with his guards on the streets in the morning but now the national day ceremony had been delayed because of my disappearance, I must return fast. But my body had no energy to keep going or something, I was very hungry and was trying to keep going...maybe stopping by somewhere to rest would be a good idea.

I walked on the streets to find a good place for me to sit and rest, while going on the streets, I saw many buildings around me hanging the Warsaw national flags. The Warsaw national flag had features with an entire red background with a yellow round shield and a yellow sword marked in the middle of the flag.

I walked everywhere that I think I could find a good corner to sit and then I saw an alley's entrance, it seemed clear to me so I slowly sat there to rest. My body was very fatigued because it had no food, my feet were burning after a long time of walking, the way back to the Palace was still not far, I must try hard.

Now I remembered about my wound, not just my belly but my entire upper body, from the shoulder to my chest had some bruises because of being beaten and kicked. My belly's wound would be the most dangerous here, the other wounds only bruises, this one had stopped bleeding, though it had been healed a bit but I was scared I would get infected.

I sat in the alley's entrance for a few seconds, I must be fast, maybe I could stop resting now so I slowly got up...wait, why I could not stand?

I must try it again, I pressed my hands on the ground and then pulled myself up again while using my feet to lift me but I could not stand, my body felt heavy and had no energy. I was trying to get up but I could not, I sat hopelessly and then I saw two figures coming across me, those were a little girl and an adult woman who were walking together as if they were mother and daughter.

The adult woman was white, she had brown long wavy haired, brown eyes and seemed...very hot and beautiful at her age, maybe 30, she was wearing a red uniform with a Warsaw red beret. Wait...the woman I just had seen was a guild girl from the Adventurer's Guild? But why did she wear this uniform? No one would go to work today.

About the little girl that seemed to be the woman's daughter, she was also white, had a long brown ponytail hair and brown eyes, the little girl wore a red uniform, which was my little sister's school uniform. This mother and daughter seemed very odd in those clothes, they may not be the people here, the mom and the daughter saw me while walking across the alley so they crouched down and stepped toward me.

"Mister, what's wrong with you? You look so bad." - The mother touched my body, maybe she didn't intend to kill me but worried about me

"Eris, hold the bread for me." - The woman talked to the little girl named Eris and then she gave Eris the bread she was holding in her hand

The woman lifted my cloak and saw the wound in my belly, her face seemed shocked to see my wound, the daughter seemed very worried about me too.

"Can you heal the man, mama?" - So both of them were truly mother and daughter

"I will try, Eris! It might be hard but I will try." - The woman raised her hand to my belly

"Heal!" - This woman was also a healer? My belly later had been covered by the green seeds and then my wound felt better

Though the wound was not healed completely but at least I had gotten out of my pain a bit, the mother and the daughter kept looking at me in worried.

I was still very hungry, should I ask them for their bread?

"Please...may I...have your bread?" - I pointed my finger to the meat bread that the little girl named Eris was holding

"Of course, mister!" - The mom and the daughter nodded and they slowly gave me the bread

"Thank you two...very much." - I slowly took the bread and then ate it in tears and happiness, the Capital's bread was never as tasty as this time

"Mister, are you a commoner who came here to see the King's march?" - The woman asked me and I raised my head to see her while eating

"We are the immigrants and newly have the citizen cards here so we didn't know much about the previous King of this Kingdom."

"But according to what I heard from the people that he was a great King who was loved by the people, even nobles and commoners."

"But when the King died and his son replaced him, everything in this Kingdom has been ruined..." - The woman didn't know she talking to me, the King who was in front of her

"Mister, your life must be very miserable when the King's son replaced him, right? Luckily that we live here and do not struggle like the people in the towns." - Eris talked to me

"The new King is now being hated very much by all of the people, mister! He announced the Prime Minister as his father and even let the people starve, he didn't have the people's trust." - I must return fast

I kept eating the bread and then after I had done eating the bread, the mother and her daughter looked at me again as if to check on me if I was fine.

"Thank you two for the bread, I would not forget your kindness, may I have permission to know you two's names?"

"I'm Milch, mister! Call me Milch." - Milch, what a good name, this woman was also beautiful...I already had Sherry, I only praised this woman because she was truly hot and pretty

"I'm Erissen, mister! Call me Eris if you want, hehe." - This little girl seemed very energetic

"Milch and Eris, I won't forget your kindness." - I bowed toward the mother and her daughter to pay respect

"Anyway...I see you very hot and beautiful, madame...maybe...people would be jealous of your husband." - I could not stop myself from saying those words

"You praised me beautiful, mister? Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I don't think a 35 years old lady like me can be praised by a young man." - Milch seemed very loved to be praised

"Mama, hmmph!" - Maybe her daughter was jealous when she hadn't got praised

"Anyway, where is your husband, madame?"

Both Milch and Eris turned into their sad faces and then looked at me, maybe this lady's husband and her daughter's father had passed away, poor them.

"My husband left me for a long time...he suddenly returned to us when we were about to head to Warsaw." - Milch seemed very sad

"My Papa returned to us in rushed and panicked, he ordered us to pack up and then told us to get into a carriage that he hired to lead us to Warsaw, my Papa...was being chased by someone."

"I'm very sorry to hear that, I hope your father is still alive, Eris." - I slowly patted Eris

" two don't look like the people here...are you two newly nobles?"

"We are commoners, mister." - Milch said to me

"How could commoners live well in this city, madame? I can't believe there is such a beautiful commoner...I'm sorry, my mouth...sigh!"

"There is a very kind man who gave us a lot of money when we were about to get to Warsaw to change our lives, thanks to the money, my daughter could go to school."

"It must be a very hard time for you two."

"Anyway...why did you two dress like that? I feel it weird."

"Umm...well, I went to work today because I heard the people who go to work on a national day would be paid 5 times than normal days but..." - Warsaw national day was a play day, madame!

"I went to my workplace and saw no one there, even my best friend and her little sister have taken days off to get to a town to buy a cheap house and didn't return yet."

"I went outside and accidentally met my daughter, we decided to wear like this to join the people to see the King though this time is quite late and he hasn't come out to let us see him yet."

"Me too, mister! I went to school today and saw only my fox sis so I hang out with her around the place until I got to the guild to pick up my mom." - Both this mother and daughter had faced silly things

"Eris, I bought you and your mom some potatoes, get here to try some!" - A loud voice called Eris and her mom, those must be from their friends

"Alright, sis! Wait for me a bit!" - Eris said back and then grabbed my hands as if to comfort me to encourage me to overcome my pain

"Ahhhh, sickle potatoes! So shining!" - Wait...I heard some familiar voice

"Sasa, those sickles are for Eris!" - Maybe those were these two's friends, they were fighting for food or something, I felt so relaxed after talking with these two and hearing those funny sounds outside

"Anyway, we think we will go now, mister! See you again, good luck." - Milch stood up while holding her daughter's hand and then both of them waved to me

"See you again, mister!" - Eris was still waving for me when her figure was far away from me

I slowly stood up again and this time I could stand up straight, I would go to take back my Throne. Only me is worthy to be the King, no one can replace me, I must be stronger to protect my people and my relatives, I must unify my homeland, I would not give up my path!

Rigen's perspective

We were now inside the King's room with the Prime Minister and Sherry, Shera was staying beside me. Reimi, Hatano and Sarah were still searching for Hoster outside and did not return yet

Hatano found the horse that Hoster stole from mine but it had died when we found it, it seemed to be devoured by the hungry commoners. The destination of the horse corpse seemed very suspicious, it had been dragged to a river and then killed by the people.

We also searched for Hoster in Veta and other towns but hadn't found him, the Prime Minister seemed very mad right now.

"Shera..." - I asked Shera with a low voice to not let the Prime Minister hear

"What do you want to ask me, John?"

"Say to me low...what would happen if the King has gone during the national day?"

"If the King has gone in the national day, the King's Advisor or the Prime Minister would become the new King depends on the vote of the officials and the lords, only if the Queen or the Princess allows."

"Can the King's brother-in-law be allowed to get on the Throne?"

"If the previous King's younger sister - Princess allows then her fiance would become a new King." - That meant I could steal the throne by using Shera if Hoster didn't return in time

"If the previous King doesn't die but goes missing, the Princess or the Queen would be the one who has the most power." - I must assassinate the Prime Minister fast after having the throne

"If the previous King returns a bit late when the new King had been formed?"

"The power would remain to the new King and can only return to the previous King if the new King allows." - That meant I could use Shera to steal the throne without any struggle...good!

"My Highness, haaahh! Haaaah!" - Reimi opened the door and got it with her face full of sweats, she was breathing constantly

"Speak, how is the result!" - The Prime Minister was quite mad

"Shakes head!"

"We are back to report, Commander!" - Sarah and Hatano had finally come in without Hoster, the throne is mine now!

"Sorry, Minister Alt! His Majesty is nowhere to be found..." - Sarah apologized to the Prime Minister while Hatano shook her head

Dunkel suddenly came inside and then pointed his head at the Prime Minister, he seemed very tense.

"Minister Alt, all the officials and the lords are waiting for His Majesty in his courtroom, what should we do now?"

"Say to them that my son is still resting because of his illness, do not hold the ceremony without him." - The Prime Minister later looked at Sherry

"Dunkel, immediately take this whore to hang her till her die! Make a fake crime on to tell the people that she poisoned my son!"

"Please spare me, please spare me! Please don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

"What do you mean, Minister Alt!" - Reimi seemed very shocked but I grabbed her to stop her from charging toward the Prime Minister

"Sarah, Hatano, do not act without my order." - Hatano and Sarah were about to make a word but I stopped them

"What's wrong, John?" - Shera, this is for our happiness

"Sherry made the fault so she worth to take her death sentence, Shera." - I was thinking about how to shut Sherry's mouth but now she was about to die, Shera would not know my affair with Sherry, she would not be my threat anymore when she dies

"Take her away!" - The Prime Minister yelled and then Dunkel dragged Sherry outside when that girl was yelling in tears to ask for forgiveness, now I only have this old man as my enemy!

Hoster's perspective

After a short time of walking, I finally returned to the Palace, I was standing in front of its entrance, two Warsaw Royal Guards were guarding there. The roads around the Palace were clear and had no people to prepare for the marching.

I was wondering why there was a metal bar which was placed outside of the entrance, they were about to execute some criminal or what?

I should stop thinking about those details, everyone was waiting for me. I slowly stepped to the entrance and the guards saw me, they didn't let me in but drew their swords and pointed them toward me to stop me.

"Do not go in, filthy commoner! Turn around now!

I used my palm to grab a sword's blade and my palm dripped out some blood because of being cut by the sharp blade of the sword.

"I'm your the way for me..." - I grabbed the sword's blade tighter and blood kept dripping out, I faced the guards with my serious face, open the way or all of you will die!

"His Majesty is now resting, turn around now!"

"If you are His Majesty then I must be his ancestor, hahaha! Now turn around or die!" -

When I get back to my throne, I would execute these men, their families and their friends would join them too, anyone who disobeys me will die, no one can stop me!

"I said turn around!" - The guard used his fist to hit my belly and the other one kicked me to the ground

I slowly stood up again in pain and then I saw inside the entrance, two Warsaw guards were grabbing a person out of the Palace to do something, maybe to execute. The one who was being dragged out was Sherry, one guard was grabbing her hair and the other was grabbing her collar, I would kill them too, only me can touch my Goddess!

"Please don't hang me! Please don't hang me! Please spare me! Please don't kill me!" - Sherry kept crying and begging those men, I must save her!

When the guards dragged Sherry out of the entrance, Sherry accidentally saw me and kept pointing her head at me.

"Your Majesty Your Majesty!" - Sherry yelled in happiness and the guards who had hit me earlier and the guards who were grabbing her were shocked, some of them expressed their terrified

"Sherry!" - I ran to Sherry

"Your Majesty!" - The guards were shocked and got their hands out of Sherry

Both of us later hugged each other very tight, Sherry was crying very loud, I hugged Sherry tighter and then patted her head.

"Don't worry...I'm back..." - It's now my turn, let's see how long can you live when I returned, old man!

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