Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 115 - Bad News (Part 1)

Chapter 115 - Bad News (Part 1)

Chapter 112: Bad News (Part 1)

Shera's perspective

I was wondering how was John now, he said to me he was free mostly all day except in the evening, I was scared John would have girls outside, he would go with them and leave me. I must kill all of the enemies that dare to take John away from me, ahhh! I will kill them all when I find them!!!!!

Maybe...I should not too nervous about this, John was very trustworthy, he may now help my father in the Palace, I hope my father would approve John to love me soon. I also hope my brother would be serious about studying with Ms. Sherry, he was lazy in studying and I didn't check on him yet since I live in school, sigh!

"I'm sorry, students! I did not have a proper plan on training yet for you students so you can train and fight freely with each other today." - Ms. Weira Tonn, our martial arts teacher told us to study freely today

"I'm now very busy so I will go now, students, just study freely today as long as you like." - Ms. Weira bowed toward us to apologize and then walked away from the backyard

"Heh? So boring, we have to train alone?" - Sasa seemed bored

"Our classmates are taking weapons and armors to spar with each other, why don't we join too, Ms. Shera, Ms. Sasa?" - Raptu said to us and then stored the book she was reading in her uniform and then stood up and waited for us

"I will do my best to train with you, my Highness." - Reimi said to me when she was sitting beside me, she got here in the 9th bell and stayed with me till this time

I stood up and then walked to the crate that stocked the leather armors and the wooden weapons which were stocked on the other crates. This time, I was studying the martial arts subject so the students would fight with each other or train with our teacher but Ms. Weira was busy so we would train alone.

During the martial arts subject, we would be trained the physical training, endurance training and weapons training, which would be long-range weapons or melee weapons. The students would be trained by using their mastered weapons, the purpose of the training was to train the nobles on the way to defend themselves when their country got into wars or when got threatened.

For example: If you do the training and you can only master with swords and bows as your weapons then you would be trained with only those two weapons except if you request to learn more about the weapons that you did not master.

I think I was only good at using a sword, a crossbow...and a knife so maybe I should spend my time training with those things, Reimi would spar with me so I was now choosing my sword.

I saw a wooden sword that seemed not so long so I took it, I wanted to train with another weapon, I also grabbed leather armor and its leather protection parts, Reimi immediately helped me to wear those things. After wearing the armor, Reimi also joined wear the armor and she chose a wooden longsword to spar with me, Sasa and Raptu were now sparring with each other.

"The ground is quite dense, my Highness! I'm wondering if there is a place for us." - Reimi kept looking around to see if there was an empty ground for the two of us to spar because the classmates have taken most of the ground

"Eh, can't you move slower, Raptu? How can I spar with you when you keep jumping around?" - Sasa complained when she was holding a short wooden spear but has to spar with a swift fox

"I can't, Miss Sasa! I hope you will understand, my parents and my teacher warriors always told me to move fast and take out the enemy as fast as possible." - Raptu said to Sasa while jumping around

Raptu was a beast girl who has the form of a fox so she was very fast, Raptu was now jumping slowly around while holding both short wooden swords in her hands. Sasa was quite frustrated so she stabbed the spear toward Raptu and our fox friend used both of her swords to block the spear, raised the spear above and used her leg to kick Sasa's belly.

"Ahh, it hurt!" - Sasa yelled when she got kicked

"Ahh!" - Sasa has lost her guard so Raptu pulled her spear away and then pressed her to the ground

"You lost, Ms. Sasa! Let's spar again, I will train you well." - Raptu stop pressing Sasa and stood up, she raised her hand to lift Sasa

"Hey, what the hell did you two looking at, Princess! Reimi! Stop!" - Sasa seemed to be ashamed so she yelled at us

"Hey, hey, sorry."

I was wondering if Reimi has found an empty ground for us or not, she kept looking around and then from far away, a figure of a student raised her sword above as if to tell us to go toward her.

"We separate now, goodbye you two." - I waved my hand to Sasa and Raptu when both of them were still sparing

"Let's go, Reimi."

"Yes, my Highness." - I walked to the figure and Reimi also walked with me

We have to step away from the students who were fighting with each other on our way, when we got to the figure, it appeared to be Akane was the one who called us, around her was a very wide empty ground.

"Thank you for guiding us to this ground, Lady Akane." - Reimi bowed toward Akane to thank her

"Thank you too, Akane! I hope you won't mind if I call you by your name."

"I won't mind, Shera - don't need to thank me because of this small guide, Reimi - dono." - I wanted to make friends with Akane but she seemed to call us by some strange words, maybe honorifics

"What is sama and dono, Akane?"

"Sama and dono are my homeland's honorifics, sama is used to call the rulers or the high-ranked people...dono can also consider sama but I often use it to call the subordinates."

"That's so? Strange."

"My Highness, Lady Sarah has used to call me by a strange honorific like the way Lady Akane called me and you earlier, it's called chan or something according to what I remember." - Reimi said to me

"Strange...can you tell me more, Reimi - dono?" - Akane asked Reimi when her face seemed curious

"Can I do it, my Highness?" - Reimi asked my command

"Of course, tell her if you want, Reimi."

"Yes, my Highness!"

"Lady Akane, Lady Sarah and Lady Hatano are Sir Rigen's subordinates, there was an accident that made the three of them get jailed."

"While bringing them to the jail, Lady Sarah called me chan and said she called me that because she saw me cute." - Reimi explained to Akane

"Chan is also my homeland's's used to call the people who are considered cute." - So Sarah's and Hatano's ancestors may come from a country that has a similar culture to Akane's homeland

" homeland's people's name never has the type of human continent's name, Sarah is a strange name to me but about the name Hatano, it's not common but is also used to name the people." - Akane expressed her thought to me

"I want those two people, I want to find out who they are, they seem similar to my homeland's people, Shera - sama, can you tell me where I can find those girls?" - Akane asked me

"They're working as the Royal Guards in my Palace, Akane."

"I know I should not demand too much about this, Shera - sama...but can I visit your Palace sometimes to meet them?"

"Oh, sure! I would be glad if you visit the Palace, you are always silent so you should open yourself to the people, Akane, I want to be your friend." - If Akane doesn't touch John then I would not do anything to harm her

" say so, Shera - sama, I will be honored to be your friend." - Akene bowed toward me

Maybe we should stop talking now, I must spar with someone, Reimi was now standing guard for me, my servant said she would spar with me but now I wanted to invite Akane to make with me a spar.

"Reimi, I will spar with you later, now stand guard for me, I want to spar with Akane."

"Yes, my Highness." - Reimi stood guard for me by stepping away from me a bit and then moving her eyes around to scout

"May you spar with me, Akane?" - I turned around to ask Akane

Akane looked at my hands and then at my posture for some reason, she later looked at me while holding her wooden longsword. I should say that was a curved longsword that she made by herself or something, seemed like she hewed a wooden log to make it, the sword's appearance reminded me of Hatano's strange curved sword.

"I'm cannot catch my speed, Shera - sama, your hands look tough as if you have been trained too much physical training." - Akane said to me

"Ahh, my tutor taught me about physical training and endurance training, Akane, I won't mind if I am inexperience, I want to know how strong you are."

"If you say so...Shera - sama." - Akane stepped away from me a bit and then drew her wooden strange sword and pointed toward me

I also drew my sword and lowered it, I was wondering how would our spar happen, Reimi was guarding me but she also looked at me a few times as if she wanted to see my duel fight with Akane.

"As an experienced in fighting a sword, I will easy on you a bit, Shera - sama...please attack me if you like." - Akane said to me when she was pointing her sword toward my face

"I want you to attack me first, Akane, do it seriously."

Akane heard me say that so she slowly stepped toward me while her sword kept pointing toward my face, her moving techniques seemed strange to me. Akana moved slowly toward me by slowly tiptoeing as if she moved that way to hide her foot sounds, her sword's blade kept pointing straight toward my face for some reason.

"Lady Akane, what is that strange fighting stance?" - Reimi asked Akane, my servant was quite losing her concentration

"Kendo..." - Akane answered and then kept moving toward me slowly

I was wondering which direction Akane would use to attack me, her sword kept pointing straight toward me so I was a complete lack of information to make an attack on her.

"Hahhhhh!" - Akane yelled and then raised her sword above and swung it to me, I was shocked when her speed was fast

I immediately raised my sword above to black Akane's sword but her swing was so strong that my sword got shaken down, Akane immediately made a quick swing a horizontal line to my chest.

"Ahh!" - I was in pain after being sliced

"Shera - sama...your reflection is good but you need to train more." - Akane said to me and then walked away from me a bit and then moved a bit faster toward me

I immediately raised my sword above and then walked toward Akane, both of us slowly closed to each other and then Akane swung the sword down, I also swung my sword toward her while using both of my hands. Our swords collided, Akane shook my sword away and sliced my right shoulder, I attacked Akane at the last moment when she was moving away after slicing me but she was so fast that her body dodged my sword.

When I didn't notice, Akane also used her sword and swung at me, she cut my forearm and then sliced my neck, her speed while swinging the sword was so fast, I didn't have time to react.

Akane after slicing me many times, she turned around to see me and then shook her sword as if to clean the blood that stuck on it though we were sparing with wooden swords and wore armors. Akane later put the sword in her left waist as if to put it on the scabbard and then bowed toward me, maybe she was serious to make a normal spar as a true duel fight.

"Your skill is still very inexperienced, Shera - sama...excuse me, I will leave the duel to find a worthy opponent to fight me." - Akane said to me and then stood up and looked around as if she was finding a student that could fight her

"Go find Raptu, Akane! She is also an experienced sword girl, I think my fox friend will be your worthy opponent."

"Thank you very much for the guide...Shera - sama." - Akane bowed toward me again and then walked away to find Raptu

After Akane has gone out of my sight, I looked around to find Reimi and noticed that she was doing guard for me while looking around, Reimi was so serious about doing the guard, I must call her back.


"Ah, yes! My Highness, what do you want from me?" - Reimi turned around to ask me

"Can you spar with me, Reimi? I want to train a bit with my servant."

"As you wish, my Highness." - Reimi bowed toward me and then both of us started to head on duel

Reimi and I dueled for 14 minutes and then our lesson ended, it was now the 11th bell so we were now moving to the dining room to eat our lunch. Each floor would have a different dining room which was made for the other classes of this school, we were now in the high school class's dining room.

Uhh...seemed like Sasa was always here before all of us, she got to the dining room at the time the bell rang to end the lesson. Sasa was now eating some potatoes and pancakes on her meal plate, why did she eat so much and why every time she eats much, her breast would be bigger????

I looked at my breast, I knew my chest was not small but was nothing compared to my servant, Sasa and Sarah, the three of them have big breasts. About Raptu, she did not care if she has a big breast or not, Raptu's breast was smaller than mine and her breast seemed to be as tough as her body.

"Shera - sama...I hope you won't mind letting me sit alongside you and your friends in this lunch." - A voice called me from behind, that was Akane's

I turned around and saw Akane, she was now bowing her head toward me as if to ask my permission.

"Of course, don't behave so serious like that, Akane, we are friends, just behave like normal."

"Thank you...Shera - sama." - Akane stopped bowing and then walked to the kitchen to order the cooks to make her meal

"Why don't you go to eat now, Ms. Shera? I will meet our junior - Eris and then go to eat later" - Raptu seemed very favorite Erissen, she would spend her free time playing with Eris and also helping her to learn

Raptu said to me and then ran out of the dining room but when she was nearing the door, a figure got in and Raptu stood still to look at the figure. That was...John! He came here to visit me, ohh! John was so heartful, ahhh! I'm so o happy!

Ahem! I must calm down, I was about to yell in happy and run toward John to hug him but if I do that then everyone in this school would know I was in love with him. It would affect my father's reputation if the people dig John's background and find out he was powerless, if that happened, the other Kingdoms would down look on our Warsaw.

"Ahh, hi Sir John, I will go now, excuse me, Miss Shera is over there." - Raptu pointed me to let John see and then walked outside

I slowly walked toward John and then smiled at him, John was now wearing his homeland's military uniform, some eyes glances at John but they later ignored them and kept eating their meals.

"Hello, Princess! I think I must pay my time to visit you today know? I will stay here overnight to teach you." - John would stay with me in this school all day, ahh! So good! So happy! 

"John...ahh...ah, excuse me, ahem!" - My mind was so ecstatic when John was near me, I wanted to make a date with him, ahhh! I would seduce him to teach me how to make love and then...we will...have kids!

Ahhh! So shy, why did I think about this idea so soon! Even if I did not have kids then I just need John, that's all I wanted! John must be mine, the people who dare to steal him away from me would die miserably!

"Ah, Princess? Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes, I'm okay, John."

"I'm sorry for not greeting you properly, Sir Rigen, please accept my apology." - Reimi bowed toward John, she seemed to be a bit strange when she avoided looking at John for some reason

Wait...did my servant! Has my servant done something with John? Ahhh! No! No! No! I must not suspect without proof! Reimi may just be jealous when I and she loved John but she has no position to be his love when I did not allow her to.

Yeah, Reimi would not be dumb enough to steal John away from me, she was not smart but she has a brain to think. My servant has her brain and she would surely be smart enough to know the consequences if she betray me.

"No need, Reimi! No need." - John said to Reimi, my servant later stopped bowing and stayed behind me as if to not disturb me and John

"When did you get here, John? Are you hungry?"

"No, Princess! I got here at 10:37 AM but the teachers and the guards didn't let me meet you two, they said I must wait inside the Wait room until your lesson ends." - John said to me, he mentioned a word 10:37 AM, what is it?

"What is 10:37 AM, John?"

"It's the way to calculate time in a day in my homeland, Princess." - That's so? Strange!

"Anyway, have you eaten anything, John?"

"Nah, Princess! Nah, maybe I would eat here with you and your servant."

"But you're not a student then you won't be served free, John! You need money to serve the meal."

"I bring a lot, Princess! Don't worry, uhh...where you are always sitting, Princess?"

"There, over there, John." - I pointed my hand to the seats where I always sat with my friends, I noticed that Akane was now eating silently with Sasa

"Oh, okay! Just take order your meal and sit there, Princess! I will return later." - John said to me and then walked toward the kitchen to order the cooks to make his meal

"I will bring you the meal too, my Highness! What's your order?" - Reimi bowed toward me to wait for my order

" John and see which meal he orders and choose the same meal for me, Reimi."

"Understood, my Highness." - Reimi later went toward the kitchen to call the cooks

Maybe I should go to my seat now, I walked toward my seat and then sat on it, Sasa saw me and smiled, she was still eating too much after taking 3 plates of potatoes.

"Where is your meal, Princess?" - Sasa asked me when her mouth was full of potatoes pieces

"Reimi is now bringing it to me."

"That's so? Eat more, Princess! You must eat much to get your breast big, hehehe...or I will ask your tutor to "make private teaches" for me somedays, Princess." - Ahhhhh! I will kill you if you steal John away from me!

"Don't grumble your face, Princess...hehehe." - Sasa threw to my hand a potato, she later ate another potato on her plate

I looked around and saw Akane, she was now eating beside me, her plate was full of fish, vegetables, small white nuts and some meat, what was that kind of meal? The fish on her plate seemed to be raw, didn't cook yet, so strange!

"I'm very honored to see you at this lunch...Shera - sama." - Akane bowed toward me when she saw me

"This girl is also made friends with me and Raptu, Princess! She talks very less, this is the first time she opens her mouth during lunch with us." - Sasa said to me and then kept eating her meal

"Akane, your meal is so strange, why did you eat those white nuts? Did that thing even have on our school's menu? The fishes on your plate are still raw."

"Shera - sama...the white nuts are called rice, a traditional food in my homeland, it's also on the school's menu but not one eats except me."

"Eating rice, raw fishes and...vegetables is a tradition of my ancestor's homeland ancient history, our first Emperor brought his homeland's traditional to us."

"My ancestor, the one who founded Ashura, Emperor Takuya didn't encourage us to eat like that but he told us to eat healthier, that's why I grabbed some meat on this plate to eat."

"Ahh, Princess! Let's eat." - John has finally grabbed his meal and sat opposite me, Reimi has already brought her meal, she put my meal on my table and she...sat beside John!!!! Ahhhh!

"Reimi, get out!" - I was jealous when Reimi was sitting with John so I grabbed my meal, told Reimi to sit on my seat, Reimi flinched, she grabbed her meal and both of us changed our seats

"Eh? Your bodyguard is also here today, Princess? Hello...big man...let me touch you." - Ahhh! Sasa was now touching John's forearm, ahhh! I must kill her!

"Lady, please stop touching me..." - John put Sasa's hand out of his forearm very powerfully, ahhh! My lover was so faithful! Ahem, I must calm down, I was about to hug him when I was happy but I should stop, John only cared about me, so good!

"Hmmph! What a bad tutor..." - Sasa returned to eat when she realized John rejected her, don't you dare to touch him again, hahahahahaha!

I looked at my meal and realized that John ordered too much meat, maybe eating meat was his favorite, I should remind John to eat more vegetables for healthy. I was worried about John if he keeps eating these things without caring about his health, I must ask Sasa, she was a good cook, I must ask her to teach me to cook.

I will cook John's meals, I would also add my love water and some of my hair with a small number inside his meals, I didn't want John's stomach to have problems when I put my body liquid and my hair in his meals.

I would do my best to let John enjoy the taste of the meals I make for him, I must be my husband's cook. John would praise my dishes and I would make him to addict eating the meals that I make for him! Ahhh! What a happy ending to have John, to have a faithful husband!

"Uh, Princess...are you okay?" - Ah, I was holding my head to think about those thoughts and John asked me in a nervous voice, he very cared about me, I love him!

"I'm okay, John...I'm okay."

"Okay?" - Sasa, keep eating, don't disturb us, ahhhh!

John slowly grabbed a fork and a small wooden knife nearby to cut a piece of meat to eat his meal, I was also starting to eat the meal too, Reimi was also silent and then ate with us. Sasa...didn't know what to say, she changed to eat the 5th plate, I saw her belly was some kind of monster that never get full, I must keep my eyes on her or she would steal John away from me.

But wait a minute, Raptu was quite late, wasn't her? She said she would go to meet Erissen and return here to eat but now she got away for about nearly 10 minutes or so but she didn't return here yet.

"Raptu is quite late, isn't her? Don't you see that strange, Sasa?" - I asked Sasa when she was eating

"Where did she go?" - Sasa asked me when her mouth was full of potatoes

"Go meet the junior."

"Well, she may now eating with that little girl, just forget her and eat, Princess." - Sasa kept eating her meal and ignored what I asked her earlier

"I have done eating, I will...go now, Shera - sama, John - san and Sasa - san." - I saw Akane stand up with her empty plate, she bowed toward all of us, John was quite strange when he raised his head above when he was eating

"Ah...wait, ahem! I forgot to...uh, greet your friends, Princess." - John said to me and then turned his head to Sasa

"Hello, Ms. Sasa, and over here...hello uh... black-haired girl?"

"Call me Akane...John - san." - Akane said to John

"Hello, Akane, my name is John."

"Uh...eastern fantasy also exists in this world? Wait, I saw this thing before, isn't it?" - John said a strange word

"What do you mean, John?"

"Nothing, Princess, nothing."

"Anyway, Akane, where did you come from?" - John for some reason, he asked Akane as if he was interested in that girl, did John...I must calm down, maybe John was trying to be friendly with my friend, I should not too jealous because of my husband's talks

"An island from the far northeast...of the continent named Ashura, the Kingdom is named Ashura...named after the first Emperor's daughter." - Akane answered John

"This girl is also a transfer student, Princess?" - John turned around to ask me

"Yes, what's wrong, John?"

"I saw the yellow bands in your students' biceps, even a green band in Raptu's bicep but why Akane didn't have it?" - Oh, I forgot to ask Akane, the first time I saw her, I only saw her wore a long dress named Kimono but I didn't see the band in her bicep

"Can you show me your school's color band, Akane?" - I asked Akane

"If you say so...Shera - sama" - Akane pulled out her band from her collar, why did she away store things in her collar?

Akane's color band was white and red colors, it has a red round emblem as if to be a symbol of the sun that was painted in the middle of the band. Around the round red symbol were 16 red lines spread the entire band and targeted at the red round emblem, looking at the band made me feel like it was showing the scene when the sun was rising.

"This color band is based on my Kingdom's flag...the rising sun flag, Japan Ashura." - Akane put the plate on the table and wore the band on her bicep, her appearance with the band was very attractive in my eyes

"Imperial Japan's flag, huh? Okay...I hope some weebs can see this scene if the things I see here is an anime." - John said strange words again

"What did you say, John? You were saying strange words." - I asked John because I was so curious

"Nothing, Princess! I was just talking nonsense." - John was hiding me something but maybe I should not doubt him too much

Akane after wearing the band, she bowed toward all of us and then grabbed her plate and went to the kitchen to hand it over to the cooks to let them clean it. Sasa has also done her meal and but she kept staying to see me and John, which made me feel very annoyed when my friend kept wandering around to disturb us.

Reimi has also done eating her meal when and she was waiting for me and John to eat all to clean the plates for us too, John was now focused on eating so I was also eating without losing my concentration.

"Rin! Rin! Rin! Commander, Sarah calls you!" - Advisor was always silent suddenly spoke up its voice and told John, Sarah was calling him by using her magic item for some reason

But wait...why did Sarah do that? Did she! Did she dare to flirt with my husband in front of me, huh!

"Strange, Sarah calls me, what the fuck was wrong with her? Want to ask for money or something?" - John was frustrated but he interacted with his magic item's board to accept to call Sarah

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