Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 111 - Greet The Junior

Chapter 111 - Greet The Junior

Chapter 108: Greet The Junior

Shera's perspective

Haah! John's dog tag, so good! I was licking it very wet, this thing was John when he did not stay with me. I was wondering how was John right now, he has gone back to the Palace so...I hope he has been full because he did not eat anything since he got out of school.

Haah! I licked the dog tag secretly because the lesson I was learning this time was about the magic subject. Students were standing in the backyard to practice their magic by shooting their magic skills toward the targets, the wooden scarecrows.

I was sitting with my friends and the other students on the grass because we haven't been called by our teacher to get on the brown line forward us to test our magic yet.

Every 4 students would be called up to the line to point their magic sticks toward the scarecrows to shoot them with all of the magic the students could create. The teachers would write the results on the fur paper that they were holding in their hands, this test was about the accuracy and the damage of magic.

Magic sticks were the dark brown wooden sticks that looked to be similar to the things called the "chopsticks" from Ashura Kingdom, an unrecognized human Kingdom located away from our continent. A magic stick has a similar appearance to chopsticks except its head has a small blue magic stone that was stuck on top of its head, magic would be shot out from the magic stone when the spell was cast.

With a magic stick, you can cast the spell easier when you did not need to spell the word out to cast the spell, only need to transfer your magic power into the magic stick and point it to the target to cast magic.

But the time to cast magic would be preserved, for example, if you need 5 seconds to cast a fireball spell then you must point your magic stick toward the target and wait for 5 seconds to let magic shoot out.

"Uh...Miss Shera? You are licking...a necklace?" - Huh? Someone called me, right?

"Ahh!" - That was Raptu, she was the one that sat next to me so she noticed that I was licking the dog tag

I immediately hid the dog tag under my collar and smiled back at Raptu to show her there was "nothing strange" that happened to me. Sasa was now also sitting beside me but she did not look at me or Raptu but looked at the students that were doing the test on the brown line forward us.

"What were you doing, Miss Shera?" - I must find an excuse for myself to say to Raptu!

"Nothing, I was a so I licked this dog tag to cool my body down."

"But I saw that you were licking that thing very...don't mind about what I said earlier, Miss Shera." - Maybe Raptu has sensed something strange about me so she stopped asking and held her magic stick to wait for her turn to get on the brown line to do the test

"Smash! Smash! Smash!" - I looked at the brown line forward and saw Jason Hanvar, he was shooting his fireballs toward a scarecrow, that scarecrow has been torn out and burned heavily

"Mr. Jason, good! Next, Ms. Sasa." - Our magic teacher, Ms. Halen Rouser and the other teachers have done writing Jason's result and called Sasa to go up to test

Sasa immediately stood up and then got on the brown line with 3 other students to join the test, Jason returned to sit with his friends and talked to them like usual.

Jason Hanvar was the son of Lord Hanvar, I did not know his father's name fully but Lord Hanvar was a lord of Veta town, the town located nearby our Capital. Jason was white, long fringes orange-haired, green eyes and wore our school uniform, I did not care about the other classmates too much, especially the boys because I never wanted to talk to them.

I always made friends with girls because I was also a girl, but about Jason, he was very skilled at magic according to what I saw him here but I did not intend to make friends with any boys.

"Smash!" - Sasa cast the spell with the other students, I saw that the wooden scarecrow forward her has been sliced in half by her spell "Wind round blade"

The other teachers were now running to the field that placed the scarecrows to replace the ones that had been broken into the other new ones. Teacher Halen wrote the results of the students and then Sasa returned to us while pointing her hand out to let me see the broken scarecrow as if to brag to me.

"Next, Ms. Shera, Ms. Raptu, Mr. Johan and Ms. Akane." - Teacher Halen called the other students to get on the brown line to test, including me

"Let's go, Miss Shera." - Raptu called me and held her magic stick confidently and stood to the brown line

"Good luck, Princess! Remember don't make me disappointed, hehe." - Sasa tapped my back as if to mock me and also to encourage me because I am only good at using water magic

Then the four of us got in the brown line and stood with a horizontal line, away each of us not too far to avoid injuries while casting magic, we were now waiting for Teacher Halen's order to test.

The thing I was holding in my right hand was my magic stick, its below part had my name, which had been written to distinguish the owner of each magic stick.

Only the owner of their magic stick could cast magic on it, our students did not allow to get our magic sticks home but they would be stored inside the school in case some student dares to use this thing to attack people.

But when we graduated from school, our magic stick would be ours when we could keep it after graduating.

I pointed my magic stick toward the scarecrow that was in my sight and was waiting for Teacher Halen's order to command us to do the text, beside me on the left was Raptu. Raptu was now pointing the magic stick toward another scarecrow too, beside me on the right was another transfer student named Akane Tachibana as I could remember.

Akane Tachibana was a transfer student, she came from the unrecognized country, Ashura Kingdom, the reason she came here was to research, to know more about the life of our homeland. Akane's homeland's culture was very different from ours so she wanted to know more about our lives here, Akane was also living inside the school with me.

Akane was a name and Tachibana was a surname, right?

I did not talk much with Akane but she said in her homeland, a surname was placed before a name, which was very different from ours when our homeland, a name was placed before a surname.

Akane reminded me about Lady Sarah and Lady Hatano, those two came from John's homeland, maybe their parents or their ancestor generations came from a country that was similar to Akane's.

Akane's skin was a bit tan, maybe her homeland did not have as cool weather as ours, she wore a long strange red dress, which was called Kimono in her homeland. Akane has black eyes, a long black haired whose hair has been tied by a short chopstick, her hairstyle was called bun, I guessed.

Akane seemed to be silent around our students, she was always sitting alone to eat or to read books, her sitting style when she didn't sit on the chair but the ground was very odd, it was called Seiza.

I was wondering if Akane has ever pain during sitting like that in a long time or not, she never complained while sitting like that, maybe that style of sit was her homeland's tradition.

"The scarecrows are being replaced very long, aren't they?" - Raptu said to me when she was pointing her magic stick toward the scarecrow

"Patience, Raptu! We must focus on casting our magic, spell the magic in your mind." - I said to Raptu

A few seconds later, the teachers have finally replaced the new scarecrows so we were now holding our magic sticks very tight toward the scarecrows and were about to shoot them.

"Alright, 1...2...3, start!" - Teacher Halen shouted to order us to shoot

I immediately cast my spell (Water ball), I could only cast out 4 round water balls at the same time in only 5 seconds but I was wondering how much damage I could do to the scarecrow.

"Boom!" - A big explosion came out and destroyed two scarecrows, that was from Akane, she cast explosion magic or something like that in only 2 seconds, what powerful destruction!

"Excellent, Ms. Akane! Everyone stop the test temporarily." - Teacher Halen told us to stop the test to wait for the teachers to replace the scarecrows

Each student only has a target to shoot but Akana has destroyed my scarecrow so I was now waiting for the replace scarecrow. Akane bowed toward all of us to make an apology and then returned to her seat to sit down and read the book she kept holding under her collar.

"I must keep up with Miss Akane, Miss Shera." - Raptu was quite excited when she has an opponent for her to chase with

The teachers have finally replaced the scarecrows so we were now ready to shoot our magic, Teacher Halen was now about to order us to shoot.

"Alright, 1...2...3...start!"

I immediately cast the spell and pointed my magic stick toward the scarecrows and the two others were also doing that similar to me, I was trying to hit my target as accurately as possible.

"Smash!" - Raptu has finally cast her spell and made a big line of damage on the scarecrow's body, that was her magic named (Green claws), non-attribute magic, Raptu has a non-attribute element in her body

"Excellent, Ms. Raptu! Now return to your seat." - Teacher Halen said to Raptu to return her seat

"Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!" - My spell has finally come out and blasted the scarecrow's head and its crotch though I was pointing toward its chest, the scarecrow somehow reminded me of John strangely

"Your spell missed the target, Ms. Shera! But its damage was good, now return to your seat."

"Let's go, Miss Shera." - Raptu said to me and then both of us returned to our sit and waited for the last student to do the test, that boy was a bit struggling to use magic because the time he could cast the spell was 12 seconds or more

The four of us were the last students to do the test.


We have done learning our subjects and this time was the 11th hour, we were going to the dining room to eat our lunch, the meals for students were served free from breakfast, lunch and dinner when that student paid money to attend to the school.

We could eat anything we like but on some days, the ingredients to make some food could be a shortage because our agricultural lands and our plants did not provide enough food for our entire country so we have to change to eat the other food.

"Hey, you two! Here, sit here, enjoy the egg cake!" - Sasa has come to the dining room before us and she was enjoying her egg cake, her chair has free slots to sit for all of us

"Hey, Miss Shera! Why don't we greet our junior first before eating?" - Raptu asked me to go to the below class to greet our junior, Erissen was her name as I could remember

"Yeah, let's go, Raptu." - I tapped Raptu's shoulder and then walked with her to the below class to greet our junior

"Eh, both of you don't want to eat with me?" - Sasa was quite disappointed in us when she has to enjoy her meal alone

"Sorry, Sasa! We got another thing to do." - I waved to Sasa and then walked with Raptu to the below class

Raptu and I walked with each other to the dining room's door to open it to go out, Raptu was quite strange when she was going with me but kept holding a book in her hands to read without looking around.

"Raptu, stay focused on the road forward, you know?"

"I understood, Miss Shera! Don't worry, I can sense sounds around me so there is no reason I wi-, ahh!" - Raptu accidentally collided with a student when that person opened the door to come inside

I looked to the door to see who that was, that person was Akane, she was also reading the book and opened the dining room's door without noticing Raptu so the door accidentally hit my friend.

"Ah...I'm very sorry..." - Akane bowed toward the two of us very deep to apologize and then stored the book on her collar

"Ah, I'm very sorry too!" - Raptu also bowed toward Akane to apologize, I also bowed toward her to pay respect

"Then...excuse me..." - Akane bowed toward us again and then walked to the stall to order the cooks to make her meal

"Miss Akane is quite less talk, right? Miss Shera?" - Well, that's true, Raptu!

"We should go now." - Both of us walked away from the dining room and headed to the below class

Wait...I almost forgot! When we headed out of the door, that red figure hid again behind a Warsaw Knight statue, that person had stalked me for a very long time. I wanted to find out who that was, but what kind of secret attack I should make on this stalker? I was wondering what to do.

"Miss Shera, I've smelt that person a bit now, the person seems very familiar to ours, that person's smell also sticks on your body." - Huh? What did you say, Raptu?

That person's smell, I only touched John so his smell would be surely stuck on my body but what did Raptu mean by that person's smell was very familiar? Maybe...

"Raptu, can the servant that touches me when I'm bathing save their smell in my body?"

"Of course, but why did you ask me, Miss Shera?" - So that was my servant after all, I ordered her to protect John but she dare to protect me!

"Reimi! Come out here!" - I shouted to the person that was hiding behind the statue

A few seconds later, Reimi came out of the statue but with a very strange appearance, she used her red cloak to cover her face, each Knight would have a cloak to strap on their armor to wear behind their back. But most of our Warsaw Knights would store the cloaks in our behind pockets, not wearing them because wearing the cloaks would cause trouble while fighting so cloaks were only used for ceremonies.

"Who are you? I don't know you, lady! Please go away." - Reimi kept saying that to me when she was covering her face by using her cloak, she dares to fool me?

"Oh, that voice, Miss Reimi! Why did you do that?" - Raptu was quite odd, Reimi was fooling herself by thinking she could deceive us

"Get here, Reimi..." - I walked toward Reimi

"Do not get close, I don't know you but I protect you because I take the order from the Goddess to do that, please don't come close." - Reimi raised her hand toward me to tell me to not get close

"What's about John, Reimi? I told you to protect him, are you truly my servant?" - I was quite mad but I calmed down

"Do not come close anymore, do n-, ahh!" - I pulled the cloak down and it exposed Reimi's face

"My Highness, I...I'm sorry..." - Reimi was quite scared when she noticed me mad

"Why did you leave John and get here to protect me, Reimi!" - I was quite mad now so I shouted toward Reimi but luckily only me, Raptu and Reimi were in the hallway, the other students were eating and fussing inside the dining so they did not notice us

"Miss Shera, you don't need to be mad like that." - Shut up, Raptu! My servant must obey me to protect John at all costs!

"Shut up! Raptu!" - Raptu was quite shocked to hear my yell so she shut her mouth off

"My Highness...Sir Rigen...ordered me to...protect you so I...obeyed him to...get here..."

"Slap!" - I slapped Reimi very hard, this was the first time in my life I had ever slapped my servant

"Me and John! Who is truly your owner! Say it, ReimI!"

"Of course, that's you, My Highness!" - Reimi was quite hurt when she got slapped but she did not complain but tried to excuse

"Then why did you obey John but not me, this stupid servant! Are you truly my servant, Reimi!"

"Yes, my Highness! I'm your servant but you said Sir Rigen's words are also as same as you, Sir Rigen also cared about you so he ordered me here to p-"

"Slap!" - Another hard slap

"I told you that but I said John's life is bigger than mine! You can take all of his orders except ignoring his life, now return to protect John or I will kill you!"

"Miss Shera, you're too mean." - Shut up, Raptu! My servant must be taught well or she would disobey me again!

" Highness...cries." - Reimi has a bit of tear after being slapped but she kept holding her tears, not letting me see, I have a bit of regret after slapping Reimi but...I must not soft on her!

"Why did you stand there, you stupid servant! Get off me and run back to John! A dog may be better than you when it can obey me without changing its will!"

"I'm very sorry, my Highness!"

"Slap!" - Why did I have to do this?

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." - After apologizing to me, Reimi ran away to go back to John

I kept looking at reimi with my madness till she got out of my sight, I slowly breathed to calm down myself. Maybe I should have had other ways to settle this but...things have gone now, I could not do anything else.

"You should have done it peacefully, Miss Shera! Miss Reimi's very devoted to you, you should have treated her well." - I'm sorry, Raptu! I was so mad at that time

"Raptu, listen to me, I'm sorry, I will apologize to my servant later when she gets here with John."

"I hope you will do it, Miss Shera! Anyway...we should not quarrel about the previous incident anymore, let's meet Erissen." - Raptu said to me and waited for me to go with her

Then both of us walked to the below classes, I was wondering what kind of classroom Erissen was now studying. The elementary classes, the junior classes and high school classes were mixed in this entire school and were divided into floors to distinguish, Erissen was a commoner so maybe she was in an elementary classroom to learn words.

"Do you know where is our junior's classroom, Raptu?"

"Ahh, I forgot!" - Raptu was reading her book but she was immediately confused and ran to a list that was stuck on the wall nearby to check for student names and their classes

Our classes were divided into three types: Elementary class, Junior class and Highschool class. When we graduate to get to college, we will have to go to the school that is beside our school, not the Knight's school but the college school that was built beside our Academy.

That school was named Keris College, the classes in my school were classified by alphabet, not numbers.

From L class to H class meant elementary, similar to class 1 to class 5 in the other Kingdoms' schools

From G class to D class meant junior, similar to class 6 to class 9.

From C class to A class meant high school, similar to class 10 to class 12.

Every Warsaw noble would go to school when they reach 6 and graduate when they were 18, after they graduated high school, they would have a choice to join college to study more about jobs or to go become scholars or become free merchants.

"Ah! I found her, Miss Shera! Erissen is from class L - 12." - I could not read properly because the list was dense with words of names and classes of the students but for some magical way, Raptu saw it after a few seconds of looking

I and my classmates were studying in class C - 12, which meant 10th class, Erissen was studying in class L - 12, which meant 1th class. I was wondering what would Erissen's appearance looked like and how was her study on learning to read and write was.

"Let's go, Raptu!" - I called Raptu to go with me to class L - 12

When we were going to the classroom, we noticed that all of the students have gone away from the classrooms to go to the dining rooms, the space around us was so empty with the two of us.

We fastly walked to the classroom which has the board named L - 12 on the top of the room's door, we slowly opened the door and got inside. I slowly looked around the classroom, windows were placed around to light up the room by using the light from the sun.

Tables and chairs were placed around the floor, I slowly looked around the tables and noticed in the corner that was near the window, there was a figure of a girl who was holding a pen to write things on a book. 

The girl has a long brown ponytail, brown eyes and wore our school's uniform, she was a bit sweating while writing. her body was exposed out of the window to let the sun to lit inside so I did not surprise to see her being sweated.

That must be Erissen, I guessed! Her appearance seemed to be older than I expected, not a kid, maybe 14 to 15 or more, Erissen was not skinny but seemed shorter than me and... never mind.

Raptu was very tall, taller than John a bit because she was a beast, Eris was now writing the words in the book very focused but did not notice our existence, maybe we should greet our junior now.

We slowly walked toward Erissen until we got near her, this little girl didn't notice us too, I slowly peeked into her book and saw Erissen was writing the signs, not the full words yet, she seemed very hard to learn to write words.

"Hi, junior." - Raptu greeted Erissen first, I was waiting for Erissen to notice us and greet her later but Raptu broke my plan

Eris seemed to notice Raptu's voice so she looked up to look at my beast friend, Erissen was writing the words with all of her concentration but she got disturbed so she was curious, this little girl immediately panicked and then rushed to hide under the table.

Maybe this was the reaction that most of the students in this school would do when they first met Raptu. Raptu's appearance was full of furs when she first got here to study in my class but I later cut less of her furs to make her look cuter.

"Hey, don't be scared, junior, she is fine, she won't bite." - I slowly touched Erissen to comfort her and then pulled her out of the table slowly to face Raptu

Erissen closed her eyes but slowly opened them to see Raptu, she was still scared to look at Raptu but later stood up and waved her hand slowly to my friend.

"Hi, I'm sorry for being scared about you...earlier..." - Eris waved her hand to Raptu and apologized to her

" two are?" - Maybe Erissen was still curious about us

"Hi, my name is Shera Soone, just call me Shera if you want, Eris." - Maybe Eris did not know about my identity, but I was fine with it, I wanted to make friends with this junior if I could and I didn't want to make her keep my distance with me

"I'm Raptu Fazera, just call me Raptu, junior." - Raptu waved toward Eris

"Hi, you two are my seniors? I'm sorry for not...greeting you two earlier, my name is Erissen." - Erissen bowed toward us to apologize

"Don't be so tense, just talk to us like normal, junior." - Raptu patted Eris's head

"So stick the furs into your skin and the animal ears into your ears, senior?" - Eris seemed curious about Raptu

"No, I've been like that since I was born, I'm a beast, not a human, Eris."

"Ehh!" - Eris seemed to be scared a bit now

"Don't worry, Eris! She is fine, don't be so worried, Raptu is very friendly." - I said to Eris

"If...if you say so...Senior..." - Eris slowly enjoyed being patted by Raptu, so cute!

"Hey, Eris! We are here today to greet our senior, how's your study? Have you struggle with learning to write and to read?"

"I'm now doing my best, senior."

"Don't call me senior, call me Shera." - I also joined Raptu to pat Eris, she was so cute!

"Anyway, Eris! Can I call you Eris? Your name seems very redundant to have the word Sen."

"Yes, seniors! You two can call me whatever you like." - Eris quite enjoyed being patted by Raptu when my friend's hand was full of soft furs that gave her the mood to enjoy

"Eris, why did you not eat something in the dining room? This time is noon, you know?" - I also asked Eris again

"I'm sorry, senior! But I did not bring money, a kind man gave us that much and my mom used the money to let me attend school but she is now storing it and using very less."

"Don't worry, the food inside the school is served free when you attend to study."

"Wait for me, Eris! I will bring you some food, what do you want to eat?" - Raptu asked Eris

"I don't know...I did not know what should I..."

"Alright, let's me choose for you, a girl like you at this age must eat much to be pretty." - Raptu ran out of the classroom before I could realize

"Hey, Eris! Why don't you stop studying to eat a bit? You must have the energy to study, you know?"

"If...if you say so...senior..."


Well, after greeting our junior, Raptu grabbed lunch for Eris and then she ate all and we cleaned her lunch, Eris returned to study, we slowly returned to the dining room to eat and then study again.

It was already night and I was now sitting alone in my private room waiting for John to get here to teach me, Sasa has just given me a bit of cookie to eat at night but I refused so Sasa was frustrated and returned to her home.

"Knock! Knock! May I come in, Princess?" - John has finally come!


The door has been opened, Reimi and John got inside my room, John seemed to be strange, he seemed sad or something, Reimi immediately bowed toward me and then turned around to go out.

"Reimi, wait for me a bit."

"What do you want to say, my Highness?"

"About the earlier incident...maybe a ruler like me should have paid you an apology for scolding you too much, I'm sorry, Reimi."

"My Highness, you should not apologize to me, I was the one who faults so you slapped me that noon was right...excuse me." - Reimi slowly walked outside and then closed the door, she would do the guard outside

Now the room only has me and John, John seemed very sad...or mad for some reason, maybe he had got in something bad today, I must comfort him.

"Hey, John...let me please you..." - I grabbed John and then tiptoed, I would kiss him to make him pleased

"Get the fuck out!" - John suddenly pushed me out quite hard but he reduced his force to not let me fall

"John...what wrong?" - John was mad, I must do something to calm down him

"My Highness, Sir Rigen! Please stay away from Her Highness now!" - Reimi bashed the door to get inside and seemed very cautious

"Reimi, do not get inside at all costs, stay outside now, that's the order, don't worry, I will deal with John."

" Highness" - Reimi seemed unpleasant but she followed my order and closed the door

'Princess, when I got the maids' house to investigate, I met an old couple, those were their parents and I made them sad by announcing their daughters' deaths."

"When I returned to the know what happened next, Princess?" - John seemed very hate me for some reason

"John...please calm down, I did not know anything but please...calm down."

"Your father said that couple has died! Some asshole got inside their house after I got away and killed them! Was your father done that to the couple!"

"Did your father kill them! They were just innocent people! They were very sad to know their daughters died and later got killed by a stranger! Did your father send someone to kill them, you piece of shit!"

"John, please calm down." - I reached my hands to John, I would hold his hands to make him calm down

"Get the fuck off! Slap!" - John suddenly slapped me

It was very painful but John after slapping me, he looked at his hands and then pressed his face to the table as if he was very regretted slapping me. I could understand John's feeling, he has lost control at that time, he didn't mean to hurt me.

"John..." - I held John from behind, I didn't care if he slap me or not, I wanted to make him happy

"Princess...I'm sorry..." - John slowly turned around and both of us hugged each other, John later cried while sticking his face around my shoulder

"Don't worry, John! I forgive you...don't worry, just hug me as long as you like." - I slowly held John with both of my hands, John held me tighter, our lesson would be late but I wanted to comfort John first before studying


"Let's stop our lesson here, Princess! It's already late." - John has finally done teaching me, he was grabbing his stuff and was about to return to the Palace

Well, our lesson was late because I had spent my time comforting John, it was very late now, near the 12th dark bell. But John has spent more of his time teaching me as much as possible though his teaching time has gone nearly 3 hours ago.

"Hey, John...may I comfort you again before you go?"

"If you want, Princess."

"Call me know?"

I slowly tiptoed and then grabbed John and kissed him a very sweet kiss, John was quite perverted when he was grabbing my butt while kissing me. Maybe he was in a mood to love me after I have comforted him.

John said I should wait until 2 years later to let him teach me how to make love though I wanted to make love with him now. I must make John become mine forever, also I wanted to have his child because I was wondering how a baby was born, I was wondering what if I ask him to do it right now.

"Hey, John! You look to have a bit of tired remain...why don't you teach me to...make let me relieve you..." - I made my voice a bit sweet to call John

John's face seemed to have a very good mood now, maybe he accepted to let me do that to him, I slowly moved my hand down his crotch to rub his meat rod and slowly pulled down his pants.

"Shera, I will let you make love when you reach 18, now hold yourself back." - John kissed me again very wet and pulled my hand away

"Keep that "night lesson" in your memory, I will teach you more happiness when you reach 18." - Okay, John! You still kissing me so wet!

We enjoyed our wet kiss for more than 10 minutes and then both of us got our hands out, my below was very wet when John kissed me. John's meat rod which was covered by his pants was also hard but I was only allowed to rub it through the cloth with my hand.

"See you tomorrow, Shera." - John kissed me again and slowly walked outside after saying goodbye, Reimi closed the door after bowing toward me, John and Reimi were now going back to the Palace

John was so heartless when he did not let me suck his meat rod at least once or do something far more to relieve him. I would use his dog tag to relieve myself now, I was now very excited after kissing John.

I think I should hold my mouth tight to moan low, everyone was now sleeping so I didn't want to make them wake up.

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