Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 99 - Knight's Basic Training (Part 2)

Chapter 99 - Knight's Basic Training (Part 2)

Chapter 96: Knight's Basic Training (Part 2)

The school that Reimi has studied in before was located in the West of the Capital city, it took us about 20 minutes to go on foot from the Palace to that place.

To me, it was waste of time but if I think further then the time I have spent to get here was not in vain, at least I was about to know how my enemy was trained to have more info for the uprising.

The school was quite big though, the school next to it has fully named Keris Imperial Academy, the place that Shera was now studying. Both of the schools were very big, maybe I should go inside quickly to gather more info.

"The school you studied at before seems very big, Reimi! But I see it a bit strange, it looks not so many people here." - I asked Reimi because she was standing beside me

The school was made of red bricks and has a very big Warsaw emblem on the roof of the school, there were many windows placed around the school to take the light outside from the sun. But I saw that the school looked a bit strange, there were some sounds of teaching and studying on the top of the windows but seemed not so loud.

"The remnants of the coup still remain, Sir Rigen! Only the newly graduated infantry Knights come here today to study the Cavalry unit. The students will decide to join the Cavalry or not depend on their choice similar to joining the college."

"Time to go to the school of the normal students will be reopened in 3 days as same as the time of Her Highness's school."

"Let's go to school, Sir Rigen! I hope we still have a slot to hire a training ground." - Reimi said to me and then both of us walked inside the school through the entrance that has the black iron sharp-shaped fences that surrounded the school

At the time we walked into the school's entrance, the ground was covered by grass that has a rock line of road leading to the school's door. Two school guards equipped with swords, leather booths, blue iron armors and two iron helmets saw us and one of them walked toward us.

"What are you two doing here, Sir and Lady?" - That guard asked us, he looked at Reimi's armor as if he realized she was also a Knight

"Ah, Sir guard! We are here to hire a training ground for training, can we?" - Reimi pulled from her pocket out a thing that looked to be a gold round medal, it has the word KAW in the middle of the medal

"Ah, so this Lady is a graduated student here, what's about Sir beside you Lady?"

"He's my friend, he wants to experience the Knight's basic training, does the school this hour still have a training ground for us to hire, Sir guard?"

"Of course, Sir and Lady! There are 7 training grounds available this time, please get in if you two want, but the price to hire a training ground each hour has increased to 3.000 Gels due to the earlier coup."

"Don't worry, Sir guard! We have enough money, may us get in now?" - I spoke to the guard

"Ah, of course! Please come in, Sir and Lady." - The guard raised his hand to the school's door to tell us to go in and then walked back to his position to do the guard

"Let's go, Reimi!" - I said to Reimi and both of us walked in

When we walked inside, the school has a very wide hallway which classrooms beside each wall, the structure inside here seemed to be built in every detail, Reimi pointed her hand to me to tell me to follow her, we were walking straight.

While going straight into the hallway, I looked at the classrooms around the walls and noticed that the classrooms were empty all, chairs and tables were placed inside but no one was there.

"Why the classrooms around here are empty, Reimi?"

"Ah, Sir Rigen! Those classrooms are used for the untrained students, the trained students and the graduated students will study upstairs and also the school is now closed and only open for the graduated students."

"What are the Knights trained, Reimi?"

"As I could remember, we will be trained to fight with the weapons like swords, spears and throwing knives and joint fight with our horses."

"No medical training?" - The military in this world was so backward!

"As I said to you before, Sir Rigen! Only the healers or physicians from the countries that accept the powerless people are trained in medicine, maybe you have forgotten what I said before."

"But His Majesty has added a new type of lesson to train medical for the knights and the students in the normal schools, the new lesson will be applied in the next three months in the Capital's schools."

"There he is, Sir Rigen! The ticket seller, we will hire a training ground by sending him the money." - Reimi pointed to me and then we walked faster to a green tunic man, he was standing at the stall

"Sir seller, I and this man want to hire an infantry knight training ground for the experience." - Reimi talked to the ticket seller

"That's alright, you two Sir and Lady, but the price will be 3.000 Gels." - I later grabbed out a bag that contained 600 Atta coins that I have planned before and handed it to the man

The seller later counted the money, it was a bit waste of time but after a minute, he stopped counting and grabbed out two brown cloths tickets that have rectangles shaped that have the word KAW on the cloths to us.

"Do I need to hire you two a Knight instructor? The Knight instructor is free hired." - The seller talked to us after we have taken the tickets

"No need, Sir seller! I'm a graduated Knight here so I can also be a Knight instructor." - Reimi talked to the seller

"Alright, Sir and Lady! At the end of the right side of the hallway, training ground 01, have a good day." - The seller greeted us and then we walked to the training ground

It took us two minutes to get there, the training ground was very big and wide, the grass has grown around the ground a bit dense, around the training ground were the stone structures as if were built for the training.

Reimi has gone inside of the room that I considered to be the armory room, I waited for a bit long, at least ten minutes and then she walked out with her appearance with armor and boots, both made of iron.

Reimi was now holding an iron armor, the iron plates to cover the hands, the knees and iron boots as if to tell me to wear like her.

"To train a new knight, we all have to wear armors, Sir Rigen." - Reimi dropped the armor down for me to wear so I put on the armor right away but a bit struggle

"Let me help you, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi slowly helped me to wear the Knight armor

The iron boots were quite easy to wear but the armor needed to open the ropes and then put it in the body and later tie the ropes. Also similar to wearing the iron plates to cover the hands and the knees, Reimi made me impressed when she wore the armor alone without help.

"How do you feel, Sir Rigen?" - Reimi asked me when I have fully worn the armor and the boots

I jumped a bit, even running and rolling around the ground 3 times and noticed that the iron armor was not so heavy as the Hollywood portrayed in the Medieval movies.

I was still slow but at least I felt I was still fast and comfortable when the armor's weight was divided from each part of the armor. Which made each part of my body endured different weights to make them not overwhelmed.

The Knight's armor did not focus on a part of a body like our military bag, which carried pounds of equipment inside a bag. Which was heavier than the armor and the equipment of the knight, our modern Marines have to carry that much while marching in sweats and blood when we get in combat.

"It's good, Reimi! Why don't we head to the training?"

"Yes, Sir Rigen! Follow me." - Reimi told me to follow her and then we walked to a wooden stock on the right side of the training ground that has many iron swords and spears placed on it

Reimi took a wooden sword and then gave me another sword.

"In the basic training, we will train our Knight's endurance by training them to do long runs and sprint, those training do not need the equipment."

We will only use the equipment in the strength training, we will use the real weapons when we train strength, only using wooden weapons when we are sparring one to one."

"The first training is called swing the sword, Sir Rigen! A Knight must swing their sword until their hands are fatigued to the bone, we must bear the pain to make us stronger."

"This first training is about to train our forearms and also our skill of swinging the sword, we must swing the sword with all of our strength in each swing." - Reimi said to me and then swung the sword by raising it above and striking down many times, I was also swinging with her

After two minutes of swinging the sword, Reimi stopped and then walked toward a basket that was placed near the stock that placed weapons. She took out...4 small stone plates that have a hole in the middle of each plate, what were they used for?

"Ah, Sir Rigen! To increase the resistance on our forearms to make them stronger, we will use these stone plates to attach them to the sword's blade to make the sword heavier." - Reimi later attached a stone plate to the sword's blade

Reimi also did the same thing with the three other stone plates, but she seemed a bit miserable when the length of the sword to attach the stone plates were about to out of space to attach. Why did this scene remind me of the scene when we have to struggle to attach the plates from each different weight to the bar when we are in the gym?

"Ah, done! Haah! Uhhh! Haah!" - Reimi breathed a bit hard and moaned when she raised the heavy sword that has heavy stone plates on it

Reimi later swung the heavy sword many times, she was a bit miserable to swing but she kept yelling loud while swinging to encourage herself to overcome the training to become stronger.

"Reimi, can I try?"

"Ah, alright! Sir Rigen." - Reimi gave me the sword, I dropped my sword on the ground and took Reimi's sword

Holy shit! This sword was very heavy, I have to hold it with two hands to raise it, I raised the sword above and swung down. The sword was about to touch the ground because of its heavy but I kept raising it above and struck down again, this kind of training was very good to grow our forearms.

I swung the sword about 30 times and then stopped, maybe I should tell Reimi to move to the next one.

"Move to the next training, Reimi."

"Yes, Sir Rigen! But at first, please help me to take these things back to the stock." - Reimi picked up the sword that I dropped on the ground and both of us returned to the stock

Reimi placed the sword on the stock and then I put down the heavy sword to take out the stone plates away from it, Reimi also helped me to remove the plates. After removing the stone plates, Reimi put those things back into the basket and I placed the sword on the stock, Reimi later made a sign to tell me to follow her.

Reimi later headed to a round wooden crate and opened its cover, she took out a long rope that has an iron hook, 4 heads of the hook as if to use this thing to attach it to the buildings for climbing.

"Follow me, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi said to me and then we walked to a building stone tower that has the staircases to go up we didn't use

The stone tower was quite high, I would die if I fall from it down here, maybe the rope that has the hook that Reimi brought out to me was used for climbing into the towers in the siege fortress battles.

"The next training is called climb to the tower of the fortress, Sir Rigen! Our infantry knight is trained to throw the hook to the tower to use it to climb up the enemy's tower for the siege battle." - Reimi made a stance as if she was about to throw the hook

"When the hook has stuck in the top of the tower, the enemy will try to cut it down so we have to be assisted by the archers or crossbowmen from below to keep the hook stable."

"A knight must climb fast to the top to take the tower from the enemy as soon as possible, to throw the hook needs the cooperation from the team."

"A thrower and a count Knight, a count Knight will calculate the distance for the thrower to throw the hook."

"You can climb this thing many times, Sir Rigen! But need to increase the speed of climbing and the time you climb up and climb down after each time of climbing, this training will train our forearms and our legs." - Reimi suddenly threw the hook after she has done explaining to me though I didn't know if she has calculated or not

After throwing the hook, Reimi slowly pulled the rope backward as if to make sure the hook would not accidentally fall back to her position. After a few seconds of pulling the rope, the rope suddenly got hard as if the hook has stuck on the tower, Reimi looked above while holding the rope as if she was about to climb up.

"Reimi, how did you throw the hook without counting the distance?"

"I just need to throw the hook by all of my strength, Sir Rigen! I'm not good at math and I just need to throw as far as possible."


"If you want to go first, then I will let you go, Sir Rigen." - Reimi dropped her hand out of the rope

"You said that I need to climb as fast as possible, right Reimi?"

"Yeah." - I immediately grabbed the rope and was about to climb

"Wait for me a bit, Sir Rigen! Alright...1, 2, 3! Go! Go! Go! Get to the tower!" - Reimi yelled at me as if to make the signal for me to climb

Then I climbed up the tower, I have to use my hands to grab the rope to climb and my legs to hold myself to keep the balance or I will die from falling. The second training was quite difficult because it needed a quick time to climb, if we rush to climb without noticing the balance, we will be easy to fall and die.

When I climbed to the top of the tower, I noticed that the hook from the rope has stuck on a corner of the tower near my position. But why did these Knights train for combat physical but not using magic? I was wondering about it, maybe I should wait for Reimi to come here.

"Climb up, Reimi!" - I yelled to Reimi when she was below the tower, Reimi heard me and she touched her hands to the rope

Wow! Reimi climbed very fast, she didn't need to take the momentum, not even using her legs to hold the rope to keep her balance but kept grabbing the rope and climbing as if she didn't feel tired.

After a few seconds of climbing on the top of the tower, Reimi finally climbed up and then she suddenly removed the hook and threw it back to the ground, maybe she wanted to end the second training.

"Let's go back, Sir Rigen! We still have more training lessons to do." - Reimi said to me and then both of us walked down the staircases

The staircases were designed to have round stairs, this kind of design was to defend the tower from the forces that breached the entrance of the tower from below, easy for the defenders to resist the attackers.  

Both of us walked down the staircases and then when we finally got down on the ground, Reimi looked around the place as if she was trying to find the rope that has the hook on it.

I later saw the rope so I ran toward it and picked it up from the ground, Reimi followed me to get back to the wooden crate to store the rope and the hook.

"Ah, Sir Rigen! This training does not only need to use the hook, we can use a long ladder instead, the Knights need to raise the ladder to the fortress and then send troops to climb up."

"Normally in the training, we will train our Knights to climb up the stair as fast as possible by working their hands and their legs but there is another interesting way to do it, climb the ladder by using only our hands."

"Talk enough, we will move to the next training, Sir Rigen!" - Reimi said to me when I have covered the wooden crate, maybe I should ask her about the magic because I only saw physical training here

"Reimi, why I didn't see any Knight's basic training here have the training to use magic but use physical only?"

"It's hard to say, Sir Rigen! Knights fight with the weapons, not magic but if you can do magic then that would be good for yourself in combat."

"About magic, Sir Rigen! I don't know how the commoner children have measured their magic powers, maybe from the church when they reach 1 year old to make the baptism but that is just my thought."

"But to measure the magic power in the baptism inside the church needs very much money, if not then you won't be measured."

"I don't know yet, that's just my thought so please don't believe what I'm saying, Sir Rigen."

"About the noble children, when they are born, their magic powers will be measured right away by the healers, if their magic powers are lesser than average babies then they will be considered powerless."

"But you know, Sir Rigen? Many people that their bodies have enough magic powers to use magic but they can't even use magic, cannot make a single spell."

"What should I do to explain to you in more detail? I would say that the people that are capable to use magic but they cannot use it for a reason."

"Even if they read books that explain the way the spells are cast, they cannot use too, I don't know how to explain."

"But those people are not called and powerless and not treated bad just because their magic power have capable amount to use magic. The true powerless people that cannot cast magic are having very weak bodies, always ill and easy to die."

"But Sir Rigen, please don't feel a shame if you can't do magic, many people cannot do it either though their magic powers are capable to use."

"No, Reimi! I'm not a shame because of it." - My previous world didn't have magic so I didn't see it as a problem at all, we use science, the knowledge from the people who went before to improve our lives in that world

"But what's about the magic unit, Reimi? I mean the military forces that use the magicians, I mean the mages."

"The mage forces are very rare, Sir Rigen! The people that can use magic are rare and the people that have large magic powers are more rarely."

"A normal mage can cast a dozen spells of magic in a day without tired, I can only use max 10 spells a day and I cannot use magic anymore, the mages are equippe-"

"Wait, Reimi! We are in the middle of the training, maybe we should stay focused on doing our training instead of talking about the other subject."

"But I think you want to know about it, Sir Rigen! Maybe we will waste our time but I want to tell you all the things I know." - Though I could ask Reimi later but this girl has proved to me her useful for telling me other info, what a useful puppet!

"Continue, Reimi! I want to hear more."

"Yes, Sir Rigen! Most of the mages are equipped with the magic staffs to make their magic attack stronger, they will also equip knives or swords to protect themselves from the melee attacks."

"Though the mages are rarely faced to face in close combat, they cast magic more than to train with melee weapons so the melee weapons are just backup weapons, very rarely used."

"And also, Sir Rigen! The mages' identities are hidden by the military because of their outstanding, that's why they have to wear cloaks with hoods all the time to cover their faces."

"If a mage gets captured by the enemy side, that will be very dangerous for our side, that's all I know to tell you, Sir Rigen!" - Good work, my puppet!

"Maybe we should head to the next training, lead the way, Reimi."

"Yes, Sir Rigen." - Reimi walked with me to the next training

Reimi suddenly stopped after walking with me for a few steps, she froze and focused her eyes on something forward so I also looked to see what that was.

Oh shit! That was Shera, she came here since when, she was staring at me with her "lovely" eyes, which made me shiver very much.

"Reimi...why did you...go out with...Sir Rigen...without my permission...?" - I wanted to run now!

"I'm very sorry, my Highness!" - Reimi made a very deep bow toward Shera, she even kneeled on the ground to beg Shera for forgiveness

"Reimi...did you enjoy...staying with Sir Rigen...?" - Don't ask, Shera!

"Of course not, my Highness! My body and my soul may belong to you two but I swear to the Goddess that I won't do anything to take away your love, my Highness!"

"Good, that's what I want to hear from my servant, but...I...nothing, just make sure that you keep the distance from Sir Rigen."

"Yes, my Highness!" - Reimi kept bowing toward Shera

Then Shera suddenly walked toward me, she opened a smile and then held my hands, started to sniff my smell while pressing her face to my chest.

"Uh, Princess! How did you find us?"

"Many guards saw you and Reimi went outside, even me, I have stalked you when you two went outside." - Shera was now hugging me very tight

"Sir Rigen...I won't be mad at you...let's head to the arena...the guards are waiting...for us outside."

"Hey, Princess! I did nothing, trust me."

"What are you saying, Sir Rigen? I trust you truly, do you feel I hug you very tight for that love?" - Shera was now hugging me tighter than before

"About the basic training, we are still in the middl-"

"Sir choose Reimi...or choose me...?" - Why did Shera whisper to me cold?

"Of course, I choose you, Princess."

"Then...go with me...Sir Rigen." - Shera slowly led me outside, Reimi was now going behind me and said nothing

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