Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 97 - Lust For Power

Chapter 97 - Lust For Power

Chapter 94: Lust For Power

Sarah's perspective

Let's see, maybe I should draw the equipment in more detail, I was very good at drawing so maybe I will use all my time here to draw. The King has given us our work schedule so I was now very free to do things.

I and my sis would do the night guard today, from tomorrow, we would do the noon and the afternoon guard, from the next tomorrow, we would do the morning and the night guard...

About the explanation, what should I do now? I'm not good at this! Maybe I will ask my sis to do the explanation instead of me, I was now drawing the dumbbell into a fur paper. The technology in this fantasy world was very obsolete, too many medieval things, the pen I was writing with needed to be taken the ink from the ink box to write.

I noticed that the material of the paper was quite uncomfortable too, it was a thick, not soft and good smell like our modern papers. I didn't have any different colors pen at all, only this pen so I was very struggling to draw the detailed parts on the dumbbell.

Ahh! If I and my sis have to isekai then I would choose to go to a fantasy modern world, not this kind of world, which is so boring!

Yawn! I should not complain anymore, we cannot go back to our world anyway, sis never told me about her thoughts about getting here, I wanted to return to my world, not to live here.

About John, he didn't ask us either, maybe he was enjoying living here...with the Princess! Hmmph! Why did get frustrated every time I think about the scene he was staying with Shera!!!

Ah! I was losing my concentration, not good! I must draw now, cannot let myself deeps into those thoughts anymore, I don't want to see my sis be starved tomorrow!

Maybe I will draw these drawings completely soon but John said he would take the drawings tomorrow, maybe I should tell him to take the drawings sooner. But how can I contact him? We didn't have phones or anything that can make us contact each other from far away...can SA contact him to me?

Oh! Talkie! The three of us have the walkie-talkies! Yeah!

Maybe I should wear other clothes, both of sis and me have stayed dirty very much by wearing only our uniforms in a month! I was wondering if we have the other clothes to wear or not, maybe we should go outside for a bit.

Both of sis and me have about 5.000 Gels, that money was very less to me, because we were now living in the Capital city of Warsaw Kingdom, the cost of living here may be expensive.

Must save our money as much as possible, should I ask John to lend us his money a bit? No! No! No! I must work hard as my sis always taught me to, I must not depend on others!

But wait! I just have lost my concentration! Not good! Ahh! Must stay focused to draw the drawings now!

I was about to draw but I noticed that there was a hand near me that touched the paper next to my drawing, that paper has written the list of the equipment, the weight and the size that need to be made. I looked up to see who that was and noticed that was my sis, she was staring at the details that were written on the paper, she has just been newly awake, I think so!

My sis's hair was a bit clumsy, she didn't modify her hair yet but focused look at the paper, my sis later looked at the drawing that I was drawing. She later looked closer at the drawing, I was wondering what was my sis's thoughts.

"Sarah...John to draw...these things...are for that...little Princess?" - My sis was very smart, she knew the reason why I was doing this though I didn't explain to her

"Yes, sis!"

"Have you...done Do you...need my help...Sarah?"

"Of course, sis! I want you to explain what is the use of each piece of equipment, John said he would take the drawings tomorrow but I think I can give him the drawings sooner."

"I will help draw the other drawing skill is...normal but I think...I can help..." - Ah! Thank you, sis!

My sis took out another fur paper, she took a pen which was placed inside a wooden cup, dipped it into the ink box to take the ink and pointed the pen's head to the paper, she was about to draw.

"Ah, sis! I think we should wear other clothes, maybe we will head to some clothes shop out here to buy."

"We can...ask the take other clothes...we are now the guards...of the Palace..." - Ah! I didn't notice about it! Thank you, sis!

"Knock! Knock! Knock! Lady Sarah and Lady Shizuka, this lowly maid is here to bring you two the lunch." - Oh! That voice! That was from Zofana!

"I will go out to bring our lunch back here, sis! We should stop drawing to eat a bit." - I said to my sis and then walked outside to take our meals

"Hello, Zofana! You're working hard, you know? Why don't you come inside? I want to make friends with you, hehe." - I opened the door to greet Zofana

Zofana was a maid that was specially chosen by the King to serve the two of us, she was black, wore green glasses, at first I thought this world was too backward to not have glasses but maybe I was wrong.

Zofana's eyes were green similar to her glasses, she has green long-haired, she wore black maid clothes, which made me feel she was very cute.

As I could remember, she told me a story when she came here in the morning to serve us breakfast that she has a twin sister named Zofe or something. Her twin sister was white and short-haired, a bit opposite to Zofana, but about the other things, her hair and her eyes were similar to her twin sister.

About the twin sister named Zofe, Zofana said to me that she was ordered to serve John, which made me feel more frustrated every time I think about it. Our Commander was surrounded by girls as if he has a harem...maybe I should not be harsh about it, I was a bit hungry now, let's eat!

"I'm sorry, Lady Sarah! This lowly maid cannot go inside the room without His Majesty's approval." - Maybe I will ask the King to let her in here the next time, I want to make friends with everyone here!

"Thank you, Zofana! I will take the meals." - Zofana slowly handed me the meals, I took those hot bowls inside to eat with my sis

"Let's eat, sis!" - My sis saw me bring the meals so she grabbed the drawings away from the table, I later put those hot and tasty bowls down the table, we were about to have a very good lunch


Rigen's perspective

"Haah! Haah!" - Shera was a bit sweats now, we were in the mid of the spar

I didn't think the arena we have come to would be seen like this, though the place has the name Keris Royal Arena. This arena has many separated areas that were used to train the Royal people and the grounds to use for the entertainment for the noble audiences.

The Royal Guards that guarded the carriage were now guarding it, they would wait for our return at 5:00 PM to return to the Palace, Zofe was now sitting on a chair to watch our sword sparring. The room we were staying in was a training room, which has no roof and the sun was lit inside, its area was big enough for the two of us to run and fight freely.

The fighting ground we were fighting inside the room was a flat, round area, I could use the terrain to train Shera to sprint and to do the long run. We started up to heat our bodies before heading to a spar, Shera was quite curious when I stretched my body before practicing with her but later then she imitated me.

Maybe the feudal military forces in this other world did not have the definition of "heat up our body before practicing", which was quite a waste when they did not know about it.

If we stretch our bodies before heading for a real workout, our muscles will be flexible enough to make some hard moves like doing a high kick and moving easier and faster. If we don't stretch our bodies, our muscles will be hard, hard to make those moves and also easy to have injuries if we suddenly move very fast or hold the heavy things.

That was why I need to stretch my body before a workout, or I will break my bones if I head to workout with dumbbells in heavy weights, a deadlift to be an example.

"Haah!" - Shera suddenly charged toward me with her wooden sword, I was wondering if she has planned her move or if she has just moved without thinking

We were now wearing the leather armors and leather helmets that were designed to cover our faces, only showing our eyes, two holes for our nose and a wide area for our mouths.

These leather armors were very convenient when we would not need to worry about injuries if we hit our swords on each other.

"Aim to the weak parts, Princess! Don't hit my hand, hit my shoulders, my head, my throat or my chest." - Shera was quite inexperienced, she raised her sword above, swung with her strength to hit my head or my shoulders but she swung the sword so early so it didn't hit me

"Ahh!" - I hit Shera's right shoulder with my sword, I was holding a normal-length wooden sword so I have to step closer to her a bit to hit her

I could not use the advantage of a weapon that has a long length to fight my enemy, I was about to choose a wooden longsword at first but I later thought back and picked this normal-length sword.

This sword could be used by one hand or two hands because its length was quite good, a bit longer than a short sword, its handle was also well made, long enough to hold with comfortable.

Regarding my sword skill, I only had the chance to fight the monster on the Snow border when I was still living with my previous family.

I only had a chance to fight the orcs once, the fight was so quick and I mostly used surprise attacks in that fight so I could not say my sword skill was good.

I had fought the monsters on the border many times but most of the time I would use the bows to shoot them down when they were standing still. I also used the sword to kill them a few times but I mostly used guerilla attacks, not face to face directly.

The monsters there were very lethal if I face to face directly but they were easy to be killed by a hit if I didn't hit their weak parts. Now it looked like I have changed from Veteran mode to Recruit mode.

The monsters on the border were not smart, stupid and easy to kill though they were very lethal even if you face to face a monster. Like you were playing Dark Souls but in Dark Souls, you could turn into an undead when you die but the thing I was facing now was a real-life situation, only live once and die once.

I was practicing hitting as much as possible the weak parts of the human body because the real fights would be decided by experienced people. The people who knew the techniques to attack the weak parts would be more chances to survive in the real fights.

But I only knew to swing the sword normally and dodge the strike so I must practice more and more, I was now trying to hit Shera's body's weak parts as much as possible.

"Uhh!" - Shera suddenly hit the left side of my belly when I was thinking, she was sweating in cheer when she has finally hit me once

"Haah! Sir Rigen, let me rest a bit." - Shera was now using the wooden sword as a stick to move, she was quite exhausted

"No, Princess! It's not over yet, you must try hard, let's have another spar and we will rest only 30 minutes after we have done the sparring."

"Eh! Ah, wait! Sir Rigen!" - Shera was shocked and stepped back immediately at the time she saw me attack her

"Your real enemy would not let you rest even half of a second, try hard!" - I swung the sword around to hit Shera, she was weakly dodged my strikes, maybe I should not move too risky like this

I immediately stepped back a bit farther from Shera, the chance for me to be hit again would be very high when I step close to Shera. In a narrow situation when both of us were facing very close, I would hit her or she would hit me, very hard to predict what would happen.

It's similar to the situation when you managed to grab your enemy's knife or pistol, you would be hit by the knife if your hand could not resist the enemy's strength. Or in the other case, you would be shot if you don't fast enough to stop the enemy from pulling the trigger.

"Sir Rigen, please stop..." - Shera was quite exhausted but she kept raising her wooden longsword, she was quite dumb to choose that sword, holding a sword with two hands would reduce the chance for you to use your other hand

"Raggh!" - Shera yelled and then raised the sword, she charged toward me without thinking

"Stop yelling and silence to swing the sword!" - Shera was about to make another strike similar to the previous one, how silly she was!

"Ahh!" - I didn't dodge but stood there, raised my sword to block Shera's strike from above and then made a strong blow to shake her sword away and held my sword tight, squeezed my hands' muscles and swung the sword to her left shoulder

"Haah! Haah!" - Shera was quite exhausted so she slowly crouched down while tilting her head to the wooden sword, her hands didn't wear gloves so I could see the sweats in her hands when she used them to wipe the sweats on her forehead

"It's enough, Princess! You must work hard for more results, let's rest for now." - I slowly held Shera's hand and then walked with her to the audience's wooden chairs, I put her on a chair and then sat next to her

"Your Highness, you have been trained well by Sir Rigen, please enjoy resting, you still have a long hour to practice." - Zofe slowly wiped the sweat on Shera's face after removing the leather helmet from her head, her head was very full of sweats, maybe Shera have overtrained

We will have one hour left to train before heading back to the Palace, I think so! I didn't let Shera rest until this time, maybe I was too strict on! I must be strict for good, the military life was not for the lazies!

Lazy was good because we are all lazy, the difference is that some people are lazier than others but we must know to be lazy in time, not to abuse it to make us lazier.

How can you be lazy freely for 24 hours when you can use those hours to rest after doing work, to do exercise, to better yourself by learning and practicing new things?

But this Princess seemed to not so fit in fighting, maybe she was fit for art things, I have asked Shera when she was learning with me in her room, I asked her about the box that was placed on her study table, which carried the wooden knives.

Shera told me that the knives inside the box were her handmade knives, she made them quite detailed, I think! I also noticed that Shera from the previous timeline was very good at sewing too, maybe she was born for those talents.

But even if she did not become a good fighter then I must be strict with her to make her good at protecting herself. A Princess cannot be protected by her guards all the time, she must be strong enough in her mind to her body to protect herself if she is alone and has no one to protect her.

The society out there is not scary, only the humans scary because we create the society, our humans have naturally have greeds and lusts when we were born. When we are young, we are too small and too pure to think about having benefits but when we grow up, we will, I may now not lust for anything but if I have a chance, I will.

We all want power, and I will target this Princess for my power, if the King suddenly dies and he wants me to succeed his throne then I will, no one will stupid enough to reject it.

The King's son - Hoster is only known to play, lazy, did not have the potential to rule, his daughter - Shera seemed only to care about me. She is mad in love with me, she would do anything for me, she also has no potential to rule too.

I did not have the potential to rule, I lack many things but...who cares?

But I should not dream too much about it, the chance for me to be the ruler of this Kingdom is a very low percentage, I'm just a strange man and even can't use magic.

The people who can't use magic are always down looked by the people and I will surely don't have the chance to rule, but can I manipulate the Prince when he gets on his throne?

No! Hoster is now my enemy...must be his ally at all costs for reaching my purpose, but at first, I must eliminate the Prime Minister to achieve my first goal.

Maybe I shou-

"Sir Rigen, why did you stare at me?" - Oh! I didn't notice that I was thinking while being looked at by Shera, she was quite curious when I stared at her

"Hey..." - Shera suddenly held my hand, she has already trusted me and now was in love with me madly

But should I eliminate Shera if she was too annoyed? I love her but she was always madly jealous when she saw me around other girls, maybe I should not eliminate her but I should keep her to be my puppet.

Did I just become an asshole after having those thoughts? Maybe I'm not! Only the stupid ignore the chance to rule the others, haha!

"Zofe, if you dare to open your mouth to say to anyone about our relationship, you will know the consequence that comes to your maid's life and your entire family." - Shera threaten Zofe slowly

"This lowly maid understood, Your Highness! I won't say anything, even to my sister." - Zofe has a sister, hasn't she? Should I make the two of them into my slaves?

Wait, I was thinking too much! I was lusting on power too much, I must hold myself down, only active when I see I have a chance. Now I must earn the King's trust to let him give me an important position in his government, when he dies, I will take the chance to make an uprising to take his throne.

Again! Maybe I should stop tricking myself, things are not made yet, must succeed in teaching the King's daughter to earn his trust first, must manipulate Shera...I just have lusted again! Damn!

But I should have the strong force to make an uprising, our rifles are nothing, we will soon be overrun by the opposite forces, must find a way to create guns and ammo in this world.

After successfully creating those modern weapons, I will trick my uprising forces that those things are magic weapons and only teach them the basic training to use the guns.

"Sir Rigen..." - Shera suddenly hugged me when she was still sweating, though her sweats have been wiped out by Zofe but there were some drops remained, her heart was pounding hard while sticking her body toward me

"Princess, you cannot have the feelings for your tutor, we cannot love." - I hugged Shera's back and behaved like I loved her but told her to stay away from love too soon at her young age

I truly love her but with two purposes, I love her truly and I love her for the purpose to use her as my puppet to achieve my power.

Why don't I sweeten my voice to this Princess a bit to make my goal to take over her heart more successful?

"Hey, Shera..." - I was slowly whispered to Shera, I must use her as my puppet to achieve everything!

"Yes, Sir Rigen..." - Shera was holding me tighter, good job, my little Princess!

"Rin! Rin! Rin! Rin! Commander!" - My Advisor suddenly rung as if someone was calling, it was on Special Conversation so I could only hear, Shera and Zofe didn't

"Ah, Sir Rigen..." - Shera was a bit shocked when I stopped hugging her but focused on Advisor's screen

The screen was now having two symbols, a red turn-off phone on the left and a green answer phone on the right, I put the green answer phone to know who was calling me.

"Commander! Can you hear me?" - Sarah suddenly appeared on the screen, it was showing her face and Hatano beside her, Advisor has the call programs, huh? I didn't know!

"Eh, isn't that Lady Shera and Lady Hatano?" - Shera looked at the screen curious, Zofe also looked but she didn't say a word

"Can you two stay silent? This magic item can also make us contact with each other from far away."

"Really!" - Shera was quite excited but she calmed herself down, Zofe didn't say a word but her eyes opened wide as if she was shocked

"Commander, you didn't bring your talkie so I have struggled a lot to call you by SA, it said I should find the calling program myself, it took me more than 10 minutes to find!" - Sarah yelled to me quite loud, dammit! As their Commander but being yelled at by my own subordinates!

"What are they saying, Sir Rigen?" - Shera asked me because she didn't hear our conversation

But how can I talk to them? Do I have to open my voice? Or I can use my brain wave?

"Open your mouth, Commander! The call system didn't use the brainwave." - Advisor talked to me...what the fuck! That meant I would talk like autism in front of Shera and Zofe!

"Commander! Speak to me! Speak to me a bit!" - Suddenly the audio has sounded outside, maybe Advisor has turned off Special Conversation

"Oh! I can hear she talk now, but Lady Shera is talking in your homeland's language, Sir Rigen." - Maybe I should tell Shera and Zofe to keep silent

"You two please keep silent, I'm now discussing with my subordinates." - Shera stayed silent and kept looking at the screen similar to Zofe

"Commander, about the drawings, I and my sis have brought them to a weapon shop that is introduced by the King, sorry! We have done that without your permission."


"Sorry Commander, we have "looted" your 2.500 Attas to go outside, the price of all equipment is a total of 5.500 Gels but we don't have enough money so we used your Atta coins to pay instead."

"The blacksmith said the equipment would be done made in 6 days but my sis has doubled the price so the equipment would be completed in 3 days."

"I didn't know how much price of an Atta coin if it is converted to a Gel coin so I was about to hand all the money to the blacksmith but my sis stopped me, Commander!" - Thank god! This dumb Marine girl hasn't got the chance to burn my money!

"My sis said an Atta coin prices 10 Gel so we have finally paid the price of the equipment successfully without losing extra money, are you proud of me, Commander?" - I would be proud of Hatano, not a brown-haired Princess like you!

"That's all, Commander! We will go back to the Palace now, see you in the next hour." - Sarah and Hatano made a military salute toward me, I noticed that they have changed other clothes instead of wearing their uniforms but I didn't notice much

"You two Marines, g-" - Fuck! They turned off the call before I could praise them...aahhhh!

"What's wrong, Sir Rigen? Why did they disappear?" - Shera asked me curiously

"Nothing, Princess! Rest more 1 minute and we will make another spar."


"Do not complain, Princess! I haven't taught you about the basic training of my homeland's military when they train the recruits yet."

"Try hard, Princess! I don't want to be your Drill Sergeant." - Oh she would be my Drill Sergeant will be more right to say

About taking the power by using this Princess as my puppet, I will do it slowly, must not let anyone know my seeking of power. I should not let Sarah join, she would ruin my uprising with her less intelligence.

"Sir Rigen, can you hear me? Can we start to fight now? Please do it quickly and rest or let me rest a bit because I'm still tired."

About Hatano, she will be honored to join but I must make her stop hating me this time. I was thinking about finding the way back to my world but now, it is not important to me.

"Sir Rigen, can we start now?"

"Sir Rigen, why did you keep turning around us and then stop to look at a space?"

What is good about coming back to a world that has the laws to limit your action? But as a Marine, I have lusted for power too much, but I didn't care!

"Sir Rigen? Why you don't look at me but look at a space?"

"Why did you turn around and stare at Zofe, Sir Rigen?'

Now I'm John Rigen, a human and a former Marine, I must use every trick, must use the people that I find to be useful to be my puppets to achieve the power to step on the throne.

I will su-

"Bonk!" - Suddenly someone bonked very strong to my head with a stick or something

I turned back and saw Shera, who now seemed very mad strangely, she was holding the sword very tight, her eyes seemed very mad, she kept breathing as if she was very angry at me.

"Sir Rigen! Why did you stare at Zofe's breast! You dare to cheat on me in front of me! How could you! I love you so much but you cheated on me!" - Shera yelled at me very loud, I sensed much danger from this Yandere

"I love you! Sir Rigen! I will beat you with this sword until you accept to apologize to me! You must be faithful to your wife, Sir Rigen!" - Shera suddenly charged toward me with her wooden sword

"Shera! Stop! Stop! What is wrong with you!" - I ran away and yelled back to Shera, I was running for saving my life from my crazy Princess

"No excuses! You must be faithful with me!" - Shera ran faster toward me, she threw the sword and then ran like a beast to grab me

Can anyone explain what the fuck is going on here! Can anyone explain why did Shera act like this!