Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 88 - End War (Part 2)

Chapter 88 - End War (Part 2)

Chapter 85: End War (Part 2)

Reimi and Pambo have died, now the Golden Gate Bridge has been split in half but still no collapse yet, the gunfights kept continuing between our Marines and the Chinese troops.

I was now still holding Reimi in my hands, she has died but I could not forget her, I wanted to hold her in my hands as long as possible. I have lost Shizu - my loved one, and now I lost Reimi, my new loved one.

"Keep firing! Do not stop! We must keep continuing! Do not let our marines' deaths be in vain! We must win!" - Sulivan kept shouting at the marines to tell them to shoot at Chinese troops

"Fuck! I ran out of ammo! Give me the QBZ!" - Cawess shouted loud to the marines behind him to tell them to give him a QBZ 191 rifle to replace his M4

"Fucking shit! John! Keep firing, Reimi is dead! Don't hold her anymore! She can't be back to live anymore! She is dead!" - Cawess shouted at me when I kept holding Reimi while crying

"Let him alone, Cawess! If he didn't want to fight! We will fight!" - Sulivan ignored me and started firing again at the Chinese troops

"Reimi...I love you...I love you...let me hold you a bit longer." - Dammit! Why did the girls that love me have to die! Who the fuck did this to them!

Dammit! Reimi, at least I must give her a last kiss before heading up to fight with the marines, she has died for protecting, I wanted to make her happy but she has died now!

"Reimi, raise your head a bit now, I want to kiss you." - I raised Reimi's head up and then tried to kiss her but her neck kept lowering at the times I was heading to kiss her

Reimi...dammit! I should have let her stay back instead of bringing her here, she has died because of me! That was my fault! I should have let her stay behind! Fuck it!

"John! Wake the fuck up!" - Cawess kept firing at the Chinese troops while shouting to me

"Fucking retard! Why did keep holding that fucking corpse! Get here! You are out of the car!" - Cawess told me to get closer to the broken car because I was staying out of it

"I should have let you die! But I can't! Pambo is dead and I don't want to leave any of my friends to die anymore! I also mourned for Reimi so live! John!"

"Reimi's last wish was to keep you alive! Get the fuck here, John! Get here Now!" - Cawess shouted very loud! Fucking shut up! I want to be alone!

"Fuck you! You fucking deaf and retard!" - Suddenly I felt myself being pulled by Cawess to the broken car while I was holding Reimi, I held Reimi very tight, I didn't want to far away from her

"M72s are ready!" - The marines that were holding the M72 rocket launchers were now holding them while crouching and were about to wait for the order to shoot at the Chinese troops were defending forward us

"Good! Marines! Wait for my order!" - Sulivan was now telling the marines that held the M72s to wait for his signal to attack

"That Chinese defensive line is so deadly, do it fast, Sulivan!" - Cawess was now reloading the QBZ 191 to shoot the Chinese troops forward him, he held his wounded shoulder a few times

The machine guns from Chinese troops were still shooting at us, the loud sounds of gunshots made the sky crash into pieces in my thoughts. We were now very close to victory but we would sacrifice many things to achieve it.

"Shoot!" - Sulivan shouted to the marines that held the M72s from behind

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" - The marines have stood up and then pulled the triggers of the M72s to fire

The Chinese machine gunners forward have been neutralized some by our Marines but looked like that was useless. After a few seconds after being neutralized, others Chinese machine guns sounded again, looked like the Chinese didn't lack suicidal soldiers to operate the machine guns.

"John! Stop crying and focus on shooting, dammit! How long do you want to hold that chick! You can't fuck her anymore!"

You can't even date her anymore! You can't marry her! Stop crying like a pathetic and fight! Fucking shoot the Chinese now! You fucking deaf, mute and retard!"

"Fucking shoot them now!" - Shut the fuck up, Cawess! You didn't know what is love! I love Reimi truly! Even when she died, I still love her! I love Shizu and ReimI! Stop talking!

"Shoot! Shoot!" - Sulivan kept calling us to shoot at the Chinese troops, all of our weapons have finally out of ammo so all of us were now using China's weapons

Fuck! I held Reimi for a bit longer, I was thinking about having with her a child, to have a wedding with her, both of us would live in happy but now she has died! Fucking dammit! Who did this to me! Who!

Why do the girls that I loved have to die! They didn't do anything but they have to die! Who made this thing! Why did I have to get through this pain! Fuck!

Reimi, I love you! Don't far away from me! Even when you die, I love you and Shizu both, maybe you have now met her in heaven! I hope you two won't quarrel when I cheated on one of you!

But I could not let Reimi away! I wanted to hold her a bit longer!

"What the fuck! What the fuck is wrong with Chinese troops?" - Cawess was so shocked when the machine guns from the other side stopped, for some reason, Chinese troops didn't shoot us anymore

"They may now run out of ammo, Marines! But do not let us down guard! We must push forward, now wait for my order to do what next!" - Sulivan shouted to us to tell us to wait for his order

"Marines! Immediately check the ammo, I will order you people to make the final attack at any moment!" - Sulivan told us to check the ammo, we were about to make the final attack to cross the bridge to take victory

"Yes, Sir!" - The marines were now running to each other to change the ammo and also to gather the ammo, we will make the final attack

I was still holding Reimi, her body was so cold, she has died but I didn't want to leave her, I wanted to hold her more, I didn't want to leave her.

"John! Wake the fuck up! Reimi is dead! Reimi is dead! She is dead so wake the fuck up!" - Shut up! Cawess!

"How long until a retard like you can understand! She is dead so forget her! There are still many girls out there for you to love! Don't cry like a pathetic!" - How did you say that to my lover!

I immediately stood up and pulled Cawess's collar very tight, I didn't care if the Chinese troops are about to shoot me or not, I didn't care!

"John! Stay down! The Chinese will shoot you!" - Shut up, Sulivan! You didn't know any shit!

"Stay down, man! Calm down!" - Some marines tried to pull me and Cawess down to avoid being shot but I kicked them out, no one of the marines dare to come close to me

"What, what the fuck do you want to say?" - I hate your attitude, Cawess! You are a man but consider women as nothing but toys! You are fucking irresponsible!

"Let's think if the girl is lying here is Valenta, Cawess! If your girlfriend dies here then will you cry for her?"

"Of course, I will! I love her so I will very sad if she dies." - What the fuck was that straight talk!

"But you will leave her and find another girl when she dies, will you?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Did you ever think about your love for her! How can you forget her and move on with another one!"

"You are telling me that I must love my lover while you left Shizu to love Reimi, what is the difference between me and you? We are the same."

"I'm not! I love them both and I care about them both! I'm not an irresponsible man like you!"

"Don't excuse, John! You made me feel so sick when I have to know a man who always fake like you, you should have lived honestly with yourself like me, you are nothing but also like me."

"Then you think love is just something that we can do like a one-night stand or what?"

"Yeah, I can get along, even to propose to the shop owner if Valenta dies, I still have many girls for me to fuck, you know?" - You fucking dead!

I immediately threw Cawess forward and made himself hit the broken car, I didn't care if he injured his head or die or not, he deserved for what he said!

"John! What the fuck, calm down! We all marines here! We don't friendly fire!" - Fuck it, Sulivan! Stop shouting like you are my mom!

"Are you okay, man?" - The marines were now pulling Cawess up, looked like he has been thrown very powerfully but he was still okay

Suddenly Cawess stood up and then charged toward me, he pressed me down to the ground and then hit me with his fists.

"Cawess! Stop!" - Sulivan pulled Cawess out but he could not, both I and Cawess were now in anger

"Calm down, man!" - Some marines were also tried to pull Cawess out but he hit all of them, they were so scared that they didn't get close to him

"You think I do not love Valenta! I love her but I don't want to be sad when she dies! I cried a lot when my parents died in the attack from SRs! Now I love her, also love her mom!"

"I have made up my mind to propose to her when the war ends, I love her! But I don't want to cry when she dies, I have cried enough!" - Cawess kept hitting me with his fists while scolding me

"You don't know anything, I don't want to hear the excuses from an asshole like you! You and I are different!" - I got my hands out from Cawess and hit him, my hit was so strong that his nose drained out a bit of blood

"Ahh!' - Cawess pulled out his M9 Beretta and headed toward my head, I have also pointed my M9 Beretta at him

"What! Want to play Russian roulette!"

"This is not Russian roulette, dammit! If we pull the trigger, we will all die!"

"I should have killed you when I met you that day."

"I should have not made friends with you to see an asshole like you."

Both of us kept pointing our pistols at each other but we didn't shoot, my face had a bit of bruise when being beaten by Cawess, Cawess's nose was now bleeding and his hands were full of bruises.

The marines and Sulivan himself have given up to stop us, the Chinese troops didn't make any move to attack us.

"Sir, we suddenly have a radio call, Sir!" - The radio soldier suddenly gave the radio to Sulivan

"Strange, our officers have left us here but now they call us...maybe something has happened." - Sulivan immediately grabbed the radio

I and Cawess slowly lowered our pistols down, we didn't kill each other anymore, seemed like we were now facing something worsen than we expected.

"All marines on the Golden Gate Bridge listen, mission abort! I repeat, mission abort! Immediately retreat our troops out of the bridge and hide somewhere safe."

"China has broken the truce, a nuclear missile has already been fired by China from Alaska to the Golden Gate Bridge, our Special Forces have failed to control the nuclear system from China."

"Mission abort! The missile may now reach the bridge at any moment, United States bless you Marines!" - The radio called us to abort our mission, the World War would be continued

"What! We will all die here! So that is why the Chinese stopped shooting!" - Some marines were now fussing and confused, they were scared to die

"Mama! Mama!" - Some marines cried to call their moms, they knew they were about to die

"Papa! Jessica! Harald!" - Some marines have called for the people who seemed to be their dads, their wives or their kids, all of them were now very depressed when they knew they were about to die

I slowly crouched down to hold Reimi, I gave her a last kiss, I have finally had to leave her behind though I didn't want to do that.

"I love you, Reimi! I won't forget you, I will always love you and Shizu equal." - I kissed Reimi's forehead the last time and then slowly put her on the ground and grabbed her AK 12

"Fuck, I want to see Valenta the last time..." - Cawess made a very long sigh and then walked while his lowered head

All of us, both China troops and Marines troops are about to die by a nuclear weapon, the Third World War will keep continuing without an end, this is our last line, maybe we will die here before we can realize.

"Marines! Do not be scared! We must push forward to our last breaths! We have to cross the bridge to show China that we will win the war!" - Sulivan shouted loud to us

"As I said before! We will all die! But think about your kids and your families! They will live in peace thanks to us! Our marines will end the war today! The World War will end today!"

"Do not fall! All of us will appear in our descendants' next games in Call of Duty and Battlefield!"

"Marines! When we are about to die, at least we must be cool to the last moments, we will die anyway so be cool!"

"Who are we, Marines!"

"Marine Corps!" - Seemed like all of us have regained our spirits after hearing Sulivan talk, all of us have now holding our rifles and are about to step into victory

"Marines! Charge forward to the victory! We will take over the bridge to let China know that we will win the war!"

"Marines! Follow me!" - Sulivan pointed his M9 Beretta pistol forward and then ran forward the bridge

We were also running with Sulivan, we didn't care if we get shot by Chinese troops anymore, we fastly stepped forward faster and faster.

Maybe the time we can cross the bridge will be less than 10 minutes if we keep running like this and ignore our exhaustion.

Suddenly when we were running together, a long line of Chinese troops stepped out of the broken cars, they didn't bring weapons. They even removed their helmets and raised their hands above, most of the Chinese soldiers were young but some looked to be aged.

A Chinese man came out from the Chinese troops, he was the Commander of the Chinese troops, named Xiang Jiang. He headed toward Sulivan, the one who was leading the group, he slowly stepped toward Sulivan and then lowered his hands when he came close.

"Our government, our Party have left us, we have fought very hard to kill all of you Americans but they told us that we should die here, this fight is no equal at all."

"I and my comrades have made up our mind, we will grant you victory, Americans! Now go before you all die with us." - Jiang told us to go

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! I don't think the battle will end like this." - Sulivan talked to Jiang

"Now go before the missile come, I will suicide here to show my loyalty to my homeland, to the Party, our comrades won't attack you Americans anymore, now go."

Suddenly Jiang pulled out a pistol from a holster, he slowly put it toward his head and stood straight, he looked behind to look at the Chinese soldiers.

"Tongzhimen, women bu huì sha si zhexie meiguo qinlue zhe, dang women rang tamen qude shengli shi, women hui xiang tamen zhanshì women de kangkai!"

(Comrades, we won't kill these American invaders, we will show them our generosity when we let them have their victory!)

"Bang!" - After saying the word, Jiang pulled the trigger and then he shot himself, he died

We went silent to pay our respect to this Chinese soldier, our marines later hugged the Chinese troops to wish them to survive when the missile comes. After hugging those Chinese soldiers, we gathered together to hear the order from Sulivan.

"Marines, remove our guns and helmets down, we will cross the bridge as fast as possible!" - Sulivan shouted to us

Then all of us dropped our helmets and our weapons down, we have finally done dropping them, now our weights have been reduced a bit and we can run faster.

"Marines! Charge to victory! Cross the bridge by all costs!" - Sulivan shouted loud and then ran forward

"For our homeland!" - All of us also charged forward, the war will end today! We will end the world war today!

We ran forward the bridge for a few minutes, looked like were about to cross the bridge but all of our strength was now exhausted. Our feet have fatigued after running without breathing to run fast, we were about to stop to rest.

"Marines! Victory is forward! Charge forward to the end!" - Sulivan shouted loud with all of his strength and then kept running

"Victory is ours!" - All of us kept running forward, we could see the bridge was about to end its road, we will head to the bridge to show China we will win

We kept running with our exhausted feet, I was sweating a lot, when I was running, I saw a thing that looked to be a white long shape flying in the sky and heading to the bridge and was about to land down, that was the nuclear missile.

"Keep running! The missile is nothing compared to our Marine Corps!" - Sulivan shouted louder while running

I looked back to see the missile and suddenly it blew up right in the middle of the sky while it was about to hit the bridge. We lost our balance and were about to fall but we kept standing straight to cross the bridge, the victory was now in our hands.

"Cawess! Stay down!" - During that chaos, I saw Sulivan shout loud to Cawess

I saw Sulivan beat Cawess a hard blow and then Cawess fell to the ground, Sulivan held Cawess as if to cover him from the explosion of the nuclear weapon. I noticed that the Golden Gate Bridge has finally collapsed from the nuclear explosion and all of us was now falling down the ocean.

I touched the water and then sunk very deep under the ocean with the other marines, I felt lost consciousness.


I felt myself was now floating on the ocean, I didn't know how I was right now, I didn't know what has happened to me and the others after the explosion. Suddenly I felt myself being picked up by something and then I felt I has gotten out of the ocean completely, I slowly opened my eyes.

In front of me was now a Helicopter that looked to be old, like a UH - 1, a black-haired Asian man, that was Nguyen Hoang Minh, he was now picking me up with his hands while sitting on the chopper.

That man wore a green forest uniform, his right bicep wore a red band. The right side of his shirt pocket has an emblem of a red flag, a large white star has been placed in the middle of the flag and has five points star.

As I could remember when I was learning about history, that flag looked to be a Vietnam Communist national flag but for some reason, this flag has a white star, not a yellow star.

"Này, tôi tìm thấy một người khác còn sống!"

(Hey, I found another person alive!) - Minh shouted to the pilot and he picked me up from the chopper and placed me with another man who looked to be marines like me, that was Cawess!

"Đủ rồi, Valentina! Đi thôi, Đồng chí!"

(That's enough, Valentina! Let's go, Comrade!) - A man that sat next to Minh and wore a similar uniform to him was Vakuchevsky, he told the pilot to fly the UH - 1 up the sky

"American! Our Russians and these Vietnamese comrades saved your ass, remember to thank us after the war ends, the nuclear system has been neutralized." - Both Minh and Vakuchevsky said to me and then smiled

Then I slowly looked below when I was lifted to the sky by the chopper, the Golden Gate Bridge has finally collapsed.

I saw some more modern choppers that looked to be our faction fly with us but I only saw Cawess and me get saved, that meant the others hav died or sunk under the ocean, Reimi has even sunk the ocean.

But I love her, I love Reimi and Shizu! I will never forget them.

I looked at Minh's watch, this time is 5:35 PM, the sky was about to go dark, the battle of the Golden Gate Bridge has finally over. No one won the battle, no one crosses the bridge, the choppers that picked up us flew to somewhere that I didn't know.


The Third World War has finally ended, we have been carried back to a hospital in Virginia near our base. China has sat at the table to sign the Peace Agreement, the Third World War ended right exactly at 3:00 AM, December 26, 2041.

Outside were now having many fireworks and everyone around me was typing on their phones to talk about the end of the war. I was now going to visit Cawess, I didn't wound so bad so I could go normally, I was now in front of Cawess's room.

I slowly opened the door and went inside, the shop owner and her daughter- Valenta were now holding Cawess's left hand to show their care for him, this lucky son of a bitch, he has two girlfriends.

"Oh, looks like your friend is here to visit you, Cawess! I will talk with you later, let's go, mom!" - Valenta reminded her mom to follow her outside, these two have busty asses and boobs, looking at them made me want

I should stop, I was cheating on Shizu and Reimi! Must keep me and my dick calm down!

"I will see you later, Cawer!" - The shop owner and Valenta held their hands and then went out of the room to let me and Cawess alone

Now the room only has I and Cawess, we looked at each other, Cawess has lost his right hand in the last battle, he has only one real leg and one real hand left. Cawess's lost leg has been replaced by a metal prosthetic so maybe his lost hand would be also replaced by another prosthetic in the future.

"Sulivan and Haris are also died, man! Now only me and you alive, fuck the war." - Cawess made a sigh, I also sighed like him

Haris still had his wife and his kids waiting for him and Sulivan had the aunt that he has proposed to her, his aunt was still waiting for him to return, damn!

"Don't worry about me, John! I will regain my mental fast, this hand is no use now, I can't jerk off with my right hand anymore, haha." - Cawess showed me his right hand which has been bandaged, lost its limb and smiled

"Hey, want to join a foursome with me, Valenta and her mom? I will take my courage to talk to her, hope she won't leave me." - This son of a bitch! How can you do that after your friends died!


"Hey, sorry for what happened on the bridge." - Cawess apologized to me

"No, I must the one who needs to be sorry."

Both of us looked at each other, this scene was so...bromance but why did it look so gay!

"Hey, don't be scared! I'm not gay so don't stay away from me." - Cawess said to me when I was stepping out of him for a few steps

"What will you do now, John? You have lost your lover and now the war is over, I have decided to marry Valenta after this, but what about you? Do you have any purpose for your future?"

"Don't know."

Future? No, I didn't have my thoughts about it in my mind, what should I do...

"John!" - A familiar voice called me

"John, I love you!" - That voice was so familiar, it reminded me of someone

"John, save me!" - Shera! Was that Shera?

"Ahhhhhhh!" - Suddenly my head got a headache and a few seconds later, it ended

"Are you okay, John?" - Cawess asked me when he was lying on his bed

"I'm okay, don't worry about me."

"Shera, I have remembered all! I have remembered all!' - My tears suddenly drained out, I was so happy, my hands and my body slowly blurred as if I was about to vanish from this world

"John, what the hell is wrong with you!" - Cawess was so shocked when he saw me was about to vanish in front of him

"Cawess, remember what I said before? I and Hatano, I mean Shizu came from another world."

"Then what?"

"Maybe I can't stay here anymore, I will return to my world now, this will be our last meet, maybe I will not come back here anymore."

"Don't worry if I disappear, you know? Remember to live in peace with Valenta and her mom, that's all."

"John! Wait!" - I heard Cawess call me last time but I felt I lost consciousness


I opened my eyes, that was the room from the Goddess, I was wondering where she was right now, I must insist her save both Reimi and Hatano.

Goddess Katia said she would save Shera and Eris after I returned but I wanted to save all the ones I love.

"Look like you have returned, I'm over here." - Katia suddenly appeared in front of me so I kneeled before her immediately

"Please, Goddess! Please save my wife and my daughter and even save Reimi and Hatano too! I love all of them!"

"Ah, you are a man that looks tall and muscular but begged the most beautiful woman like me, what pathetic you are." - You just have praised yourself!

"Ah, don't let me read your mind again, this Goddess is very disappointed about your thoughts about me, John."

"But don't worry, I will save all of them, it would be very bored to see you alone, John."

"Thank you very much, Goddess!"

"So pathetic! You care about your loved ones more than yourself, pathetic and feeble! Hahahaha!" - I didn't care about myself, I only care about my loved ones

"But Goddess, please can I ask you a question?"

"Speak, you pathetic..."

"What is the world that has World War 3 that I came before, what is that world exactly? Is it has any connection with my world?"

"That world is a real-world, also similar to the fantasy world named Euro Grant and your previous world but those worlds to me are just like games."

"But that world isn't in my control but another god, I only asked that god's permission to send you and the others there."

"Without you, the Allies still win the war and everything would go like the way it was."

"I'm thinking to send you and more people there again but at another time, now you can go."

"Wait, Goddess! Can I ask you the last question?"

"Speak, I don't think a pathetic like you will ask me so much, don't even use your brain to think, maybe your muscles are big but your brain is small like nothing." - Dammit! I must calm myself down!

"Did you kill Hatano and Reimi, Goddess?"

"You are not only pathetic but also retard, John! I said to you once, I put the things and situations there and see how it would happen, those women died because they were so stupid to care about you so much." - Calm down! Calm down!

"If I want to kill someone, I just need to look at them to wait for them to die, I didn't do anything."

"This Goddess is very innocent though I put the monster in Shera's position, I made the Orc get mad at your daughter and let your wife see the knife to cut her throat."

Not yet, I also made your pistol jammed when you were about to shoot Pieterson and I made the Chinese sniper target you but I didn't kill those girls."

"I'm very innocent, you know?" - You fucking whore! You are not a God! You are just a whore!

"Oh, I have been insulted but I won't be mad, you said I'm a whore, so do you want to fuck me?" - Suddenly Katia challenged me to rape her when she was slowly undressing her green dress

"I'm just kidding, a pathetic and feeble man like you cannot have a chance to touch this sacred body, hahahaha!" - Fuck that! I want to kill her right now!

"Oh, you can't kill me, I'm a Goddess and the one who created all of you! Anyway, you can go now, as I promised, I will save all of your loved ones."

My body felt like being sucked out of the Goddess's house, I was now looking at her from far away, my vision was now blurring and was about to lose consciousness.

"You don't even say a goodbye to me but...maybe I will skip because you never did that, goodbye John Rigen." - Katia waved to me from very far away

"Oh, I must say goodbye, pathetic John Rigen will be more right, I will meet you again, you pathetic loser, hahaha."

My mind was suddenly unconscious, Shera, Eris, Hatano, Reimi, I will return to all of you...

But wait! I forgot Sarah, I must save her too!

"Don't worry, I have already saved Sarah." - The Goddess said to me, thank you very much!

I was slowly unconscious.

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