Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 86 - Battle Of Golden Gate Bridge (Part 2)

Chapter 86 - Battle Of Golden Gate Bridge (Part 2)

Chapter 83: Battle Of Golden Gate Bridge (Part 2)

We were now on the Golden Gate Bridge, we were going slowly and slowly on the bridge, luckily that the bridge has been placed with many obstacles, which were the broken cars being brought out to place here.

Our marines have now had the objects to cover ourselves, we were moving slowly steps to steps toward the bridge to face the Chinese troops, we slowly hid behind the broken cars. I looked back and saw that many marines were now slowly stepping up alongside the M1 Abrams Tanks, Humvee cars, M113, Stryker APCs and the other vehicles.

But the military vehicles would go behind and the infantry soldiers would lead the way, I also saw some marines that wore the Alrotz armors but they also went behind our marines. Alrotz armors had the design look to be the Power armors of the Brotherhood faction from the Fallout game series.

The Alrotz armor was very good at bullet and grenade resistance but heavy to go according to the way I saw the marines that wore the armors, they went heavily and I could hear the very heavy metal sounds that touched the ground from each step.

A soldier that wore the Alrotz armor could act like a Juggernaut - a heavy infantry soldier from the Call of Duty game series, most of the Alrotz armors soldiers were now holding M249 or other machine guns, no one of them hold the assault rifles. The Alrotz armor was very effective against infantry soldiers, the armor was unstoppable even though it has been thrown dozens of grenades or been shot with hundreds of bullets.

But a shot from a rocket launcher, an anti-tank or an anti-air weapon or shots from the guns that have big bullets like a DShK could damage heavily or disable the Alrotz armor immediately.

Maybe these Alrotz soldiers - that was the way I call the marines that wore the Alrotz armors would be used to fight the infantry soldiers in the situations there were no enemy heavy armored vehicles or no soldiers were bringing the rocket launchers.

Reimi was now stepping forward the bridge while holding the AK 12 in her hands, she was stepping quite fast, she was taking the lead, maybe I should tell her to go back.

(Reimi, stay behind me!) - I shouted to Reimi and she immediately stayed behind me

(Why, Sir Rigen? If I see anything forward, I will report to you to let you tell your soldiers) - Ah, this dumb!

(Let the scout boys do these jobs, the soldiers that take the lead are the easiest to die, the scout boys are formed to do these jobs, just let them do) - I pointed my hand to the scout boys who were heading forward the bridge

(Ah, I'm sorry! Cough! I'm sorry, maybe I should have calmed down a bit, Sir Rigen)

"Sir, the Chinese troops are now very close to us, about 218 yards (200 meters), but they look are not willing to shoot, what should we do now, Sir?" - A scout boy ran toward Sulivan and talked to him

Sulivan for reason has become our Commander of this battle, Sulivan was now thinking in his head, he was considering the next move for our marines. He kept licking his tongue to think, he has to do the work that he had never done before as a commanding officer.

"Immediately form our marines lines around the broken cars, tell the vehicle units to stay behind our, keep our rifles toward the enemies. If they shoot, we will shoot, if they don't, we will wait." - Sulivan said to the scout boy

"Yes, Sir!" - The scout boy that was commanded by Sulivan immediately ran to us

"Everyone take cover behind the broken cars, the vehicle units will stay behind our marines, point our weapons at the enemy, do not let our guard down, we will shoot if they shoot!"

We immediately formed our lines behind the broken cars and peeked our rifles out on the top of the cars to point at the Chinese troops, they also did that with us. 20.000 troops from both sides have now been on the bridge, no one left the bridge, we were now very dense on the bridge like an army of ants.

Some of the marines have to form their formations behind because there was no space for them forward, we kept pointing our rifles at Chinese soldiers but didn't shoot, they also did the same. This battle on the bridge would be longer than I expected, it could last for hours to be shortest or tomorrow or longer if we keep hesitating to fight.

"What the fuck? Why don't we open fire and end the battle fast?" - Cawess spat while staying behind the broken car with us and pointed the M4 out at the Chinese soldiers

"Just wait, man! The Chinese didn't want to kill either, maybe we will be dehydrated if this continues, homie." - Pambo said while pointing his M249 out

(Sir Rigen, what's wrong? Why don't we attack?) - Reimi was a bit confused when she looked behind and around her and saw the marines were staying behind broken cars but didn't shoot

(Wait, Reimi! We will open fire when the opposite side does, just wait! It might not be so long, just wait for a bit longer)

I also pointed my M4 out to aim at the Chinese troops, this battle would be long!


(Sir Rigen, are you alright? I see you are sleepy, may I help you?) - Reimi suddenly called me, I opened my eyes and noticed I have been overslept

I was standing while pointing the M4 out the broken car toward the Chinese troops, Cawess, Pambo and the other marines around and behind us have the sign to be exhausted for waiting too long, I was wondering how many hours have passed.

Oh, shit! 1:57 PM, nearly two hours passed but no gunshots have been fired, I saw that some marines behind me were running around to take the water for the marines that were dehydrated. So we waited for more than two hours but there was no gunshot from the other side but we didn't shoot anything, this battle was way longer than I expected.

San Francisco was now only 20.000 troops, all civilians and military officers have evacuated, they may now watching us through TVs or other media that were live streaming on the drone that was recording us, I was wondering where was the drone.

I looked up in the sky but didn't see the drone anywhere, it may be recording from very far away, maybe we should open fire now to open the battle or this battle won't have an end and the third world war will keep continuing.

(Sir Rigen, what are you doing?) - Reimi asked me when she saw me run toward Sulivan but didn't tell her

(Stay there, I will go back later!)

I ran toward Sulivan, he may now also be exhausted because of waiting for the response from China, he sighed and was staring at me.

"Sir, I think you should command us to open fire now or the battle will keep continuing without end."

"I'm thinking about it, John! Just give me more than 30 minutes and I will tell the marines to open fire, just wait, I must think."

"Sir, we must open fire now! The Alrotz armors and the other vehicles have been shut off all to save batteries and fuels, please order us to open fire." - A marine begged Sulivan to let the other marines open fire

"Sir! The others also losing their morale now, we must open fire now!" - Another marine told Sulivan

I also heard from the side of the bridge, the Chinese troops also having conversations, they said quite loud, we even heard their voices though I didn't know Chinese, I was wondering how would this battle go.

I also looked at the marines behind, they were now losing their morale, some of the marines also got out of the military vehicles, the Alrotz armors have now shut off all to save batteries.

"Sigh! Tell the marines...I will open a gunshot...when they hear my gunshot...we will start the fight." - Sulivan pulled out a cigarette and lighted it up to smoke, he lowered his head

"Yes, Sir!" - The marines that were near Sulivan immediately ran back to their positions

"Marines! We will open fire in just a few seconds! Immediately get back to our positions! We will open fire when our Commander fires his shot!" - The marines shouted to each other

Then I saw the marines that were losing their morale started acting fast, the military vehicles have been full to fight, the Alrotz armors have been finally turned on and were also to join the fight.

Sulivan slowly pulled out his M9 Beretta pistol and slowly headed it up the sky, he was smoking while staring at me with his sharp eyes.

"You return to your position, John! You have a girl for you to protect and to love, you must keep her safe and also fight well to survive."

"Remember, a very experienced soldier can die easily if he is not ready well when he is about to fight." - Sulivan talked to me and then pulled out his cigarette and dropped it on the ground, he smashed the cigarette with his shoe and was about to open fire

"Now go!" - Sulivan shouted to me and then I immediately ran back to Reimi

I immediately ran back and then stayed behind the broken car, Reimi was now still pointing the AK 12 at the Chinese troops forward, Cawess was drinking water and Pambo was having a bit of sweat on his face.

"Remember to keep our heads low all the time, I don't want to die by a headshot, I must do headshot on other Chinese" - Cawess said to me and then returned pointing his M4

(Sir Rigen, what is the command from your friend, Sulivan?) - Reimi asked me, she didn't aim anymore but was checking the rounds in the AK 12

(We will start the fight at any moment soon, Reimi! Remember to keep your head low all the time, from this distance and these dense troops, you can die easily by a shot through the head)

(Understood, Sir Rigen!)

When I was aiming at the Chinese troops after a few seconds of talking to Reimi, a Chinese soldier came out from the other side. He raised his hands above and slowly walked toward us, the Chinese troops were pointing their weapons at us but didn't shoot.

"Sir! An enemy has a comer! He didn't shoot!"

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Do not open fire yet!" - Sulivan heard that and he returned his pistol into the holster and ran toward me

Sulivan looked at the Chinese soldier that was coming toward us, he looked to have a bit tense on his face.

"Do not let our guard down! Everyone! Do not open fire without my order!" - Sulivan immediately stepped toward the Chinese soldier that was heading toward us, Sulivan also raised his hands above like the Chinese

We kept pointing our rifles forward the bridge, both of the soldiers from opposite sides walked toward each other and then stopped close to each other, both of them looked straight at each other.

"I don't know if you know English or not but I'm Jim Sulivan, the Commander of the United States Marine Corps on the west side of the bridge." - Sulivan introduced himself to the Chinese soldier

"My name is Xiang Jiang, also the Commander of China The People's Liberation Army on the east side of the bridge, it's good to see you in this one win one lose, Mr. Sulivan."

"What is your purpose for coming here, Mr. Jiang?"

"This battle will be very deadly, we will fight with much bloodshed, this battle will decide who will win the war. We will not lose, we fight for our homeland so we will kill all of you Americans and take over the bridge."

"We will win, Mr. Jiang! We will also fight for our homeland, we will kill all of you Chinese to the end and take over the bridge."

"China will decide the fate of the United States, remember it, American!"

"We will be the ones who decide the fate of China, not you, hear it carefully, Chinese."

"We will open fire when we hear your side fire, you Americans are always the one who fires first."

"We will, remember to tell Qin Shi Huang when you go to hell."

"I must be the one who says that word, remember to tell George Washington when all of you Americans die, we will spare no lives."

"We won't, all of you will die."

"Farewell, Mr. Sulivan! I won't see you again." - The Chinese soldier turned around to go back to his troops

"You too, Mr. Jiang!" - Sulivan also went back to us

"Shibing! Zhunbei zhandou dao si!"

(Soldiers! Prepare to fight to the death!) - The Chinese soldier shouted very loud while heading back to the Chinese troops

"Marines, we will open fire when I open fire!" - Sulivan shouted to us and then ran back, he drew his M9 Beretta and raised it above the sky

"Marines! Kill! Kill Kill! Bang!" - After returning for a few seconds, Sulivan has finally fired the gunshot

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Many very loud gunshots!" - All 20.000 troops have opened fire so the gunshots were very loud and very deaf

I immediately crouched down in the broken car with Cawess and Pambo, we only dare to peek our guns out to shoot, the gunshots were very loud and dense because both sides were very close to each other, headshots or die with many gunshot wounds would be very easy.

(Sir Rigen! Can you hear me! My ears are about to deaf because of these loud magic arrows!) - Reimi shouted loud to me when she was heading the AK 12 out of the car to shoot, I didn't hear any shit, too loud!

(Shout louder! Louder!)

(Have you ever had a fight like this in your homeland or another place! Sir Rigen!) - Reimi crawled to my ear and shouted loud, I have finally heard her, thank god!

(No! I never went through it when I was in Afghanistan! This kind of odd warfare and formation is the first time I encountered!)

(What is Afghanistan!)

(Stay focused on shooting the enemy!)

(Understood!) - Reimi headed the AK 12 above and shot blindly, we didn't see our enemy properly but wasted many bullets!

"The kind of this warfare formation is bullshit! We are humans! Not NPCs! Dammit!" - Cawess swore very loud and then pointed his M4 out to shoot blindly

"We all now Rambo! Dammit!" - Pambo also peeked the M249 out to shoot blindly

"Abrams incoming!" - A marine shouted to us though we didn't hear anything but saw 6 M1 Abrams headed toward us

The M1 Abrams tanks kept running forward and avoid getting near us, they chose the empty spaces to head toward the Chinese troops.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Many cannon shots from the Abrams have been fired at the time they got toward us, the sounds were very loud so we have to cover our ears

The cannon shots also made the bridge shake a bit, I hope those shots won't hit any bridge ropes or the bridge will be split in haft or collapse.

(Sir Rigen! The shots were so loud! I covered my ears but I can hear them were still very loud!) - Reimi shouted loud to my ear, she even held her ears

I peeked out a bit and saw the Abrams tanks were still standing, no Tanks have been shot down yet, some APCs were also about to head forward like the Abrams tanks. Eight more Abrams tanks headed toward and also fired more cannon shots.

"Man! What the hell! Those homie Tanks didn't let our ears have a break!" - Pambo headed his M249 out to shoot but after a few shots, he stopped

"The Tanks blocked my vision, man! Didn't see shit!" - Pambo stopped shooting and covered his ears

"How long until they stop shooting!" - Cawess seemed very mad, he was also covering his ears

I was also doing the same, I was saving my ammo, I didn't want to waste them uselessly to shoot the things that I cannot see.

Suddenly I heard loud sounds, when I peeked out to see, some Abrams Tanks have been shot down but I also saw some Abrams Tanks have ran into the Chinese troops' lines and smashed some of the soldiers' bodies under the wheel chains.

"Stryker APCs and M113s incoming!" - A marine took his courage to run around the other marines' positions to shout to us

Suddenly, I saw many Strykers and M113s headed toward the bridge, those armored military vehicles would tear the Chinese soldiers apart. They were shooting their guns at the Chinese formations when they were still not heading toward the Chinese like the Abrams tanks, it was a bit risky.

"Boom!" - Suddenly, three M113s and 5 Strykers have been shot, some of them destroyed but some were still fighting though they were burning, the marines on those vehicles later got down the vehicles for save their lives

I peeked again and saw the Abrams tanks that charged into the Chinese troops earlier have now been destroyed, all of the Abrams tanks have now been destroyed or burned on the road of the bridge.

But for some reason, the Chinese troops didn't shoot at us anymore, our marines were now heading to the soldiers that got out of the burned APCs to do the treatment.

Our visions forward have been blocked completely by the destroyed Abrams tanks and some destroyed APCs, maybe we should charge forward if we want to fight the Chinese, we haven't taken half of the bridge yet.

"What the fuck? Why did they stop? They will head their vehicles here or something?" - Cawess was quite curious when the Chinese troops didn't shoot anything

"Just wait, man! Time will tell." - Pambo was now pointing his M249 out, he was holding it very tight but later removed the ammo box to reload

I also removed my M4's magazine and took another magazine to reload the gun, Reimi was now checking how many bullets she have left but also reloaded like me.

Some scout boys have now pointed their binoculars out to see what was happening to the road forward, Sulivan was now staying a bit farther from us behind a broken car. He was looking at a map from another marine that showed him, he was about to consider and was about to make up his plan.

(Sir Rigen, what's wrong? Everything is so silent) - Reimi asked me when she was holding the AK 12

(Don't know, Reimi! But remember to keep your head low, maybe the enemy will have a massive attack on us at any moment)

(Understood, then I will use this magic item called the grenade to stop them) - Seemed like Reimi hasn't used to call our modern weapons like us but that was alright to me

"Sir! The Chinese troops are heading toward us with dozens, no! Hundreds of them, Sir! They are making a mass banzai charge!" - A scout boy shouted very loud to us

"Fix bayonets! Marines! Fix bayonets! The marines that wear the Alrotz armors immediately head forward to stop the banzai charge!" - Sulivan pointed his pistol toward and ordered the marines

(What the hell is happening, Sir Rigen? Your friend shouted very loud?)

(The enemy is about to have a very big melee fight with us, Reimi! Prepare yourself! Mount the bayonet on your rifle)

(Understood!) - Reimi pulled out the bayonet to mount on her AK 12, she was a bit struggling to mount but she later mounted the bayonet completely

The Alrotz soldiers were now heading toward us to stand in the empty spaces on the bridge to stop the bayonet charge from Chinese troops, the marines were now fixing the bayonets on the rifles in a panic.

"Zhandou dao shi! Sha si suoyou de diren! Chong xiang shengli!"

(Fight to the death! Kill all the enemies! Rush to victory!) - Many loud Chinese shouts could be heard from far away, I could hear many running steps and the roars of the Chinese troops

I knew that the Imperial Japan army had used the banzai charge as a suicidal to fight with our US soldiers in the Second World War and now the Chinese did that again.

No! I would say that the Chinese troops we are fighting are Communist troops and Communist troops use the mass number of infantry to fight against the well-equipped enemies to compensate for their lack of training and lack of equipment from their troops.

This was like the way the Soviets did with the Wehrmacht Nazi troops in the battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War. It was also the way the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Army did to our US troops when they ambushed us in the jungles of the large number of troops, which made us have to use napalms all the time.

"Shit! Incoming!" - Pambo shouted loud and then fired the bullets from the M249 forward the Chinese troops

"Fuck! Fall back! Fall back!" - Cawess shouted loud and then ran away, what the fuck, man!

(They are too many, Sir Rigen!) - Reimi pulled out the pin of a grenade and then threw the pin toward the Chinese troops from far away...wait! She threw the pin!!!!!!

(ReimI! Throw the grenade!)

(Ah!) - Reimi immediately threw the grenade and then returned to fire with her AK 12, she immediately reloaded in rush

(Let's move out, Reimi! Follow me when I run!)

(Yes, Sir Rigen!)


"Yeah, I will go!"

"Run!" - We immediately ran away to get behind the other broken cars which have many marines were now staying behind

"Yarrrah! Rarrrhh!" - Many roars could be heard from the Chinese troops that headed toward us, they have overwhelmed the broken that we stayed before

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - We fired at the human wave of hundred soldiers from the Chinese troops, the Chinese soldiers kept running towards us through the corpses, they were heading their bayonets that were mounted on the rifles at us

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - The Chinese soldiers that led the way also fired at us while running but the guns' recoil made their bullets divert and didn't hit us

(Fireball!) - Suddenly I saw Reimi point her hand toward the Chinese soldiers and then spoke a word

3 seconds later, 5 ball objects that had fired from Reimi's hand flew toward the Chinese soldiers, they touched the soldiers and then burned some of them but were not so effective when their uniforms didn't catch fire.

(Wind blade!) - Reimi didn't raise her hand but swung her fingers toward the Chinese troops with strong blows while shouting the word

Suddenly some Chinese soldiers, about 4 to 5 men uniforms have been torn out in a few seconds, some of the uniforms showed that the soldiers have bad cuts on their chests and were bleeding very badly, some of them later fell to the ground and died.

(What were you doing, Reimi?)

(Those were magic, Sir Rigen! I will have to store my magic powers now to make sure I will have more strength to keep fighting)

Magic? Impossible! But I was only the one who saw the scene that Reimi did, the marines were now very busy fighting the human wave. The marines were now shooting, some of them also being overwhelmed by the Chinese troops have used their bayonets mounted on the rifles to fight.

Suddenly 4 Alrotz soldiers headed forward and fired massively into the Chinese troops, many gunshots have been fired non-stop, bullet shells dropped like grains on the ground.

In a few seconds after the shooting, all hundreds of Chinese troops that charged toward us had died, corpses everywhere and the blood drained out from the bridge like a river.

All of our marines were now so relieved, Reimi took a deep breath to enjoy our small defense victory, I was about to take a breath too but suddenly I heard many vehicles roaring on the other side of the bridges.

Those were Chinese military vehicles, even have the Armored vehicles and Tanks, they shook our destroyed Tanks and APCs away from the road and were heading toward us with a very large number.

"Chinese Tanks and Armored vehicles are incoming! Immediately get our Abrams and APCs up there now! Prepare the rocket launchers! We will tear them apart!" - Sulivan shouted to us to tell us to prepare ourselves

I looked down at my watch, this time was 3:08 PM, the battle is not over yet!