Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 71 - World War III (Part 2)

Chapter 71 - World War III (Part 2)

Chapter 68: World War III (Part 2)

"Hey, who's that guy?" - A voice called me from the left, I wondered who that was

"Commander Haris, this man's one of ours, there is nothing to worry about." - Shizu spoke to the man that called me, maybe this was the commander of the base

"Private Shizu, how can you let this man in when you didn't ask my permission? And why did you say he's one of us?"

"John, get over here, man! Let Shizu talk with Lieutenant Haris a bit, she will handle it for you, don't disturb her." - Pambo said to me and then pulled me away from those two

After getting out of Shizu and the Commander named Haris, I heard some of their conversations about me from behind but I kept silent and ignored them as if I didn't hear anything.

So the world I have come to right now was another world which was having the third world war, Sulivan just had told me half of the story of the war, maybe I should ask him more.

Where was Sulivan exactly, I wondered? Then I saw that in the left corner of the right where I was standing, Sulivan and Cawess were talking to each other about something, maybe I should go to them.

Then I walked between the two of them, Pambo had also followed me, I was now wondering why these soldiers didn't do anything after being attacked by China.

"Hey, Sulivan."

"Oh, sorry! I was just asking Cawess about the date of the events to make sure that I was right, that's all. So what do you want me to tell more?" - Ah, Sulivan seemed like didn't remember the history at all

"Well, why you guys didn't do anything after getting attacked by China?"

"Sigh!" - Cawess made a sigh, I didn't know why

"John, listen to me carefully, only me, Pambo, Sulivan know about you and Shizu that you two came from another world so don't tell about your identity to anyone, hear it?" - Ah, Cawess! You just have considered me as a 3 years old kid or what?

"Okay. Well, Sulivan, can you tell me now."

"Well, we, the United States never declared war on China so that's why we haven't been on guard much on the earlier attack."

"Maybe our President will declare war on China soon, maybe a few minutes or hours later, we have a radio over there, now just wait."

"Hey, why you guys don't think about SR, SR, isn't it? Well, why don't you think the SRs will use the earlier attack from China to make an offensive on us or something like that? You guys didn't learn anything after the Tet offensive in Vietnam?"

"No, John! The fucking SRs are not the broken promise guys, we always have this ceasefire since the first year of the civil war and it still exists today."

"They won't do any attack on the fourth of July till a week after the ceasefire, don't worry." - Cawess said to me, maybe these guys have also respected the opposite side too

"About we never declare war on China, how?"

"About that, as you know, John! We have many military bases all over the world and since the first days of the war. Our troops over there have already encountered the Chinese soldiers in Okinawa and Europe."

"There are also have many casualties from both sides but we only declared war on the big side India, not China."


"Use your brain to think, John! Superpowers never declare wars on each other, only the stupid do that, we declared war on India because they're not capable to fight us but China does."

"But China never send their troops to our sky or our shore like the Soviet did in Red Alert or Red Dawn, those Chin chongs not even attack us by using their B28 or nukes."

"About B28s, China didn't use against us but they transported them for the SRs, the SRs only need to use those gas against us."

"So, Sulivan! You meant that we have encountered China troops, even fought against them many times but didn't declare war on them?"


"What bullshit! Then what about nukes? We should have a nuke ending like Fallout if the world war happened, right?"

"Nope! Only the stupidest people use nukes, the third world war is not like most people think about it."

"On the first day of the war, when we knew that China made out the war, our President had chosen to fire a nuclear missile at Beijing."

"According to Mr. President's plan, the missile would be shot from here to Beijing and exploded in the middle of the sky to warn China but that had never happened."


"China somehow hacked into our nuclear system, not even our but also our allies and their allies, China has controlled the worldwide nuclear system, only they can shoot the nukes."

"We are now trying to control but we cannot do it alone, we need help from our allies but most of the NATO forces left us all."

"What th-" - I was about to shout because of shock but Cawess held my mouth

"After 9 years of war, UK, France, Germany, let's say in short is most of the NATO has left us, sorry I have to say my voice low." - Seemed like we have to say low not to let anybody hear

"Germany has suffered a lot from the B28 gas so they got out of the war after one year."

"The UK has been nuked by China in London, London has been abandoned after suffering many radiations from the nuke, they just have left the war a few weeks ago."

"France, similar to Germany but 3 years ago."

"Most of the NATOs said to our US that they wouldn't help us but still stay on the allied, they said they got out of the war because there are many problems existed in their countries during the war."

"Those European countries just wanted to get rid of those problems and also to help each other out of the invasions from China and India."

"Entire Europe has now been isolated, their shores have been full of Indian and Chinese naval forces.

"On the ground, Russian troops and Chinese troops are now attacking eastern Europe, after taking the East, they will head to the West."

"France now has to fight against the Indian troops that wandering around their country with the support from the UK, the Indian troops are now on the land of UK."

"All of the NATO forces left us to return to helping their homelands."

"Fuck the NATO, now we are alone to find the way to control the nuclear system from China. We send them many weapons to fight but now they left us alone here, fuck them!" - Cawess seemed like swearing a lot

"What's about our US allies like Japan and South Korea, what's about Taiwan and the other Asian allies?"

"Sigh! Can you use your brain a bit, John?" - Just tell me, Sulivan!

"Ok, South Korea has now united, when the war started, South Korea didn't want to fight North Korea, both sides kept a ceasefire until Kim Jong Un suddenly died a year later for some reason, we didn't know."

"Then North Korea under the another Kim's successor declared war on South Korea, the ROK and our US have made a joint operation to fight till we controlled Pyongyang."

"After controlling Pyongyang, South Korea declared that they would withdraw from the war so they have left us."

"Japan too, they just left us a week ago after retaking Okinawa from China, we withdrew our troops from Okinawa to get those soldiers back here to fight the SRs."

"So the JSDFs have to fight alone to retake their homeland land, after retaking Okinawa from China, Japan left us."

"Fuck the japs!" - Ah, another swear was also from Cawess

"Eh yo! Shizu's over there homie, she would kick your ass if you say that again, man." - Pambo teased Cawess because Shizu was Japanese

"Sigh!" - Cawess made a sigh, I hope Shizu didn't hear him

"Calm down, Cawess, at least they left us but they still fought as our allies but not switched sides like the Russians." - Sulivan said to Cawess

"So, can you tell me more, Sulivan? I want to hear."

"Find out it yourself, I have told you enough, ask Shizu, don't ask me." - Sulivan said to me like that then went with Pambo and Cawess to the radio that was placed on the table

"See you later, homie! Why don't you go around a bit?" - Pambo said to me

"Hear anything?" - Cawess asked the soldiers who were hearing the radio

"No, man! Hear nothing and no shots are fired at all after the attack, Mr. President also didn't make any speech about China."

"Seems like the SRs still keeping their truce with us about the ceasefire. Don't worry, we haven't heard any gunshots upper there at all." - I noticed that we were now underground but didn't hear any gunshots, maybe the ceasefire was still stable

"John." - Shizu suddenly tapped my shoulder and gave me an M4

"Commander Haris's accepted to let you stay here, you're now one of us, follow me and I will lead you to change your combat uniform."

"If tonight we fight with the SRs, you will join us too, take my carbine, I will take another rifle." - I slowly took the M4 from Shizu and strapped it on my shoulder, I was now wondering who Shizu was

"Hey, Shizu! Did I know you somewhere? I felt that I saw you somewhere but I didn't know where, you look familiar."

"How heartless you are, John!" - Why did you say that, Shizu?

"Do I know you?"

"I will lead you to the place to change the uniform, follow me." - Shizu made a sign to tell me to follow her

"Can I go around here a bit?"

Shizu looked at me and then walked toward me while looking at me with scornful eyes, her expression later changed back to normal.

"As you want, but remember to return here after a few walks."

"Ah, I forgot this, Shizu! Why when you saved me up there, you called me Commander?"

"I never said that, you must have misheard, go fast and return here quickly, I don't have much time for you."

Then I heard what Shizu said and looked at the path forward, I was very curious about this, under this sewer just like a small vault in Fallout because we have to live underground.

I slowly walked forward the road and noticed that the sewer was very dirty, many people looked like civilians who wore casual clothes that looked tattered and were gathering there, I stepped toward a civilian.

"Hey, may I come in?"

"Ah, of course, Sir!" - The civilian talked to me and showed me the way

Then I walked with that civilian inside, many people were sitting on the corners that looked very pale, they looked lack of sleep and also skinny, maybe they had eaten very less.

Now I also noticed about the soldiers, they were a bit muscular too but not like me, even Pambo, he was big but looked not so stout.

Most of the soldiers were also pale, a bit skinny and seemed to eat very less, maybe joining the war for a long time made their bodies like that.

"Sir, you look to be a new soldier here, you are very healthy and full, where have you been before you got here?" - That civilian asked me

"I don't understand what you meant."

"The countries that got in the war are very dangerous and lack food, only Australia, New Zealand, Africa and some of the South American countries didn't involve in the war so they are very safe."

"If you got here from Australia, maybe that would be the best answer I could explain for the reason you still have that stout and muscular body." - Maybe I have found some good info from the man

"Ah, hey! Can I ask some? Why the people over there are crying?" - I saw some men, women and kids were crying while sitting around corners of a small entrance on the left side of the sewer's path

"Poor them, I don't know what to say, their families have inhaled the B28 a few days ago, though they inhaled a small amount but they are about to die so those people are crying for them."

"We have discussed with the soldiers to choose a way to give those people merciful and fewer pain deaths but the soldiers told us that they lack ammunition so they cannot do that."

"The infected are now placed over the left side, you can see them if you want, don't worry if you scare you will inhale the gas while contact near them, you won't."

"The B28 has already filled inside the infected's bodies so the gas won't let out even if you kiss them or share a drink, you can only infected if you inhale the gas from the gas bomb B28."

"Can I pay a visit to the infected? I want to see them."

"Of course, Sir! But please don't let them see your guns." - What did he mean?

Then I walked toward the path that kept the infected people from the B28 and crouched down a kid that sat in a corner, he seemed to be lost his parents and now was crying, poor kid.

"Mr, can you help my parents? Cries! They have protected me a few days ago! Cries! Now they have to lie there! Cries!" - That poor kid was crying, sigh!

"I cannot promise you that I can do anything, kid! But I will try to take a look." - I patted the kid's head while he was still crying

Then I stood up and walked inside the place that placed the infected people from the B28, when I got there, I saw there were about 10 people placed on the ground next to each other.

They were coughing blood, some crawled to an empty tank and vomited inside it, their skins were very pale, very skinny as if they cannot eat after taking too much pain, they even had some scratches on their faces like the blood veins broke out.

"Ah, please!" - An infected saw me and tried to crawl toward me, he kept begging me to shoot him

"Ah...shoot us...please...end our suffer..." - The other infected saw me and also crawled toward me

The infected were crawling like the slow zombies, they crawled weakly, their mouths were full of blood drained out on the ground while crawling, they crawled in pain toward me and begged me to shoot them.

"Hey, anyone stops them!" - A voice shouted from behind, I stepped away from the infected people and saw crowds running toward them and holding them

"Hold them, get them to return to their place!" - A voice shouted to tell the people to get the infected to return to their previous place

"Who let that soldier get in here? Those people have suffered enough, if you got here but not to end their suffering then why you got here to let them beg you!" - A civilian scolded me

"Please, please end my husband's suffering, Sir! He has suffered this for 3 days, please give him a shot through the head to end his suffering." - A woman who looked to be a relative of one of 10 infected begged me

"Stay away, Commander." - A voice tapped me from behind, that was Shizu, she stepped through me and held an M9 Beretta pistol

"Please save my husband!" - The woman that begged me earlier was now begging Shizu

"Hold them tight, people! I will end this soon." - Shizu told the people that were holding the infected to hold them tight

Then I saw Shizu walk toward each infected and pointed her Beretta pistol at their head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Shizu stepped toward each infected and killed them with a shot through the head

"Why did you kill them!" - Many people shouted at Shizu

"There are many people here wanted these infected to die, a part, they saw them consume the rations when our food is not enough for all, a part, many relatives wanted to see them die less painfully."

"So, did you mean you wanted them to die so you shot them, lady!" - A man that looked very angry at Shizu and stepped toward her but then he stopped, Shizu had pointed her pistol toward him

"This pistol still has 2 bullets in its magazine and one in its chamber, come here if you want to die, I will let you die, you feeble American."

"You whore jap, I will rape you until your mind break and kill you, you fucking bitch!" - That man stepped toward Shizu

"Bang!" - Shizu shot that man in his belly

That man was now lying on the ground in pain, blood kept draining out, the people were now rushing to that man and took out some things inside a box on the right side of the corner that looked like bandages to bandage him.

"Don't worry, you won't die after that shot, we don't lack medical supplies, just lack of rations so use them free, I will tell Haris to let you starve tonight." - Shizu said to the man and then pulled me away

"John, you just have gone to the resident area, our military area is over there, don't behave like a lost child anymore." - Shizu said to me that

"Hey, what the fuck! Did I ever let you fire under here! Shizu! Tell me!" - Haris seemed very mad at Shizu when she and I got back

Then Shizu suddenly pointed her pistol toward Haris, the other soldiers after seeing that, pointed their rifles toward Shizu.

"Hey, Shizu! You want to make a coup?" - Haris talked to Shizu, he was very scared

"I can be another Vritalvasky if you want." - Shizu said to Haris, but what did she mean by saying Vritalvasky? Who was that exactly?

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Vehicle sounds!" - Suddenly we heard sounds like gunshots and vehicles up the sewer, something was happening

The soldiers stopped pointing their rifles at Shizu, Shizu kept pointing her pistol at Haris, all of us were now stayed focused on hearing what was happening on the upside of the sewer.

There were many gunshots and vehicle sounds that looked to be APCs or Tanks, they were sounding very loud up there, the wall covering the sewer above us was also shaken by the loud shots that looked to be coming from the Tanks' cannons.

"Did we get attacked? The SRs broke the ceasefire?" - Cawess looked to be very shocked

"What should we do, what should we do?" - Some soldiers panicked

"The President is still inside the White House with his officials, maybe he will give us orders to fight if the ceasefire is truly broken."

"Settle down, Marines! We will fight when we get the order from the President, now rest and start dinner!" - Shizu talked to the soldiers, she seemed very calm

"This is not the time to quarrel here, Commander Haris! Sorry for threatening you, now I have to take John to change his uniform, excuse me." - Shizu made a sign on me to follow her

Then we walked away from the soldiers to get inside the military area, some soldiers were about to shoot Shizu because of her bad attitude but Haris stopped them.

The sounds of military vehicles and gunshots kept occurring on the upside of the sewer but a few minutes later, those sounds suddenly ended for some reason.

"Stick close to me, John." - Shizu told me

Then we walked into a small room on the right side of the military area that looked to be a change clothes room, the room was small and very dirty.

Shizu suddenly walked away from me and a few seconds later, she returned with a combat uniform that had sand camouflage features.

"This is the only uniform that's still clean, take off your clothes and change it fast." - Shizu dropped the uniform on the ground, it had been dirty when it touched the ground

I took the uniform that was on the ground and then looked at Shizu to tell her to turn around to let me change the clothes.

"Don't worry, just change the uniform, I don't have any problems watching men change their clothes." - Shizu reminded me of someone that followed me a long time ago but I didn't remember

Then I started to change the uniform, I didn't know why the green clothes that I wore looked to be very important so I handed them over to Shizu very carefully and told her not to tear them.

But at the time Shizu took the green clothes, she went away somewhere and then returned to me with the clothes that had now gone.

"Oh, you excited when you see me see you changing clothes, John? Your cock is now very hard, how sick your mind is..." - I tried to change the uniform as fast as possible when I heard Shizu say that

Then Shizu stepped closer to look at my cock, it was hard because it was being seen by her so I tried to calm it down but Shizu later squeezed my cock tight, it spurted out a lot of semen after that.

"Ah, John! You are nothing but just a feeble American, your cock is feebler than you, the way you ejaculated while being squeezed by my hand was so miserable."

"You are full of sickness, your mind is so sick...Haha..." - This Japanese whore, I wanted to beat her but I managed to calm myself down

"Ah, so this is how semen smell likes, how feeble and stinky your seeds have, John Rigen, why do you just stand there and watch?" - Shizu licked some semen that stick in her hand with a very scornful expression

"Or you are a feeble masochist? Are you a masochist? Change your clothes feeble and pathetic...American...Haha..." - I ignored Shizu and changed the uniform

Then I changed the uniform and walked with Shizu out to meet the soldiers, I ignored what she did to me earlier, we were now about to have dinner or something.

The soldiers were now sharing rations with their friends and civilians, the food seemed very less, they only took a small pack of rations, even half of the pack to eat.

"Shizu, you will have to starve tonight, it's the slightest punishment I made for you." - Haris talked to Shizu and then headed his direction toward me

"You newbie here, John as I could remember, here is your dinner, sorry but we only have this much, this is a full one pack to eat, please take it." - Haris seemed very friendly, I slowly took the ration from him

"Hey, thanks!"

"I only need soldiers that can fight and are polite, please don't be like Shizu, I cannot do anything to stop her." - Haris even made a laugh as if he accepted to be a loser

"Eh yo! Want to go eat with our homies? We have a good seat for you and Shizu, Rigenny! Follow me and I will show you, homie." - Pambo talked to me while standing with Cawess and Sulivan, they were all holding their rations


"Cawess and you have the same name, man! How can I distinguish you two's ass when I have to call "John"? Follow me, homie."

"Shizu will have to starve, why did you invite her too?"

"John, Shizu is more cunning than you expected." - Cawess said to me and then walked with his friends away

"Knock! Knock! Whisky Hotel 22 shipper report!" - We heard a sound of knocking on the cover of the sewer

"Who's that?" - I asked Haris

"Oh, our rations shippers, let me do my part a bit." - Haris told me to get behind and then walked toward the cover of the sewer and looked up

"Whisky Hotel 11 report! What's the code?" - Haris said to the soldiers up there

"American Anime Girl!" - What the fuck was that code?

"Why did I hear only one answer? You got here alone, shipper?"

"I'm now scared the shit out, man! You guys don't know anything?" - The rations shipper said to us

"No, tell us what happened."

"The SRs just have broken the ceasefire, man! They just have attacked the streets earlier and they are now heading to the White House, the forces they brought for the attack are very huge, man."

"What? What the fuck!" - There was a bit of fuss down here, seemed like some people were very shocked

"While shipping, the three of my guys died because of wounds from gunshots, only me here, while shipping the rations on the streets."

"I also saw some of our forces have fought without taking order from the President but he hasn't made any announcements for us to attack the SRs yet."

"I think you guys should stay down there until we get the order to attack from Mr. President, open the cover for me quick."

"The SRs are now wandering all of the streets, remember to open the cover narrow, the B28 gas is still very dense up here." - That shipper told us

Then some soldiers wore the Alrotz gas masks and then opened the cover of the sewer, there was a hand that held a bag slowly put down the bag from the upside of the sewer.

The bag looked to be contained rations that looked to be very carefully covered to avoid contacting the B28, the hand slowly put down the bag and it was later grabbed by the other soldiers, after taking the bag, the cover of the sewer had been closed.

"I will ship more for the other areas, good luck, you guys." - That shipper said to us and then went away

Then the soldiers and the civilians down here looked to be very excited when they got shipped more rations but when they opened the bag out. They looked disappointed, I saw that the rations we got from the shipper seemed to be very less, at least enough to eat for a week or less.

And then I looked down and noticed that my ration had now gone away, someone took it so I went around to look.

Then I saw that Shizu was sitting next to Pambo, Cawess and Sulivan in a clean corner, the three of those guys have done eating their dinners. About Shizu, for some reason there was a bowl on the ground near her feet.

"Hey, you guys! Do you guys see my ration?"

"Here, John." - Shizu pulled out the bowl on the ground which had only half of the ration toward me, what did she mean?

"I have eaten half of your ration, now eat your half, don't worry if your ration has my saliva, my saliva is clean." - This bitch!

Then I snatched the bowl from Shizu and ate, my dinner seemed very short so after I have done eating. I sat next to Shizu, I very hated her but for some reason I saw Shizu familiar, I could not know when did I meet her.

Then when I was about to ask Shizu while sitting next to her, there were some noisy sounds at the position of the soldiers who heard the radio.

"Hey, guys! Mr. President is having a speech, get here to hear, guys." - A soldier called us

Then all of us even civilians and soldiers went toward the radio, we stayed silent to hear the voice of the President of the United States.

"The people of United States, I, the President of the United States is now doing the speech for worldwide, for all the people of United States, please listen to my voice."

"Three hours ago, at 5:30 PM, Fourth of July, 2037 is the day we will all remember! The United States of America was suddenly attacked by a missile that contained the B28 of the People's Republic of China."

"We have been attacked without any notification from China's government and Lieutenant William Harold has sacrificed himself by charging his F-15 plane to the missile, that was a heroic death."

"After the attack, the military forces of the Republic States of America which are also known as SR have broken the ceasefire and begun an attack with all of their forces to Washington or exactly the White House."

"That attack has been set up by the Republic States' government and the People's Republic of China's government, China after attacking our United States, they didn't declare war or didn't take any responsibility for their ruthless action."

"That was a coward action! I, the President of the United States am now fully declaring!"

"At 8:30 PM, Fourth of July, 2037, the United States of America officially declares war on the People's Republic of China."

"The Marines of United States, you are honored to have this day, I, the President of United States allow you Marines to use everything we have to fight against the forces of Republic States of America."

"The people of the United States! Gunshots! You people may now notice where I'm now, I'm still in the White House and am about to die, the SRs have already overrun inside the White House! Gunshot!"

"But! Gunshots! I will not surrender! Not until our homeland is reunited, the Republic States has used all of their forces to attack the White House, the battle tonight will decide everything! Gunshot!"

"The people of the United States and the Marines of the United States! Gunshots! Gunshots! God blesses us, United States blesses us, I bless all of you, now fight!"

"Though the time I become a President of the United States was very short! Gunshots! But I didn't regret it! I'm so proud, Marines! Fight!"

Then our US President's speech ended suddenly, all of us stayed silent, we were now very brave, we didn't scare to die anymore, we are now ready to fight to the death.

I didn't know much but even if I was in another world, if my homeland got into wars, I would fight for my homeland even if it was another world.

Commander Haris after hearing the speech of the President, he made a military salute toward the radio and then walked in the middle of the path and stood there, he was about to have a speech.

"Marines! You heard the President say! We may all die tonight but our homeland will be reunited and remained in the history line or not is depend on us!"

"To the Whisky Hotel! To the White House!" - Commander Haris raised his right hand which had been squeezed tight above the sky to encourage all of us

"To the White House!" - We shouted in courage

After that, all of us gathered together at the entrance up the sewer, we were about to retake the White House from the invaders.

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