Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 66 - Never See Them Again (Part 1)

Chapter 66 - Never See Them Again (Part 1)

Chapter 64: Never See Them Again (Part 1)

Rigen's perspective

I was silencing to think about what I did and suddenly Shera shouted loud toward me, for some reason, my wife knew about my affair with Graber. Shera seemed very mad, but I think that to make up with her wouldn't be too late, I must take all responsible now.

"John...Haah! Haah! I'm sorry...I just, I can't calm down."

"Just take a few breathes, Shera! We can talk about this in peace."

"Why did you! Why did you cheat on me! I love you! I love Eris! You and she are the only reason to keep me alive!" - I should do something

"John! Answer me honestly! Did you...did you...!" - Shera still have a bit of hesitation

"Did you have affair behind me! Did you! Did you!"

"Yes, I admit that I did but I love you, Shera! I also love Eris, I had just lost my control at that time so I, I didn't want to."

"Then what Eris said to me about what you did with Graber in the forest was true! How could you leave me to follow that woman!"

"Graber said that she just wanted to help me, I was also stressed very much at that time, Shera! Please, we must settle this in peace."

"Cries! I love you so much but why did you..." - I must do something to help her

"Don't come here! I cannot forgive you! You cheated on me, you did that with that woman while being peeked at by our daughter and now you beg me for forgiveness, I never forgive you!"

"Tell me! Tell me by all of your honesty, John! Was that the first time you have affair with someone behind me! Tell me! Tell me! Cries...I love you but why did you..."

"Yes, what I did with Graber was not the first time, I have had affair with Rivia many times before she died, I'm sorry, Shera! Please forgive me, give me another chance."

"You did that with Rivia! How could you! How could you! How could you!" - Suddenly Shera ran to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife

Shera was holding the kitchen knife, her head showed many emotions, I must do something to help her, though Shera still did not forgive me but I will do my best to make her trust.

"John, I love you, though you have cheated on me but I love you, my dear husband. I also love Eris, she is a very cute daughter, an angel, I want all of us can be together forever." - For some reason, Shera's voice suddenly calmed, I felt unusual about this

"So from this time! I will kill you and Eris and then kill myself! All the three of us will be together forever! We will never be separated! I love you two very much! My dear husband! My dear daughter!" - Shera suddenly charged toward me with the knife

"I love you! I cannot stop thinking about you, John! I cannot live without you! Though I cannot forgive you but I will kill you, our daughter and me! All of us will be together forever!" - Shera was very crazy right now!

"Stop, Shera! Think about our child, I love you so please stop!" - I was very struggling to stop Shera, I managed to stop her knife but she kept pushing the knife lower and lower, it was about to hit me

"All of us will be together forever! I love you! I cannot stop licking your dog tag when I'm alone! I cannot stop relieving myself when you are away from me! I love you! I will kill you here to show the love I want to give you!"

"Stop! Shera! Stop! Please calm down!" - Dammit! The knife was very close to my chest! I must do something!

"All of us won't be separated anymore! All of us will die in happiness! This happy family will forever remain!" - Stop! Shera! Stop!

"I love you, Shera! Stop!"

"I love you too, John! So die first! Until I killed Eris, this wife will follow you two!" - Shera's mind was very broken right now!


"Shera, I love you! Stop! Stop!"

Eris's perspective

What just had happened to Mama and Papa? What were they doing? I saw that Mama and Papa were now talking very loud to each other, I didn't know why, I hated that! I just wanted them to be like before!

Mama seemed very angry for some reason, she said very loud to Papa, I must do something to keep them to make up to each other.

But what should I do? I didn't know why they said aloud. Papa seemed very sad, he also kneeled on the floor and also said to Mama in a very calm voice, he wanted to make up with Mama.

Maybe I haven't explained fully to Mama about what Papa did with Graber so I made her angry against Papa, Papa was very good, Mama just has misunderstood. Suddenly after talking loud for a moment, Mama ran toward the kitchen and then took out a kitchen knife.

She said aloud some words like "kill" or something and then ran toward Papa, he was now talking to Mama, trying to calm her down, I forgive Papa but I was very worried about Mama.

Graber has gone away when she was hit by a huge monster, that monster also had things in its hands similar to the knives, Mama was now trying to hit Papa with the knife in her hand.

Did mama want to do something bad with Papa? Why! Though Mama has very less time to talk with Papa but they were always in good talks, why do they have to do that this time?

Give back my Mama! Give back my Papa! I don't want to see them talk bad to each other like that! I don't want to hate them! I love Papa and Mama! I love them! Please take Papa and Mama back!

Rigen's perspective

The knife was now only a few inches before it hit me, Shera didn't hear anymore, her eyes showed me both madness and love she filled for me and Eris.

Shera wanted to kill me and our daughter for real, she would surely commit suicide after that.

"Uwaah! Uwaaah! Uwaaah! Uwaaah!" - Suddenly a crying sound appeared, it...come from Eris - our daughter, she was now crying after seeing our quarrel

"Mama! Papa! I don't want you two being like that! I hate you two! I hate you two! Please give me back the family I had belonged to, please return!"

"Cries! Mama! Papa!" - Eris was crying non-stop, our daughter wanted to reunite the relationship between me and Shera

"Eris...Eris!" - Shera has finally woke up from her jealousy and her mad love, she dropped the knife immediately to the floor and then looked at Eris while her eyes were tearing

"Mama!" - Eris slowly walked toward us, she raised both of her hands out as if want to be hugged

"Sweetheart! I'm sorry, I promise you this incident won't happen again, I'm sorry!" - Shera rushed toward Eris and then hugged her with all of her love, she cried more than Eris

"Papa!" - Eris called me, I didn't cry but I felt so guilty after what I have done to my family, I didn't deserve a bit of forgiveness but I will do my best to be a responsible man of the family

"I'm sorry you too, Eris! I'm sorry, don't worry, Mama and Papa have finally come back with you." - I also hugged Eris and Shera, I wanted to make them happy, I'm a fucking asshole, I didn't have the chance to be forgiveness, poor my wife and my daughter

Eris kept crying non-stop, she cried because she wanted to see us get back like before, she wanted to have a good family, she wanted us to make up again to each other. I love you Shera, I love you Eris, I promise I won't do anything bad to you two anymore, I'm sorry.


I suddenly overslept for some reason, maybe I have used my time to patrol so much so that was why I had a lack of sleep, I was now wondering how were Eris and Shera.

I slowly got up and noticed that I was now lying with Shera and Eris on the bed, Shera noticed I woke up but she didn't greet any word, she was now cuddling Eris and ignored me.

"Papa...Mama...please make up...with each other..." - Eris has done crying and now was sleeping, she begged us to go back like before

I stared at Shera, she later looked at me while patting Eris's head, she slowly went toward me closer, her face expressed a bit of regret, her mouth kept open and close as if wanted to say something to me.

"John...can we have a talk in the kitchen...I want to say something..." - Shera asked me while trying to stay calm

"Yes..." - I tried to hold Shera's hand but she slowly put my hand out, she seemed still very angry

Then Shera slowly put Eris down on the bed, she wanted our daughter to have a good sleep, she kissed Eris's forehead and then walked out of the curtain and went to the kitchen.

I also went with Shera, when we got to the kitchen, I noticed that there was a knife on the floor. Shera had tried to stab me with it but then she dropped it, I should pick it up in case my wife loses her mind.

I was too late, Shera was the one who went before me so she picked up the knife at the time she saw it on the floor.

She picked up the knife and turned back to look at me, her face seemed very blank after holding the knife, I must tell her to calm down.

"Shera...we can settle this in peace so...please."

Shera looked at me for a few seconds and then looked at the knife, she took very hard breaths, repeatedly to calm her nerve and then slowly walked toward the kitchen and returned the knife to it.

After returning the knife to the kitchen, Shera walked back to me, I also walked back to her, both of us faced to face together.

Shera walked closer to me, her breath was now still not calm yet, she looked at me a few times and then rushed herself toward me.

"Kiss!" - Shera kissed me, she breathed very hard, I tried to make her happy and also to calm her down with the kiss

Seemed like Shera hadn't calmed down after a kiss, we made than more 9 kisses. We were now looked to be made up with each other though I cannot sure about this.

"Hey, I'm sorry, John! I was so jealous, I was losing my mind at that time and was about to harm you and our daughter, I'm, I'm sorry." - Shera's voice while she was shy was very cute

"No, Shera! I must be the one who has to sorry here, I have cheated on you and ruined our family, I'm a bad husband and also a bad father, I just want you to give me another chance."

"No, John! I must be the one to be sorry, maybe Rivia and Graber had seduced you to make you have affairs with them, you are clean, I love you."

"No, Shera! You have misunderstood, they didn't seduce me at all, that was my fault."

"That's so?" - Shera seemed a bit frustrated, her hands squeezed a bit tight

"John...hug me." - Shera said to me with a sweet voice, I hope she won't angry at me

"I'm sorry, John! I cannot forgive you after what you did to me but...I love you, you may not be able to clean your guilty but please never do that again."

"I promise, Shera! I promise, no I swear! I love you and Eris, I love all of you!" - I hugged Shera tighter, I hope she won't have mad anymore

"I won't forgive you, you know."

"I know, Shera! I know, I love you!"

"I love you too, John."

Both of us holding each other very tight, we have finally made up with each other, we didn't have anything to say to each other but we felt so happy. Maybe I should spend my time with my family longer, I would skip the patrol this week to stay with Shera and Eris, I wanted to make them happy.

About my subordinates and my homeland, I didn't care anymore, at the time Eris was born, I saw myself have become a father, I saw that I cannot live without Shera or Eris.

They are my wife and also my daughter, I loved them, I didn't want to be far away from them, I didn't know how could I live in this world without them, I love them.

About making love with Shera tonight, maybe I should be strict with myself, Shera didn't mention it. Maybe she was still very angry at me but she calmed down, I must live to resolve my fault.

My daughter and my wife, I loved them, I cannot live without them.


A few hours have passed after our quarrel, I was now lying on the bed with Eris and Shera, Eris was still sleeping, I guessed.

About Shera, she was holding me, she wanted to have some love, maybe I should talk to her more.

"What's wrong, Shera?" - I patted her head, maybe she has something very hard to say

"I miss my home, John." - Warsaw Kingdom has already been destroyed so Shera was still very sad about it

"Hey, don't worry, I'm here with you."

"Hey, John...what do you think about...make love...we haven't done it...for a long time..." - Maybe I should obey my wife

"Hey, if you want me to do that right here."

"No, I mean tonight...can we...?" - Yeah! Sure, if you want, my dear wife!

"But I want to do it now...can I kiss you a bit to...calm myself down..." - Oh, Shera!

We slowly crawled to each other and were about to make a very wet kiss, suddenly I heard some noises coming out beside us. That was Eris, our daughter has finally awake, she woke up and slowly rubbed her eyes and looked at us, she didn't see any odd yet, we didn't do anything yet.

"Papa...Mama...did you two make up...?" - Eris crawled toward us and then hugged me and Shera very tight

"I'm sorry, sweetheart! I won't make you scare anymore, my dear daughter." - Shera hugged Eris very tight, she also grabbed my hand to let me hug our daughter

"I'm sorry, Eris! It won't happen again, I'm sorry for making your mom angry and you scared."

"Papa...Mama...I love you two so please don't do that again anymore..." - Oh, of course, my sweetheart!

The three of us hugged each other very tight, we were very happy, Eris didn't cry anymore but she felt so happy when I and Shera made up. Maybe I should give Eris something good that I found while doing patrol or collecting plants to make her happy though she didn't sad anymore.

Then, the dinner has finally very happy, the atmosphere during eating was very cheerful though there was no sound of the laugh, no sound of talk but all of us felt very happy.

Eris has a strong emotion, not as childish as me and Shera, she regained her mind after the death of Graber quite fast, she has given to Graber's grave another laurel that she made.

Maybe she was still a 5 years old kid so she didn't have many perceptions like our adults so maybe she didn't sad much, or she was a very strong mind daughter.

I didn't know what to say but to look at my daughter in happiness, she didn't depress after her friend's death was very enough to me.

So, Shera and I were about to make love after months without doing that but we have to keep an eye on Eris. I have to make sure that our daughter was very deep in her sleep before we could make love.

It was quite late now, haha! I have to use a technique close one of my eyes to using that closed eye to look through the dark brighter.

I have to peek at Eris to see if she was sleeping or not in silence, but the funny thing is that I have to use the technique which comes from the US Special Forces that I learned from the Internet just to peek at my daughter.

After making sure that my daughter has now asleep very deep, I slowly sneaked toward the kitchen to grab some nuts and fruits to put in a basket and then held the basket and walked toward the bedroom.

I slowly placed the basket in the nearest cabinet, if we were hungry before making love or after making love, we would eat some of the food inside the basket. Though I think that was very bullshit because the thing we would lose the most in our body after making love was water, I should have brought water instead of food, haha! 

Shera suddenly tapped me while lying on the bed, I didn't know why and I cannot see her precisely, we have to turn off the crystal light in the bedroom to pretend to our daughter we were sleeping.

I slowly pulled up the hand brake to turn the light on, Shera showed to me her depressed face, maybe she was still very missing her home and relatives though they were now maybe all dead.

"Hey, what's wrong, my Queen?" - I slowly lay on the bed beside Shera and held her, I hope she won't be sad anymore

"I still miss the Warsaw, I still miss my brother, my father and Reimi, John." - Oh, Shera! Don't be sad!

"I'm here with you, Shera! Don't be sad, I will do anything to make you happy."

"Don't worry, please be happy, you are living with us now, we have a very cute little Princess to be taken care of, you know?"

"I will do anything to protect you and Eris, all of us will be together forever."

Shera after hearing what I said, she opened a happy smile, maybe she has the mood to make love now.

"Can we do that now?"

"Nod!" - Great!

"Hey, Shera! What do you think if I ask you to bear me the second child?"

"Oh, John...of course! To have a new member in our family is my wish now."

"But, you know? You just had cheated on me by making love with a deceased girl in noon earlier and now asked me to have with you the second child." - What was wrong with you, Shera? Why did you frustrated?

"I'm just kidding, John! But remember to do that gently with me, our daughter may be woken up if we are making love too loud."

"Yes, my Queen! Come here, I will be gentle with you, if you want to have many kids, I give them all to you."

"Come here..." - Oh, so Shera chose to be initiative tonight

Then I slowly crawled toward Shera, we were now about to make love, I will try to do that gently with Shera, I didn't want our daughter to catch us doing that.

"Papa, Mama..." - A low voice called us behind the curtain, that was Eris...she stopped us to create the baby, good job, my daughter!

"What's wrong, my little Princess?"

"Can I get in?" - Bah! We were just about to have some fun after a long time...Sigh!

"Let's her in, John." - Okay, Shera

"Okay, Eris! Get in."

Then Eris got inside of the bedroom, she was now holding a pillow, maybe she wanted to live with us for some reason.

"Papa, Mama! I'm still a bit sad when Graber went away, can I sleep with you two tonight?" - Oh, so cute!

"Of course, Eris." - Shera said that she accepted so I also nodded to our daughter

Then, Eris made a very fun jump down on the bed, she was now crawling toward us, seemed to be very excited after a long time to have a chance to sleep with her parents.

"What's wrong, Papa, you look so sad?" - Because you just have stopped me and your mom from making love to create for you another brother or sister, you know?

"Ah, I know..." - Gulp! Hope she won't find out, but why did my daughter's brain just keep loading like the loading cat meme, Eris?

"Papa and Mama were in the good mood, right?" - Gulp! Near the right answer, my daughter!

Her brain kept loading like the loading cat.

"Don't worry, Papa! Mama! I'm sorry for disturbing you two, you two can do that later when I was away from home." - Oh, my daughter! She was so smart! But did you ever away from home for more than 1 hour, Eris? How could we make love with that very less time?

"But anyway, you just have stolen my nuts again, Papa." - Okay! Okay!

"Papa, I love you!"

"Mama, I love you!"

"Goodnight, Mama, Papa." - Good job, Eris! After disturbing our process to make love, our daughter slept very well in bed

"Maybe we cannot do it this time, Shera! Let's do that another time."

"Nod!" - Shera crawled toward me

"Kiss." - Oh, dammit! That kiss made me have more mood but...Sigh! Let's do that later on another day

"Good night, Shera."

"Good night, honey, we will have the second child soon but...maybe we should do the backyard next time...what do you think..John?."


"I will turn off the light now, good night my Queen, good night my little Princess." - I pulled down the hand brake and then slept with my daughter and wife

We will be together forever! I will do my best to protect my family.


"Papa, wake up Papa." - Oh, I just have overslept again

I have decided to spend my time with my family this week so I woke up a bit late, after waking up, we ate breakfast.

Later I led Eris out here to pick up some plants, maybe my daughter has done collecting the plants so she called me.

"Sigh! The baskets are now full of nuts and fruits, Papa! Why don't we go home now to brag Mama?"

"Yeah, Eris! Let's go home."

Then I walked home with my daughter, we were talking in a very good mood. Eris said to me that she wanted to hold the heavy baskets so I let her do that, my daughter wanted to train her health.

When we were talking while on our way home, the house was very near but suddenly Eris stared non-stop at the house, what was wrong with my daughter?

"What's wrong, Eris?"

"What are those creatures that were placed near our home's entrance, Papa?" - Eris asked me, creatures what? Our house never placed any creature

Then I looked at the house's entrance, 4 horses were standing near the door, one of the horses has been strapped into a thing that looked to be a carriage.

"Ah, those are horses, Eris."

"Horses, but our house didn't have them before?" - Wait! Something is wrong!

Horses that were standing near our houses, someone, some strangers were just intruding in our house. Dammit! Dammit! Shera! I must save her, she was inside the house!

"Our house's door is also opened up, I have a bad feeling, Papa! Mama is in danger!" - Eris immediately dropped the baskets and ran into the house before I could react

"Eris! Wait! Stay right behind me, Eris!" - I ran as fast as I could into the house

When I got in, in front of me was Shera - my wife and Eris - my daughter, they were being held by the strange soldiers.

Shera was being pressed down to the floor by the three huge soldiers in grey armor that looked to be made of stones.

One of the soldiers was pulling out a thing that looked like a rope as if to cuff my wife, they were talking in the language that looked to be Deranic language.

I heard a soldier that looked to be the soldiers' commander, he said in the Englis language to Shera "You have been arrested, immediately follow us back to the Imperial Palace."

About Eris, her hair has been grabbed by another huge soldier, my daughter was now trying to pull the soldier that grabbed her hair away. A total of 4 strange soldiers trespassed inside my house, what did they want from us?

"John! Run away! Don't care about me! Just run away!" - Shera saw me when she was being pressed to the floor by the soldiers, she shouted toward me in a panic to tell me to flee away

"Please! You people please release my daughter, please!" - Shera also more panicked when she saw Eris got arrested

"Papa! Save me! Save Mama!" - Eris was now very struggling to pull the soldier away, her hair has been grabbed very tight

"I will come right away, Eris!"

I ran toward Eris and was about to draw my sword to kill the huge soldier that was grabbing her hair but suddenly I got blocked by another huge soldier in the stone armor.

Before I ran to Eris, the soldiers' commander must have seen me so he commanded one of his soldiers to get toward me.

Tch! I must find a way to get rid of the soldier in front of me and also to kill all of them to save Eris and Shera, must do it fast.