Chereads / Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R / Chapter 12 - Kingdom Come (Part 1)

Chapter 12 - Kingdom Come (Part 1)

Chapter 11: Kingdom Come (Part 1)

Rigen's perspective

I was now going with Shera to her room, which place she shared staying with Reimi, Shera had behaved very strangely at the time I asked her about Reimi, the Princess said to me repeatedly that Reimi was "sleeping". Shera had behaved very suspiciously, I didn't want to have a bad feeling for her but now I felt both of these girls didn't safe for me...maybe I should stop judging too much.

The button on the right side of Advisor's screen was used to turn off its charging process, when Advisor is turned off, it would be heated to start the charging process when it touches the light from the sun. Advisor would also be heated if it touches the light's sources which have not come from the sun but the charging process would not happen, Advisor uses the sun's energy to charge itself.

I had already worn Advisor in my hand and now was standing with Shera at the room's door, I would call Reimi loud and clear to force her to wake up.

"Reimi, are you awake!"

I made a yell but no one responded to my words on the other side of the door, I was now about to open the door though Princess kept grabbing my arms to stop me from bothering Reimi's sleep, what the hell was wrong with Princess?

When I was struggling to think about peaceful ways to persuade Shera to take her hands off me, the door had been opened, Reimi walked out of the door with both of her hands were having a bit of burn. Well, seemed like I had known who was the trespasser...but I would try to ask Reimi peacefully, this girl must have come to my room last night for some reason.

"Good morning, Sir Rigen." - Reimi greeted me with the pain in her eyes...sigh!

"What happened to your hands, Reimi?" - Princess Shera was worried about Reimi so she held that girl's right hand

"Tch, it hurts my Highness!"

"Princess, please keep your hands out of Reimi's, both of her hands are burned and it will be more painful if you keep touching her hand." - Shera heard me say that so she put her hands out of Reimi's in nervous

"Sir Rigen, Advisor has just burned hands...cries!" - Reimi talked to me while tearing, are not a kid anymore, you know?

"Sir Rigen, please don't misunderstand, I ordered Reimi to hide inside your room last night to protect you in case my brother wants to kill you for real." - Thanks, Princess! But you should have talked to me about this instead of doing it alone with your servant

"Then why did you touch Advisor, Reimi?" - Reimi must have been used by Hoster to harm me, that was just my theory but I felt that had no logic at all

"Sir Rigen, I'm sorry, I was just curious about your magic item so I only wanted to touch it, please don't hate me, I was ordered by Her Highness to protect you." - Okay, okay, girl!

Well, they did good things for protecting me but why Advisor didn't notify me about Reimi's appearance? Advisor was an Artificial Intelligence so it had its own thoughts.

Maybe Advisor must have considered Reimi as my ally last night so it didn't call me, what a fucking metal scrap, at least it should have notified me instead of...sigh!

Anyway, let's bandage this girl's hands, but Reimi hadn't bandaged her hands? She could have asked someone to help...maybe I should ask these girls for more details.

"Get inside my room, Reimi, I will bandage your hands."

"Princess, you can join to help her if you want, okay?" - This Princess may not know how to bandage, because rulers only need to rule the people and play, maybe this is a good time for me to teach someone

"You know how to bandage, Sir Rigen?" - Why did Shera so surprise? Does bandaging is something rare in this world?

"Uh...Princess, your homeland's military does not have the bandage training program for soldiers?"

"Of course, Sir Rigen! Only the healers or physicians are trained to do the bandage, only they know how to do the treatment, soldiers are not trained to do it." - Your homeland is very backward, Shera...I didn't expect to hear it

"I'm very impressed at how your homeland's military is trained, Sir Rigen." - More reverse, Reimi...I was impressed and also shocked at how backward your homeland's military was

"Come on, follow me to my room."

I later led the girls to my room and then I told Reimi to sit down on the chair nearby, my military bag had a bunch of bandage rolls so I took one out and slowly performed the way to bandage to let Shera and Reimi see. Shera was later curious so she asked me to join to bandage and I stood there to teach her, though this Princess was clumsy or bandaging but the bandages she made on Reimi's hands were fine to me.

I later checked the bandages on Reimi's hands to make sure they won't loose from her hands, seemed like we had done bandaging. According to the burned hands I saw, Reimi's wound would heal completely in a short time but this girl would have to rest her hands to make a better recovery.

"From now on, rest your hands in about two days and your hands would be completely healed, alright?" - I didn't know how long would Reimi's wound heal completely but I must give her hope

"Thank you very much, Sir Rigen...I owe you the third time." - Reimi seemed very appreciative of what I have done for her

"Do not touch Advisor again without my permission, my magic item uses the magic power from the sun so it will be heated when I let it rest." - Well, another lie, good job my mouth!

After fooling the girls, I looked back and them and then I saw...what should I say? Both Shera and Reimi were now frozen, they were shocked or something?

"Shera? Reimi?" - Wait, they did react to my call

I even swung my right hand around these girls' eyes and noticed that their eyeballs hadn't moved even an inch, their brains were lagged or something?

Maybe I should let these calm their minds down in a few minutes!

Some minutes passed after waiting for the girls to calm down, I immediately walked with Shera and Reimi to their room, Reimi immediately pressed her face to the bed and slept right away when her body touched the pillow.

The way Reimi was sleeping, was so cute like an angel!

My mind suddenly reminded me, that this other world has many things that I didn't know about, I hope Shera would willing to let me ask her, I hope so.

"Princess, may I ask you something?

"What do you want to know, Sir Rigen?" - I hope it would work

"Please answer my questions in your reach, okay? If you don't want to answer me anything then I won't force you, Princess."

I later questioned Shera about the things like the relationship between the countries in this world, how much currency is there in this other world, where should I go if some days I get hunted by Hoster's men.

Shera later explained to me all of the things she learned in her school, there are about 24 countries on this continent but she didn't know much about them, she only knew her homeland and its neighboring countries are always in good relations.

Most of the countries, I would say the Kingdoms in the continent are the humans' Kingdoms which are gathering in the South.

Some other Kingdoms are the Elves' Kingdoms and Beastmen's Kingdom on the far West, which Shera said are very close to her homeland and only away from her homeland by a border.

On the other side, the Dwarves' Kingdoms are located in the far East, about the far north, there is only a Kingdom and it's the largest one on the continent, it is named the Kingdom of Demon.

About the Kingdom of Demon, Shera told me there was a war between humans and demons about 500 years ago when the demons wanted to wipe out the entire humans and endangered the other races' existences. The humans had allied with the elves and the beastmen to fight against the demons hopelessly until two heroes according to Shera, they were summoned by the Goddess, with their metal dragons, they fought and captured the Demon Lord easily.

The Demon Lord later adopted a human child and signed the Peace Agreement and the war ended, the demons never stepped on the humans' lands once again and the world is now in peace thanks to the heroes.

Though co-exist in peace, the humans are still hating the demon but they never dare to step on the demon's territory because the human was about to be wipeout in the war 500 years ago. About the demons, they didn't step on the human's lands, they didn't make wars anymore but isolated their Kingdom in the rest of the world, that's all Shera told me about.

About the Demon Lord, huh? I was wondering if she looked like the loli girls I always saw in anime or not, okay, let's stop kidding here.

About the currency that the Kingdoms in this continent are using, Shera told me until this time, she only knew about 9 currencies, there may be more currencies in this other world but she didn't know about them.

The Gel coin is being used in only her homeland, the Kingdom of Warsaw, the other currencies like the Atta coin is being used by the Attenta Kingdom and its hostile Kingdom, Kingdom of Jager.

The other currency like the Elfe coin is only used by the Elves' Kingdoms, the Wara coin is only used by the Dwarves' Kingdoms, Ferri coin is only used by Beastmen's Kingdoms.

The Demonic coin which is the largest price currency on this continent is produced and used by the citizens in the Kingdom of Demon. But the chance for a human to touch a Demonic coin is very rare, it is very costly, why did I think about Bitcoin when I heard this?

Three other currencies, the Ashura, Soutea, and Zimwa coins are less uncommon than the others, the Kingdoms in this continent didn't have a common currency so knowing about this thing made my mind a headache a bit.

Alright, my mind was now about to blow away because I could not remember all of the information that Shera told me but Advisor kept telling me this.

"I would do my best." - Even if an AI said that then it meant this metal scrap didn't even have a good memory, shit!

About the last question I asked Shera, she said Ailia Town had a forest in the West named Hinter forest, that forest would lead to Swei Town, the border town of Jager Kingdom - the hostile to the Kingdom of Attenta.

If somedays I get chased by Hoster's assassins then I would have a chance to escape to that Kingdom by running to that forest, the process to get there according to Shera, would take 1 week if I go there on foot.

"Sir Rigen, please take this for me...please take this money." - Why did Princess's face look a bit red as if she was shy?

Shera later pulled out a drawer in her room and took out a small bag which seemed to have a lot of money in it, Princess later handed the bag of money to me and said she would use her brother's money. I asked Princess and she said she had given me all of her money to help me, the money in the bag had been changed from Gel coins to Atta coins to let me use it easier.

The bag had about 20.000 coins in it according to Shera's word, Princess said if somedays I get chased by her brother's men then I would at least have the money to use, what a kind Princess, I owed her this time.

Kingdom of Jager and Kingdom of Attenta used the same currency so I would have no trouble converting the money, I just needed to use it because Shera had done converting the money, this Princess was just not cute but also kind.

"Why you are so kind to me, Princess?"

"Ahh, that's, because..." - Shera seemed to want to talk about something but she later turned away while covering her face, maybe she had things she could not talk

"Sorry, Princess, you don't need to say." - What's wrong with this Princess?

Princess seemed to have something very hard to say to me, I made a smile to Shera to make a sign that I would take the money she gave and looked at the door and was intended to go back to my room but suddenly the room's door opened.

"So you are here with Sir Rigen, my little sister?" - That was Hoster, what did he want?

"I'm thinking about to make a party in a good restaurant, would you like to join us, Sir Rigen?" - What was Hoster's purpose for making the party? Did he want something from me?

"But my brother, how can you use the big money that our father gave us during the coup? We must save it as much as possible to use, you know?" - Shera seemed unpleasant about this, sigh!

"Our money is still many, my little sister! I want to make all of us have a good mood before heading back to our homeland, we have won the coup so we must at least make a party to congratulate ourselves." - Maybe Hoster was right for some reason

"If...if you say so, my brother."- Shera seemed very unpleasant at her brother's decision, I later noticed that Shera held my hand, maybe she wanted to have someone beside her to comfort her

Well, Shera seemed very shy when she held my hand but I also enjoyed seeing her do that, Princess was not just cute but also kind, holding a girl's hand was a thing I had never experienced in my life before.

"What is your decision, Sir Rigen?" - Oh, Hoster asked me again

"I would like to, just tell me when and where I should go to the party."

Of course, it was very disrespectful to refuse, though I didn't want to go but I think Hoster would not dare to kill me so suddenly at the night party, Shera and Reimi were my allies so I would be safe.

Even if Hoster dares to send his men to encounter me, he would capture me for interrogation, he would think I am a spy of an unknown country, Hoster would let me live because he thinks I'm a spy, I think so.

"Just follow my little sister when you want to go, Sir Rigen." - Alright, then I would follow Shera to the party

"Wait a minute...what just happened to Reimi? Why did she lay on the bed?"

"My brother, she is sleeping because of tired, please don't disturb Reimi." - Shera told her brother and then Hoster waved to Shera and closed the door

Prince Hoster later got out of the room, seemed like he just wanted to check up on his little sister...I hope my thoughts were right. I later said goodbye to Shera and went back to my room and charged Advisor's battery, what I should do next?

I later thought about going out to see the forest that Shera told me about earlier but I think I would go there at night after the party or the next day morning, nothing to worry about.

Night come after a long day, I went with Shera to the night party at the restaurant, the restaurant was very big and very well built, seemed like Prince Hoster was a downplay person, he always spent a lot of money on anything, what a rich kid.

Reimi was supposed to rest in the inn because her hands were still burned but she kept insisting to follow me and her Princess, she wanted to protect me and her ruler at all costs, how devoted and hard work this girl was.

But something was odd at the time I went to the party with the girls and enjoyed eating with them, all of Hoster's soldiers and us were joining the night party but where were he and his General named Dunkel?

"Princess, do you know where is your brother?"

"About my brother, Sir Rigen! He said to me that he has busy things to do, he may not have the time to join this party, I hope you will understand." - Shera talked to me so purely, this girl didn't sense any unusual yet

"Advisor, stay on the highest alert."

"Roger that!"

But I think Hoster would not kill me so suddenly like that, we were enjoying the party and I grabbed some dishes on the table to eat, the dishes were at least tastier than the meals that Shera and Reimi made for me when we were in the forest.

I ate some of the dishes but not much because I didn't want to let my guard down though an assassination percentage was very low, but I must not keep my guard down. Though I said I ate the dishes but most of the dishes I ate were chosen by Shera, I ate all of the dishes she gave me, that Princess later raised her hand to my head as if she wanted to pat my head so I let her do that.

This Princess seemed very cute, she was even shy when she patted my head, we later patted our heads together and enjoyed doing that but Shera later returned to normal and tapped me and then pointed her hand to the other tables as if to tell me to enjoy the party instead of standing around with her and Reimi.

I later went a bit far away from Shera and Reimi after looking back at them, they were enjoying the food and talking to their people, I changed my position to the drink, I was not thirsty but I just wanted to taste the drinks to see how they taste like.

When I was about to grab a wine glass which was placed with the other wine glasses on the table, a waiter suddenly brought out a plate which was carrying 5 wine glasses pink color in it. The waiter stood beside me and explained the wine glasses on the table were just poor tasted compared to the wine glasses on his plate, he later invited me to choose one of the glasses on the plate to taste the wine.

All glasses on the plate had the same wine so I grabbed a random glass of wine on the plate and slowly headed the wine's liquid to my mouth, I was wondering what was this kind of wine/

"John, I found that the wine glass is poisonous, don't drink it!" - What the fuck, Advisor!

I was shocked a little bit but I immediately regained my calm, I didn't expect Hoster would intend to kill me so suddenly like that. I slowly held the wine glass, raised it to my mouth slowly and then dropped it on the floor to pretend that my hand had slipped.

"Oh, sorry you waiter, my hand just slipped."

"How did you know the wine is poisoned, Advisor?"

"I guessed so, I cannot scan poison but I think a waiter guy going around a room and choosing to give you the wine to drink first is quite suspicious."

"Excuse me?" - Then that must be an accident, that waiter must have not any threat...but I didn't sure yet

But at least, my mind had relieved after getting out of Death's hand, I must stay cautious, cannot let my guard down anymore. But wait, I felt something pointed to my back, what was that?

"John Rigen, you follow me to the restroom...or die here."

That was another waiter according to what I saw from peeking behind, that man threatened me while pointing a thing like a dagger behind my back, I would be dead if that dagger's blade has poisonous.

The waiter who was holding the plate of wine glasses placed the plate on the table and then followed the waiter that was threatening me, these guys were assassins for sure. That waiter was about to follow his teammate and me to the restroom, I have now sure these guys were assassins that Hoster hired, I must have been well prepared instead of bringing a bayonet with me.

I only brought with me an M9 Bayonet as my weapon, that thing was now had been hung under my right shoe, I hope these guys would not find out the position of my weapon or I would die before I could kill them.

But now I have finally alone on my own, Shera, Reimi and Advisor could not save me this time, I must find a way to get rid of these assassins and then find a way to escape, I would follow them at first.