Chereads / Star Wars: Ancestral Gifts / Chapter 11 - Meeting the Duchess

Chapter 11 - Meeting the Duchess

I couldn't help but to get excited as my Master and I made our way through Hyperspae with the course set for Mandalore, D4 showed me the Holorecording of the Deathwatch Terrorist that attacked the Republic Supply Base. I noted down the manouvers and techniwues he employed to take on an entire deployment of Clones, "Master this would take a lot of training and resources, it'd take connections and military training." Obi Wan nodded his head before giving me a direct order, something he didn't do often, not to bring up my suspicions to the Duchess Satine. "You have a history with her? I can hear it in your words Master, we have some time before we arrive." Obi Wan told me everything that happened during his mission with Master Qui Gon on Mandalore during the Civil War, "She sounds remarkable Master, I'll do my best not to embarrass you in front of you Girlfriend~" I spun around to take us out of Hyper Space as we approached the Mandalore System, I chuckled as Obi Wan tried to defend himself but stopped as D4 beeped in disapproval of him distracting the Pilot.

Landing at the Space Port, we were quickly escorted to the Government Building where we were introduced to quite a few important figures all other whom had great interest in me. I walked closer to my Master as we made it to the main Throne Room which was draped in a darkness to the point I almost lit a small flame for my own comfort, "Master why is it everywhere I go I get those looks." I mumbled, I'd noticed even though my knowledge remained intact my emotional maturity reverted back to fit my age. I flinched slightly at Obi Wan's hand on my shoulder, Prime Minister Almec turned the corner and claimed all their warriors had in fact died out even when Jango Fett was mentioned he held his ground. I took a back foot whilst the Duchess Satine accused our being here on the Senate however before Obi Wan could interject I stepped forward, "Su cuy'gar ner alor, ner gai cuyir Dankel Fec. We are here on orders of the Jedi Council, I for one don't think you have any involvement in this however..." I pull out the recording of the Death Watch soldier, "It's Mandalorian Armour, but it's this symbol that confuses me..." D4 projects the Death Watch's symbol in front of us, that's when Satine asks Obi Wan for a walk through the city.


I walk a few paces away from the two lovebirds, I was admiring the Architecture and how it reminded me of Bismuth Crystal structures when I was called over by the Dutchess. "So Dankel, you're Mandalorian? What do you think of our homeworld?" I smile and compliment the infastructure, I comment that I'd love a more in depth tour of the Planet once the war was over. "Tell me, what are your opinions on my stance in your war?" Her eyes are hopeful and if I'm honest I do agree with her ideals so I voice as much, I light a small flame on the end of my finger.

"This power I possess has earned me such an annoying nickname and can be used for great destruction however I don't see it that way. I can light the way for those who are lost, bring warmth to those who are cold..." I put out the flame and sigh, "I'm sure you've all seen the Holo-Recordings of the Creature that attacked Coruscant, sadly I have to use my power for war but I've seen the pain the Speratists have brought... I was on Ryloth when the they bombed innocent villages to divide our forces, I had to tell a grieving Mother I couldn't take the revenge on her behalf for the Death of her child." I step in front of her and using the Force contain the damage of the explosion and using my Pyrokinesis pull the flames to my palm so they can safely dissipate, "Not to mention my ability to see certain future events, it sadly makes me the perfect warrior..." With my Masters permission I touch a fragment of the bomb and sure enough my Psychometry kicks in and I see a Beskar Clad Mandalorian handing over the explosive device, when I snap out of it my Master had already chased down the terrorist. I managed to catch him with the Force before he could jump, the way Satine looked at me wasn't how people normally looked at me when I displayed my power like this but for some reason I couldn't figure out what she was thinking.


We delivered the Prisoner back to Mandalore's moon, Concordia, as we arrived Pre Vizlsa greeted us but instead of a formal greeting he froze. "Dankel.... Is that you?" I froze up immediately, either he's been keeping tabs on me because I'm the first Mandalorian Jedi since his ancestor or... "You don't recognise me do you?" For fuck sake, I shake my head trying to distance myself from this as much as possible. "Ah well of course you wouldn't, I'm your Uncle, my Sister is your mother." I mentally scream the loudest I could, just when I thought my lineage couldn't get anymore complicated! Obi Wan clearly senses my discomfort and introduces himself which leads to a discussion about the Death Watch, "You'll obviously have my full cooperation Master Kenobi, Dankel you have full access to all our records and the grounds should you wish." I looked at my Master giving him a we'll be talking about this later look to which he responds with a subtle you should distract him look. 

"Alright.... How the hell did you two get your DNA in with the Vizsla's?" I mentally scream but I knew the answer to this obviously, I played my Sith Warrior as a giant flirt so it stands to reason that he and Shea Vizsla had some sort of fling. "My family name is Fec, is that my Fathers family?" Pre Vizsla nodded and explained that when the Jedi came it was decided I'd take the name Fec as to seperate myself from the first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla. "I appreciate that although I seem to have found a way to stand out even without that~" I pull my Saber off of my belt and offer it to him, "Beskar, like the Darksaber is rumoured to be made of." I smile as he hands it back to me, I found out that my Father died in a Death Watch attack so my Mother fled off word with my younger brother. We reached the archives were I was left alone to my own devices whilst my 'Uncle' over saw the interrigation of the prisoner, meaning he'll either kill him or reward him for bringing me back to the family. I found a detailed family record for the Vizsla's and sure enough there was my name.

I found a few things that I had D4 download for me, one of which is an old Mandalorian training guide for different weapons. I went to dinner with Duchess Satine and Governor Vizsla, "I apologies for my Masters abscence, it appears he will not be joining us... He is currently working on better communicating with the Force and tends to skip meals." I sip my drink, Satine gets the call and excuses herself. "Might I suggest taking my droid BD-45, he makes for excellent company." She thanks me as D4 walked alongside her, "I found some interesting texts in the archives Uncle, mainly an old combat guide." I sip my drink whilst keeping an eye on him as even though he played the loving Uncle I didn't need my knowledge of this world to sense his ill intentions, I'm sure my Master would have sensed it as well if he hadn't been so readily focused on Satine. I don't blame my Master of course, Jedi don't have little to no expierience with romance so when it does happen they end up like lovesick puppies.

I excuse myself with the excuse that I needed to rest before performing my own interrigation of the prisoner, I don't steal a speeder as I glide using my wingsuit and Pyrokinesis. I take my time making my way over there and arrive just in time to land between my Master and my Uncle in a surge of flames, "Dankel, join me and together we can rule Mandalore!" I take my Saber from my belt and ignite it, I level it to Pre Vizsla's chest before flourishing into an open neutral stance for Form Six. I keep my composure as he continues to try and persuade me to join the Death Watch, I calmly look at him before striking a smirk.

"Would you shut up!" I take in a deep breath calming myself, "Pre Vizsla, with the power invested in me by the Jedi Council and the Senate, I'll be placing you under arrest for the crimes committed by the Death Watch against Mandalore and its people." I watch as he ignites the Darksaber, Obi Wan goes to step in but I raise my hand in objection before rushing forward to slice at the Leader of the Death Watch. Our back and forth lasts for a while before we lock Sabers, "You can't beat me Uncle! I've fought against some of the best duelists this Galaxy has to offer, you fight like a youngling!" I joke as I side step a spinning slash and smack the hilt of my Saber into his chest before launching him back into his three companions, he activates his jetpack and just before he lands his overhead strike I wave my free hand. The fire from his jetpack goes out forcing him to lose all the power behind his strike, as we lock Sabers yet again I don't pretend to struggle against him. "You're a good duelist Uncle I'll give you that but when it come down to it I~ What the hell!" My Lightsabers blade flickers before going out completely, thankfully I'm quick enough to move out of the path that the Darksaber follows after I lose my blade. My Saber sparks and falls to the floor as the emitter burns closed, I heard Pre Vizsla mocking me but I just smiled and took up a stance.

My left hand rests level with my gut whilst my right hand hovers above my head, as he rushes forward to run me through I counter by moving my right hand counter-clockwise. A turrent of flame forces the Darksabers path to be diverted which knocks Pre Vizsla off balance and fall past me, I turn towards him delivering a palm-strike with my left hand to his ear. I drop to the ground and sweep his legs before launching him back with the Force, my Uncle orders his soldiers to finish us which they attempt to do with the rockets in their jetpacks. With a deep breath I click my fingers three times which causes the rockets to explode early as I had created plumes of fire perfectly to react with the explosives, I stare them all in the eye as I pull the Darksaber to me. I ignite the blade, I did just lose my blade~ "I own it now right?" My Uncle tried to object however was silenced when the Saber broke apart over my palm, every piece floated to him and fell into his palms. "Only a Force User can repair the Darksaber and I'll be holding onto this Kyber Crystal so even if the Hilt is repaired it'll be useless." I turn to my Master and the Duchess, with a nod the three of us walk away from them.


I knew the Darksaber could melt Beskar but it's meant to take a while before it cuts through, I stared at the melted shut emitter and sigh. "I guess the combination of the two blades increased the heat enough to melt it~" I show my Master as well as Anakin my Saber Hilt, "I'll continue my post at the Duchess' side..." I mutter before making my way up to the conference room where all the Senators were gathered, I bowed as I entered and silently took my place in a quiet corner. When my Master and the Duchess got into their talk on conflicting ideals they turned to me like I wanted to be dragged into this. With a sigh I stated my opinion, as long as the confederancy of neutral systems kept true to its stance there would be no risk of invasion. "If the Seperatists were to invade Mandalore while there isn't a Republic presence then the other systems would flock over to our side as they'll see the Seperatists as a threat to their way of life," I take a small sip of my drink before addressing the room, "On the other hand if we were to force an occupation on Mandalore, it won't matter if it's for their protection, the Seperatists as well as the Death Watch would be seen as liberators." I'm thanked by both parties and I excuse myself, Obi Wan is smart enough to see this which drives me insane!

I hugged the wall whilst everyone else ate dinner, I ate don't get me wrong but I was mostly focused on the door. I immediately jump for the door reaching for my belt to grab my Lightsaber, with a sigh I duck under the Assassin Probes swiping attacks which knock out Satine's Guards. I look to my Master who is defending against the smaller probes with the Duchess, the temperature drops as a layer of ice spreads over the room effectively subduing the probes. I tug my hand out of where the ice had originated from before using my Cryokinesis to make sure the Assasin Probe was definetly subdued whilst I took it apart. With Obi Wan's permission I gathered up all the Probes and began taking it apart, my Sonic is brilliant for slicing into the Droids memory as well as their operating systems which lead to their target list more importantly who wasn't on it. I ran back into the room and was thankfully I was quick enough to create a protective barrier just as the blaster bolt was about to connect with my skin.

I struggled up off the floor with the help of some Senators, my Master, the Duchess as well as the traitor Tal Merrick were nowhere to be found. I did what I do best and run towards the blaster fire, I found Anakin fighting against several Super Battle Droids and so using the Force I knocked over several that were flanking him. I pulled out one of the Assassin Probes and threw it into the crowded corridor, using my Sonic I caused it to overload itself and set of a electric discharge similar to a Droid Popper. I nodded to Anakin before running of to find where my Master had ran off to, I appeared when Anakin roughly would have during their conversation. "Alright Dankel, no more Death!" I say to myself before rushing forward just as Merrick asks who will strike him down, I stop behind him and create a barrier around the button for safe keeping. I had to subdue Merrick to keep the Duchess as well as everyone else on this ship safe, that was the only thought I had running through my head no emotion at all. I jumped up and delivered a swift kick to Merrick's head, as I fell I caught the button that would have blown up the entire ship. "I don't think he's dead..." I let out a nervous chuckle which was replaced with a sigh of relief when the traitor groggily opened his eyes.


"Ah Padawan Fec I am sorry to hear about your Lightsaber, it was certainly one of a kind." Huyang commented as I entered his storeroom in the temple, "I had heard rumours that you'd also gained a second Kyber Crystal and was hoping you'd stop by sooner or later." I apologise to the Professor and pull out my two Kyber Crystals, one a deep green whilst the other was a bright pink. The Droid looked at them both and with a nod we immediately got to work as I calmed my mind and told him exactly what I needed, "Interesting, you've definetly changed from the young boy that came through with a grand design for a Lightsaber that even I considered impossible to create." I smirked as I knelt down in front of all the parts before me, the Sabers formed at the same time. "I recommend taking it one step at a time Padawan Fec, remember what happened when you rushed creating your last Saber?" I in fact did not remember in the slightest but I've read every single book possible on creating my own Saber and I trust in the Force to guide my hand, as the Saber's click into place I immediately hand them to Huyang. "This one is perfectly crafted however this one has it's emitter inverted!" I bow my head and was about to deconstruct it when I get notified about the Duchess' speeder accident, making sure I take the working Saber I rush to meet with my Master on his way to the Senate building.

I run my hand over my new Saber hilt, it's inner core is your basic internal wiring however it's shell is what I'm most proud of. A black rubber surrounds the whole Saber and is caged in a Plastoid casing which is reminiscent of Clone Armour as the pommel has the yellow of the 212th painted on it. "Master with your permission, I'd like to go with the Duchess..." I interupt their arguement before it gets too heated, "It was my mission to guard her and even if you believe that was just an accident I'd say it's cause for me to be put back on her protective detail, besides she is the best hope for my people." Obi Wan nodded saying he'd get Master Windu's approval whilst I protected her, Satine contacted her informant which gave us some time to kill so I fiddled with my Sonic whilst she paced back and forth nervously. "What was he like, my Master I mean?" She stopped dead in her tracks at my sudden question, she then told me exstensive stories about her time with my Master. My ears perked when she mentioned Master Qui Gon Jinn, "My Master doesn't mention Master Qui Gonn much, I know he fell to the hands of Darth Maul on Naboo but other than that I only know the stuff I read about him in the Archive."

We talked about her time with Qui Gon and Obi Wan until her contact sent us a massage on where to meet, I let the two talk whilst keeping an eye on the overpass where the Deathwatch Cammando would take the shot from any moment. Time slows as I hear the shot however it didn't come from where I expected it to, I spun around and dashed to intercept the blaster bolt. A pink hue covered the alleyway as I deflected the bolt with my new Saber, the neon pink Saber hummed naturally in my hand. I moved us back to where a group of Clones had just arrived, "Contact General Kenobi!" I ordered the Clones while I contacted Domino Squad, I didn't trust the Coruscant Guard as much as I did the 212th and the 501st. Several blaster shots flew past our heads as we ran, the Clones and I covered Satine while we ran. As soon as one of the Clones fell I turned to confront our attacker, a pink arc effortlessly arved through the air to intercept the blaster bolts as the Duchess and her remaining Clone escort rush away to regroup with my Master and Domino Squad.

"You aren't my mission brat but reclaiming the Darksaber's Kyber Crystal will give me so much influence!" I launched two quick sparks at him before running down an alley away from the innocents on the walkway, my Form Three bladework made his rifle useless especially as he closed the distance. The explosion from a thermal detonator took me by surprise as I didn't see him toss it, I was flung into the wall of the alley. I gasped out and instinctively pulled the rubble to block several blaster shots, I launched all the rubble straight towards the Mandalorian however he was no longer in front of me. A kick to the face forced me to the ground, my Saber rolling away, "How did he lose to you? You have all this power yet you have zero experience fighting opponents who don't use your laser swords." I grunted as he stood on my chest, "Perhaps I'll challenge your Uncle for his position once I'm done here." He kept running his mouth as applied more weight to keep me pinned, a simple Force Push sent him flying. I got up and wiped the blood from my nose before running at him.

I dodged several blaster bolts before disarming him, I began to strike his helmet with opened armed strikes. I spun around and planted a kick to his stomach, as he stumbled back I noticed his knife and used the Force to pull it off of his belt. "You would be dead without your Jedi Magic!" I shrugged as I spun the knife in my hand before settling on a reverse grip, "Whatever, I'm the one wearing Beskar!" He rushed forward to fight me, his hand to hand combat ain't the worst I've seen however he's slow, I counter with small cuts across his elbows as I move around my opponent. His use of his flamethrower was the perfect time to get rid of the knife, the flames washed over me and couldn't help but smirk as they all suddenly converged around my hand much to his surprise. "I... I can't believe it you can actually control fire!" I dashed forward and landed a fired up punch to his helmet which knocked him out cold just as Domino Squad arrived, I left them incharge of the clean up as I retrieved my Saber and rushed off after the Duchess.


I landed in front of the Senate Building with a deep breath, gliding around Coruscant isn't good for the lungs. I rushed through the building and sure enough Padme and Satine were playing the full video to the Senate which drastically chages the vote to the occupation of Mandalore, Obi Wan found me collapsed on the floor only a few doors down from where he'd watched the proceedings unfold. "Dankel what happened to your face?" I moved my hand up to my nose to find it crooked, much to my Masters objections I crack it back into place which causes a fresh turrent of blood to burst out. "Honestly, you're worse than Anakin sometimes!" He had a Senate Guard grab us some medical supplies and was holding a piece of cloth to my nose when Padme and Satine found us, "Physically he'll be fine, the damage to his head is something he's had since I've known him I'm afraid." I narrowed my eyes at my Master and mentally swore to get him back for that one, as we headed back to the Temple I let him examine my new Saber. "And you'll have a second one as well? That'll definetly be interesting to watch my young Padawan."


I pressed the attack, my masked opponent blocked and parried one Saber only for my second one to cut along his hip in a flurry of red, pink and green. The Empires Wrath chuckled as the wound vanished, "Your duelling has certainly improved, combining your own style with that of the Assassin Ventress and the Cyborg Grievous was definetly a deadly combo." He launched me back in a shockwave of Force Energy, "It would be overkill for you to incorporate those Mandalorian techniques as well as my Lighter counterparts own Jar'Kai style on top of it as well." Whilst I train in my dreams with my body's ancestors I have an easier time using the Force which allows me to get the theory of my Force Abilities perfect before I start properly practicing them. An example of this is my Telekinesis, don't get me wrong while I'm awake my ability to connect with the Force is insane. In my sleep, in my dreams, I don't have to worry about external factors clouding my focus to the extent I would in a regular training. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" I chuckled at Wraths curiosity as I manipulated my Sabers to orbit me.

"If I can master this~" I grab my chin as a smirk spread across my face as I began spinning them to act as shields, I then launched several sparks of fire out from behind the wall. "Ah who am I kidding, I'd never be able to keep focused on these when under Blaster fire... Even now I can feel a twitch behind my left eye!" I managed to say just before I lost control and an emerald flash caused me to wake up in a cold sweat, I clutched my throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "Yep definetly not using that anytime soon..." I look around my room, the box of deactivated probe droids I'd managed to save from being destroyed and smirk. D4 was soundly powered down although per my Masters instruction he has motion detection sensors set on the door to tell Obi Wan if I go for late night walks, unfortunately for the both of them there's a vent over my bed. The Temple Guards kept an eye on me but they were so used to my late night walks they often times left me alone, the one rule they gave me was that the archives was off limits which sucked but was understandable.

Multiple flashes of blue caught my eye so I peered into the training room and sure enough there she was, her Saber moved defensively whilst blue flames shot out at the training Droids. I leant against the door watching, she wasn't supposed to be training without Master Plo's supervision so as soon as she put out the fire I made myself known. "Dankel I wasn't... I didn't mean!" She stuttered about slightly, but I raised my hand and signalled for her to start up again. I knew Barriss has the potential to betray the Order, her growing in strength is a scary prospect however what I find scarier is if her ability to use Pyrokinesis remains untrained she'll be even deadlier. Until she becomes a threat I'll treat her like I've always done, "What's up with that look Dankel?" I smirked and challeneged her to a light sparring match.



Dankel Fec: Current Ability Level

Duelling - On par with Asajj Ventress

Hand to Hand Combat - On par with average Jedi

Connection to the Force - Slightly Stronger

Force Abilities - Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Force Sight (Advanced), Force Enhancement, Force Healing (Passive), Force Projections, Force Scream, Force Barrier, invincible, (______), Psychometry, Preminitions.

Current mastery over the Abilities on a scale of 10;

- Telekinesis = 6

- Pyrokinesis = 7.5

- Cryokinesis = 4.9

- Force Sight (Advanced) = 4.3

- Force Enhancement= 5.1

- Force Healing = -0.8

-Force Projections = 2.1

-Force Scream = 0

-Force Barrier = 4.2

-Invincible = 0.05

-(______) = 1

-Psychometry = 3

-Preminitions = 2