Chereads / Infinite Cosmic Knight / Chapter 161 - Escape!!!

Chapter 161 - Escape!!!

A young man several blood soaked bandages lay in a hospital bed, he had quite distinctive features - A Scar or Tattoo of a swirling flame between his Eyebrows, covering what seemed to be a closed Third Eye.

He had ash grey hair and several old scars on his body from battles unknown.

His wheat brown complexion was quite clean and features sharp, hard- his body was tall and aptly muscular to what seemed like the perfect limit.

On his neck lay a pendant with a Polyhedron dice.

But the Hospital was abandoned, old almost dystopian.

A Haggard and weary old man arrived tremblingly before the young man, he shared the same hair as he.

"It's almost time..."

"It was an honor to fight beside you- or whatever you are"

"I never had a Grandson, or a descendant to take care of, Akshatra died - leaving her line behind "

"10 years ago, I had to do this, save you from the shattered thing you became, I removed the Taint and replaced my Twin's Genetic Portion with mine, making you the only person part of my- Karna's Lineage "

"But it was not easy, your body had to be liquefied to be reforged, your mind was already shattered so you never consented, I did something unforgivable but I hope you have enough strength to protect yourself, The Immortal Realms call me"

"My mortal form is fading, but I don't regret those 10 Years, Even when you had no memory due to the reset... You spoke to me, dreams of Battling endlessly against ancient Old Ones who would kill us all "

"I had to believe you, for what you are, Listen I don't have much time- I am speaking disorderly because of the fading... Everything is rejecting me here, don't know if I'll see you again... But with my Genes, replacing Khorramzadeh's Taint... He will never be able to track you without paying a very high price, but that curse remains, it was cast on the Entire Adhi Family"

" I won't ask you to stay safe, that's not what you are... But I want you to survive everything! Despite it all you must survive! Let these 10 harrowing, Awesome and happy years not be wasted, those memories of the 10 years will resurface like head splitting wounds, but endure, through them only will you learn what happened... Haah goodbye ", With a deep struggle the old man faded into the void after saying his piece.

10 years, 10 whole years.

Aavesh still lay there on the bed...

His eyes twitched and opened with slight difficulty, he felt his head trapped in a vise or a Hydraulic press or something...

He grit his teeth and found himself in an almost unfamiliar body... An unfamiliar world... He raised his left hand- it was so huge now but it was there, it wasn't severed... But what's with the new body?

And the bandages? What's with the wound on his chest? It seemed closed but it could open at almost anytime possible...

"Coral?", He held the Polyhedron Pendant Piece and called out.

No reply came back.

He got out of the bed and saw a mirror on the side, he walked in front of it and nearly screamed.

It was him, but he looked old... He was barely 10 when he fainted...


He gasped as fragments of a Bloody war with Blazing Angels at his side flashed- thousands, millions of enemies... All for the throne.

He grit his teeth as he let the pain pass through him, he exhaled out slowly and gazed at the mirror again - he had ashen gray hair now for some reason, his Eyes were Still dark blue with faint starlight.

He had this third eye and that Scar...

His appearance checked out.

It wasn't a dream...

He then closed his eyes and felt his Augmentations, his Bio Nano Cells...

They seemed a little different, more refined - honed, his Meridians reflected back like Sturdy and Flexible Crystal Mithril... So he had used Mithril to upgrade the laced Divorarium?


His Cultivation was still at the peak of Stage 0- he hadn't advanced...

His Mythic Powers felt a bit off, like very smooth and neatly integrated into his body.

Just that... His Body, Energy and Soul seemed exceptionally pure to an absurd level- like 10000 refined Divine Iron Essence.

His Seeds were still there within the Dantian yet the Golden Engraving on them looked very strong.

Now he couldn't even tell what Quality he had reached...


Judging from the Body's development cycle, he should be 20 Years old.

10 Years, he winced.

Just what had happened for 10 Years?

There was a space ring on his right hand.

He sank his mental will into it and gasped.

"A Cultivation Technique, A Diary and a Black Sword",He muttered and just as he was about to touch them...


The Pendant glowed red and let out a warning sound.

All of a sudden Aavesh felt his instincts kick in and he dodged a lethal strike by the wall as an insectoid claw broke through


It was like a switch, like practice honed into the soul as he stared at the Tyranid Head that broke through the wall and roared at him.

But before it could even move, by pure instinct Aavesh clamped it's jaws with one hand and ripped it's Upper nerval Acid Glands from the back of it's neck with the other hand in a burst of disgusting green spray.

The Tyranid fell down in shock, the creature before him was weak- so why, why ..


The Tyranid died with immense grievances.

Aavesh gazed at his hands in shock too with his eyes widened, just what...

How! How did he do that move!?


It was trained into muscle memory...

Clearly he wasn't sleeping for 10 Years,- So What did he do?!

He then gazed at the dead Tyranid and immense amount of information about it suddenly reflected in his mind...

Just as he tried to recollect and search in his mind pond-


He felt immense pain and stopped searching within.

His Pendant glowed red again and a Tidal wave of Bloodlust enhanced with Adrenaline filled his mind.

Like a trained action, he summoned his Black Sword from the Space Ring, it was a Heavy Broad Sword but in his hands it felt Light.


He dodged to the side as a Large Spiky tail shot from another wall aiming for him.


He chopped the Tail in an instant and then slashed back at the Tyranid behind the Wall.


That Vertical Slash decimated the Wall and Chopped the Tyranid Diagonally.

He could see Traces, sounds of a dozen Tyranid Insect Warriors heading towards his location.


A Flying Karkoyle Tyranid was headed this way.

He quickly stored his sword back onto his space Ring and his mind wildly calculated Trajectory, Escape Velocity and Distance... What?

But he didn't stop, he followed his inner Instincts, as the Creature came close to his Window, he leapt right at it, his Eyes Burning with Silver Light as he grabbed it's Sensory Mandibles and twisted his body mid air to land right onto it's neck...

He pulled hard on it's head forcing it to fly upwards-

He scaled several stories of a Ruined Building on its back as he held on Tightly to the Confused Karkoyle.

As he passed the Roof, he steered the Karkoyle to fly straight with a slightly upward angle, he now observed where exactly he was.

A Ruined City, With Scores of Tyranids Drop Spores flashing across the sky...

'So the Planet was in the middle of a Tyranid Invasion', He thought...

Normally he wouldn't pull such insane stunts but for some reason after 10 Years... He felt it just right


A Flock of Karkoyles seemed to have noticed him...

His Pendant Glowed with a Green Light and a familiar Voice appeared in his mind,

' 30 Degrees North, 200 Kms, the Black Tower, Roof, Large Ship- Quick! Before the Bioships release the Lictors!!'

Coral spoke to him!

He immediately followed her instructions.


He twisted his body to dodge that Bile Acid shot from the other Karkoyles.

But below him, hordes upon hordes of Tyranids were chasing him like crazy- like he had stolen their children or something.


Why were all the Tyranids following him?

'The world has been abandoned long ago- They've only come for you, You pissed off the Hive Mind greatly this time', Coral replied, sensing his Thoughts.

'What?! The Heck Did I do?',Aavesh asked back in a bewildered tone.

'You Destroyed Hive Fleet Gorgon by dropping an Unstable Archeotech D.M. Bomb right at the Center of the Fleet as it Invaded the fringes of the Ho Jax Sector ', Coral Casually replied.

Aavesh was flabbergasted at what she spoke.

'Nevermind that, I'll ask Questions later', Suppressing further thoughts, Aavesh focused wholely on avoiding the Bile Acid Shots thrown at him while controlling the Increasingly Struggling Karkoyle.




Several Artillery style shots began to target him as well as he nearly tore the Tyranid's Mandibles while steering through the Volley of unrelenting Attacks.

This Bug wasn't going to last long in air- he needed to get to that ship ASAP!

'There's a Service Jet Pod on City Hall Building right infront of you- You can use it to slingshot to my side', Coral spoke again.

Aavesh then immediately beheaded the Karkoyle and used it as a Temporary Platform to Jump onto the Roof of the Said Building.

There he Saw a Cargo Pod Shooter and a Direction Pad right next to it.

He immediately entered the Instructions onto the Direction Pad by mind - Cyberkinesis- Ideally he should be able to do it but it wasnt supposed to be so easy.

He rushed to the Ejection Chamber and opened the pod by mind, He then threw the Leftover junk within the Pod out and sat in as he felt the Building Tremble.

Obviously the Amassed Tyranid Horde was on his Ass and he had to leave Right now.

He closed the Pod and commanded the HAIL Procedure to begin, the Device Positioned itself and began to Charge.

At that moment Hundreds of Tyranids had climbed onto the Roof and Aimed for Ejection Chamber.



Aavesh quickly grabbed a handle as he felt the Outer Sphere of the Cargo Pod Rotate Extremely Fast, It was about to Eject.


A Huge Explosion took place and Tyranids within the Path of the Pod were Smashed to Paste instantly.

The Pod Shot out with a Sonic Boom and even destroyed a Spore Dropship in it's path to the Black Tower.

Aavesh hung on for dear life, normal Humans were not supposed to use this pod for transport at all, but somehow- His Body was able to Tank the Lethal Force within the Pod...

Within Seconds the Pod crashed into it's destination.


Aavesh kicked the door open and found he had landed in the Basement of a Mega Building.

'Use the Elevator, 50m East'

He immediately turned east and ran to the Elevator as he felt a Tremor run through the Building.

He controlled the Access doors with his mind and immediately got in, setting it to reach the Roof.

But the Tremors only got stronger.

As the Elevator went up several Floors, He saw a Goliath Sized Tyranid through the Transparent Window of the Elevator.

At the same Time the Tyranid's beady eyes stared right at him.



It Yelled out furiously as it's Claw aimed right at the Elevator.

By absolute Instinct Aavesh broke through one of the Side Windows and caught onto a slippery ledge - narrowly missing the Gigantic Claw.

'The Hive Tyrant's found you- Run through to Roof Aavesh!', Coral Yelled.

'Run?', Aavesh felt momentarily confused but the word seemed to trigger an instinct Within him which he allowed.

His body flexed on the Ledge and propelled him upwards as Blue and Silver lights flashed out of his Body-

He was able to run upwards and jumped to another side as the Hive Tyrant Claws struck again.


Aavesh wasted no time and began to run even faster upwards, casually defying the Laws of Physics.

Up, he could see the Massive Archeotech Ship on the Roof, opening it's Cannons.

'Duck to another Side!', Coral Yelled in his mind again and he jumped to the other side of the Building and continued Upwards.


A massive Pulse of Energy hit back at the Hive Tyrant pushing it away while also destroying several city Blocks.

Aavesh could feel the Building 's foundations shake at the Blast- He was almost there,

Just then hundreds of thousands Tyranids Erupted from the Ground- all roaring for his Blood.

Aavesh didn't dare to turn and look back, he felt something else lock onto him- something invisible.

'Shit, A Lictor's tagged you !Aavesh-', Coral suddenly spoke out to warn him.

A Hatch on the Ship opened up and Aavesh grit his Teeth as he felt a Terrifying creature rush towards him-

His instincts kicked in again and veins spread across his Body as he caught onto another ledge just a few floors away from the Hatch...

Just as Creature burst out from stealth it's jaws about to Clamp down him did he propel himself forward - right into the Hatch of the Ship.

"Exterminatus Protocol Online", Coral's Voice sounded out of the Ship it.

"Remote Detonation of the Device has commenced", She spoke out again.

Far off in the Distance, all the Tyranids turned their heads to look at a Massive Blue Orb of Energy appearing from the Ground.

It Exploded soundlessly as it swallowed the Entire Planet as the Ship left the Atmosphere and reached Orbit.

"Commencing Warp Jump in 3 2... 1"


A Void Bubble surrounded The Archeotech Ship and it jumped through space to an unknown Destination, as the Blue Energy exploded out into the System itself, wiping out all Biological Lifeforms.