Chereads / Infinite Cosmic Knight / Chapter 140 - Soul Battle - Will Breaker

Chapter 140 - Soul Battle - Will Breaker

The Tenth Tyrant's voice then distorted and he began to speak in double like two entities were speaking.

"" Do you think it makes any difference if you know about Diabolus Inmortuae? You are just going to die anyway ""

"I know your Weakness very well-", Aavesh grinned Maliciously at the Tenth Tyrant.

"" Oh - Care to tell me? "",The Tenth Tyrant spoke with a strange smile.

"Tch Tch Tch how could I spoil such a good thing", Aavesh smiled with an even stranger smile as he too now emanated killing intent.

"" Hehehahahaha!! Know why my name is the Will Breaker Tyrant? I break the Will of the strongest and devour their flesh and blood while my undead Infernal Soul claims the soul of my victim- You have no Idead what's it like to have your soul claimed, to be part of my undead Infernal Legion!"", The Will Breaker Tenth Tyrant spoke with a cruel tone, hinting that Aavesh would be next.

Aavesh didn't speak back as he then squinted his eyes sharply at the Tenth Tyrant.

' Coral- what are undead most afraid of? Positive Divine Energy, Holy Light, Tribulation Lightning, Samsara Death Fire, Bodhi Wood and Blessed Life Water being the primary method to Wreak havoc on them'

'I currently Have Tribulation Lightning and can try creating Samsara Death Fire', Aavesh mentally spoke to her.

'But the other souls- there's a literal Legion of Powerful Souls within that Undead's control - and not to mention the 8 Oblivion Blessed Souls under the Devil's control - Not to mention their combined Soul Cultivation has reached Stage 8.0- Aavesh why don't we start an escape plane- We can still tear a rift and drift I to the Endless Astral Plane'

' You will be the one who goes into the Astral Plane', Not me- I won't be able to escape even if I wanted to, Our Host is a Demigod, it's not too hard to enter the Astral Plane but he will simply stop the Dimensional Barriers from Tearing - So you will escape, if things go Bad', Aavesh immediately replied back making Coral instantly depressed.

'Do you have any plans? I won't leave without helping you- atleast there must be a way to win right?',Coral asked , unwilling to simply leave.

' There is a way- Can the Energy Cartridge in Black Volt withstand other Elements apart from Oblivion Energy?', Aavesh queried as a cunning plan took shape quickly in his mind.

'It can hold Other Elements but not for long- Black Volt won't be as Powerful anymore, Aavesh you are not thinking about ', Coral seemed to have an inkling of Aavesh's thoughts.

' A Soul Battle means we fight without our Bodies right, I need you to Control my body and blast the shit out of the Undead Devil with Black Volt- besides - that conniving Tyrant should have a similar idea, Our Bodies may become an unintentional weakness in our fight but both of us want to take advantage of this weakness! But I will give him no such chance- Do it at my command-', Aavesh replied back with an evil smile.

' Leave it to me, I can autonomously move your body out of harm's way in this fight- I'll make sure he gets his Blast', Coral replied firmly to Aavesh's request.

This might be the only way to survive this fight-

'To destabilize the connection between their Merged Souls but only to threaten him- I don't want to die at the hands of a mini nuke', Aavesh thought.

Asmodeus's Pet Project was definitely used by the Forbidden Devil God on a very large scale in the alternate timeline.

He'd killed hundreds of these freaks- well at that time he had access to stuff like Blessed Life Water and Holy Light, being incharge of Logistics.

But killing them with these Elements was always a Pain, instead the Resistance found out a very nasty little secret in Asmodeus's Grand Chapel- these Undead Devils could actually be killed very easily - Just destabilize the connection between the Fused Souls and you get a big Boom enough to wipe everything below Stage 10.0 .

From then on the Resistance tried to use this little weakness but it was already too late until the Soul Destabilization Secret had been found.

Aavesh was one of the few who actually bothered to learn it and used it to essentially make mini Nukes out of these Undead Devils.

Though all good things don't last for long, the Resistance couldn't rise up- the numbers were already depleted beyond recovery.

It was simply futile but now...

""Say your goodbyes and last wishes for when I flip this coin, your soul and spirit shall leave your body to meet your doom at my- Our hands"", The Will Breaker Tyrant spoke in a rather 'generous' tone.

The Audience watched eyes wide open- not willing to miss a single moment.

'Aavesh do you really have to do this? How are you going to defend and hold on?',Coral asked worriedly, although she had gotten a rough idea on Aavesh's plan but after seeing the tenth Tyrant she still hesitated.

To this Aavesh smiled bitterly and replied back,' My third Eye- it's not just a part of my Physical Body, it's a part of my spirit as well'

With that Coral's Eyes widened and she spoke Tremblingly,' I don't know much about your third eye but I know enough that if you use the Spiritual Aspect in the Astral World, your Physical Third Eye would definitely overheat! Aavesh have you thought this true? The Damage your body will recieve will be on a spiritual level! You will have to live with the pain until you reach stage 10! Are you absolutely sure?'

'Yes', Aavesh uneasily replied, but steeled his resolve on using his Third Eye Spiritually.

There was a reason why the Third Eye Opened at the Mortal Level was feared.

Because the One opened at Mortal Level was said to be blessed by The Archaic Gods themselves.

But if you opened your third eye after starting Cultivation - it was simply normal and let you see the Spiritual Aspects of the Astral World, it could be enhanced after Using special Techniques but it could never ever be similar to the One opened at the Mortal State.

For most Cultivators and New Gods it was just a Legend, as only a single Archaic God was said to have one.

The New Gods who had already witnessed Aavesh opening his Third Eye but still didn't believe that much in it's ridiculously Overpowered nature and simply attributed as Aavesh being extremely talented and having immense Potential.

Aavesh on the other hand had the Third Eye and could obviously sense some of it's obvious properties.

But even he barely knew how terrifying it was and for the Time being he managed to find out two things with the help of his Mental Augmentations-

One that- it's potency would only Become stronger and stronger when he was in darkness and when he was in a state of Extreme Rage.

Two- It would grow along with his Cultivation level in all 4 Aspects, Mythic Power, Soul, Energy and Body.

He had to grow stronger and upgrade his Augmentations if he wanted to learn more about his own Third Eye.

"" Don't waste time- just nod your head if you are ready or let me behead you and be done with it"", The Will Breaker Tyrant grew impatient upon seeing Aavesh's silence and spoke overbearingly.

Aavesh nodded and readied himself for the Array's Activation.

The Will Breaker Tyrant then simply took out a Piece of Paper with Unique Runes inscribed upon it and tore it with a Malevolent Grin.

Soul Battle Commence!


Meanwhile Vishwa and the others saw this and their hearts Tightened.

This was the Most Dangerous Tyrant of them all, 8 Extremely Talented Adhi Boys had already died at that Freak's hand!

Vishwa and Eitra gazed at eachother, gave the order to pause the fighting, the reserve forces were almost Annihilated anyway.

It didn't make any difference for them to let a few Infernal dogs live.

What was important was Aavesh.

If Aavesh actually won, despite it being extremely slim, Aavesh would become something more than just an ordinary kid- he would become the Symbol of a Long overdue War.

His Victory would cement in that Khorramzadeh was not an Infallible being, causing a new wave of Resistance to rise up!

Because they knew- that Khorramzadeh's deal with the Shaitaan entailed that one who survived his Trials and would end up challenging him in the Century Long Ceremony of Divine Reckoning for the Throne of the Adhi Empire!

But on the flip side, His Loss would would be catastrophic and signify that Khorramzadeh was untouchable- that Resistance was futile against such a Powerful Person - that whatever Crusades or Devil Slaying Meetings they held, it didn't matter at all.

This was no longer just a simple Ten Tyrants Program - This had evolved into the battle between Dignity and Slavery, between Freedom and Tyranny, between Good and Evil.

Even Roden and the Heads of Other Neutral Factions tuned into the Final Fight to see the result.

Roden almost spat blood and looked enraged along with a certain Trickster when they saw their Son Chu Feng Appear as the Surprise New Ninth Tyrant but then calmed down upon seeing that he was only playing around.

Nevertheless they needed to keep track on this unfilial Brat lest he caused a major upheaval again.

Their Fleets had long been poised to intercept incase Khorramzadeh dared to take things too far...

The heads of the Evil Human Mythic Factions had a strange light in their eyes when they saw Aavesh and gnashed their Teeth while complaining that Khorramzadeh had gained another interesting toy.

All in all most of the General Audience was Pumped for seeing this rather Surprisingly Wild Program- Their economic wealth was on the line here.

Within just a few hours A few Quadrillion Galactic Credits had shifted out- Now the Stakes were getting more and more serious as Universal Coins began to enter into the Fray...

A few million Universal coins were enough to represent the Economy of a Rich Star Country in the Outer Rings.

One could only imagine the immense scale of wealth being splurged on this bet.


Darkness Engulfed Aavesh and he felt a sense of temporary detachment from his Body- but surprisingly, his connection to his Augmentations remained.

He was now in a spirit version of himself with a glowing Soul Orb within his Translucent spirit head, his spirit Body radiated Soft but cold Blue light with a hint of silver within it.

Opposite to him lay a Monstrous Spiritual Amalgamation of two completely different beings, A Dark Golden Spirit Body filled with Reddish Orange Chains and Dark Neon Green Misty Tendrils.

The head of the being was essentially a Demi Lich fused with to an Infernal Devil- their Soul Orbs were extremely intertwined with each other but this was under the influence of a some ritual of some kind - Created by Asmodeus no doubt, to spite free will of all beings.

This was the Spirit form of the Will Breaker Tyrant or whatever the fuck it was.

The Spirit form wouldn't last long as the soul needed to go back to the body soon, otherwise death was only Outcome.

'You disappoint me Mindbreaker- is this the measly Spirit form your body could conjure?', The Will Breaker Tyrant taunted him and immediately blasted out rays of Dark Green Undeath Flame.


Dark Grey Death Energy covered Aavesh's spirit form from head to toe as he calmly gazed at the Will Breaker Tyrant's attacks and welcomed them.

The Dark Green Flames simply blasted at Aavesh and dissipated as he was unaffected by it due to Death Energy Shielding him.

'Such Pure Death Energy? And you didn't even think of actually using it for yourself?- you could have been an excellent Necromancer if you turned your Death Energy into Undeath- Maybe a Lich even- but you are foolish, you can't grasp opportunities at all! ', Saying this, the Will Breaker Tyrant then unleashed a literal Storm of Undeath Energy which enveloped Aavesh's spirit form.

Suddenly An Invisible Blast Erupted from Aavesh as his Current Spirit Form had Black Oblivion Rings Revolving around him.

The Rings Radiated out Nothingness and nullified Undeath Energy that was directed at Aavesh.

'My Turn', Aavesh spoke and Tribulation Lightning snakes manifested around his palms which he then directed at the Will Breaker Tyrant's Spirit form.


An Oblivion Barrier had formed infront of the Tyrant as he stared at Aavesh with a knowing smile, Nullifying the Tribulation Lightning.

Then from his Towering Spirit form- 8 Pairs of Black Bony claws emerged from his body as disfigured spirits with chained collars emerged out- Each Radiating an Aura of Nothingness.

His Right Predecessors - had become mindless Evil spirits after Soul level Torture for thousands of years.

At the same time Aavesh felt thousands of Malicious gazes surrounding them-

The Undead Spirit Legion under the control of Demi Lich part of the Will Breaker Tyrant had already arrived.

Aavesh felt the Pressure immensely now- One misstep and he would be torn to shreds.

'What do you think Mind Breaker? Do you dare to fight now? CAN YOU BEAT A LEGION!'


'Coral do it now!', Aavesh suddenly yelled.

'Who's Coral?- AHHHHHHH!', The Will Breaker Tyrant yelled in Pain as Aavesh rushed at him.

In Reality- Aavesh's Body under Coral's Control,was blasting the Body of the Will Breaker Tyrant with Black Volt- Causing Connection to the Body become slightly unstable.

As the Will Breaker Tyrant was stunned for a moment - Aavesh rushed forward and the Other Evil Spirits went berserk and began to move towards Aavesh.

The 8 Mind Breaker Spirits Immediately assaulted Aavesh as they were the nearest to him.

'My Predecessors you've all Suffered long enough, let Samsara help you'

Light Grey Rings of Samsara Surrounded Aavesh as he dodged an Oblivion Claw attack and caught the arm of the Tortured Adhi Mindbreaker, while letting a small wisp of Samsara Energy fester into him.

According to Ancient Buddhist Texts he had read while researching Soul based combatants - Samsara Energy should soothe and calm tortured souls making them docile.

But what he didn't know was that Even Samsara Energy had degree of Purity depending upon Elemental Affinity.

Aavesh had Perfect Elemental Affinity with Death, Samsara and Oblivion which was Monstrous!

So what would happen if an Extremely Pure wisp of Samsara Energy is infused into a Tortured and Imprisoned Soul?

Aavesh was about to find out unintentionally.





Aavesh dodged the fast attacks of the Dead Mindbreaker Spirits while attaching Wisps of Samsara Energy into them whenever he could while he made his way to the still dazed Will Breaker Tyrant.



The Undead legion suddenly roared in Unison and were about to attack Aavesh together as the Will Breaker Tyrant slowly broke out of his dazed State.

Aavesh grit his Teeth and leaped towards the towering Will Breaker Tyrant in a final attempt to get to his head.

As several of Spirit hands caught Aavesh, his hands finally reached the Neck anf held strong.

Their claws dug into Aavesh's spirit causing several wounds to reflect back on his True Body which lay on Pentagram.

'What's the point of all this?', The Will Breaker Tyrant snarled at Aavesh, wanting to rip off of his head.

His large hands grab mbed Aavesh's small Frame and infused Undeath Energy directly into him, causing Aavesh to bleed Black Undead blood from his Seven orifices.

Aavesh flickering spirit then smiled sinisterly at the Will Breaker Tyrant, and opened his Third Eye.


'YAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH', Aavesh roared and focused the devastating White Beam emitted by his Third Eye in it's spiritual form on to the Head of the Will Breaker Tyrant.

Lightning blasted onto the Will Breaker Tyrant's Neck-





Successive Massive Explosions of White Light engulfed the Astral Plane surrounding Aavesh and the Will Breaker Tyrant.


The Will Breaker Tyrant saw the chains linking to the 8 Deceased Adhi Mindbreakers snap as White Light emanated out of them.

*Door Opening

A massive Vertical Door with a symbol of a Trishul opened up and these 8 Souls flew into it- finally free from the Tyranny of this Tyrant and Khorramzadeh!

'Noooooooooooo', The Will Breaker Tyrant screamed out and his Aura instantly Weakened and tried to shake off Aavesh, but he held on tightly.

Aavesh's Eyes Glowed one Silver and Blue, brimming with his Mythic Powers, as he held against the Undeath Energy assaulting him at catastrophic speeds.

' Yield you Bastard!', Aavesh furiously growled and increased the intensity of the Third Eye's Destructive White Beam, uncaring about the intense flame burning the face of his true body as Coral tried her best to remedy the situation.

Despite knowing that it would melt his face, he used the full power of his Third Eye bearing the Burning Pain of his Physical body, knowing and accepting the consequences of such an action.

When he had destabilized the Spirit part of the Tyrant's head , he quickly closed his Third Eye and tried to Pierce into the damaged Spirit form head but failed as he could not reach the soul or so easily.

'Aaaaahhh you! What are you doing!?', The Will Breaker Tyrant bellowed but Aavesh ignored this and his Spirit form hand glowed with Silver Legend Mythic Power and he finally pierced onto the head of the Abomination of a person the Undead Devil was.

How to make a mini nuke out of Undead Devils? Just fucking find the Amalgamation Crystal hidden close to the soul and just fucking break it.

Aavesh did just that and ripped into the Spirit Form of the Tyrant with his Silvery hand and managed to find the Crystal- and clutched tightly around it- causing small cracks to form around it.

'Wait! WAIT! WAIT! LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS!', The Will Breaker Tyrant sensing fatal danger immediately spoke up to stop Aavesh from doing anything.

He even stopped infusing Undeath Energy and didn't move an inch.

Aavesh then spoke with bloodthirst,'You move a muscle I will crush this crystal and we both can can go to Duat!'

'What do you want?!', The Tyrant spoke out in a more submissive tone.

'The Trial Ends - You lose, You end the Ritual and if you make any move against me or others close to me, you die as you will swear a Cosmic Oath to all of these conditions or I crush it - the moment you even try to hurt my soul - I will still crush it and you know what happens then', Aavesh demanded ruthlessly.

'You - You are too much!', The Tyrant bellowed but still swore a cosmic oath upon seeing Aavesh's Bloodthirsty Eyes.

Aavesh let a small sliver of Renegade Aeon Mythic Power and Probed the Exact Astral Frequency of the Amalgamation Crystal.

So how to make it a bomb, Aavesh would have to use the Mythic Power which was unaligned and could be passed of simple Remnant of Spiritual Will.

He infused a sliver of Legend Mythic Power into the crystal and made the Tyrant think that he was simply probing it as a threatening measure, with this Aavesh would have a half a day before the Legend Mythic Power was removed from the crystal.

Why? Insurance and the fact that it could not be sensed at all in the right sense.

The best kind of trick is to mix half truths with half lies after all- then you will never know what is the complete Picture.

He then let go and slowly backed away from this dormant nuclear bomb of Mythic Proportions.

As both of them were now away from each other in a safe distance, the Will Breaker Tyrant seemed to comply with his oath, he drew out a Spirit Paper inscribed with Counter Runes.

But before Tearing it apart, he asked curiously,' How did you beat us- You haven't even reached Stage 1.0 but we are several stages ahead of you, so how did you do it? Satisfy my curiosity- after all you have won right? '

Aavesh's spirit form gazed at him briefly before deciding that it wouldn't be bad to let the nuclear Bomb know why it lost and explained,' I asked- which one was I speaking to- I checked who was the dominant one among you, It was you Infernal Devil- not the Undead Demi Lich, if the Undead Demi Lich was the dominant one- I would scheme against your Physical Body'

'But since you were the dominant one- Your Soul Cultivation was simply disappointing, Your Amalgamation Crystal may have given you the Authority and control over the Demi Lich's Powerful Abilities but you couldn't even use 20% of it', Aavesh expanded the core problem out.

' You had the Aura of a Superior Soul Cultivation - but I broke through it easily, because you never focused on the Soul side of things- You could've strengthened your 'new' soul but you didn't, because you were afraid of losing 'yourself', you decided to just flail your New fused Mythic Powers at me'

'The biggest issue is your condition, your new 'state of existence '- You think you have become invincible but in actuality, you are only invincible to those who don't know your true condition, if anyone finds out the truth behind your condition - even a mortal could kill you, you are just unlucky because you met me', Aavesh stopped after saying that as he sensed something suddenly change.

An inaudible gasp left his mouth.

The Devil suddenly smiled and started to applaud like a seasoned tutor,

'As expected - to not only use wisdom and intellect to beat 'me' but also have the Will to make the most difficult choice, you knew using your third eye in this impossible situation was the only way out yet it would cost you deeply'

'Your Physical face has practically melted from the center from overuse- you didn't show the pain inflicted upon your spirit form, that is satisfactory '

'You got rid of the Oblivion Advantage by somehow taking the Souls from my grasp, quite opportunistic '

'You bore the full brunt of Undeath Energy into your spirit form and resisted not through some divine faith but with your own Will'

Each explanation after explanation made Aavesh shudder involuntarily, his blood had run cold as he suddenly felt a web of a schemes entangling him- again.

This was a crushing blow to his self confidence against Devils, he had dealt with them before but never had he dealt with Devils so manipulative and cunning as the ones before him.

' Khorramzadeh arranged this charade - didn't he?', Aavesh spoke up slowly.

'Yes- do you want me to educate you or will tell me what Khorramzadeh did?', The Will Breaker Tyrant smiled and asked back, staring Aavesh with a scrutinizing gaze.

'All of those Tyrants - all of them before you were to Test me - for certain - Aspects... But they were also a deliberate Plot to lull me into letting me think I was winning but Khorramzadeh was already a step ahead- He - He paved the way for my victories...', Aavesh spoke Tremblingly as he began to piece together information and clues- his Spirit form actually shuddering now.

'You- you could've killed me in fraction of a second - but you didn't, Khorramzadeh was testing - no - he was examining my limits, infact he's been doing this since the start- he was guiding me to this particular outcome', the more Aavesh spoke, the more his his heart felt unsettled - something big was about to happen, and he had walked right into Khorramzadeh's palm.

He held his face as he tried to process this- he had been tricked again, but why-why-WHY?!

'You thought you had the upper hand when dealing with an Archduke of Naraka? That's what they all think- they think that they can remain free when they dance with Devil but when you dance with the Devil, it is he who leads the orchestra and all of your moves are but outcomes of the Divine Symphony devised', The Will Breaker Tyrant spoke eloquently.

Aavesh silently stared at the Tenth Tyrant and the Tenth Tyrant continued, ' It was a play after all- I acted so well after all, letting you touch my Amalgamation Crystal which was the most Weakest part of me, was simply my way of demonstrating how far I am willing to go for the Lord!'

'So all of my moves, probing and Threatening the Amalgamation Crystal and leaving my spiritual will behind to threaten you was futile?', Aavesh suddenly asked.

'Yes it was all according to Plan, you know I will let you do your worst to my Amalgamation Crystal with that Little spiritual will of yours', The Devil shrugged and felt attempts to break the crystal by an invisible force but it was futile as the crystal had suddenly become extremely hard.

'Keep trying maybe you might make a crack...', The Devil chuckled but Aavesh stopped his attempts at breaking the crystal.

'Done already? Well then let's go back, The First and Only Champion of the Ten Tyrants Program', with that the Devil tore the Spirit paper and Aavesh felt a powerful pull back to the Material Universe, Back to his Body.




"Ahhhhhh!", Aavesh woke up with a huge burn mark around his Third Eye- which remained intact but the Flesh surrounding it had melted and charred down, there was faint spiritual light emanating from his burns.

But that was not it, his whole body had overheated and Aavesh could feel critical internal injuries within.


Aavesh then vomited out, Infected undead Blood and few parts of his internal organs that had been heavily damaged in this fight.

'Aavesh! Are you alright?', Coral immediately asked him now that he had returned.

'I am fine... He thought he won but I - I learn from my mistakes...', Aavesh replied back hoarsely with a somewhat broken smile.

How could an Amalgamation Crystal be broken by brute force? They could only be broken by the Resonance from it's Astral Frequency, Aavesh could now potentially destroy the crystal, but he had to let the Devil believe that he couldn't.

This was the only plan he could come up with to properly scheme against the Devil before him.

Moments later,

The Pentagram also dissipated, taking both the Arrays away.

The Will Breaker Tyrant also woke up and then stood up with a strange smile as he spoke," I congratulate you, Aavesh Adhi for being the first and only Mindbreaker to pass the Ten Tyrants Program!"



The Entire Galaxy was in an uproar!

"Time for your gift Aavesh", Khorramzadeh smiled and his shadow form exploded within the void, causing a Mini Portal from Naraka to open temporarily.

And out stepped Khorramzadeh's true body with a Subtle smile on his face.