"That's how you Create Star Essence Sara$=×¢$§¢π$°×`$°"
"Wow - You are the Best Brother!"
"djxhshaoIbdhzhdh- For you always-"
"£(+£--#^¥ Don't die#(£(_8£8"
"Little Sis#+£((£+#(+£+£ Love gshsjiehd5-2#"
Static Boom*
Aavesh's Eyes snapped open as he then gazed up to look at Sara Caressing his forehead.
He was lying on her lap and was slightly feverish. His face red with sweat and heavy breathing.
Sara helped him get up carefully and gave him a Transparent Crystalline glass of sparkling Iridescent Bluish Green Liquid...
"Diluted Star Essence Water- it will help with Headaches and other wounds"
He was having a splitting Headache and he was quite feverish.
Strange. With his healing abilities he should not be experiencing this.
Even Sara looked a bit perturbed at his condition, She tried to heal him several times but nothing worked... Which should be impossible...
Aavesh then took the Glass of Star Essence Water and slowly drank it down.
It was suprisingly Cold and Refreshing with a minty flavour with a little hint of ginger spice notes...
He instantly felt his headache go away and his body calmed down, slowly his fever also went away.
Now Aavesh began to notice his surroundings more clearly, He then saw that they were right below the Archway of Aeons, sitting right beside the Emerald Pool.
It was an incredible sight, it looked even more majestic at such a Close Distance. He took in the view and breathed in calmly as he closed his eyes to feel the soft spiritual stellar winds caress him.
But his mind wandered back for a moment- 'what was that strange memory ?' He could only hear some random gibberish yet- it felt made him feel sad and Empty at the same time.
But he could do nothing about it Now- This was some strange memory - It could be a potential infohazard! Aavesh immediately decided to focus his thoughts on something other than this and immediately thought of Eon.
That's when he realised, Eon was not here.
"Where's Eon?", He spoke out loud as worry filled his Heart. Eon was not in a Good condition when they left.
'Shit! So Stupid! I let my feelings take over and I forgot him! Damn it! I need to go back!'
"Eon is making his decision", Sara spoke out with a little forlorn tone.
"What? What decision?", Aavesh immediately asked her.
"He hasn't spoken about 'that' to you right?", Sara spoke with a soft sigh.
Eon you should have told him. She thought.
" 'That'? What is 'That' ? Why aren't you telling me this-?", Aavesh asked in a hoarse tone as his worries intensified.
"It's not my Secret to tell- Unfortunately Even if I wanted to-which I do want to-do", She replied with pain in her voice.
"And you won't tell him now", Eon 's voice sounded out all of a sudden.
Eon slowly emerged from the void, his form shaky- the contract between him and Aavesh seemed to Slightly disintegrate bit by bit.
Even Aavesh felt this. The connection between them was Weakening gradually. It wouldn't be long before the connection completely broke...
"Eon - What's happening to you? What's going on?", Aavesh immediately ran to him and tried to hold him but his hands phased through Eon's Spirit Body.
Aavesh froze.
Sara closed her eyes, with a sad expression.
"So you chose this- Why?"
"It's better this way- He'll suffer less", Eon spoke with a forlorn smile.
"Your Scaring Me Eon- Why won't you tell me?", Aavesh protested as his voice became shaky.
"Remember our Bet- Master Cosmic Force, You get the Answers * Cough cough ", Eon began to cough violently.
"No- Come on- Tell Me! I-", Aavesh begged him with a hoarse voice, but Eon resolutely shook his head.
"Cosmic Force First Answers Later!", Eon firmly spoke to Aavesh and would not budge an inch.
"FINE! I'll Learn it NOW!", Aavesh yelled back in frustration to Eon.
He then walked up to Sara and spoke with his head bowed, "You said you could help me- Can you help me learn Cosmic Force?"
Sara opened her eyes and gently spoke," OfCourse I will- But our Time is limited - Because Eon doesn't have long- You need to do it in One Go and follow My Instructions carefully - Ok?"
"Yes", Aavesh didn't hesitate to reply back.
He trusted both of them.
With his Life.
"See that waterfall? It's no Ordinary Waterfall- infact this Emerald lake is unordinary as well- Get right below the Waterfall and sit in a Lotus Position- If you are able to sit below it- then we can proceed further ", Sara immediately explained what he would have to do.
"Aavesh - Be warned, You should not use any of your Mythic Powers here- The Moment you use them- the monument will not let you move an inch further", She immediately warned him as he proceeded towards the Seemingly Shallow Pond.
"Good Luck", She spoke softly as Eon came and stood next to her, giving Aavesh a thumbs up.
Aavesh smiled at them and walked towards the Pond, inwardly he shifted his focus onto the Task ahead with immense Seriousness.
He then stepped onto the Pond- But as soon as he did, Aavesh felt a rush of Raw Full Elemental Energy - It entered from his Meridians with immense force.
Aavesh was immediately brought to his Knees with great Pain coursing through his Existence itself!
Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth, Light, Dark, Wind, Lightning- everything hit him at once! It gave him paralysing Pain that stopped him in Place...
The Elemental Energy was extremely Pure and Strong here. He couldn't move an inch without his Existence shaking. By Existence - it was the very fabric of body that threatened to collapse, every inch of his inner Energy under extreme pressure due to the Raw Elemental Energy coursing wildly through his Meridians!
His Body seemed to be experiencing an extreme form of Gravity, causing him to bleed from his Seven Orifices. *Crack His Bones creaked from the immense gravitational pressure that came from an invisible source.
The Worst Part was his Soul- He began to hear soft whispers of the Elemental Spirits, these whispers were not like a regular whispers- They began to drive his Mind Crazy!
It didn't let him use the Power of his Soul Constitution!
Aavesh was shocked when he was unable to use it- He felt extremely vulnerable and felt like an important limb had just disappeared.
This caused immense Panic in his heart and he instinctively used both of his Mythic Powers to protect himself.
But the moment he did, Aavesh felt an immense repulsive force throw him faraway from the Pond.
He literally was thrown away like a ragdoll.
He rolled around in various angles for a bit before finally stopping.
Light Bruises covered his skin as Aavesh stared up- his expression was one of terror, His Soul Constitution was turned off- almost like it didn't exist at all and Before he could even use his Mythic Powers, he was thrown away like a Hand flicking an annoying fly...
Aavesh began to slowly get up, but his eyes still had shock and fear.
He immediately tried to use this Soul Constitution again, The Multicolored Lightning flickered in his hand...
But it only gave him Little relief. He still gazed back at the Archway with shock.
'I am scared? What am I Without these Powers?- A Power Capable of completely stripping off My Soul Constitution? *Sigh I thought I was at the Peak in the Material World but compared to the Power in the Pond Below the Archway, I am nothing but a Waste...', He kept staring at the Archway silently, a few moments later he walked back towards the Emerald Pond a bit cautiously.
"He's finally being challenged in a realistic manner", Eon spoke as he observed the situation.
"A Great Mythic Warrior relies on the inner self first- The Spirit Within- But Aavesh's spirit is very rudimentary - despite him recieving memories from another Timeline - Eon You've only taught him bits and pieces of this concept, He's got a long way before he becomes a real substantial threat to his opponents", Sara spoke as she observed Aavesh's critical Flaws.
"He's still young, his spirit needs to develop with his own understanding - I have given a hint here and there, but I can't coddle him - Besides don't be too quick to assess", Eon spoke back.
"Hmmm? Are you telling me that I the Cosmic Will have not assessed Aavesh accurately? He's still very weak You know-", Sara immediately got a bit defensive.
"Says the Girl that needed his help to Thunderclap Eldritch Buttcheeks", Eon joked ruthlessly with her.
She immediately burst out laughing.
"Pffft Hahaha! Oh my, Eon when did you get such a morbid sense of Humor, I've always seen you as this stiff lovesick Naggy spirit key- ", Sara genuinely felt glad for Eon.
"My love for Yukti was that obvious huh?-"
"Anyone could see it from Light Years away"
They became silent for a while as they thought about Nostalgic Old Times.
"I've never confessed to Yukti"
"I could get her here- After all It's your-", Sara became a bit down but offered to help, Eon however shook his head.
"I don't want her to see me like this- It's why I stopped using the Common Council Dimension", Eon replied with a heavy tone.
"Eon... there might be a way, But fine if you don't want to listen that's your choice", Sara tried but seeing his half dead Eyes, she stopped.
"We both been trapped for So long- You need to heal as well, I know how horrible it is - To be alone, stuck, with all that Power and not being able to do anything- *Haaah You must go to Kronos immediately after this- He'll notice the difference right away and protect you while you recuperate ", Eon spoke up and then turned his attention back to Aavesh who had walked back to the Bank of the Emerald Pond.
'No special Powers- Nothing but me... Ok Let's do this', With that Aavesh stepped again into the Pond.