Chereads / The second incarnation of the god of creation. / Chapter 95 - So many questions with no answers.

Chapter 95 - So many questions with no answers.

A scene played before me like a movie showing a beautiful scenery of vast mountain range beneath the blue cloudy skies, the light of the dazzling sun shone brightly above the mountains.

On the eastern side of the mountain there stood a magnificent looking castle that towered high above the trees of the forest.

The castle was approximately 500 meters tall and 600 cm in width.

It was painted in a dark brown colour and had many different windows that overlooked the entire forest outside.

Suddenly the scenes changes, showing the beautiful interior of the castle.

On the ceilings which looked like it was made from the finest pearl hung many different chandeliers which brightened up the room.

My gazed wondered around as I observed my surroundings, I notice the white castle walls were decorated with many different paintings. Showing a beautiful art works of forest cityscapes and several unfamiliar people.

On one such painting showed a handsome man with slightly long blonde coloured haired standing beside a beautiful woman with long peach-coloured hair.

Judging from their smiling expressions It's easy for me to guess what kind of relationship they had as they also seemed fairly close.

But, that woman why does she feels so familiar?

An unknown emotion burnt deeply inside my chest seeing the woman painted on the portrait but whatever emotion that was is unclear to me.

On the wall next to that painting there was a drawing of a strange and unfamiliar symbol. The symbol had a triangle along with a circle going around the three sides of the triangle.

(Hmmm.... strange why does it feels like I've seen that symbol from somewhere?)

I wondered while staring at the symbol curiously, even though it should be the first time I'm seeing this symbol I can't shake the strange feeling I was having.

The scenery changed once again.

Inside another one of the rooms of the castle two men were standing facing each other.

One of the men had slightly long, blonde-coloured hair while the other had slightly long black-coloured hair, the man with blonde hair donned a golden robe while the man with black hair donned a white robe.

I recognize the man with blonde hair as he is the same guy, I saw on that painting but, I had no clue who the man with black hair was.

"Tch, is there really not another way to stop the cataclysm without destroying the stone of origin?"

The blonde-haired man asked frowning.

"No there is no other way, that stone is the root of all evil. It must be destroyed."

The black-haired man replied calmly. Hearing his blunt response, the blonde-haired man clenched his fist with a grievance expression. He held down his head as if lost in thought.

"But if that stone is destroyed then... she will."

She will parish alongside it is what he wanted to say.

".... I swore that I would protect her."

The blonde-haired man muttered still lowering down his head. The black-haired man raised an eyebrow seeing his reaction.

"Heh, you really have become soft elder brother. Spending so much time living amongst human has weakened your ideals and value. We were born from the very concept of 'Creation' and 'Destruction' yet instead of thinking about the very thing you were born for, your thinking about the well being of a single mortal... how laughable."

The black-haired man scoffed.

"The stone of origin exist to bring harm to this universe, it should be erased without fail but, if you refuse to do your job and allow such a thing to continue existing then I shall take it upon myself and destroy everything myself, am I clear."

The black-haired man said in a clear voice without a trace of emotion.

The blonde-haired man could only sigh once he had heard the words of the black-haired man.

His gold-coloured eyes carried traces of sadness within them.

But soon after all that disappeared as if it was all a lie.

He then raised his head as he stared into the red eyes of the black-haired man with determination.

"I am the god of creation, as long as I exist this universe shall exist. The worlds I create is my domain and the living beings born from my power are my precious children. Those who made the mistake of threating the things I create shall not be spared, not even my own brother."

The blonde-haired man said as he narrowed his golden eyes dangerously.

Golden aura seeped through surrounding his body but, the black-haired man held his tongue with an indifferent face even against the killing intent of the god of creation.

"Sigh, even if your precious creations bring harm to our existence?"

The black-haired man asked cocking his head curiously.

"Che, my creations exist for the sake of this universe. It's true that the stone of origin carries inside it a power that could easily destroy gods but, as long as that power isn't used against us it doesn't matter, does it? I definitely will not allow her to die... no matter who it is that tries to force my hands I shall obliterate any who wish for the destructions of the things I create!"

The god of creation roared. Bright golden aura spread out as if to devour everything but, just then a terrifying silver aura engulf the surroundings and clashed with the golden aura. The black-haired man's glowing red eyes narrowed.



A tremendous shockwave burst outwards with the god of creation and the god of destruction standing in the centre as the room shook violently and the sky trembled as though the end of the world had come.

Small spatial cracks appeared as the dimensions was unable to handle the auras of the god of creation and the god of destruction.

"Is that so, just like how you have things precious to you I also have something very precious to me as well. And I won't allow anyone to get in the way of what I wish to protect, not even you. If you don't do something about that stone, then the neutrality that you and I have will no longer be valid, am I clear?"

The black-haired man asked. Even though his face is still calm a dangerous glint could be seen in his eyes.

In terms of strength the god of destruction was far more destructive and powerful but, the god of creation wasn't to be underestimated. If the two were to fight it could easily result in the destruction of both side which is why they stayed neutral until now since none had the advantage over the other.

With creation there is and will always be destructions. As the way of life wherever there is life death follows.

The two could never truly counter the other.

"I don't know about the other gods and goddesses but, everything I do is for the sake of our existence so don't misunderstand my objective."

The god of creation replied retracting his aura before any more damage could be done to the world.

"Very well do as you please but, if there ever come a time where I think that you're not committed to your duties and putting the life of a single mortal over your own job as 'The god of creation' then.... I'll personally take matters into my own hands and destroy everything myself. As for the stone of origins do what you will with it as long as it doesn't interfere with me."

The black-haired man said calmly before turning his back, his white robe fluttered gently as he left.

(This... what is this? Is it really a dream? But this isn't the dream I usually have, and that guy said he is the god of creation... don't tell me I'm going to start dreaming about that guy now too)

I stared blankly at the blonde-haired man's face. While I don't quite understand what's happening here this is a good chance to learn about the person who created the world, Alya and the other spirits.

After talking with the black-haired man, the god of creation left that room and head out to another room, the room was much smaller than the first but in terms of design it wouldn't lose.

On top of a small wooden table there was a small box the blonde-haired man slowly opened the box and stared at a small white oval shaped stone that shone like the stars in the night sky.

Soon the god of creation touch the stone, and my vision was dyed by the blinding light of the stone of origin.


"Har..u ... ot."

"Mas... ter."

As my blurry consciousness started to come back, I heard two familiar voices calling my name... my eyelids slowly opened as I raised my upper body.

"Haruto, are you feeling, okay?"

".... Yeah, I am."

I replied drowsily... though that strange dream still continued to play inside my head leaving me with many questions.

That black haired man, was he really the God of destruction?

Does that mean the God of creation and the God of destruction were actually brothers, then?

What is the stone of origin?

And why did he say that it was the root of all evil?

What connection did that stone had with that peach-haired woman?

And more importantly, who was that woman?

The two of them seemed fine then so, what could have caused them to start fighting?

The void said that God of destruction started destroying everything which caused the gods to team up but, could that thing the 'Stone of origin' have caused it?

And that woman he keeps talking about.

And that castle, does it still exist right now? I only saw a glimpse of the exterior but, maybe I can find it sometime in the future. There are too many questions but little to no answers.

The only one who can answer my questions now is the green-haired beauty sitting next to me right now but, she definitely won't talk.

My eyes stared at Alya who was sitting only a few meters from me.

"Hm? is there something wrong?"

Alya asked tilting her head.

"No, it's nothing."

I said shaking my head. There is no point in asking her since she won't talk and forcing her won't do any good either since she'll probably just go back to her spirit form to escape.

I scanned my surrounding only to be shocked at what I saw.

The entire interior of the cave has completely been destroyed; the wall of the cave has various cracks spreading across it, the giant body of the four-eyed spider's body is burnt greatly exposing its flesh while blue flames engulf its body.

"What happened here?"

I asked turning to Nikita who was sitting down next to me. However, hearing my sudden question she only cocked her head in confusion.

"What do you mean what happened here... you were the one who did that, didn't you?"

"Huh? Me you say no I-I don't remember doing something like this."

I replied bewildered from her responds. If I had done something like this, I'm sure I would have remembered doing so.

But no matter how hard I thought about it I can't think about doing it.

I then turned to Alya who was playing with a strand of her soft green hair.

When our eyes met, she let out a chuckled as she said.

"Fufufu, If I remember correctly, you easily defeated that four-eyed spider in your sleep."

She said cheerfully. Huh, I defeated that spider in my sleep is that even possible, I wondered dubiously.

Something about her words seem rather off to me but, if she deliberately made that up then I don't think she would be willing to talk even if I pressured her and so I heaved a tired sigh before getting up.

"Hm, hey is Ben going to be, okay?"

I inquired after seeing the unconscious body of Ben laying on the ground a short distance away.

"Yeah, I have already healed him with healing spirit arts, so don't worry he should be waking up again shortly."

Alya answered with a smile. Nikita nodded her head in confirmation.

Seeing that, I went to take a look at the body of the four-eyed spider.

But the blue-coloured flames which illuminated the dusky cave caught my attention.

The middle of its body has been gouged out as though someone had taken out a large chunk of flesh from its back, there were also many holes there in the size of a fist... it was obvious that was probably caused by the silver fox, Nikita but, what are those flames?

The heat was so intense that even though I wasn't particularly near I could still feel the intensity of the flames burning my skin.

Even the highest degree of fire magic definitely wouldn't be able to compete with that.

One could only imagine the level of pain that four-eyed spider must have endured.

"I must say I didn't know you could use a magic of that level; it seems I really underestimated you."

Nikita said as her nine silver tails swayed gently; her crimson eyes glittered faintly as she watches my expression.

But... did I really do this?

"Erm, well... I guess maybe I did it subconsciously."

I answered somewhat awkwardly. Honestly, I don't think I could have done something of this scale something else I'm not aware of must have happened here.

"And that dream things just keeps getting more and more confusing."