Chapter 46 - Encounter.

The Deki forest was in uproar, cries of various creatures sounded all over the vicinity. I turned my head to the sound of the rustling of the bushes.


A large black wolf jumped out while running frantically through the forest. The wolf was so terrified that it didn't even notice our presence.

"Umm… is there a reason the monsters are so agitated?"

I asked completely confused.

"I don't know, this is the first for me too."

Alya said gazing in the direction of where the wolf ran off. She made an expression as though troubled.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, not really I just… can't help but feel we're being watched."

Alya said while gazing into the far distance. I subconsciously followed her gazed but all I could see was a huge mountain. It was impossible for me to see directly what was on top, however Alya's green eyes narrowed faintly.

"Did you see anything?"

I asked curiously.

"No… I didn't, unfortunately, but maybe it was just my imagination. We should continue."

Alya said showing a gentle smile.

"… yes."

I said with a wry smile.

We both continue moving passing many different fields and lake, the Deki forest was really massive, I honestly don't want to stay too long inside this forest. If it comes down to it, I guess it would be better for us to fly.

"… Sigh, my dress keeps getting stuck on these tree branch."

Alya said annoyedly.

"Uh, let me help you..."

I held onto the soft fabric of her one-piece blue dress and gently pulled it off the tree branch so it doesn't get ripped or damage.

"It's off."

"Thank you."

Alya said with a sweet smile. Her long dress then fluttered down her waist.

"…. Beautiful."

I muttered subconsciously.


"Ah, it was nothing."

I said with a red face.

"Fufufu… you don't have to feel embarrassed; you know. I really love it whenever I make your heart skip a beat."

She said with a blushing face.

"I don't mind If you call me darling, while complimenting me."

She said looking at me from the corners of her eyes while twirling the bangs of her green hair. It was a beautiful gesture, however My brow twitches uncomfortably when hearing her words.

"If it gets too late let's fly, it should shorten our travel by a considerable amount."

I said changing the subject. However, the blush on her cheeks hadn't fade as she nodded her head. Cough, cough I turned around and started walking away.


"Is something wrong?"

Alya asked tilting her head adorably. I shook my head slowly before turning my head.

"We need to go; someone is being attack by monsters."

I said before running in the southern parts of the Deki forest. While I was running Alya simply flew over my head with graceful movements.

Meanwhile deep inside the southern parts of the forest a girl with long pink-coloured hair was running frantically from a monster that resembles a bull, however judging by its huge size it was clear it wasn't an ordinary bull.

The pink-haired girl ran through the forest, while turning in different patterns, using the thick trees as a means to obstruct the path of the bull.

However, the bull ran in a straight line trampling the trees that are in its way.

The pink-haired girl continued running as fast as she could, finally stopping when she was out of breath.

"Haaah… haaah."

She finally decided to catch her breath when she came out of the forest, however without knowing where she was headed, she stopped at the edge of a cliff. The pink-haired girl freezes and gulped when looking down. All she could see were the sea of trees which seems to go on forever.


She turned her head back to the forest and trembled when she sees the black bull gazing at her with its yellow eyes. The bull huff through its nose as its long tail wiggled like a whip back and forth.

The pink-haired girl closed her teary eyes when the bull charged forward.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew past the bull, as it stopped in its tracks as it felt a sharp killing intent.

"My, my, such repulsive creature. However, I will give you a quick death."

Was the last thing the black bull heard until its giant body was dissected in all directions, in a blink of an eye it became nothing more than piles of flesh.

The pink-haired girl widens her eyes in complete confusion, though fear, was still visible within her trembling pupils.

"Are you okay? Pinky"

The pink-haired girl looked around for the source of the unfamiliar voice, however her eyes widen when she saw the green haired beauty floating in midair while looking down on her.

Their eyes met as they stared at the other.

"Hey, haah. Did I miss anything?"

I asks while catching my breath, however when my eyes caught sight of the bloody mess of the black bull I involuntarily gulped.

Its body was completely destroyed making it difficult for me to understand what kind of creature it was.

"Hey, Alya what the heck happened here?"

I asks curiously, however once my eyes met with the Pink-haired girls, I immediately understood what happened.

"As you can see, I just swooped in and saved this girl. I demand a thank you kiss."

She said gazing at me with a faint blush. Ignoring her, I walked over to the pink haired girl who was still very confused.

"Hi, I'm Haruto Sato, would it be fine for me to hear your name?"

I asked while putting on the best smile I could make. While waiting for her to speak, my eyes was drawn to her clothing. It seems to be an old cloth that had many torn and looked extremely old though it was enough to cover the upper parts of her voluptuous chest, her long, pink-coloured haired looked radiant beneath the sunlight, her body was very proportionate and looked rather cute.

I couldn't help but blush slightly when gazing at her, however.

-Why are your eyes constantly gazing at her chest?!

(Eh? Th-that not true, my mind isn't filled with any indecent thought)

I thought internally, however the icy cold stare coming from Alya was unbearable. Cold sweat ran down my back.

"… I'm Alice."

The woman said in a faint voice, though it was faint it sounded rather beautiful, like a pleasant melody.

"Alice, I see, that's a beautiful name."

I said showing a small smile.

Alya descended from the sky and landed next to me.

"I'm Alya, be glad human, you have the honour of being before my brilliant figure."


As Alya introduced herself while puffing up her still growing chest with pride. Alice just stared at her in confusion, a heavy silence fell over the surroundings.


I tried my best to hold in my laughter at the comical scene.

"What's so funny, I wonder?"

"It's nothing."

I said turning my gazed, before looking at Alice with a serious expression.

"Well then, could you tell me. Why you we're out here on your own?"

I ask curiously.

"Yes, I'm also, curious about that."

Alya said fixing her sharp gazed towards Alice.

"… M-my village is in danger."

She said with a despairing expression as tears filled her eyes.