The gate was guarded by 2 level 8 lizardmen and around the gate, they build a wall around 3-meter height using tree trunks and it was covering the whole village. Iraos can't even see the end of the wall. Also, on top of the wall, 1 level 8 lizardman archer placed every 100 meters. Iraos so shocked to understand what kind of man power they used to build such place but it's called village instead of fortress. While Iraos amaze by the lizardmen village inside his heart, he maintains a steady face and enters through the gate and the guards just allowed him without questioning anything. After entering the village, Iraos goes straight to western side of the village because from the map he had obtained previously he know the western side got a market, inn and some tavern. Western side also where the rich lizardmen businessman lives. From the map he understands the village divided into 5 parts. The central part is where the village king and other important personal lives. The north is where the army quarters located, the south is where commoners are living while the east is slave quarters. While walking he saw many lizardmen and lizard lady common citizens. All of them were only level 1, 2 or at most 3. They all looked poor but they were everywhere. Soon, Iraos reached the western corridor and found a street written as market street. The street extends more than few kilometres and both side of the street filled with various shops selling many kinds of things. From normal household things to weapons, wearing, jewellery and many. Iraos soon find a shop where he buys things instead of sell. Iraos when there and inquire the price for his spears, leather wearing and the loot from wolfman. After inquire, he walks some distance and made same inquiry and found out the price were all same so he sells them together with the meats he obtains from killing the strange animals. The level 5 and level 7 spear are both sold at 10 and 20 gold each while the leather wearing only 5 and meats were sold at very cheap price. But what shocked Iraos most was the level 8 wolfman claw and tooth were sold at 50 and 40 gold respectively. This shocked Iraos so he asked the vender "why the claw and tooth both sold at high price? What are they used for?" the vender gives Iraos strange look before asking "are you not a soldier returning from the war?" Iraos shocked and not sure what to answer as he just node his head and said "yes, yes, the war. I'm returning from the war". then the vendor told him "then why are asking stupid question? Are you an idiot? Both of this can be used to create weapon stronger than the weapons you sold and this weapon are highly effective against those wolfmen bastards." Iraos quickly said "thank you" and grab his gold and run away. While running, his body accidentally hit the back of a lizard lady so the lizard lady turns towards Iraos. Iraos thought the lizard lady going to be angry but instead the lizard lady come closer to Iraos, grabs his hands bring her lips closer to his ear and whisper "hello sweetie, you look delicious, come we go find an inn. I can give you 50% discount since you look cute. I will let you enjoy every inch of my body". Iraos body shivered out of fear. He did not even know what to do. His body started to sweat a lot. He is in enemy territory and he expected many things to happen in enemy territory but not this. She also trying to drag him toward an inn. He quickly takes his hand from her and started to run so fast. He run faster than even when he was chased by the lizardmen previously. He did not stop until he spots an inn and go inside. Iraos was murmuring "this is the most dangerous situation I have ever been in my life. I'm still virgin and that lizard expect me to have my first time with her? Fucking bitch. I need to be careful against lizardmen but against lizard lady, I must me extremely careful. They are the most dangerous thing I have encountered in my life". Then Iraos ordered a room and quickly locked himself inside the room as he is now obviously having lizard lady phobia. He never come out of his room for the whole day, the next day he braved his self and marched towards the door, open it and peak outside. When he spots no one, he walks out and back on the street. He was very interested about the war the vendor told him. But he doesn't know where to inquire so he went inside a tavern. He saw lot of lizardmen were drinking there. Most of them level 5 and some are level 6 and 7. He ordered drinks and found a table where 3 level 5 lizardmen sitting. He then sits there and asked them how the war is going on. From them he learns lizardmen village are hostile towards 2 other villages. One of them is the wolfmen village while the other is owl village. Both villages have lesser population than lizardmen village but they were hostile towards lizardmen village for a very long time. The owl village has a high defence as they have high wall and all of they warriors are good at long distance battle which is good thing when they want to defend their village where else the wolfmen village are good at close combat and they have good offence. Recently many wolfmen were killed outside their village and they found lizardmen weapon there, so they suspect lizardmen attacked their soldier cowardly. After the incident, they sent a diplomat to lizardmen village and the lizardmen king explains he had never ordered his soldiers to kill any wolfmen but the diplomat was also killed on his way back and his body was left near lizardmen village which further enrage the wolfmen leader so he declared war towards lizardmen village. Lizardmen king was no coward when it come to war but he still worries while they were waring against the wolfmen, the owl village might attack so he divides his army into 2. 1 which garrison the village and other to siege the wolfmen. The king also promises power, wealth and status for those with great achievement in war to increase the morale of soldiers as the army is currently divided. But so far, the owl village take no stand in this war. The first siege ended a week ago. Since the army is divided, the lizardmen neither gain advantage nor disadvantage. Both lizardmen and wolfmen lost equal number of soldiers. The next siege will begin tomorrow and everyone who were not ordered to protect the village are free to join. After getting the information about the war, Iraos made further inquiry about humans and he found out around 10 000 plus humans were currently placed in eastern slave quarter and assisting the lizardmen in fortifying the village def and used for manual labours. In the previous siege, the village king used 2000 humans as cannon folder and only tens of them survived. Since they amount to nothing in the siege, the king doesn't want to use them as cannon folder anymore. Some of the strong humans with rare skills were sold to slave traders. When listening to this, Iraos almost explode of anger but he controlled himself. He promised himself that he will kill the lizardmen king no matter what. He wants to save the remaining humans but he currently has neither strength nor status. He wants to participate in the next siege to level up as well as to gain status. Iraos the leave the tavern, covered his face and goes to market street again to make preparation for the siege since the army leaving tomorrow morning. He has the S&Y sword for close combat but he did not have anything for long distance fighting. Iraos want to buy a good bow and arrow but the bow and arrow sold at this market are all low quality. Iraos then headed towards a door in the middle of market street. From asking the vendor for higher quality bow, he know that higher quality things are not sold at market street since they can be robbed easily as the market street always crowded. The higher quality things are sold at underground market where the only way to enter or exit are through the door in the middle of the market street and its heavily guarded by the king's men and the underground market is protected by the king. Only those with dead wish will try to steal or rob there. To enter underground market, 1 need to pay around 2 gold coins as entrance fee. Iraos paid 2 gold coins and proceed to the underground market.