"Today your aptitdues were tested for practicing the mystical arts, Now what are the mystical arts? To answer this question we need to go back to the "Creation Revelation", now who here can reherse the verses?", A few kids lifted their hands, "You there, Stand up, What is your name?"
-"My name is Sarah daughter of Kamil"
-"Go on Sarah"
-"Before heaven and earth there was emptiness, 'Them' stood proud, In that emptiness, 'Them' with 'Them' soldiers on the left and right, and said 'Let there be land' and earth was created then said 'Let there be bliss' and heaven was created then turned towards 'Them' soldiers and said 'Let there be creatures for land to prosper' and so the first human ancestors assembled themselves out of the emptiness by themselves, 'Them' said once more 'Let there be power for them to ascend heaven' and so the divine magicas filled heaven and earth, Then 'Them' said 'Let there be difficulties' and so the first ancestors of all other species and races came to be".
-"Well done Sarah, All of you by now have already read "The Revelations of The Divine", And in the "Creation Revelation" it is stated that the mystical arts were bestowed upon us by 'Them' The Creator, And by 'us' I mean all living organisms, Even a rabbit can have the potential to practice the mystical arts, But that doesn't mean the rabbit will be able to practice since it requires intelligence, Just like it was stated in the revelations humans are a special species, Created first and fated to ascend heaven. For practicing the mystical arts you first need to awaken your magicas sea, Which the jade spirit pond took care of for you and made it a breeze, The magicas sea is a mystical organ, It doesn't exist physically in your body but it resides there spiritually, It allowes you to sense the magicas of the world and interact with it, All mystical artists are categorized by their magicas seas from rank 1 mystical artist to rank 6 mystical artist, That's the limit 'Them' The creator put on us. To practice the mystical arts one needs to draw the world magicas inside their magicas sea and refine it only then can it be used freely by your body, Using the magicas in your magicas sea requires an output, This is in the form of paths that your magicas fill to produce different results, The paths need to be drawn on your body meticulousy by someone experienced, Mystical artists call those paths 'Emblems' ", as the elder said that he stretched out his hand sideways and suddenly tattoos started showing up on his arm and moving towards the center of his palm, Then a long sword appears from thin air,
- 'What the' Antara thought.
-"This is the sword emblem, It allowes me to summon an extremely strong and sturdy sword, Way studrier than what mortals can create, The sword emblem is our Banu Amr clan unique emblem, Passed down generation after generation from Ancestor Amr himself, What you just saw was the Razor Edge Sword Emblem, It is a rank three emblem as I am myself a rank 3 Mystical Artist, All elders in our clan are rank 3 mystical artists with the clan leader being rank 4, Rank 4 mystical artists are considered the experts of experts, With the ability to roam the continent safely with negligible worries, but you kids are still rank 1 mystical artists, You don't need to worry about the outside, You're in the safety of the clan until it requires your assistance. To be able to use your magicas freely you need to form loops inside your magicas sea, loops of magicas that work as a source of magicas to empower your emblems, As of now you don't even have a single loop in your magicas sea, You can refine the world magicas but in its raw form it's too chaotic and can't be contained so to contain in you need to run it in a loop, Only when you form your first magicas loop can we speak of drawing your first emblem, Now let's get started with your first loop, You need to feel your magicas sea first, Close your eyes and concentrate on the area towards your abdomen, There should be a faint tingling sense when your feel it grasp it, That is how you access your magicas sea, When you finish what I just said you should be able to peek inside your magicas sea, This is what we mystical artists call 'Spirit Vision' ",
Antara did as instructed and started focusing, On his abdomen but after 2 hours of work there still were no results.
-"I did it!" a kid in the room shouted
-"Great, Young man, What is your name?"
-"Qais son of Qabil"
-"Wonderful, You're the kid with the Good Grade Aptitude, This is what differentiates humans!, Aptitude, Being able to sense your magicas sea for the first time in only 2 hours" The elder spoke frantically, From the bottom of his heart
Following Qais the other Good Grade Aptitude kids sensed their magicas sea one by one, "Don't be discouraged kids, It's normal for Average Grade Aptitude to not be able to sense their magicas sea on their first day, It's just nature, People born with Good Grade Aptitude means they are more attuned with the world, Thus the magicas reveal itself to them, The higher the aptitude, The more the magicas feel attracted towards that person, So don't be discouraged, It's just natural order", The elder then started instructing the Good Grade Aptitude kids on how to draw and refine magicas from the world, Almost neglecting the other kids that didn't have an outstanding magicas sea.
-'I guess no matter the world people are born unequal in one way or another, It's a man eat man world just like earth, and my luck like my previous life is mediocre at best'.