Chapter 31 - Plan

"In case they check, we sprinkle this rain water I saved up in this bottle and run!" I said while holding out a water bottle.

"Your eyes aren't yellow right now… but me… and I can go in the rain… but you…"

"Huh, what do you mean-"

"And… why are you bringing rain water with you?! in a water bottle??? what if you accidentally drink it?" the kid made a good point, with my bad memory, I'll probably chug the whole rain water in this bottle down.

"No way I'll make a mistake like that? um… it's almost our turn."

They surprisingly didn't check for lenses… who could even get their hands on lenses at this point? they don't even know that mutated were created, and someone who got bit? It's not like they would go: 'oh, I'm going to get bit today, let's find some lenses!'

This building that's supposedly a safe place… I feel like I've seen it before, no… I've read a description? Second floor, kindergarten… third floor, hospital… how do I know all this?

"The new survivors came in!" A person yelled to the others.

That person had black hair and purple eyes… oh sh-