Chapter 13 - Articles

The past week was productive for news outlets. They were blowing up about new inventions and innovations. Sure most of the stuff I sold was already well known and whispered through companies and streets. However they finally began being talked about within households. 

Though most of them were overshadowed. As Stella seemingly cracked the open her true talent. Place after place and name after name were all covering the fact she had invented nanites. Not just any nanites, but 4 different types of them.

Such a short amount of time span too, I think it is actually shorter in the story, but she created fewer versions of them. The first she made was the basic blueprints i gave her. otherwise put she made ones that could be used for space travel. They would be used as spacesuits, containers and whatever utensils that are needed.

The second type she made was the ones she made first in the story. The Esper nanites, they gave superpowers basically. that one was the one being hyped up. However since there was no crisis against earth. The super rich would be the first to have them.

The other two were actually surprises. She had made edible nanites that basically constructed food. I think she made them as rations for long term space flight. These nanites from what was being told were actually few in number and would construct food from enzymes and such. Basically it was a food printer.

Though that sounds less cool when described that way. Nonetheless the fourth type was actually out of the left field. They were a mix between the second and third. basically acting as a medicine that slowly dissolved into the body. They repaired scar tissue and essentially acted as anti-aging pills. Though still likely only to be owned by the super rich at first.

The release of these meant I had to begin step two with my plans involving Stella. I had to help her release the stuff to the public so anyone can either afford them or get them. While also preventing the knock off versions. Which was actually super simple.

It actually involved June and her Dad. What better way to prevent knock off versions than letting a gang distribute the real stuff. The catch to this was how was I gonna get them to sell it? Yet again, pretty simple. Make it government sanctioned, aka make it a punishment to sell the stuff. Much like community service. 

This gave it to the public, prevented fakes, and would provide it easily. The cost of this was I had to do some digging. Which officials would take bribes, which of the super rich could be threaten not to bribe officials, and finally how to do this with the varying world governments.

I'd figure out all that later, for now I skipped through more articles. I was looking for any indicators for disasters or novel events. I was finding anything major, the local news had focused more on June's family. However i found nothin- "You speak and so you shall find."

Alexis Kotrarovach, a missing report of a young woman. The setting of the novel was sci-fi and so on. However I did include a very small amount of supernatural to have some fun. This girl was essential the source of it.

The missing report went over how Alexis disappeared during a cave exploration with friends. They turned around and she was gone. Now sure supernatural right? Well, no I was a liar and made an in-depth reason for her disappearance. Only I would really understand how it happened and how she vanished.

She was essentially taken by aliens, ancient aliens. A real classic, Eldritch horrors. Why did the explanations always make things less cool. I had to work on that. Anyway, for now I couldn't do anything about Alexis. The portal that grabbed her is closed. If professor Achilles creates his portal tech, then I could do something quicker.

Sadly all this means is what chaos will come to earth first. The ancient throne, the name of the eldritch monsters. I described them having varying forms, but all of them massive entities that can swim through space. Bigger than three blue whales put together and able to use psychic abilities. They are one of the bigger threats, as they swim planet to planet consuming mental energies while draining the planet of all life. 

They grabbed heralds, in this case Alexis. To lead the way to planets. They tend to drive their heralds insane and brainwashed in order to make said heralds lead the way. I knew everything I would have to prepare for them and ultimately save Alexis.

She had some whack ass super powers, I wanted to help her. After all to be a herald of the Ancient Throne. Said heralds had to be able to travel through space, use psychic powers and so on. So her recruitment would make my life so much easier. She could solve some of the smaller problems alone. Telling she'd also have some light brainwashing abilities. 

I got up though, I had my answer of what was most likely coming first. While also being able to prepare for the other crisis, crisi? crisises? What the plural of a crisis? I checked the internet, and it turns out it was crises. Which just looked weird to me. So strange...

I got up off my couch and checked on Larry's progress. The small AI was working its butt off with everything. It was almost done too, I did the ground work, but Larry was the one establishing connections.

Speaking of though... I should create another fragment to deal with the research I need to handle the Nanites. I wanted them out there, but having a AI fragment do it for me would be faster. So I created a new AI child fragment and named them Jerry.

Jerry's job would be research on the rich, prominent figures, and public officials. His research would also include people like June's Dad and The Chief of Police. As those people I also wanted information on just incase. Hell I broadened the search just slightly more. It would include everyone at June's work place, even the janitors.

I paused, Actually scratch that, unbroadened the search. Jerry's job would be as it was with the exceptions of people like June's Dad and the Chief of Police. I then created a Twin AI and named it Terry. Jerry and Terry would both be researchers.

However Terry's job would be researching all the people that were close to said people Jerry researched. So loved ones, employees, coworkers. Terry's job might be a lot more difficult however since they were Twins. Most of their work would overlap.

I smiled and sent the two new Siblings to work. I paused, now what should I do? This was a tad awkward.