Chereads / Reincarnated by a R.O.B. in the Multiverse (Dropped) / Chapter 23 - spending some more time with Zero-two and setting up protection

Chapter 23 - spending some more time with Zero-two and setting up protection

Kushina then smiled and nodded while saying "yes twilight I can hear you now." Zero-two then looked at Kushina and said "mama why did a voice come from my watch?" while staring at her watch and poking it.

Kushina just smiled and picked Zero-two up and said "well why dont you ask it honey." while petting her on her head

Zero-two then said "hey watch why can you talk?" to twilight as Nany jumped in saying "Zero-two-sama I can talk because I'm a artificial AI your mother made but If what you are talking about is twilight it would be Kushina-sama's spawn that she made with her chakra and implanted into you."

Zero-two then just looked even more confused at Nany's replie which just caused Kushina to chuckle as she said "honey Twilight is not in the watch hes in your stomach." while tickling her stomach

"mama stop it, it tickles hahahahaha." Zero-two said while laughing as Kushina just smiled and twilight jumped in saying "master I'm bored I cant do anything in here and it's boring."

Kushina's ears twitched slightly at that but she decided to teach Zero-two and twilight some things so they wouldn't be bored so she said "well I'll get a bored game for you both and teach it to you just let me go get it." as she got up and started walking out of the flat they were staying in

Zero-two also got up and she said "Mama what's a bored game" as Kushina stopped and turned around and said "honey they're great fun and I'm gonna teach you a really fun one that you can play with twilight so just talk to him and try to get to know him because I made him for you."

Kushina then walked out of the flat with Zero-two starting to talk to twilight and started walking towards the door thinking of how cute Zero-two will be while playing chess

Kushina then opened the door and saw a hallway with guards outside it which caused Kushina to say "hello boys you don't need to be here so take me to a lab so I can make something."

the guards didn't move or say anything which caused Kushina to say "alright you emotionless husks take me to a lab before I kill you." which finally got the guards to say something "um ma'am you dont have the clearance to see the lab."

Kushina a little pissed the retarded guards still haven't learned their lesson to adhere to her requests closed the door and turned the guards into meat paste with a tap while saying "and I told you b**chs I was gonna kill you if you didn't take me there and now I gotta walk there by myself." Kushina then walked towards the lab so she could make a chess board

Kushina soon arrived at the lab with the two guards in front sweating a lot due to the immense fear Kushina brought to them the over the last two weeks every time she came to the lab since for the first week and a half other people would annoy her and she would turn them into meat paste.

As Kushina sat down she started thinking about the best way to keep Zero-two from ever being harmed was to go on a trip and meet other multiverse travelers and then befriend them and start getting pretty influential in the multiverse so no one will ever harm her daughter without fearing her wrath.

Kushina soon finished making the chessboard and chess peices and stood up while thinking aloud "hmn let's think I need to make sure my daughter is protected and won't be harmed but I don't think I can set up very many protections on this planet very much less this universe." while walking back to her flat to teach Zero-two and twilight how to play chess.

while walking back to the flat Kushina thought "'hmm well I can't make the right friends here I'm gonna need to leave for a little while let's say two weeks and I won't be bringing my little girl since I will be doing some pretty brutal stuff to make some friends.'" Kushina then arrived in front of the flat while saying "I can worry about all that stuff tomorrow though."

Kushina then walked inside the flat to see Zero-two sitting at the table saying "so mama made you but your not mama's daughter?" while scratching her head

Kushina seeing this laughed a little catching Zero-two's attention as she said "Honey if you need to know the difference to Twilight and yourself I can tell you." while sitting down next to Zero-two and running her claws through her hair

Zero-two being very curious about the world and everything around her ever since Kushina started teaching her about the world,how to read, math, and philosophy and Zero-two being a genius was absorbing all the information extremely fast and learning all the way to 5 grade level math, reading, and 6 grade level science in 2 weeks and when she got stuck on something it annoyed her enough she awakened the 1 tomoe sharingan which actually caused Kushina to cry tears of joy at Zero-two's potential

Zero-two purred slightly causing Kushina to chuckle at Zero-two's tic that she inherited from Kushina as she said "well if you wan't to know the difference between spawn and children I'll tell you, a spawn is made for a purpose not for love so it is made to complete that purpose and nothing else but you have to remember that they still are living being's." Kushina then Picked Zero-two up and moved to lag down on the bed with Zero-two in her arms

Kushina then layed down as she said "So they are not made to give unconditional love to which is what Children are for but that doesn't mean they aren't alive in fact a spawn can live their own life and have fun and live but they won't be children or should you make them call you their parent because you aren't." Kushina then paused and started petting Zero-two

Kushina then continued "in fact it's similar to what this civilization is doing with their *"Children"* as they could be considered Doctor Frank's spawn due to him being bbn their creator, and you my dear daughter could have been considered his daughter due to him actually giving a crap about you." stopping and letting Zero-two think about it

Zero-two then sat absorbed in her thoughts for about 5 minutes, after which she said "Mama why were you talking in the past tense for me being Doctor Frank's daughter?" Kushina happy Zero-two was reading between the lines said "because my daughter you are now my daughter and I made sure you didn't have anyone else's Human bloodline when I gave you my first gift which is why you went through so much pain my bloodline was burning away and replacing your past Human bloodline."

Kushina then smiled as Zero-two said "So I have a bloodline that isn't human and it wasn't burned away." Kushina then smiled even more since she was loving the fact that Zero-two was reading between the lines so well and learning so much as she said "yes dear and I didn't consider it harmful to you so it didn't burn away and be replaced, also if it disappeared your dna and cells would start collapsing killing you which I would have hated."

Zero-two then closed her eyes and thought about it a little more as she said "so It is a essential part of my DNA and you got rid of any DNA you considered harmful to me?" Kushina very happy with Zero-two's learning speed said "yes honey also I am going to be leaving and going on a trip tomorrow and you are my daughter so you don't need to question my love for you or wonder beat yourself up trying to figure out the difference between children and spawn."

Zero-two thought about it for a little bit and she said "alright I won't worry about it mama can you show me what yo us brought?" Kushina then smiled and Carried Zero-two back to the table as she said "well honey this is chess let me upload how to play in Nany in your watch so you can play it with Twilight and Nany while I'm gone."

Kushina then set Zero-two down on the opposite side of the table as she set down the chessboard on the table and started explaining how to play to Zero-two and uploading a chess hologram to both her watch and Zero-two's watch.

After about 2 hours of playing chess Zero-two had beat Kushina 20 times and Kushina only beat Zero-two 13 times with Kushina winning the last game with Kushina finally saying "ok Honey let's stop playing now you are whipping my ass my gosh I didn't think my horrible strategy planning and terrible board game luck would follow me." while sighing

Zero-two hearing this said "ah but mama why we are having so much fun?" while pouting and tears forming in the corners of her eyes which caused Kushina to cringe due to her being weak to Zero-two's tears as she said "well honey it's time for bed it dark out also you are the only one having fun since you have been wrecking me since we started playing." while putting her face on the table to try to remove her eyesight from Zero-two's pouting face so she could stoo getting her ass beat in chess by her daughter, but failing to remove Zero-two from her eyesight.

Kushina decided to say something before Zero-two convinced her to continue getting her ass beat by her in chess saying "honey we need to go to bed for tonight and I need sleep since I'm gonna be going on a 2 week trip starting tomorrow and I will need my sleep so let's go to bed."

Zero-two finally relented after seeing Kushina's insistence to go to bed saying "Fine mama let's go to bed." while walking back towards the bed room as Kushina picked her up and started walking towards the bedroom as well

Kushina then layed down on the bed and put Zero-two on her chest as she curled up into a ball while purring which caused Kushina to purr as she pet her for 30 minutes until Zero-two fell asleep.

after Zero-two fell asleep Kushina activated her sharingan and startwd making a training schedule for Zero-two for her to follow while she was gone. Kushina put a physical routine for her to follow as well as some mathematics and literature to learn as well while leaving a few hours a day for free time and Kushina spent about 3 hours on it before completing the schedule and falling asleep.

At about 5 in the morning Kushina woke up after getting only 7 hours of sleep due to the mental alarm she set before falling asleep so she could leave before Zero-two woke up so she could leave without being convinced to stay by Zero-two

Kushina then slowly and lightly moved Zero-two from on top of her to the bed while giving her a big pillow to hug while she was gone. Kushina then very lightly walked out of the flat while making not even a vibration in the flat so she would wake Zero-two up and then got out of the flat through the front door.

Kushina then got out her Watch and sent a Message to Nany to tell Zero-two she will be back in two weeks after her trip and she will make sure she can one day meet her darling again but she needs to behave while she is gone. Kushina then started walking towards Doctor Frank to make sure Zero-two isn't abused while she was gone.

Kushina soon arrived at Doctor Frank's lab and walked in seeing Doctor Frank starring at a screen which Kushina Identified as Zero-two's data that Doctor Frank has collected over Zero-two's life which is only nine years.

Kushina then said "Doctor Frank's I hope I can trust you to make sure Zero-two isn't harmed while I'm away otherwise you all will know the consequences right?" as Doctor Frank's sighed and saying "Mrs. Uchiha I will make sure Zero-two isn't harmed to the best of my ability and at your request we have been feeding code-016 a drop of the blood you gave us a day."

Kushina then nodded and said "good you should know that if you continue doing that Hiro will eventually become a Klaxxasaur and will be a bvb le to be Zero-two's Pilot and I am going to start allowing you people to start training her to become a pistol and I have instructions on Zero-two's training plan you can ask the Watch I made for her Nany for Details."

Doctor Frank then said "Ma'am do you ever plan to reveal to us how you made such sophisticated AI?" Kushina just shrugged and said "no I do not since you people would more then likely make them to be weapons which would be annoying for me." Frank just Sighed and said "Alright well see you when you return Mrs. Uchiha"

Kushina then entered her void space and doctor Frank's disappeared from her vision and Kushina then saw the void like expanse of her Void space that is both Infinite and not there at the same time and started thinking about what to do first on her two week trip

Kushina decided to do a little time travel so she could kill Danzo way earlier and let her future self deal with the repercussion. Kushina then entered Konoha During the Konoha crush plan and appeared on the cliff overlooking all of Konoha.