Chapter 14 - High School

They soon arrived at Gohans high school as Kushina said "well what did I expect it's a high school." Gohan then looked at Kushina a little weirdly but didn't say anything.

Kushina soon finished looking at the high school and said "alright wheres the library take me to it Gohan." Gohan then sighed a little but started running towards the library. they soon arrived at the library as Kushina ignored all the passerbys commenting on her appearance.

as they stood in front of the library Kushina said "alright I'll stay at this place for the night you can go ahead back to your house." Gohan then sighed a little and said "alright fine but can you at least tell me where the frick you came from." Kushina then thought about it and said "I come from out off this world." Kushina then giggled a little as Gohan grumbled saying that Kushina didn't actually tell him anything.

Gohan then ran off towards his house as Kushina walked inside the library. The library was pretty big and Kushina walking in and measured the room and the average book per shelf and came to the conclusion that there were 10000 books inside the library.

Kushina then walked over to the non-fiction section and activated her E.M.S Rineegan. Kushina then grabbed the top left book and started to memorize all of the books that were in the non-Fiction section.

<5 am the next day>

Kushina was now comprehending everything she memorized from the books in the non-fiction section She had been able to rush and read everything inside the non-fiction section just barely by 5AM and Kushina was now walking towards the high school and soon arrived at the front gate of the high school and realized it was closed.

Kushina was now standing right by the gate to the high school and was comprehending everything she read from the library.

at around 11 am Kushina finally finished comprehending everything from the fiction section in the library and it happened to have basic calculus, and dictionary books so Kushina really expanded her knowledge on the subject.

When Kushina opened her eyes she realized it was already almost noon and saw gohan in front of her and he was messaging his temples as Kushina looked at him and said "what ups?"

Gohan then jumped a little and said "ah well besides the fact that I've been standing here trying to get your attention for the last hour nothing much." Kushina then felt a little guilty and said "well it cant be helped I was comprehending what I memorized last night which was pretty much the entire fiction section of the library.

Gohan then looked at Kushina like she was a monster and said "Well we can go in and get you to take the entrance exam now you can take them between 10 and 12 so were lucky you finished comprehending all that now." Gohan then walked inside towards the front desk as Kushina followed him. Kushina shapeshifted into the body of a fifth teen year old before reaching the front desk.

After they reached the front desk gohan asked the lady at the front desk for the Entrance exam papers and the lady at the desk looked at gohan and at his badge then and me and saw no badge then pulled out the papers for the entrance exam and gave them to Gohan.

Gohan then gave them to Kushina who then looked them over and signed the things she needed to sign. Kushina then gave the lady at the desk the paperwork. the lady at the desk read through all of the paper work and then looked at Kushina and said "alright you can go take the entrance exam. just follow me and I'll take you there."

The lady who was behind the desk then got up and started walking away as Kushina followed her.

they soon came upon a room that had a few students writing things down on a paper. the lady then pointed to a desk and said in a low voice go sit over there I'll bring you the entrance exam papers once you sit down.

Kushina then did as she was instructed as was soon givin the exam paper. Kushina then breased through the entrance exam and turned it in 10 minutes after receiving it and walked out.

when Kushina came to the front office she met with Gohan who looked at her with surprise "how did you finish that fast?" Kushina just shrugged and said "it was easy Theres no way I dont get 100% and I just learn really fast."

Gohan just sighed And said "well let's go back to my house." Gohan then started to walk out of high school towards his house.

as they were walking towards Gohans house they heard yelling and looked around and saw that a robbery was taking place. Gohan said "hey let's help them." while setting his bag down and turning super saiyan. Kushina just stood there and said "no."

Gohan just looked at Kushina and decided that he could ask after saving the people getting robbed. Gohan then saved the people while Kushina watched with a thoughtful face.

Gohan soon fished the robbers and came over to Kushina and deactivated super saiyan and said "so why didn't you want to help them." with an accusing look on his face

Kushina then looked at Gohan and said "because If I take acknowledge if there actions I'll kill every last human on this planet. since one of the things I hate the most are humans. but also controversially love it's very annoying." with a scowl that she inherited from Fugaku

Gohan stepped back when he heard Kushina say that. Because He felt some of her bloodlust leak out when she said that. but calmed down when she retracted it.

Kushina then said "Alright let's go back to your house." and started walking Towards his house.

They soon Reached Gohans house where Kushina saw the cute little Goten out front and flew towards him. Kushina soon landed in front of Goten and said "well arn't you just the cutest little thing." Chichi soon came out of the house when she felt the shaking from Kushina landing.

When Kushina saw Chichi she said "ChiChi is this your other son he is so cute!" as she picked goku up and started smothering him with her breasts on purpose. Kushina found that indeed embarrassing young children by smothering them in your breasts is halarious but goten was to young to get embarrassed so she just started hugging him normally.

Kushina then walked inside while hugging Goten. When Kushina got inside the house she put Goten down feeling satisfied but a little homesick.

ChiChi noticed Kushinas slightly somber mood probably thanks to her tails dropping and asked "hey Kushina you ok." which knocked Kushina out of her stupor who then said "ah yeah just feeling a little home sick." ChiChi decided not ask as she knew this wasn't the correct time for that.

Kushina then said "hey ChiChi what's for dinner?" ChiChi then told her what was for dinner as Kushina cheered.

<6 days later>

Kushina was Waking up from a nap as she looked at the clock and realized that school would be starting in 1 hour and got up.

when Kushina got into the living room she saw that ChiChi was already making breakfast and said "good morning ChiChi thanks for breakfast." as she sat down at the table.

Over the past few days Kushina had become friends with ChiChi. Kushina had received a scholarship and badge 2 days earlier which caused ChiChi to become friends with Kushina after discussing theorys etc.

As they were eating breakfast Gohan and Goten came down for breakfast.

after about 30 minutes they finished eating and Kushina said "Gohan we need to hurry for school." Gohan then looked at his watch and said "oh crap your right." Gohan then ran to the door with Kushina following. Gohan said "Mom I'll see you after school." as he arrived on the porch and fly into the sky with Kushina following.

They soon arrived at the edge of the Satan city as Gohan and Kushina landed on the ground and started running. As they were running towards the school Kushina shapeshifted into a 16 year old form and manipulated her shirt to cover her entire upper body.

As Kushina and Gohan were running to school they ran into another robbery as Gohan proceeded to do the same exact things he did in the anime with Kushina watching.

Videl also came around a corner and started babbling about how she was too late etc. with Gohan and Kushina just standing there. Kushina and Gohan soon arrived at the High school after leaving the robbery scene.

Kushina and Gohan went into the front office and checked in and started to wait for their Teacher to come take them to class. Their teacher soon picked them up and said "all right follow me to class."

Kushina and Gohan followed the teacher to the classroom. when they arrived the teacher told them to wait outside. the teacher then went inside the class and said told the rest of the students "good morning class we have 2 transfer students starting today. and today is their very first day at orange star high school. Come on in."

Kushina and Gohan then walked in as Gohan introduced himself and Kushina just started walking to sit next to the blond chick who was sitting next to videl. As the blonde chick started saying that the seat was for Gohan Kushina just levitated the weakling male who was sitting next to videl and said "now theres a seat for Gohan to sit at you happy?"

Gohan then just sat next to videl not complaining at all at what Kushina said since he knew pissing her off was a stupid decision. the Blonde chick then started talking to Gohan and had the same conversation they had in the anime. When the blonde chick started to talk about Satan Kushina started laughing and said "Satan you mean that weakling who cant even be compared to a bug." as she started rolling on the floor with even the thought of satan being strong.

Kushina then imitated satan saying "oh I'm mister satan and I'm gonna defeat this bug that's trying to destroy my planet by getting 1 K.O.ed. Kushina then started laughing even harder at her own intimidation.

Kushina soon stopped and the blonde chick just looked at them a little weirdly and Videl said "you were the guy huh!" and then everything happened like it did in the anime. or at least Kushina thought it did as she fell half asleep while meditating.

Kushina soon woke up from meditation when Gohan told her that it was time for P.E. Kushina got up and said "well let's go see what kind of show they have for P.E." Kushina then followed Gohan to a baseball field where the rest of the students were at.

the baseball game continued the same way it will went in the anime except for the blonde dude not throwing a baseball at gohan. when it was Kushinas turn to be the batter Kushina observed the blonde pitcher and realized that the blonde weakling planned to throw the ball at her head.

Kushina then observed the weaklings future with her observational haki and determined that this blonde weakling was simply too weak for her to care. the blonde then throw the ball which Kushina easily hit and made a home run. Kushina then walked around the baseball track while yawning.

The rest of the saiyaman arc went the same as in the anime with a few minor differences like the ones in the base ball scene but Kushina didn't really care too much about that.

It was soon the time when Videl would come train at Gohans house.

As Kushina was watching Gohan and Goten train She waited for them to notice Videl approaching. Kushinas passive observational haki allows her to perceive an entire solar system. which took her a while to get used to but eventually got used to it.

Gohan soon noticed videl approaching his house and stopped their training. they then soon returned to Gohans house and saw the scene of Videl and ChiChi arguing. Kushina just watched them argue while wishing she had some popcorn.

After about ten minutes they stopped arguing without either of them winning as they stopped arguing Kushina jumped in saying "well Gohan aren't you gonna teach Videl and Goten how to fly?"

Gohan then nodded and said "well now that you guys have calmed down let me take Videl and Goten to train them how to fly." Gohan, Videl, Goten, and Kushina then went off to where Gohan would teach Videl and Goten how to fly.

as they were walking Videl looked at Kushina who had stopped shapeshifting into a 15 year old once Gohan dropped out of school and dropped out with him since it didn't teach her anything.

as Videl looked at Kushina she asked "hey arn't you Kushina why do you look so old." Kushinas eye twitched at being called old and said "well Videl I was just shapeshifting to see if high school could teach me anything but it didn't so I stopped but in reality I'm only 24 years old so please dont call me old."

Gohan shivered a little literally feeling the tiny amount of ki he could sense in Kushina slightly twitch when she was called old.

they soon stopped and Kushina only half listened to them but soon started chuckling when she heard Gohan mention a power hidden inside them since how he was explaining it sounded funny.

Kushina then started meditating/taking a nap as Gohan taught Videl and Goten how to fly. When Gohan woke Kushina up, Kushina realized Videl had already left.

when Kushina went inside Gohans house and saw chichi she said "Hey ChiChi-san I'm gonna sleep until the world tornement starts can you wake me up when it does?" ChiChi looked confused and said "sure?" questionably.

Kushina then laid down on ChiChi's couch which is where she has been sleeping for the past few days and fell asleep.