Chereads / Reincarnated by a R.O.B. in the Multiverse (Dropped) / Chapter 3 - training and ?Oozaru form?

Chapter 3 - training and ?Oozaru form?

When I woke up I felt like I had let something that I didn't even know I was holding in go, then I remembered what happened before I passed out and was still a little pissed at my dad but then felt like my outburst was unjustified and was a little confused at why I had the outburst, but then I attributed it to a lot of my species and my prideful nature as both a dragon and a Saiyan.

As I was looking around as I woke up mama saw me and asked. "Kushina are you ok? you blacked out and Otosan and Sasuke came home and you were unconscious." "Yeah mama, sorry all I remember was getting unreasonably angry at Otosan then doing the fireball Jutsu and passing out" after telling mama what happened, I took a deep breath and breathed out a dark purplish-blue flame exited my mouth. when mama saw that, she asked "Kushina are you ok you just breathed fire"

"Mama this is awesome," I said as I started to breathe out fire repeatedly. "Kushina be careful and stop before you burn yourself," mama said and I stopped purposefully breathing fire but it was coming whenever I breathed out. I started flapping my wings and wagging my tails in excitement as I started breathing fire and I was growing up a little bit.

"well Kushina Otosan told me you did a very strong fireball Jutsu, but you are still going to start going to the academy tomorrow," mama said "Ok mama can I go see Sasuke now Otosan said something mean to him and I wanna go make sure he is ok," I said "Ok, he is at the lake right now but make sure you are home before dark." mama said while I started to leave to go make sure Sasuke was ok.

On my way to the lake, I thought I didn't have enough understanding of my capabilities and I was not doing very good training as a single fireball Jutsu tired me out to the point of my fainting. I then started to go over all the training techniques I knew and immediately realized I was not training my body to its fullest potential I mean I had Dragon ball Z's Perfect cell level of regeneration coupled with my other bloodlines which made my body pretty much immortal unless someone can disintegrate all of my cells I also realized I don't know how to fly even though I have fricking wings just because I never thought about learning how to.

I then realized I didn't even know how to sense Ki which I then thought about and realized I have been slacking way too much In my training just because I was using the excuse of I'm still a child so I don't have to train I then started to think I needed to revamp my training and get Oniisan to teach me the ways combat than when I'm at the academy I can train my body.

Just as I started to think harder about my situation I arrived at the lake where Sasuke was practicing his fireball Jutsu. I then called out to him and said "Sasuke why are you still out here practicing?" "Oh, Onee-chan you're awake I'm trying to get to your level of fireball Jutsu since as soon as you passed out Otosan started to Praise you and started mumbling something about a Kekkei Genkai." Sasuke said in a tone that sounded a little sad so I Immediately run up to him and started to wrap him in one of my tails and then said "Sasuke why do you sound sad who hurt you I'm gonna find them and rip them shreds" I said while wrapping my wings around us. Sasuke then turned a little pail and then said "Onee-chan I'm not sad I am just motivated to train harder now can you please let me go you gonna squish me to death" I then replied while letting him go "ok but if anyone hurt you let me know so I can rip them to shreds ok Sasuke, I'm gonna start practicing around the lake then since you want to practice"

After finishing talking with Sasuke I then got off the dock and decided to first figure out how to fly as I have wings I never thought to learn how. I then extended my wings as far as they could go, I then started to flap them up and down and while I was doing so I was creating a really big gust of wind, I then started to fly up and I was then shot up with another beat of my wings and shot up around 2 meters then fell on my face. after I got up I then started to try again.

I then start to flap my wings again and then as I felt myself start to lift off the ground I jumped and started to fly straight up and soon it felt like I was free of all worries as I start to try to fly to the left and right it started to feel natural and I let my instincts take over and started to fly pretty smoothly.

I then started to lose track of time as I was flying and the sky soon started to darken and it was soon to be night.

since I was lost and didn't know where I was I started to descend. I soon landed and then almost immediately felt any exhaustion I might have had fade away.

since was soon going to be night and a full moon was coming I decided to see if I could control my Oozaru transformation.

I then decided to sit and wait for the full moon to come out. the moon soon came out and I stared at it but didn't feel any different I then noticed that I started to sink in the dirt I was standing on and I looked at my body and realized that I didn't grow big or gain any muscles I then took a step and saw I had started to sink in the ground.

I then realized that my transformation was just me growing a whole lot bigger and gaining a lot of muscles so my wish that made my muscles get denser instead of bigger almost completely negated my Oozaru transformation.

I then turned to start to walk home but as soon as I took a step I shot towards a tree and hit my head on it knocking myself out.

when I woke up I realized I couldn't see anything because everything was a purplish blue in an almost black light.

I started to freak out as I didn't know where I was, but then a letter appeared in front of me which scared me. I then took the letter and saw it was addressed to me.

I then opened it and it read "Dear Uchiha, Kushina

I realized that you have lived a pretty boring life so far and so I decided that I was going to give you a mission on the night of the Uchiha massacre get your Oniisan to stab you and burn all the dead Uchiha bodies and I will reward you with the ability to devour and assimilate all forms of energy but since you have been boring me for the last 6 years you cant stop the Uchiha massacre

love your creator R.O.B"

PS to get out of the void between worlds you have to will yourself back."