Chereads / S.G.T and S.G. / Chapter 1 - sword galaxy ch 0-11

S.G.T and S.G.

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Chapter 1 - sword galaxy ch 0-11

Ch 0 welcome to the sword Galaxy

Here is the basics the sword galaxy's is a  -dimensional world that anyone can go to as long as the creator of the realm has been to the one your from. The Creator can travel through any dimension as they please leaving a "AU" (alternate universe) of that dimension that he's been too and has altered the planet slightly but not enough for people to notice and we're going to be taking the path where he has been to your world you. You haven't met him you've seen a random store pop up and you wouldn't check it out, the store is called the Galaxy-Inn. There are many other stores like it but this one catches your eye for some reason so we begin.


Ch 1 the Galaxy-Inn

There is an NPC of sorts or an Innkeeper if you want to call that but it looks robotic so it's up to you, oh yeah back to what I was saying earlier so before I get away again you walk up to the Robotic Innkeeper.

"Innkeeper": Hello, how may I help you?

"____": Well then I am new to town so how much for a room? Do you even have rooms, you guys look like a hotel or a inn.

"Innkeeper": Yes, do you want a room or do you want to join the sword Galaxy, just say.

"____":Wait there is one of those stone's here.

"Innkeeper": Why yes the store for the sword Galaxy is to the right and down the hall last door.

"____": Ok I will take a room then I will check that out tomorrow.

"Innkeeper":Ok that will be $5.99 a night.

"____": Alright that is quite cheap.

After paying we went over to the room and you ran into a player they say their name is Rodd name but you continue on with your game you go to sleep, then you go check out the store you see only cards on the shelves you don't understand why their cards but they look like ID things it seems very odd but you just ignored and go to the counter so I asked what you wanted to buy you ask for a broad Sword and some type of basic armor

"Shopkeeper":What ability you want it can be a gun to anything else you can even have a familiar.

"____": I will take a American dragon as my familiar or a fire dragon to be more pacific.

"Shopkeeper": okay that'll be $20.98

"____": Okay now that explains why the rooms are so cheap for a single night.

You pay for everything and now you're nearly broke so you decide to try transferring what is left of your money over to your new account and you see that your account is apparently a card and  some type of a belt with pockets looks like something out of pokémon I'm telling you. But enough for that let's get back to what I was saying before so after you paid and got some money on your account the store keeper that you led you to a back room it had a weird portal/gate in it and gatekeeper came up to you and asked if you are the new player that he was just told about you wondering how he was told that one of the shopkeeper just open the door and then say anything but you guess since they're all robots they can talk to each other telepathically or connected to the same (computer or mainframe).


Ch 2 The Starting Island

"____":wow this place is huge

"guide": Alright now that all the noobs are here we can begin 

*note* this ("____") is you while the title is put there 

{ : }=talking  

{ - }=thinking or a telepathic talking to you

{ Ω }=live broadcast*

The guide led us to the inn and told us how to use are ID's.

Now to fill you in with IDs 

"tutorial"- An ID is a player's game menu but the log out button is not there you'll have to travel to the log-out portal which is by the docks at "The Capital of Starters" and try to keep track of time here if not you'll have to fight the boss on (#5/plant 5) the boss is the King and is Grim Reaper of The Sword Galaxy so try to leave before the next area day is here

"???"Ω the next area day will be in 84 days

so all noobs can train there buts out and I say ween R is ready for the area-

(*in the background* "R": yay right I say when I can fig-- *thud*

"???": R get back to your room this instant.)

"???"Ω scratch that 88 days 'R what are we going to do with you.

"tutorial"-so I suggest that you get some training in along with some rest.


Ch 3 Time Skip

"the wanderer"- wow it's been about 12 weeks already hasn't it sub.

"tutorial"- yes and why did you give me a nickname.

"the wanderer"- because you are the only person or thing the helps me without force.

"Sub(tutorial)"- then I will take the nickname (-‿-) .

"the wanderer"- that is good to hear.

thought out the 12 weeks I have gained a title,98 levels worth of exp so now I am at level 99 and very close to being level 100.

*Meanwhile with R and he's healer *

"R": So. Someone has one of the titles that Nora made right Darkness.

"Darkness ( Healer)":Right R but you have to get back in bed.

"R":Yay no my mana, energy, and my libs are all healed.

"Darkness": ok but they only have the portals going down to the lower planet are open.

"R": Alright then I can visit my Grand kids can't I.

"Darkness": yes sir should I send a guard with you as well as set up every thing up ok.

"R": Alright but get only two reapers.

"Darkness":Ok... But they will be Reapers 1 and 2 no one else.

"R": Ok Miss. Dark

The next day was the 3rd to last day of R's break from the arena which also means that he has three days to be there then he has to go straight back to (planet-5/#5).


Ch 4 The Encounter with R

so recently I have decided to pick a group out of "The Time Clan" "The Infinity Guild" and "Utopia". Mainly because of a law that said that you says you cannot fight here anymore because you're too high of a level it's meant for level 90s and up plus I almost killed two different species of  wildlife .

"the wanderer": Sup can you count the number of wolves left.

"Sub(tutorial)"- Yes it is about. No wait it's 53 wolves level 20 and a level 100 ‽‽±

"the wanderer"- Ok now I am glad that I didn't choose a group because of these types of beast that killed to many of us and the game folk or the "NPC'S".


"the wanderer": GOT IT

"R": Now where are you going

As R floats in mid-air while two others appeared out of nowhere. While I tried to figure out why the administration is here R stopped me with a "level 5 Earth Wall". Along with the other two having death strikes primed. R had 10 daggers aimed at my legs ,one of them is known as the Glitched Arrow had a void or death arrow aimed at me . The other one is unknown to me but sub said they were reaper 2 but there name is unknown not there rank anyways they had a thin long sword a few inches from my neck.

"R": So can we talk.

"the wanderer": Well for someone who just wants to talk this seems just to murderous.

"R": Ok we will back off right now Arrow, Snow back off.

"reaper 1&2": Sir !!

the Reapers fly back to R but they didn't hurt me and the daggers did the same thing.

"R":ok let me land then we can talk.

Ch 5 The Run Down 

"R":Well where were we.

"the wanderer":you said your gonna tell me about why I got my title.

"R": Oh yeah *clears throat*

[ long ago before the sword Galaxy was made before I was born there was a human War called World War 3 after the war ended there ware only two humans left alive. All the animals were mutated or fused into different animals and the two humans that have survived ended up breeding and making four kids those four kids two girls and two boy ended up going with a parent each after their parents broke up the mother started the Armada where the father rebuilt humanity the parents made of to not meddle with their family affairs again. So both parents took a boy and a girl with them I'm going to skip to the 5th generation when I was born during the 5th generation of armadions humans have all events to high levels so high that they will basically around the 15th century and the Armada really getting involved that much the only thing we evolved into was creatures that could live longer we lived off the ground and hunted the animals some of us knew how to grow crops because of the ancestors some of us figured it out how hunt because us having severe more power than humans in speed strength and regenerative powers no one's really bothered the Armada without thinking that they're not going to die. but that only lasted for a few years the amount of figured out certain things work they found out that regenerative's can evolve into healers so they start teaching them that strengths can evolve into bending the elements to the will and speech evolved into teleporters in other words they can teleport to where they want for speed the best example I could give is Arrow or glitched Arrow as you know him as for strength I will have to say that snow right next to me is the best example of that well for me I am the only regenerative in the Sword Galaxy that can actually heal people. No one else know how to heal people or they just haven't evolved that way later I found out that I evolved into immortal when I was around 20. yes I was the size whenever I was 20 leave me alone the only problem with becoming immortal is that you don't age your body stays the same size which is a huge energy saving thing but armadions live 12 times as long as humans I was 12 human years is one year for us. along with that we found out that martians that are able to evolve past their original second evolution we consider them nobles or royals depending on where you're from but if you evolve to your third state you apparently evolve into another into your second primary thing so how is if you're here that no fighting styles or evolving to strength if you're a Healer that's fast you're revolve into a speed type after you become an immortal healer and then you'll do the same until you reach all three for the evolved then you become a royal but most people die during the second evolution into the next stage so those who have two types are known as dukes and for those who have all three categories for the Max and evolved into their final forms they become pure royals which is what I am one of every 10 billion can become a royal and 1 of every 10 billion after that can become a pure Royal because the final stages of evolution can rip the soul out of them and if that ever happens they become demons we've done with them before I've killed almost every single other one that's evolved into a demon only the four guardians of this world have actually became pure royals except for sword and in magic those two are dukes they have not been able to evolve past that because they have not even got past the final evolution I'm actually glad about that there are half as strong as me and tries as strong as each other and it's three times as strong as my granddaughter so I was my granddaughter is the weakest of us but it goes like this my granddaughter(shield), sword, spells, and then scythe(me). ]

"R": you still there.

"the wanderer": yay.

"R": ok let's continue.


Ch 6  The Incident 

"the wanderer": Wait do you normally do this with players.

"R": No, but you ain't the first one I have done this to so don't be to proud.

"the wanderer": Aw man.

"Arrow": yay sadly that was me and that is how I got my title "The Glitched Arrow".

"Sub(tutorial)"- hay you know he's the final boss right. 

"the wanderer"- yay but I won't fight him right now.

"Arrow":you good wanderer.

"the wanderer": yay just thinking.


"the wanderer": wait were is R.

"Arrow": great looks like I am stuck with you.

"the wanderer":wait what how.

"Arrow":R was my ride.

Soon after that I decided to see my family and for some reason Arrow stayed with me like a npc set to follow. Now Arrow and me are walking around my home town in medieval type of armor and clothes let's just say they didn't understand how we were.

"the wanderer":Mom i'm home.

"Miss.Vord": Really you just left last month.

"the wanderer": yay true but you told me to visit when I can.

"Miss.Vord": I did, didn't I.

"Arrow":(bows like a Butler) Hello Miss.Vord I am Arrow your son's supervisor and he is a skilled individual.

My mom laughed and invited us in. Arrow was surprised but came inside after me.

"Miss.Vord":So what is with the clothes.

"the wanderer":well mom there were the only clothes that I could buy. 

"Arrow"- hay wanderer sorry about before but it's a basic cover story we Reapers use.

"the wanderer and Sub"- really‽

As Arrow was surprised by Sub's presense he sense something coming and it was not friendly but deadly.

"Arrow": sorry ma'am but me and your son need to go.

"Miss.Vord": ok be careful out there you two.

"the wanderer":ok mom.

"Arrow": I'll make sure he is safe.

In the dense forest a rift is made (Note: a rift is a portal that let's monsters will come out of) a giant wolf like monster came through it.

"Miss.Vord": Have a good day.

"Arrow": Will do, let's go wanderer.

"the wanderer": Roger that boss.

A loud explosion happen and I went straight to my mom without any thought and summoned my blade to protect her. Then the LV.200 beast came for me like I was its goal for getting stronger.

"Arrow": Wanderer this is your beast to deal with.

"the wanderer": Got it boss

"Miss.Vord" Nova don't its to dangerous.

"the wanderer": Sorry mom but this is my fault mom and i have to do this.  *SKILL-COMMAND (FLASH STEP)*

Right after I said the command it was dead and I was covered in blood. Then I realized I had became a different person. 

"Wanderer" *small chuckle* Sorry mom.

in the denotes~ its ok.

"Arrow": wow you did that fast Wanderer.

"Wanderer":Yay~ I leveled that skill up a lot maybe to much if I am covered in blood.

Arrow yelled something in a foreign language and a dragon was summoned from the sky.

"Arrow": you coming or not Wanderer of the sword galaxy lets go before the FBI gets here.

"FBI angent": It's to late for that ain't it arrmoddien.  

"Arrow": Yay no its not human by.

Arrow's dragon "Airgon" took off and left earth though a portal it was a two day trip back to the sword galaxy but i was not at the islands but at a dragon bay or something like it.

Ch 7 The Way They Travel 

Arrow lead me down a hall to a room with a stone, gold, obsidian, metallic, and a wood portals. he led me to the wood one 

"Arrow": Jump on though the portal Wanderer

"Wanderer": ok 

We went through the portal and we ended up at spawn on the island but rewind was there looking at me oddly

"Rewind":so you want to join the clan Wanderer...Do you know how hard it is to find you I tried to hunt you down for a year before you left with little Glitchy here. 

"Arrow": Rewind you know my name 

"Wanderer": wait Glitchy really 

"Rewind":Yes I do know it but I don't care..yay wanderer its his nickname from me like it.

"Arrow": No but-

"Wanderer": Yay but i won't use it.

"Arrow":Thank you.

"Rewind": So is that a yes or not.

"Wanderer":Fine I will join the time clan but I don't go to your wars got that.

"Rewind":That is fine with me.


Ch 8 meeting the time familial

After I met, Rewind, Arrow and I went to the nearest Inn and Rewind, Arrow and I. 

"Rewind": So you are ok with being a diplomat of the time clan right. 

"Wanderer": yes. 

"Arrow": that does sound reasonable. 

"Rewind": Ok so we are ok with leaving tomorrow right. 

"Arrow and Wanderer": Yes. 

Later that day Rewind and Arrow walked around the island wall I did some basic stuff like upgrading my weapons and armor then hunted for wolf pelt and the fang of a Great Elder Wolf. Once it got dark I head back to town and met back up with them. 

"???"Ω tomorrow is the day of battles so hope you are ready. 

After Rewind woke up we started moving to the the area Rewind parked his boat at. 

"Wanderer": So do you have a speed skill?    

"Rewind": yay

"Arrow": So I am the only one who doesn't have one. 

"Wanderer": Rewind you good with caring him... Your ok with it good. *SKILL-COMMAND (FLASH STEP)*

"Rewind": *sigh* Fine Wanderer, Glitchy get on my back. 

"Arrow": Ok? 

"Rewind" Ready or not lets go. *SKILL-COMMAND (TIME SKIP WALK)*  

Rewind and I ran to the Time Clans transfer docking town.

"Wanderer": About time you got here. 

"Arrow and Rewind":Wanderer you brat you left us in the dust!

"Wanderer": Sorry ok. 

"Rewind": It's ok but follow me now and you can get off now Glitchy. 

"Arrow": Finally!

Ch 9 The i Island of Time

On the way to were Rewind left his water vehicle Arrow and Rewind started talking about me for some reason I didn't listen. 

"?": Boss your back

"Rewind": Yes I have returned, lets get ready to leave

Rewind had a Man-of-war as a water vehicle and that was the biggest ship I have ever seen. For scale it looks like it could hold skyscraper cut into fourths. 

"Wanderer": Ok Rewind is that yours or is that Arrows! 

"Rewind": of course its mine why would Glitchy need this big of a ship. 

"Wanderer" WHY DO YOU NEED IT! 

"Arrow": *sigh* Wanderer your an idiot, he is a clan leader (head of a faction). 

As I calmed down we got on the ship. A few hours later I got sea sick and don't remember what happened afterwards. but the next thing I remember being in a cave for some reason. after waking up. I heard someone walk in. After she showed herself she young looking girl about 7'10" in hight. 

"???": Ah your finally awake. 

"Wanderer": who are you and were am I. 

"Kiddo" I am Kiddo the mother of the time clan's plains and the head healer and you are at my temple.  Now are you feeling better? 

"Wanderer": Yes but what happened earlier? 

"Kiddo": you passed out form being sea sick.

"Wanderer": Ok

"???": Mama is the mister up now?

"Kiddo": Yes Bella sweetie.

"Wanderer": Hay there kid.

{Bella is a 12 year old girl }

{but she is a Level 200      }

"Bella": Hi you feeling better mister?

"Wanderer":yes thinks to your healers here.

"Bella":yay mama is the best.

Ch 10 Subs new body

As I was on my way to Rewind's head quarters him and Arrow was also on there way to see if i was still alive and a young looking girl new that sounded familiar .

"???":So I am finally going to show him my new body right! 

"Arrow": Yes, and there he is. 

"Wanderer": Hay Arrow, Rewind, and golem? 

"???": No, it is me Tutorial Nova

"Rewind": she took control of your body while you were unconscious. 

"Wanderer": *embarrassed* What did sub do. 

"Sub": Stop thinking that please. I didn't do that I promise. 

"Wanderer": Ok so we are still linked and fine. 

"Sub": stop that Nova. 

"Wanderer": hay you are the one thinking about it now. 

"Arrow": you two coming were going to Rewinds place.

Ch 11

As the group headed to the capitol village of time. They talked about how sub got a new body and Arrow had to leave for the day. 

"Rewind": So if you didn't know my father is R the king of the galaxy but he is not here all the time  he goes out and finds other worldly people that give him a challenge then he invites the whole world to the galaxy but the arrmoadens that serve him is different. 

"Wanderer": How is it different? 

"Rewind": well every Reaper has a group or party and they get reincarnation after 3 hours of being dead or at least that is what my father said but I do not believe that it is that sort and I should say that is only for the 21 reapers that serve him. 

"Wanderer": with what ! 

"Rewind": yes that is true but now how about you two take my kids to see there grandparents on #5. If you have trouble Bella should be able to help with the clearance level.

"Sub and Wanderer": ok,... wait what! 

"Rewind's first kid": Yo Dad, Mom wants you now! 

"Rewind": ok take these two to the house to pickup your siblings i'll be over there. 

"Wanderer": Where did Rewind go !? 

"Sub and Rewind's 1st kid" back in time.

"Ultimate": By the way my name is Ultimate and from what my mom said you two will take me, my little bro,  and my younger sisters to watch my grandfathers battles today right?

"Wanderer": Yes we are young man.

"Sub":Yes Ultimate.

"A young wolf girl": Hi Miss.Sub how are you?

"Sub":good Bella how about you.

"Bella": Same as you and you must be Mister Nova Void right?

"a wolf teen":  Kiddros come on slowpoke.

"Kiddros": Isabella slow down I am only level 10 not like the rest of you.

"Wanderer":Ok so Ultimate how many of you can fly or do you have bout? 

"Ultimate":Bella has a bout that we take.

"Wanderer":Ok Bella led the way.