The existence of the first dimension means the existence of the concept of length. The existence of the second means the concept of width. The existence of the third means the concept of height. The existence of the fourth means the concept of time. These are the four dimensions that exist within one universe. But this isn't the end. Infinitely layered infinities of dimensions exist within the pillar. Each one garners their own concepts of movement. There are infinite layers of infinity pillars, each one transcending the last immesurably, viewing it as fiction. All of these pillars orbit one infitesimally small yet indescribably massive point; the Cardinal. It dwarfs all the power of the Pillars combined, infinitely. The Cardinal is the source of Helos, a power that flows through every being in existence and non-existence. Some have more than others, some barely have any traces of it at all. One being, with the strength of Omnipotence, the existence of Omnipresence, and the knowledge of Omniscience, rules over all of reality and non-reality. When he finds out his fictional existence, and the limits of his Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence when facing his creator, he strives to find a way to correct it.