"Wait!" she called after him. He turned to see her grab his dagger that he had foolishly left on the nightstand.
Before he could even question what she was doing she grabbed the knife and stabbed herself with it.
He watched in shock as she dragged the knife down her arm drawing blood. She proceeded to smear her blood on the sheets in a specific area. She also smeared streaks on her inner thighs.
She smiled at his surprised look. "To confirm that we physically consummated our union thereby consecrating our marriage." She said by way of explanation. "And, most importantly, that I was a virgin when you took me."
He hadn't thought of that in his haste to escape. But he realized that when they left the room, the maids would change the sheets. They would be required to show evidence of consummation of the marriage to prove its legitimacy. There would be many interested parties concerned with the outcome of last night's activities.
It was more for her protection than his, but he admired her foresight. It seems she was well prepared for such an event. He supposed she'd been well-trained in the expectations of her role and the responsibilities that came along with it.
He looked at the blood dripping from her arm. "Let me help you." He said awkwardly as he walked toward her.
"No need," she said as she rubbed some ointment he'd never seen before on her arm. It clotted the blood almost instantly as well as healing the cut so it would not leave a scar. "See?" she said proudly showing her skin that was now as smooth and pale as if she'd not just sliced her forearm open.
He made a mental note to ask her about it later as such an ointment would prove useful on the battlefield. But for now, he felt the need to escape before his nightmare came true.
After Daimon left, the maids came in to dress her and serve her breakfast. When the Crown Prince told them to attend her, they felt sad on her behalf thinking that he had not been pleased with her. Why else would a newly married man leave the marriage bed so soon?
But their doubts and pity were washed away when they saw the condition of the honeymoon bed. The sheets and pillows were in disarray. It was obvious the couple did not get much sleep the night before.
They tittered with excitement seeing the slightly disheveled appearance of the Lady Rowena, who nevertheless looked glowing. Then they noticed the tell-tale bloodstains on the sheets.
They were satisfied. The Crown Prince was an extremely busy man and rather eccentric. They were confident that he'd return soon to his wife's chambers, likely for lunch with his beautiful bride and something more.
As their Lady Rowena had surely pleased him, they needed to ensure their own status by staying in her good graces. Therefore, there even more meticulous and diligent than usual.
Two of the maids drew her a warm bath and added fragrant herbs and oils both to soothe her undoubtedly sore muscles and to entice the Crown Prince for more careful attention. Another maid helped her undress and did not fail to silently note the streaks of dried blood upon her inner thighs confirming that their Lady had been a virgin but was no longer.
Rowena winced as the maids helped her into the bath.
"Are you sore, My Lady Empress?" asked one maid named Vonya. The others stifled their giggles at her bold question but managed to look concerned for their Lady's comfort.
"A little" Rowena admitted to them feigning soreness. For good measure, she made sure to blush for her audience. She tried to sit down quickly, but the sharp-eyed Vonya also noticed the streaks of blood on her inner thighs and smiled with satisfaction. She played the part of the shy bride very well.
"Give me a moment." Rowena said. "I want to relax a little and be by myself."
"As you wish, Lady Empress. We will be in the next room gathering your clothes and jewelry. Call us when you need us to wash your hair."
Rowena nodded, then lay back and closed her eyes. She could hear the excitement in the maids' voices even through the closed doors. She smiled in satisfaction. Her first ruse had been successful. She had passed the first test. Now she just needed to survive the rest of her life in the Imperial Court.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Daimon was confused and upset by the nightmare.
He found Zhan pacing in one of the courtyards and approached him.
"What are you doing without your bride?" Zhan inquired. "She didn't refuse you, did she?"
"I'm in no mood for your teasing." Daimon said gruffly. "Have you heard from Killian?"
Zhan's smile dropped. "No. And it's not like him to be gone so long with sending us some word." He said seriously. "Even Valder doesn't know where he is."
Killian was the third part of their unofficial triumvirate. Best friends since childhood, they were known unofficially as the "Unholy Trinity" by castle staff and Capitol residents due to their penchant for mischief. As adults, they were the real power behind the throne of Emperor Zinj.
Zhan was the brilliant strategist and general, always out in front commanding the attention of others and directing events. Crown Prince Daimon, known as the Beast, was the mighty warrior and heir to the throne. He was also the ultimate authority and face of the Empire, behind Emperor Zinj of course.
In contrast to the two of them, Killian was the silent and watchful Spymaster and Assassin. He acted behind the scenes and used his network of spies and informants to counter threats before they became known to the public. Few knew of his existence and even fewer knew of his vocation.
Zhan's actions were mostly overt, while Killian's were covert. Both were essential to effective ruling.
Zhan placed his hand on Daimon's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "There is nothing to report." He said. "You know I will inform you of any developments. Go have lunch with your bride. She must be feeling overwhelmed and frightened by her new environment, role, and expectations.
Daimon sighed and nodded. He knew he couldn't avoid Rowena. And he really shouldn't. "Inform me as soon as you hear anything. I don't care what time it is."
"Yes, My Lord." Zhan replied. He rarely called him that in private. When he did, it was to acknowledge that Daimon's words would be strictly adhered to. Not that he ever openly disobeyed a command, but it never hurt to remind Daimon that he respected his wishes.