Today is the day of graduation and is the day naruto becomes a genin and drops his mask because he is not showing his full power the writen test every one in the rookie 9 pass
And the tijutsu and ninjutsu test but it is now the the rookie 10 because team 7 is sasuke sai and sakura sensei is kakashi 8 and 10 are the same as cannon team 11 is naruto and the sensei is shisui (the intoductions i will skip because im lazy)
naruto does 10 d rank missions a day and trains for the rest of the day in taijutsu and genjutsu the goes on for the next week until they start to train in kenjutsu and go on c rank missions like delivery missions (time skip 1 week)
naruto and shisui get called to the hokage's offices they approached the door then shisui knocks on and u could hear a faint noise that said come in so they open the door and the hokage said oh shisui , naruto i have been expecting u i have a mission for u i need u to go and back up team kakashi or team 7 on a c rank turned a rank i need u to leave asap shishui tells naruto to meet him at the front gate in five and naruto said or do u mean in 4 then shisui chuckles and said lets just go as both body flicker out of there 4 minutes later at the front gate we see naruto and shisui about to set off as the both body flicker to kakashi chakra signature mean while team kakashi is fighting the demon brothers and are on the losing side because zabuza and haku are also there and sakura is killed just as shisui and naruto arrive and see sakura dead kakashi fighting 3 a class shinobi sasuke knocked out as well as sai so naruto kills one of the demon brothers with a lava ball jutsu then start a taijutsu battle with the other while shisui uses his ems (he swapped with eyes with with his dad before he died) Susanoo and beheads haku because she pushes zabuza out the way to save him and zabuza body flickers away to tell gato to hire more missing ninja to kill the bridge builder, kakashi and shisui tell team seven and eleven they have to go home with tazuna and train for awhile and send a dog to wave to tell every one to hide in the mountain until they can kill gato and he writes down training exercise to do and lots of chakra exercises and they run back home to heal and to tell the news to the hokage so when they get to his office andthe hokage asks were sakura was and naruto said he was killed in action and the hokage says to the teams to go home and give the report next week and that they will have a week of to cope with the death of a team mate and friend naruto starts reading ich-ich paradise he tells the other rookies and sakuras parents what happen to sakura that they were ambushed to cover upwhat happend so no one is to blame (plus who like sakura any way) a team of kakashi shishui and asuma is sent to the land of wave to kill zabuza and gato which ends in a sort of sucssesfull mission as gato is stuborn and did not hire any more ninja so we was killed easily with the rest of his men who were all thugs with no ninja training but zabuza fled