Zeph worried about making a scene if they tried to get out of letting the Archon's niece have her way when it came to riding on Zia with him was relieved when she called out to Selena, but couldn't find a good way to drop hints to Brandon Cocks about how he should be even more careful when it came to getting involved with Selena Azul unless he was considering a committed relationship with her.
Left with no better option, Zeph sent him a V-mail that he hoped didn't go ignored.
The girl is Archon Crix Zis' niece and she just called Selena her cousin. You have a roughly 50/50 chance of her being a close family member of an archon and I am pretty sure that her mother is Praetor Stella Azul, but have not completely confirmed that.
I know that the two of you wanted to say one last goodbye to Candi. Join the escort detail and that won't be a problem.